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You're Mine (The Winters Family Series Book 3)

Page 14

by Terra Kelly

  Kenzie leaned up against Joshua’s side, looking at her parents. “It’s perfect.”

  Chuck looked at them both and smiled. “Did you have dinner yet?”

  Kenzie flushed at the memory that happened just an hour ago. They planned to get dinner, but instead they feasted on each other. “No, I had to work a little late. Want to grab something once we are back in town?”

  Jean looked her daughter. “Dinner would be wonderful. Will Gage be joining us tonight?”

  Kenzie paused. “He had to work till 7:00 p.m. tonight, so we can check on the way back.” What she wanted to say, “No, he felt nervous to see you both tonight.”

  Her dad had an electric wheelchair which made it easier to get around for everyone. “Joshua, can you help me with the luggage?” Chuck asked.

  Joshua walked up beside him. “Absolutely, just point and holler.”

  Both men laughed, Chuck looked up at him. “I better not holler, I may freak you out.” He shook his head. “Damn, how tall are you son?”

  “Six-feet-four on a good day.”

  “Damn, we may need to have our conversations in chairs or this old neck will need to see a chiropractor when I get home.” They continued to laugh as the luggage was collected.

  “Is Dad feeling okay, Mom?”

  Jean sighed. “He is, but you know how he has his bad days and good days? Last week, we had to have sores on his back checked. We try to make sure he is not sitting in the same spot too much, but times like this, it’s hard.”

  Kenzie felt sad at that moment. “Well, let’s make sure we move him frequently. Joshua is off while you both are here; he would love to help.”

  Jean put and arm around her daughter. “We both loved how your faces looked as you walked into the airport just now. Your father said, he knew at that moment his baby girl was where she was supposed to be.” She pulled Kenzie in for a hug. “We love knowing you’re happy, baby.”

  “I do feel very happy. Which kinda scares me.” She looked up into her mother’s eyes. “I deserve this right? After how I treated him in school?”

  Jean brushed a stray hair from her daughter’s face. “You deserve this and so much more.” She kissed her daughter on the cheek. “I love you so much.”

  Chuck and Joshua were heading back toward the ladies with all the luggage in tow. Kenzie went wide-eyed. “How long are you staying for, a month?”

  Chuck looked at all the luggage. “Well I require a lot of little things, so that took up a lot of space. But then, you know your mother, she thinks she needs all the special stuff to make herself look pretty- when she looks gorgeous no matter what,” he said, reaching over and squeezing her hand.

  Joshua looked at Kenzie’s parents and could see why Kenzie was who she was today. Her parents were such kind souls and loved each other to the core. He wanted what his parents and her parents had, complete happiness together. Now, how would he tell Kenzie that? He knew he needed to talk to her, tell her to live with him, always wake-up beside him, shower with him, be with him.

  They arrived back at Kenzie’s house after stopping for dinner. Gage said he had to work late but would be home when they got there. Kenzie felt a little nervous as she walked inside her house. Her dad was behind her when she saw Gage walking down the hallway toward them. She smiled. “Hey, Gage.”

  She heard her father stop and so she stepped out of the way. Chuck looked sad. “Hi, son.”

  Gage walked into the living room. “Hey, dad.” Then his mom walked up beside Chuck. “Hi Mom.” He was feeling lost for words. “Did you have a good flight?”

  Jean paused, then walked toward Gage. “We miss you and love you very much.” Then she pulled him in for a much needed hug. She pulled back while still holding him around his waist, and begged, “I don’t want to fight anymore.”

  Chuck moved closer and grabbed Gage’s hand. “What your mom said. We love you too much, son. This fighting has got to stop. I fought too much during my active duty in the military. I sure as hell don’t want to fight with my kids now.”

  Gage looked down at his clasped hand with his dad and gave an ever so slight smile. “Okay. But I think I still want to stay in Wilmington with Kenzie.”

  Jean had tears in her eyes. “Oh sweetie, that’s fine. We want whatever makes you happy. I love you both are together. We always need family near us.”

  Kenzie grabbed Gage’s hand. “That’s true. I struggled for awhile knowing you all were so far away. It’s nice having you close by, I missed you.” Gage pulled her closer, and they all hugged, leaning down to include Chuck. It was a moment that was needed and was long overdue. Gage just never knew how to get close with his parents, but with Kenzie, not an issue. With the distance now, maybe that would help bring them back together like it was before her dad’s injuries.

  She stepped back and looked at Joshua, he was standing to the side, trying to give them space. Walking toward him, she wrapped her arms around his waist. She loved the feeling of being in his arms, looking up into his hazel eyes. “We need to get dessert, that will cheer us all up.”

  Joshua laughed. “I know just the place.”

  Chuck asked, “Well, what are we waiting for?”

  “Is it that cool ice cream shop by the water?” Gage asked, stepping back from everyone for a little space. “I went for a walk on the pier and found the coolest old fashioned ice cream shop.”

  Joshua smiled. “That would be the one. It’s a family owned business, been around for years. I think the daughters run the place now because the parents are, or are planning to retire.”

  Kenzie seemed excited. “Sounds perfect, let’s go.”

  The ice cream shop was right on the pier and the building was only about five-hundred to seven-hundred square feet. Small but perfect. The place offered homemade ice cream, homemade cones, malts, shakes, and few other fun items. It was a family owned business and on the sign said, “Jones’ Ice Cream Shop since 1936.” The shop had an old fashioned feel with white paint chipping off in areas on the outside of the building. Hardwood flooring that was worn down by the doorway and next to the case that held all the ice cream. The two women working behind the counter were probably in their late twenties.

  Kenzie, Gage, Joshua, Jean, and Chuck all headed into the shop. Their senses were invaded with the smells of homemade waffle cones. Joshua smiled. “Hi, Sam,” then he looked over at the waffle cone press, and said, “Hey there, Jules.”

  They both looked toward him. Sam laughed. “Hey there handsome, been awhile since you stopped in here.”

  Jules let out a snort. “He was avoiding us but it can’t be because he was watching his girlish figure.” She removed her gloves and walked around the case. “How are you?”

  Joshua laughed and hugged Jules. “Girlish figure?”

  Jules looked at him. “Well admit it, a little ice cream wouldn’t hurt you.” Then she poked his side.

  He laughed. “Seriously.” Then pointing at Kenzie, and teased, “You better behave, she may get angry.”

  Kenzie laughed. “I may get angry? Ha, I may laugh my ass off instead.” She reached her hand out. “Hi, I’m Kenzie. So nice to meet someone who likes to give Josh shit, too.”

  He looked at her. “What? Oh, not cool.” He glanced at Gage. “Another reason you need to stay here in Wilmington. We guys need to stick together.”

  Gage laughed, then looked at Jules. “Hi, I’m Gage, Kenzie’s brother. I think I saw you the other day in here?”

  Jules paused for a moment, kinda rendered speechless for a moment. “Y…Yes, I remember you. My sister and I run the shop now, so you will just see us here. I’m glad you came back.” She looked at them all. “So, who’s hungry for ice cream?”

  Gage was struggling with looking away from Jules, she was so beautiful. “I think we all are craving some homemade ice cream,” he said, walking toward the case with his dad. “I’ll have some rocky road in a waffle cone, please.”

  Everyone ordered something different. Once they each ha
d their ice cream, they found a little table outside. Kenzie looked at Gage and in a teasing tone, “So, Jules and you seemed to have a staring contest going on back there?”

  “What? We were just talking.”

  Chuck laughed. “If that’s what talking looks like these days, things have changed over the years.” He winked at Jean. “When we talked, we had more of an ongoing conversation.”

  Jean pushed Chuck. “Oh stop it, I thought it was sweet. She is beautiful.”

  Gage let out a sigh. “Really?”

  Joshua added, “She is fun. We went to school together; her family is from here. Her sister Sam is more reserved, but sweet.

  Gage shook his head. “Let me live in Wilmington for longer than a few weeks, before you all work on setting me up with someone.”

  Kenzie giggled. “Wait another week or so?” They all laughed, which was nice to hear. Her family hadn’t had happy moments like this in a long time. Well, since her father was injured. Maybe moving back here was what her family needed.

  After they all enjoyed the homemade ice cream, Joshua and Kenzie headed back to his place. They were in the Jeep, almost home, when Joshua’s phone rang. He had the hands-free set-up in his Jeep, so he hit except on the steering wheel. “Hey Mom, we’re driving, so you get Kenzie and I both.”

  “Hi sweetheart. Hi Kenzie dear, how are you? Did your parents make it in okay?”

  “Hi Connie, they did and are settled back at my place.”

  “We will have to get together, so you and dad can meet them.”

  Connie made a sound of excitement. “Well, that’s why I called. We were thinking, how does next Monday sound for the cook-off? Isabel’s brother Dane arrives on Sunday and we thought it would be a perfect way for him to meet the whole family.”

  Joshua laughed. “Wow, that may be a serious houseful, is that okay?”

  “Yes and we will have it outside. More room for everyone and there is an area that has brick flooring- so perfect for your dad, Kenzie.”

  Kenzie looked at Joshua and smiled. “That’s sweet, Connie. We would love to have the cook-off on Monday. I need to prepare Joshua for losing.”

  They all three burst into laughter. Connie spoke first. “Oh, this will be so much fun. What should we say, 4:00 p.m.?”

  “Sure, I will just close my shop early. Shawna can be there then, too.”

  Connie sighed. “Oh, then I need to make sure Danny comes. Izzy told me how she is trying to get them together.”

  “Mom, really? You may want to stay out of that one.”

  “Oh pish-posh, I want to see them both happy. If it’s them together and happy, I’m all in.”

  Kenzie shrugged her shoulders. “I can’t argue with your mom on this one. I’ll make sure Shawna comes.”

  “Perfect! So, what are you both cooking, so I can grab all the goodies?”

  Kenzie looked at Joshua. “I was thinking, how about we each make our version of fish tacos?”

  Joshua thought about it for a moment, then nodded his head. “Sounds good. Plus, we can make extra for everyone.”

  “That sounds delicious,” Connie said. “Just email me your ingredients you want and I will make sure they’re here on Monday.”

  They continued to talk for a few more minutes, then hung up. Kenzie glanced at Joshua. “You know you’re so going down, right?” Then she turned to face him, and declared, “I never lose.”

  He continued to look straight ahead, but was grinning ear-to-ear. “Prepare to lose your first battle then.” He reached over and squeezed her thigh.

  “Never.” She laughed, unable to take her eyes from his gorgeous profile. “So, can I ask a question?”

  “Sure baby, anything.”

  She paused, cleared her throat. “So, should I move into your place? I mean, I have almost everything there now. I didn’t want to assume… I don’t know.” She looked out the front window, feeling uncomfortable.

  He reached over to grab her hand. “What else do you need from your place? In my eyes, we’re already living together.” He was never one to come out and ask specific questions. This time, with how natural things were, he assumed they were living together. There was no need to ask her or make it all official. It just was.

  “Really? I guess, I figured we would discuss and then make it official.”

  “I’m not much for official.” He had arrived home. Once he parked, he looked toward her, and said, “Let’s grab the other things you need.”

  “Really? Okay.”

  As they were walking into his house… well, their house now. Kenzie wanted to laugh- after only about five months of living in Wilmington, she was right where she wanted to be. They both heard whimpering, so headed to the back room to let Elvis and Costello out. “We should take them for a walk.”

  “They would love that.”

  Kenzie opened the door to the dog room. Their room was connected to the backyard which had a six-foot-tall brick wall around the perimeter. They had a doggie door big enough for them both and it was easy for them to go back and forth. The room was huge with pillows, toys, food, water, and even a TV streaming puppies and kittens playing. To say they were spoiled was putting it mildly. When she opened the door, she was greeted with love. Elvis jumped up and give her kisses. Costello was warming to her and walked over and licked her hand. “Hi there, sweet babies. Who wants to go for a walk?” They both sat down, raised their ears, and cocked their heads to the side. Laughing. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  Joshua grabbed the leashes. “You better take Elvis. Costello is getting better though.” Once they had them hooked up, they headed out. The night was gorgeous, they could see the stars. The moon was almost full, so it shined enough light for them to see where they needed to go. He looked over at Kenzie, and asked, “Do you miss Arizona?”

  She thought for a moment. “I don’t miss the weather for sure. I miss the food though. The best Mexican food you will ever put in your mouth. I still daydream about the homemade gorditas and tortilla soup... and now I want Mexican food.”

  He laughed. “Let’s grab some for lunch tomorrow. Won’t be as good, but it’s still something.” He reached for her hand, and said, “I’m really glad you’re here.”

  That’s all he said, and he didn’t need to say anymore. That sentence alone had Kenzie’s heart. She squeezed his hand. “Me, too.”

  They took about a thirty-minute walk. Once they were home, they both let the puppies enjoy the house together. They would enjoy the bedroom alone, no distractions. Kenzie was the last one in the room, so she turned and closed the door. “You sure you want another person taking up your space here?”

  He laughed and walked right up to her. “Hmmmm… let me think about that for a moment.” Then he wrapped his arms around her waist, and said, “That means another mouth to feed. Yeah, maybe I should think about this first.” Then he moved his hands under her shirt and slowly up her back. “On the other hand, more company. It gets kinda lonely in this big house.” He swayed even closer, loving her body next to his. “If you weren’t here, who would shower with me? I find showering alone boring now.”

  “Another mouth to feed? Now, remember this mouth also does other amazing things.” She moved back and unbuttoned his jeans. “And we wouldn’t want you scared in this big bad house of yours.” Then she started to slide down his jeans, and followed them down, kneeling on the floor. She looked up. “I can also guarantee, you will never feel bored again, especially in the shower.” Then she removed his boxers, freeing his arousal that sprang free. Smiling up into his eyes. “Plus, as a bonus, I can provide twenty-four hours of continuous entertainment.” Then with hunger in her eyes, she enclosed her mouth over him. He breathed heavily. She moved her mouth up and down, loving the smooth feel. She released him and whispered. “So, we agree, this is the best decision for us both?” Then she put all of him back in her mouth and moaned.

  The moment Kenzie moaned, the vibration alone almost did him in. He loved how she made him feel. “Ken
zie.” He bent down and pulled her up. “God, you make me crazy.” Then he pushed her toward the bed. “You better not leave again. I don’t know what I would do without you.” Then he pushed her on the bed and bent to remove her pants.

  She pulled her shirt over her head. “Well then, I guess I better just stay here forever.” As Joshua crawled up her body, she wrapped her legs around his waist. “Although, forever is a long time,” she said, as she undulated into his ever-growing arousal.

  He bent and kissed her luscious lips. “Forever is not long enough.” Then he trailed kisses down her neck and then took one taught nipple in his mouth. He started to suck and tease, then he switched to the other nipple, loving how they felt on his tongue. Moving his hand between them, he made circular patterns on her heated flesh. He continued to touch and tease her while kissing and exploring her beautiful mouth. A few minutes later he felt her tighten, then she cried out from the sheer pleasure. He removed his hand and entered her, she was so hot and wet. He loved the feeling of her around him, they fit perfectly together. As he moved, they both looked into each other’s eyes. Unable to look away, loving every feeling she created, he was lost in her. For the second time in a matter of minutes, he felt her tighten up, then cry out his name. He was not far behind, and when he could have his moment of pleasure, his eyes were still looking right at her. He leaned his head down and kissed her neck. “You make me happy.”

  She wrapped her legs tighter around his waist and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You make me so very happy, baby.” They laid like that for a few more minutes, then he got up. “I hate when we separate, I want you in me always.”

  He laughed and brushed a strand of hair away from her face. “We would look silly walking around like that. Plus, we work in two different places, so that would be difficult.” He went to the bathroom to clean up and brought a warm wash cloth to clean her up. “Besides, how would we explain it to everyone?”

  She loved how much he cared for her and took the time to clean her up. She pulled the covers up. “Well, I would be happy, and I don’t care about everyone else.”


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