The Pieces that Built Me

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The Pieces that Built Me Page 24

by Amber Lacie

  “Are you staying the night tonight?”

  “No, I promised mom I would be home to help her make breakfast for dad.”

  “But you always stay the night. It’s been like that for years.”

  “I know, but you will survive this one time without me. Don’t worry, I promise I will be over after breakfast. You know I wouldn’t miss Jack opening his gifts.”

  By the time we got to my apartment, the handles from the bag were digging into my forearms. I pushed the door open to find Jack standing on the couch yelling at the television, while Grandma Alice was yelling at him to get down.

  “Jack. Get down, now. What on Earth are you doing?”

  “Oh, come on, Mom. It’s the Transformers. Are you even seeing this? Optimus Prime was all ‘auto bots unite’ and then they were all like ‘you got it’ and then they were all like ‘boom’.” He fell on to the couch making explosion sounds, while twisting his hands in the air.

  “I don’t care what they are doing. Don’t jump on the couch. It’s made for sitting, not jumping.”

  Andrea moved around me, bumping my arms with one of the bags she was carrying as she walked over to the counter. “God, you sound just like a mom.”

  “Newsflash. I am a mom.”

  “Yeah, but that was super mom like. Most of the time you’re the cool parent. That was not cool.”

  Ignoring her comments, I set her bags down beside the door, and carried my bag to my room. I had finished shopping weeks ago. The only thing I was missing was a present for August. I had gone back and forth over the idea of getting him something for the past week. I knew he wouldn’t be home for another two weeks, but not getting him something, didn’t sit well with me. The next problem I had was deciding on what to buy him. I knew he had money, so I was almost certain he didn’t have a Christmas wish list. Instead, I went with my gut. I walked around Macy’s for hours before finally deciding on a silver pocket watch with a glass back, revealing the working gears. It seemed so simple, yet artistically beautiful. Which was exactly how I saw August.

  I set the bag inside my closet, and shed my clothes, before changing into something more comfortable. Once I was dressed, I walked back out into the living room. I smiled at Jack, noting he was listening and was sitting firmly on his bottom, as I walked past him towards the glasses of wine Andrea was pouring.

  “You only have two bottles of wine left.” She said it so matter of fact, almost as though I had committed a crime.

  “Do you plan on drinking both bottles tonight?”

  “I never plan on anything. Stuff just happens. How can you live like this?”

  “People have survived centuries without having more than two bottles of wine stored away in their homes. The world isn’t ending. Why are you being so dramatic tonight?”

  Alice laughed, as Andrea sipped from her glass. “Tonight? She’s always dramatic. I always told her I thought she should have joined the theater when she was younger.”

  “I love you both, but you both can screw off.”

  Alice and I both chuckled, as Andrea slammed back her glass and poured another. “Don’t be so grouchy. What time are you guys coming over tomorrow?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Why don’t you call us once you and Jack are awake? Then, we’ll finish things up at our house and come on by. I need to finish wrapping his gifts as it is. I kept putting it off, and now it’s Christmas Eve and I haven’t accomplished anything.”

  “Alice, you have been here every day this past week, while I’m either at work or out shopping. You’ve done enough. He doesn’t need gifts.”

  “Sweetie, no one needs a gift. You give a gift because you want to show a person how much you care. Besides, I love watching his little face light up when he opens them. God knows I’ll never have any grandchildren of my own with the way this one is.” She thrust her thumb towards Andrea, who gave us a wink as she sipped on her wine. “See? She’s not even going to argue about it.”

  “What is there to argue about, Mom? Do you see a man in my life? No, you don’t. It’s because I don’t need one.”

  “That’s what you say, but I’m pretty sure if you had one, he could dust off that libido of yours and put a smile on your face for once. God knows you’re crabbier than a woman going through menopause.”

  I covered my mouth, gasping for air, as hysterical bouts of laughter fell from my lips. Tears fell from my eyes and pain seared underneath my ribs. “Even your mom thinks you need to get some. This is great. This is so fantastic.”

  “Laugh it up, Arlo. Just laugh it up. I’ll have you know, if I was interested in anyone, and I’m not, but if I were, I would never tell either of you old hags.”

  “Fuck, you with your old bullshit. You’re older than me.”

  “By two months. That doesn’t count.” Andrea was pissed. I could almost see the puffs of steam coming out of her ears.

  “Aww. Don’t be mad. We love you.”

  “Sure, you do. It’s getting late. Mom, are you ready?”

  Alice wiped her hands across the apron around her waist and laid it on the table. “I’ll see you two in the morning. Just give us a call.”

  “I will. Thank you for tonight, Alice. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time.”

  “No problem, sweetie. Come on, trouble.” Alice gave Jack a hug and left with Andrea following her, while flipping me off as she walked through the door. It was her standard goodbye. Maturity was never her strong-suit.

  Once they were gone, I started straightening things up, getting ready for the morning. I tucked Jack in just after nine o’clock. We had aimed for eight, but he was way too excited to fall asleep. I checked on him a few more times and when he was finally in a deep enough sleep, I quickly got to work.

  Our tree wasn’t a live tree, but it was beautiful, nonetheless. The tree skirt was completely hidden by all the presents. The only one I didn’t put out was the watch I got for August. I would have to wait to give it to him until after the New Year.

  It was almost midnight by the time I got myself tucked in bed. I checked my phone a few more times before finally giving up. August isn’t going to call. As best as I tried to tell myself, that maybe something came up, I couldn’t help the stone that sank in my stomach. It wouldn’t be Christmas if there weren’t a little sadness in the air.

  My phone buzzed across my nightstand. I tried smacking it with my hand, but I only ended up pushing it further from my reach. The screen lit up and the number four was briefly lit. Who the hell is calling me? I reached for my phone and slid my finger across the screen. “Hello.”


  “August? Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah. I just missed you.”

  “I miss you too, but it’s four in the morning.”

  “I know what time it is. I had to wait until I landed to call you, but then I figured what was another hour.”

  “Landed? I didn’t know you were flying out anywhere.”

  “I must’ve forgotten to tell you. I need you to do me a favor.”

  I pulled the covers back and placed my feet on the plush carpet. “What do you need?”

  “Baby, come open the door.”

  “What?” I was half asleep, but I was almost certain August wanted me to open my apartment door.

  “Open the door before your neighbors wake up and find some guy with a sack standing randomly in the hallway.”

  With the phone still pressed to my ear, I ran to the door and flipped the locks. When I pulled it open, my heart exploded. August was standing in front of me with a red velvet bag full of presents. I squealed as my feet left the floor and wrapped around his waist.

  “You’re real. I can smell you. God, I miss the way you smell.”

  I laughed, as August nuzzled the crook of my neck. “You say the weirdest things.”

  “Only to you. Can I put you down now?”


  “So, I’m going to have to carry you and these presents in?”


  Laughing, he pressed another kiss to my neck and stepped into the apartment, dragging the bag behind him. I used my foot to push the door shut. I was not letting go of him. He came back for me.

  “Can we sit?”


  “I take it I can’t put you down for that, either.”


  “Good.” His hands wrapped tightly around me as he walked us over, and slowly lowered us to the couch. A lock of hair had fallen on his forehead and I pushed it back, revealing the wrinkles I had come to love.

  “You were supposed to call me.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. Being away was harder than I thought. I couldn’t think of what to get you for Christmas, so I decided to come back. It might have been selfish of me, but I got what I wanted already.”

  “What did you want?”

  “You. Always you. Always has been.”

  My tongue darted out, wetting my lips, before pressing them to his. The way his mouth opened, as if to breath me in, had my hands gripping his hair, trying to pull him closer to me. Soft moans escaped my mouth as his hands traveled up my legs, sliding underneath the oversize t-shirt I had worn to bed.


  “Don’t ask me to stop. I need to touch you.”

  “I’m not. Take me to bed.” As quickly as he could stand, he lifted me into the air and carried me down the hallway, to my room. We were careful not to make a sound as we passed Jack’s room. August gently shut the door behind him and flipped the lock.

  “Naked. Now.”

  I didn’t argue. My hands were already pulling at my shirt as I stepped out of my panties. I stood, completely nude in front of him. His eyes raked up and down my body as he pulled his shirt over his head and kicked his jeans to the side. The words on his chest drew my attention. I felt myself walking towards him with my fingers extended. The urge to feel the warmth of his skin under mine took control of my every move.

  I found myself wrapped around him once more as he stepped towards my bed, slowly dropping me onto the mattress. Our tongues were tangled as he slipped his knee between my legs, spreading my knees apart.

  “It took everything in me, when you opened the door, not to fuck you right there.”

  My body clenched at his words. “August.”

  “Nope. There’s no talking unless you’re screaming my name.” His mouth crashed onto mine as I fell back. His hands traced the curves of my body. Each tug, each pull, each nip, had me writhing underneath him. It wouldn’t take much to make me come undone. I felt his hands leave my body and I moaned from the loss of touch.

  “Sorry, baby. Give me a second.” My eyes popped open as I watched him drop his boxers to the floor. The speckled trail of hair leading down from his navel had me biting my cheek. He was so incredibly sexy. He knelt on the bed in front of me, slowly pumping his cock in his hands. With each stroke his breath became shorter. He wanted me as much as I wanted him.

  My mouth formed an ‘o’ shape as he slowly slid his cock into me. He took his time, enjoying every second of warmth wrapping around him. I needed more. I wanted more. Lifting my hips, I pushed myself back onto him. It was hard, and for a second, I was in control as a growl leapt from his chest.

  His hands gripped my thighs, spreading them farther apart, as he slammed into me. He knew what I needed, and he was going to deliver. Every thrust brought me closer to falling over the edge. My hands twisted in the sheets as he relentlessly claimed my body. The waves crashed around me as he fell, encasing my body with his. Soft, hot kisses seared my skin, while my name fell from his lips in hushed whispers.

  That was my August. The one who took my breath away. The one who could melt me with one glance. “I love you.” The words flew from my chest before I could catch them, and I could feel his body tense above me.

  He pressed his forehead to mine and closed his eyes. “Say it one more time.”

  My fingers reached up towards his face, brushing the sweat slicked locks from his face. “I love you.”

  “Arls, you just stole my words.”

  I laughed at his familiar claim. I could never steal his words. Music ran through his veins. He would never run out of them. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “Alright, so maybe I still have some words left, but you definitely stole my breath.”

  My fingers lightly traced the curve of his shoulders as he continued to lean over me. The feeling of love swirled around us as I stared back into his hazel eyes. The feeling I had when I was with him was indescribable.

  “Stay right here. Don’t move. I want to give you something.”

  I leaned up on my elbows as he stood, unlocked the door, and stepped out into the hallway. I had to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing at the way he crept down the hallway. He was definitely a musician, but he was far from being a ninja. August walked back in carrying a small black box. My heart beat wildly in my chest. He sat beside me on the bed and pulled me into his lap.

  “Do you see this box?”

  “I do.”

  “I bought this box the day before you and I got our tattoos. I wanted to give it to you then, but I didn’t think you were ready to admit what we had. I waited. I shouldn’t have. I should have stayed and fought for you. I should’ve showed you what you meant to me.”

  One of my hands gripped tightly to his shoulder, while the other one gently picked up the box he was holding. It wasn’t heavy by any means. It was rather light. I held it up in the palm of my hand, inspecting it, as he carefully opened it. In the center of the box was a simple white band with a princess cut red ruby in the center and two white diamonds surrounding it, one on each side.

  “Arlington Byers, I have loved you since the first day I saw you. Even then, I knew I was meant to be with you. I watched you walk away that day, and with it, you took my heart. I promise to love you more than you’ve ever been loved, I promise to take care of you and Jack, and I promise to always cherish the both of you with all of my heart, for the rest of my life and long after that.”

  A tear slipped down my cheek as I looked at the boy who made me second-guess everything in my life at the mere mention of his name.

  “Will you marry me?”

  My heart slammed with the answer I knew I wanted to give him, the one he deserved. For a split second, I thought of the mistakes I could be making, but I pushed it out of my mind. There was only one thing I wanted at that moment, and it was him. “Yes, of course. I love you. I’ll marry you.”

  He slid the band onto my finger and pressed his lips to my chest, covering me in kisses. “God, I love you. I love that you’re going to be my wife, and I love that you’re naked in my lap. I’m going to make love to you until the sun comes up.”

  I laughed, doubting his words, but he kept his end of the bargain. Except, it didn’t last until the sun came up. We called it quits once we heard Jack rummaging through the presents.

  I quickly got dressed, pulled a robe on, and walked out to the living room. August waited a few minutes before joining us.

  Jack never asked why August was there. He just accepted it, and it meant everything to me.

  He never blended well, even with people walking all around him. Over the years, I got used to seeing him. Jim was sent to watch me. I knew when I asked Ben to let me go, he wouldn’t do it. I waited for the light to change before jogging across the street and grabbing his arm. He froze. I knew he probably had strict instructions not to speak to me, but I needed to end this.



  “No. You don’t get to keep showing up like this. You think I can’t see you? Do you think I don’t know? You’re watching me for him. I ignored it before, and maybe that’s my own fault, but this needs to stop. I need you both to leave me alone.”

  He turned around to face me. Time hadn’t been kind to him. His face had aged greatly. He looked tired and worn. “I can’t do that. Under orders.”

  “Then tell him to cha
nge his fucking orders. My life is good. I’m a good mom. I don’t need him checking up on me.”

  “I know you’re a good mom. Jack’s a good kid.”

  Air filled my lungs at the mention of Jack’s name. “Stay. Away. From. Him. He’s a good boy.”

  “Don’t stress. I’ve never even told him the kid’s name. I don’t watch you to check up on your son. I watch you because Ben has this fantasy where he’s going to get out, and you two will fall back madly in love. It’s bullshit, and I keep telling him, but he ain’t listening. If you don’t fix this, he’s going to come for you when he’s out, girl.”

  I frantically pushed him away from me. Ben will ruin everything. “No, God damn it. You tell him I said to stay the fuck away from me. I have a good life. I have a man who loves me. Ben will fuck it all up.”

  “Like I said before, he ain’t listening.”

  “Then make him listen. Jim, he can’t come back into my life. Not now. I have a family to protect.” Without thinking, my hand stretched out across my stomach protecting it from harm. In doing so, I had just unintentionally told a criminal I was pregnant, before telling my fiancé. I was going to surprise August at his birthday party that night. Instead of being excited for the future, I feared the implications of the knowledge I just gave away to Jim.

  “That changes everything. Congrats.”

  I nodded my head, unsure of what to say. Jim ran his hands across the scar on his chin. “I can’t fix this, but you can.”


  “You need to go to him. Show him that ring on your finger. Tell him about the baby. Ben might have made some huge mistakes, but he’s not a bad man. He’s not going to listen to me, but if he sees how happy you are, if he hears it from your mouth…he’ll leave you be. He won’t be happy about it, but he’ll do it.”

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I pulled my phone out of the pocket of my coat and sent a text to August, letting him know I was stopping to pick up a surprise for him. Hopefully, it wouldn’t take long, and I would be back in his arms as quickly as possible. “Take me to him.”


  “Yes, right fucking now. I’m done with this bullshit.”


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