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You're Mine (The Winters Family Series Book 3)

Page 13

by Terra Kelly

  Drew patted her arm. “Baby, he’s an adult. I’m not getting involved, but I can share just a small piece of info for you both.”


  “Shawna seems to make it very clear, that she wants nothing to do with Danny. Or at least she makes it feel that way,” he said, grabbing her arm. “He is very interested. So, I think this is his way of breaking through her wall.”

  “Okay, I’ll be a good girl for now and stay out of it. I hate the waiting process.”

  About an hour later, Izzy and Kenzie cheered again as Shawna walked up to their table. “So, did you all enjoy the show?” She reached over and grabbed Izzy’s old fashioned, taking a big gulp. “I may get solos more now, they’re thrilled with the turn out.”

  Kenzie sighed. “Shawna, this is where you’re meant to be. Your voice alone is beyond what I can even put into words.”

  Shawna reached over and squeezed Kenzie’s hand, “Thanks sweetie, that means a lot.” She looked at Izzy, then back at Kenzie, and asked, “So you saw him, right?”

  Izzy wanted to spout off, but Drew squeezed her thigh under the table. Instead she shook her head. “Yes, so bizarre.” She shrugged her shoulder. “There has to be a reason, maybe you should approach him? Maybe talk to him?”

  Shawna shook her head. “Nope.”

  They all looked at each other, baffled.

  Chapter 10

  On Monday, Alex, Alyssa, Jax, Georgie, and Lexie were all due to arrive. This time they flew out rather than taking three days to drive to North Carolina from Idaho. Everyone met at Connie and Jim’s house. Isabel was getting giddy, her parents were arriving today, too. Drew, Isabel, and Joshua rented a van and they all piled in to head to the airport. Isabel took in a deep breath. “Oh my god, I may vomit.”

  Drew was driving. “Um, do we need to pull over?”

  She let out one of her famous loud laughs. “No, no, I’m just so excited. It’s getting closer to the day and I want everything to be perfect.”

  Joshua laughed. “Well, I know Kenzie is feeling the pressure, she wants everything to be perfect, too.”

  She looked back at Joshua. “Have I mentioned how much I adore her?”

  “Hmmmm, I would have to say no. I agree with you though, she’s a keeper.”

  Drew laughed. “Keeper, hell yeah she is, she’s amazing. I still can’t believe you both didn’t hit it off in high school.” He looked back at Josh, and said, “Losing out on ten years together, that’s tough.”

  “It means they have ten years of making up to do,” Izzy winked. “Sounds perfect.”

  They were all laughing as they arrived at the airport. Finding a parking spot for the gigantic van was tricky, but they got the big lug parked. Izzy was holding Drew’s hand and walking with a purpose. She was getting more excited to see everyone as she got closer to the doors that would lead into baggage claim. Her parents were set to arrive in about an hour, but Alex and the clan would be there any moment.

  Joshua was just about to say something to Drew when someone slammed into his legs. He looked down and laughed, little Lexie was hugging his legs so tight. He bent to pick her up. “Well that’s a greeting I will never forget,” he said, beeping her nose.

  She giggled and leaned in to give him a big bear hug. “I missed you, Josh!”

  “I missed you too, sweet pea.” He looked over and saw everyone heading their way. “You missing anyone?”

  Alex laughed, looking confused. “No, nobody, why?”

  “Daddy, you missing me.”

  “Oh yes, that’s right,” he chuckled. “She has been talking about you the whole flight. Prepare to have a Lexie sticker on you for this whole trip.” He leaned in and hugged his brother. “Am I right, little one?”

  She shook her head vigorously. “Yup. Can I meet your dogs?”

  Izzy laughed. “Oh, she is in for a treat with those two sweethearts. From what Kenzie said, Elvis just wants to lay on top of you always.”

  Alex looked at Joshua. “So, Kenzie is still here and things are going well?”

  Drew and Isabel moaned, and Joshua gave a sideways glance. “Well, yeah.”

  Izzy added in. “They’re adorable, sweet, loving, and meant to be.”

  Alyssa leaned in and hugged Joshua. “I told you so.” Joshua’s face was priceless.

  Everyone burst into laughter and looked for all their luggage. Jax asked Joshua, “Does Stacy still work at the bar?”

  He smiled. “That she does and is working tonight as a matter of fact.”

  Georgie put her arm around Jax. “Reel those urges in, we have two weeks here, remember?”

  By the time everyone had greeted each other, and grabbed the luggage, it was time for Izzy’s parents to arrive. When Camille and Jack came into view on the escalator, Izzy ran to them. Camille pulled Isabel into a big hug that was long overdue. “How’s my sweet girl?”

  “Wonderful, and even better now you’re both here.” She hugged her father. “So, Dane will be here next weekend?”

  Jack shook his head. “Yes, he couldn’t take more than a week off from work. You know how he is, work, work, work. I guarantee he will bring work with him.”

  They all laughed because that was just Dane. He was considered a workaholic. Drew walked up to them and hugged them both. He then stepped back and introduced everyone.

  Jax piped up. “And there will be a quiz later on all our names.”

  Camille laughed. “I may fail that quiz with flying colors.”

  Kenzie and Shawna had worked out the schedule together, knowing Kenzie would need extra time off. They also agreed that they would need to close the shop for a few days. Between Shawna’s performances and the wedding extravaganza, there was not enough time in a day.

  Kenzie was sitting in her office working on the order when she heard Joshua’s voice. She got up and headed up front, knowing his family was with him. She smiled when she saw them all. “Hey there, you all made it!” She walked up to Joshua, and said, “Looks like you picked up a straggler at the airport.”

  Lexie piped up. “I Lexie, who are you?”

  Kenzie put her hand out to greet the little girl. “I’m Kenzie. Very nice to meet you, Lexie.” She looked at Alex, Alyssa, Jax, and Georgie, and asked, “Did you all have a good trip?”

  Jax moved forward. “Hi there, I’m Jax. This is my twin sister, Georgie. The flight was smooth sailing, right Lexie-meister?”

  Lexie shook her head. “Yup, smooth sailing.” Then she moved her hand forward like it was an airplane sailing on the clouds.

  They all laughed, then Kenzie looked at Alex. “It has been years since I’ve seen you… like ten years to be exact.”

  “Ten years, crazy.” He leaned forward and shook her hand. “I’m glad you came back to Wilmington, my brother seems happy.”

  Alyssa walked toward Kenzie. “It’s nice to meet the mystery woman.” Then she surprised Kenzie and leaned in for a hug. “Sometimes life just takes us down a crazy path. From the look in your eyes, you are where you need to be now.” She leaned back, grabbing both of Kenzie’s hands. “You are stunning.” Then she looked around, and asked, “And this is your gorgeous boutique. I may get lost in here.”

  Kenzie was feeling a little speechless at the moment, but located her voice, “Um… Yes… and thank you.” She looked at Joshua, feeling confused and touched.

  Joshua nodded. “Alyssa is the lucky woman who needed a chef at her little cafe.”

  Lexie pipped up. “Lexie Eats Cafe.”

  “Right, Lexie Eats Cafe. I kinda wish there was the same cafe here in town. With all the barbeque recipes, it would be an immediate hit.”

  Alyssa put her arm around Alex and looked up into his face. “You never know, that could happen.”

  Everyone looked stunned, Josh spoke first. “What? Really?”

  Alex moved his hand up and down, trying to calm everyone, and bring them back to reality. “She meant, there could be a cafe that opens someday just like ours. She didn’t say w
e are opening it though.”

  Georgie quickly added, “Seriously, sis, if you want to move this way, we’re all in.”

  Alex winked. “Well, we’ll just have to see.”

  Drew and Isabel had taken Camille and Jack back to their home. Alex, Alyssa, Jax, Georgie, and Lexie, were all settled at Connie and Jim’s house. Joshua had offered his place to anyone because he had an extra bedroom. Kenzie’s parents were due to arrive in a few days and would stay at her house. She was hoping Gage could get along with them for a few short weeks. Fighting was not on the agenda.

  Kenzie had closed up her boutique a few hours early and just put a note on the door. They were all to meet at Connie and Jim’s house for a big dinner. She rushed over to Joshua’s place to freshen up and make a quick salad. She felt weird, she and Josh didn’t talk about living together. He said to take two his dresser drawers, but that was it. After he told her that, she somehow had all her hair supplies, make-up, clothes, and other essentials at his place. So... you could say they were living together. She was just finishing curling the ends of her hair when she heard the front door open. She walked out and smiled. “Well, hey there!”

  Lexie was holding Joshua’s hand and hiding behind his legs. In a quiet voice, almost impossible to hear. “Hi.”

  Joshua looked down and brushed her hair away from her face. “Someone wanted to meet Elvis and Costello.”

  Kenzie looked at Lexie. “They’re sleeping on Uncle Joshua’s bed, want to go see?” Then she put her hand out for Lexie to take.

  Lexie shook her head yes, but said nothing. She looked up at Joshua, then took Kenzie’s hand. They headed down the hallway hand in hand. When they approached Joshua’s room, Costello lifted his head, then plopped it back down. They could hear Lexie gasp and grab Kenzie’s hand with her other hand.

  Kenzie bent down. “They’re big, huh?”

  Lexie had fear written all over her face. “Ah huh.”

  Joshua walked around them and went to sit beside Elvis. He was the less grumpy of the two and would love up to Lexie if given the chance. He stroked the silky fur. “He’s just a big huge lover. Want to feel his fur?”

  Lexie looked at Kenzie and continued holding her hand as she walked forward. She was cautious as she approached Elvis, but showed curiosity in those sweet eyes. She reached out with one hand and lightly touched his fur. He moved his head closer to her, wondering who the little person beside the bed was. She giggled and moved even closer, petting his ear that was flopped over his eye. Elvis leaned up and licked her arm. She started to become brave and laugh a little louder. “He’s so soft.” Then she scratched behind his neck and pet his soft back. Elvis lifted his head and took that moment to give Lexie the biggest kiss on her check. She was now in fits of giggles and petted the fur on his face.

  Joshua and Kenzie were both laughing, it was so cute to watch Lexie meet this gentle giant. Joshua rubbed his belly. “He loves tummy rubs, too.”

  Lexie tried to climb up on Joshua’s lap but was having difficulty. So Kenzie reached forward and lifted her up onto the bed. Costello was curious what all the commotion was about and sat up. Lexie asked Joshua, “Is he nice, too?”

  Joshua reached over to pet Costello. “Yes, but not as nice as Elvis, so just be cautious, okay?”

  Lexie looked at Costello. “You should be nice like your brother, then I would pet you.” Costello just cocked his head to one side, then looked at Joshua and got off the bed. She looked at Elvis, and said, “He mad now?”

  Kenzie was in awe, this little girl was brave. She looked at them both. “I need to go make a quick salad to take over to your grandma and grandpa’s house.” She leaned forward and gave Josh a quick kiss on the cheek. “Then I’m ready to head out.”

  Lexie was leaning on the bed, busy petting Elvis. She asked, “Do you want help?”

  Kenzie stopped in the doorway. “Not this time, how about next time, though?”

  “Okay.” Then she was back to petting sweet Elvis. She leaned up and rested her head on his head. “I love you, Elvis”

  Joshua about melted right there, she was precious. He thought about the conversation from earlier with Alex and Alyssa. Were they were thinking about moving over this way? He would love to have his brother back in town, he missed having him around. It would be wonderful to be closer to Lexie, too. He would love to be a part of her life and get see her grow up. He planned to talk to his brother before they headed home to Idaho.

  Chapter 11

  “Sorry, sweetie.” Shawna was about thirty minutes late getting to the boutique. “I had to attend a meeting at the club today and it was mandatory.”

  Kenzie was feeling frazzled. Between the wedding preparations, normal day-to-day for the shop, she was burning the candle at both ends. Plus, to make things even more chaotic, her parents were due to arrive at 7:30 that night. “It’s all good. I have a feeling whatever I plan for the next few weeks, it will fall through. Things just seem to be testing my patience.” She sighed. “Yesterday, I got a call that one type of flower Izzy wanted in the decorations would not be available”

  Shawna gasped. “Holy shit. Now what?”

  Kenzie shook her head. “Who the hell knows. I was on the phone for an hour, and made it very clear this was unacceptable. We came to agreement and found the flower from another supplier. We’ll see.” She grabbed her purse sitting on the desk in the office. “Okay, you cool then?”

  Shawna shrugged her shoulders. “Cool as a cucumber, baby.”

  Kenzie laughed. “Okay, I need to go grab Joshua and then head to get my parents. Thanks for everything. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  Shawna put her hand to her chin, and head up, thinking. “You’d be lost. Very, lost.”

  Kenzie laughed as she headed for the door. “True that. See you tomorrow, beautiful.” She started walking to Joshua’s house, wishing she had her car right now. It took about twenty minutes to get from the store to Josh’s house. The twenty minutes were precious moments that could be used eating dinner or something else important. When she arrived at his place, she walked inside and headed to the bedroom to change. She heard the shower running and the visual alone had her hormones in overdrive. She walked into the bathroom. “Hey there, sexy.”

  He lifted his head from the water and smiled. “Hey, sexy stalker.” He opened the door, and asked, “Care to join me?”

  She moaned. “I wish I could, baby. We need to get dinner, then drive to the airport. Ask me tomorrow?”

  “You can bet on it.”

  “Want to grab dinner on the way or eat something here?”

  Joshua turned off the shower and grabbed a towel to dry off. He wrapped the towel around his waist and opened the door to step out. Kenzie was leaning up against the bathroom counter, staring at every inch of him. He smiled, put both hands around her neck and tangled them into her hair. Then he pulled her closer, and teased, “I have my dinner right here.”

  She giggled. “Oh my word, you are too much.” Then she wrapped both hands around his waist and pulled him closer to her body. “My kisses will keep you satisfied for a few hours, eh?”

  He moaned and moved his hips closer to hers. “I was thinking more than kisses.”

  She leaned up and kissed his soft lips, then snuck out under his arms. “Okay, you are distracting me. Time to get dressed and grab dinner.” She went to head out, but turned back and smacked his gorgeous ass. Then she headed into the bedroom to change.

  He strode into the room like everything was normal, but he happened to be missing his towel. He laid down on the bed and crossed his legs. “You know it only takes about twenty to thirty minutes to get there, right?”

  She had her back to him and was removing her pants and top. She had one more leg to hop out of when she turned his way and about fell over. He was fucking gorgeous. She moved closer, and asked, “I thought it took longer than that, someone at the shop said forty-five minutes?”

  He had his arms behind his head, just relax
ing. “Not from here, at the most thirty minutes.”

  She grabbed the side of the bed to steady herself and remove her pants. “Well, what am I rushing around for then?”

  He laughed and reached out his arms to her. “I have no idea. Now get over here.”

  They parked the car at short-term parking and headed to baggage claim. Her parents could be there or would arrive at any moment. They were walking hand-in-hand. Kenzie looked at their hands, then at his face. If this was what bliss felt like, she never wanted it to end. They let other things control their emotions ten years ago, but now, they were in control. She felt like they had ten years of making up to do. In a lot of ways, she wished she would have been brave enough to stay. But then again, would she have opened to him? Or, maybe everything happened for a reason.

  He looked over at her and smiled. “What?

  She laughed. “Nothing. I feel lucky these days.”

  He squeezed her hand and pulled her closer to his side. “We’re both lucky.”

  As they walked through the doors, oblivious to their surroundings, they missed her dad watching them. He cleared his throat. “Hi, baby.”

  Kenzie looked up with surprise on her face. “Daddy.” She ran to him and bent to give him a big hug. She leaned up and walked over to give her mom a hug. “Sorry, I didn’t know if you both would already be here or if we would have to wait.”

  Her dad was a handsome man. He was in his fifties, had a full head of hair, and was going gray in spots. He put his hand out to Joshua. “Hey there son. Chuck, nice to meet you.”

  Joshua put his hand out to greet her father. “Nice to meet you, Chuck… Sir.”

  Her father smiled. “Chuck will be enough, son.”

  Kenzie’s mom was also in her fifties with long brunette hair. Her hair was gorgeous with gray peppered throughout. She was stunning and had worked as a model years ago. She put her hand forward. “Hi Joshua, I’m Jean. It’s beautiful to see you both together.”

  Joshua reached his hand out. “Thank you, Mrs. Waters… I mean, Jean.” He looked at Kenzie. “Life is good now.”


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