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Figure 1.1 The data for this figure was obtained from the University of South Florida Free Association Norms database. Nelson, D. L., McEvoy, C. L., & Schreiber, T. A. (1998).
Figure 1.2 Artwork by Sharon Belkin.
Figure 3.1 Image adapted from Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, 2nd ed. (Bear, Connors, and Paradiso, 2001). Adapted with the permission of Wolters Kluwer.
Figure 5.1 Adapted with permission from Macmillan Publishers LTD: Nature Reviews Neuroscience (Maren and Quirk, 2004).
Figure 6.1 I’d like to thank Fred Kingdom for granting permission to use this picture. The Leaning Tower illusion was first described by Kingdom, F. A., Yoonessi, A., & Gheorghiu, E. (2007).
Figure 6.3 I’d like to thank Andreas Nieder for kindly sharing the data for this figure (Nieder, 2005).
Chapter 2. John Updike, Toward the End of Time. Quote reprinted with permission from Random House, Inc.
Chapter 3. Suzanne Vega, “Men in a War.” Reprinted with permission from Alfred Music Publishing Co.
Chapter 4. Douglas Adams, The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Quote reprinted with permission from Random House, Inc.
Chapter 6. Mark Haddon, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Quote reprinted with permission from Random House, Inc.
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
action potentials
actions, see behaviors
Adams, Douglas
Adams, John
advertising and marketing
associative architecture and
of cigarettes
classical conditioning and
decoy effect and
of diamonds
framing and
imitation and
by pharmaceutical industry
preference transfer and
quality/price association and
on television
ubiquity of
agency, as co-opted by religion
alien hand syndrome
religion and
warfare and evolution of
Alzheimer’s disease
American Medical Association
American Tobacco Corporation
imaging studies of
amygdala politics
animals, thinking and planning by
anthrax, in 2001 letter attacks
anti-Semitic propaganda
antivaccination movements
associative architecture, of human brain
computational ability and
decision making and
fallacious reasoning and
false memories and
first-order associations in
Hebb’s rule and
of memory
political exploitation of
second-order associations in
as self-organizing
and susceptibility to advertising and propaganda
associative synaptic plasticity, see Hebb’s rule
asymmetric paternalism
atomic clocks
attraction (decoy) effect
auditory cortex:
plasticity of
tinnitus and
visual cortex linked to
autism, vaccination and
autonomic responses
Baker/baker paradox
Bargh, John
behavioral economics
as context-dependent
imitation and
priming of
short-term vs. long-term consequences of
socially inappropriate
Bering, Jesse
Bernays, Edward
bias, and word choice in questions
Biden, Joe
biochemical feedback loops
biomedical progress, initial opposition to
birth control
blind people:
echolocation used by
reallocation of visual cortex in
Blink (Gladwell)
Bliss, Tim
Bloom, Paul
fear of foreign substances in
neglect of
body awareness
see also somatosensory system
Borges, Jorge Luis
bottled water, marketing of
Boyer, Pascal
Braille, cortical allocation and
actions and behaviors generated by
associative architecture of, see associative architecture, of human brain
computational abilities of, see computational abilities
computers compared to
as context-sensitiver />
decreasing volume of
dualism as default state of
evolution of
genetic encoding of
modular structure of
as open-ended computational device
plasticity of, see cortical plasticity; synaptic plasticity
processing and storage of sensory data by; see also sensory cortex; somatosensory system as programmed by neural operating system
storage capacity of
surgery on, spirituality and
trauma to
as web of neurons and synapses
see also specific regions and functions
brain bugs:
recognition of
as result of outdated evolutionary adaptations
use of term
brain-imaging studies:
of amygdala
of associative learning
of cognitive biases
of responses to religious statements
of serotonin receptors
of temporal distortions
branding, associative architecture and
Pirahã in
Recife rape case in
breast cancer, probability blindness and