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Prisoner and Together: All of You series complete set

Page 32

by Silvey, Melissa

  “Since the FBI has already been informed of the kidnapping, we have all of the Bureau’s resources.” He’s holding his phone out from his ear, as if nothing else is relevant at this point except for Tony.

  “We also have the entire Winston police force at our disposal. I need a cell phone, and I need Lieutenant Barrett’s number now.” He finishes his speech with, “Lani, why are you still here?”

  “Sorry,” I reply, as I hurry off toward the door.

  I hear Killian say, “Here’s my phone,” as I walk out into the hallway.


  We are all on the plane. Internet access is now available, even at cruising altitude. I know I was in prison for a decade, but it might as well have been a hundred years. Smart phones, tablets, and high speed internet access is available practically everywhere. Lani set up an email for me, and I’m getting dozens of alerts on her tablet, mostly from Burke, who is sitting across the aisle from me.

  “Was everyone brought in to be questioned? And I mean everyone, even the nurse that worked at the prison?” I ask him. He’s staring at his screen, and doesn’t answer. Then I notice he’s wearing ear buds. I sigh loudly, and tap him on the arm. He jumps, startled, and glances at me. I ask him my question again.

  “It’s only been two hours, Tony. They might need a little more time than that,” Burke counters.

  “Time is what we don’t have. Everyone needs to be accounted for as soon as possible. Also, who’s questioning De Soto?” I’m starting to feel like I’m back in my element, and it feels so damn good.

  “Detective Johnson,” Lani replies, with a bit of a frown.

  “Do you trust him with your father’s life?” I ask her. There’s got to be a reason for the frown, and I need to know what it is.

  “He has a lighter touch than I’d like. But I think he can get through to him.” I continue to gaze at her, trying to gauge her commitment to her partner. “If not, then the FBI can take over.”

  I glance at Riley, and he removes his ear buds too. What is it with everyone and ear buds? They wouldn’t even know if there was an attack on the plane. “Okay. Has the Winston County Sheriff’s department checked in?”

  “Yes, they are on board with the SWAT mission. They’re all on call, waiting for the location,” Riley replies. I nod at him.

  “God, I wish I had a cigarette,” I groan. Lani frowns at me, but I just shrug.

  Then she leans forward, and whispers in my ear, “You amaze me, Chief Petty Officer Roman.” She kisses my cheek gently, and I feel like I’m in heaven. Yes, this angel is what I went through hell for, and she’s worth every lonely, horrific moment of it.

  Burke actually seems a little jealous. That makes me even happier. I turn my face toward her, and kiss her lips softly. “I love you, Melanie. And I’m never going to let anything happen to you, or your family. But when this is over, we’re coming back to Pittsburgh, and spending some time with my parents and my kids. Deal?”

  “Deal,” she says sweetly.

  “Sleep for an hour or two baby, because as soon as our feet touch the ground, we’ll be going non-stop for the foreseeable future.” She snuggles against me, and closes her eyes. I lean back in the seat, in the private jet Burke somehow commandeered. We’re going to owe him, big time. I’ll have to write something really nice about him in my book, maybe paint him as a demi-god. And I’ll have to make sure some really hot actor plays him in the movie. If there is a movie.

  I have to make it through the next twenty-four hours alive before I can think about writing a book. More importantly, I think as I push Lani’s hair off her cheek, I need to keep this woman and the baby growing inside her alive. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but I do know I’ll die trying if I have to.


  “So, you really are pregnant?” Jamie asks, as soon as he sees me walking toward him. He makes a move like he’s going to hug me, but his eyes stray to the huge man standing beside me, and he reaches out to shake my hand. He also shakes Tony’s hand.

  “Yep, this time it’s for real.” I grin as I say it, and my hand strays to my tummy. I don’t want anyone thinking I’m not happy with this baby. “How did you know?”

  “Word travels fast in Winston,” he replies enigmatically, with his light blue eyes sparkling. I wonder who else knows.

  But I have more important things on my mind right now. “Do you know where my father is?” It’s the first thing I ask when I climb into the patrol car that Jamie is driving. Tony is by my side, as always, and joins me in the back seat.

  “I think we’re close. We just need a little more time.” His words are clipped, and he’s using his cop tone, not his partner tone.

  “Be straight with me, Jamie. Don’t bullshit me, please.” Tony places his hand gently on my knee. I grab it and squeeze it.

  “We have cops banging on every door in Winston County, and half of Mason County. We’ll find him, Lani,” Jamie assures me.

  “How long before they call us?” I ask, even though I’m wearing my watch.

  “Seven hours,” Jamie replies. Tony glances down at his wrist, and twists his fingers around the width of it.

  I glance at Tony, still unsure of what will happen in the next few hours. “Do you think your plan will work?”

  “It’ll work, Lani. We’ll get your dad,” he assures me. His eyes hold a purpose, a goal. I feel safe, and I feel like he’s capable of taking care of me, and any situation that might come our way. “I’ll always take care of you, Lani.”

  “I know.” He is here beside me, just like he has been every time I’ve needed him over the past few months. He is strong and steady. He is my rock. I hope he sees in my eyes that I trust him.


  She looks so scared. I know she’s upset, and I know she’s hurting. I wish I could do something to take away her pain, and really reassure her that everything is going to be okay. She looks at me like she wants to believe me, but she still has some doubt.

  Finally, we pull up to the Winston Police Department, and she doesn’t even wait for him to turn off the car before she jumps out. She glances back at me, but doesn’t wait until I get out before she rushes into the building. When I finally enter, next to Detective Johnson, I see Lani being comforted by her mother, Liberty.

  “Roman,” I hear in a booming, overbearing tone. I turn toward it, and I see Lieutenant Barrett standing in his doorway, waving me toward it. I glance back at Lani, and she is whispering with Liberty. Liberty smiles brightly, then wraps Lani in her arms.

  I glance back at Barrett, who jabs at the air as he points at me, then motions toward his office. I assume that means he doesn’t want Lani to join me. This feels every different kind of wrong. As soon as I am close enough, he reaches out to shake my hand with a terse, “Roman.”

  “Lieutenant Barrett,” I respond, pointedly. As soon as I’m in his office, he shuts the door behind me. I notice Burke, Riley, and Johnson already sitting in chairs in front of Barrett’s desk, and as there are no more empty seats, I cross my arms and lean against the doorframe.

  “We know where Captain Vaden is being held.” His eyes are ice blue when he says it, and he’s staring right at me. He wants me to respond. I remain silent.

  “That’s great, let’s go get him,” Johnson replies. Then he glances at me, and his eyes move to the empty spot beside me. “Where’s Lani?” He actually says it out loud. Barrett tried to get that exact response out of me, but I didn’t fall for it.

  “How did you find out where he is? Is the information credible?” Of course Burke is the one to ask the logical questions. I like him more and more all the time.

  “The sister of Elliot Cruickshank, the guy who broke Hughes out of our custody, gave us the information. She folded like a sheet when we questioned her. She told us exactly where her brother is, and she even told us that she’s been providing meals for Cruickshank, Hughes, and Chief Vaden.” Barrett looks pretty proud of himself.

  “We’re suiting up in five. The C
ounty’s SWAT team is leading the charge. We’d like the FBI with us as well, Burke.” Burke nods. “We could use someone with your skills, Roman. You’re coming with us, if you want. Detective Vaden is not.”

  I’m supposed to just suit up and risk my life to go with them, and I’m pretty sure I’m also the one who is supposed to tell Lani she’s not joining the rescue mission. And Barrett is challenging me to say no. Great.

  Poor Jamie looks confused, and Burke looks almost sympathetic.

  Barrett’s attention is on me again. Sure, he’s good looking, but he also seems extremely cocky and self-absorbed. What did Lani ever see in him? I mean, he’s married for God’s sake. “You’ll let Vaden know, won’t you?” He’s testing me. I don’t like it.

  “I’ll let her know. But how am I supposed to stop her from joining us?”

  “You’ll just have to figure that out yourself.” He chuckles as he says it. Fucking asshole. I’m trying not to react, but Barrett’s blonde eyebrow arches, daring me. He doesn’t think I can do it. He doesn’t think I can deal with Melanie Vaden. Well, I’ll just have to show him that I can.

  “Alright, guys, five minutes,” Barrett states.

  I open the door, and scan the bullpen. She’s sitting at her desk, facing away from Barrett’s office, but she turns slightly, and sees me exiting her lieutenant’s office. Her eyes grow wide, and she gives me a slight smile. Looking at her, and knowing she’s mine, still makes my heart skip a beat. Fuck, no, I can’t deal with her.


  It’s making me a little nervous that Tony is leaving Barrett’s office, with a group following after him. Jamie glances at me, but walks toward the exit that leads to Connie’s office building. Riley and Killian are chatting with each other, as if no one else exists. L.T. looks at me and smiles like he’s in a toothpaste ad.

  Tony walks toward me, and his face is an emotionless mask. Something is happening, something Barrett wants to keep from me.

  “Hey, honey. What’s going on?” I ask, as I reach out and touch his forearm. He takes my hand and holds it in his.

  “Lani, I have to ask something of you, and it’s very important that you don’t say no, or argue. Okay?” He stares at me with those smoldering black eyes, and I want to say yes to whatever he asks me. “Barrett thinks he knows where your dad is, Lani. We’re going to get him.” His voice is firm, not happy.

  “That’s great! When do we leave?” I can’t hide the enthusiasm in my voice. I scoot my chair back, and before I can stand up he grabs the armrests of the chair and kneels down in front of me. This can’t be good.

  He inhales loudly, gazes deep into my eyes, and says, “Barrett doesn’t want you to be involved in the rescue mission.”

  “What? Why?” He shrugs his shoulders, and shakes his head. “Why can’t I go?” I demand.

  “I don’t know,” he replies, as he looks away.

  “You don’t know? It doesn’t have anything to do with me being pregnant, does it?” I try to stand again, but he places his hands on my wrists, and holds me where I am.

  “I really don’t know, Lani. He said it almost as if he was challenging me. It’s almost as if he’s using this to test us.” He sounds just as miserable as I feel. “If you want me to stay here, with you…”

  “I don’t want you to stay here with me. I want to go with you.” Am I whining? Damn it, I am. I frown, and I chew on my bottom lip. “This isn’t fair.”

  “No, it’s not,” Tony agrees. “I won’t go.”

  “No, you go. I need someone I trust looking out for my dad.” I reach my arms up his body to twine my fingers in his hair, and I give him a gentle, loving kiss on his lips. “Get home safe, and bring my dad back with you.”

  He kisses me back for several moments, until Burke calls out his name.

  “I will. I promise,” he assures me, as he moves away. Right now, I hate Dane Barrett, and I hope he can see it in my eyes. He looks smug, for a moment, but my withering glare is too much for him, and he looks away.

  Chapter Eighteen


  This doesn’t feel right. I should be with Lani. I mean, I don’t want her in danger either, and I completely agree with Barrett that her safety is the most important thing right now. I expected this would feel better than it does, having an automatic weapon in my hands, and a flak jacket on my chest. I thought I’d be doing it with my SEAL team, or maybe even with Lani.

  We’re squeezed into the back of a SWAT van; Riley is sitting beside me, and across from us are Burke and Jamie.

  “When’s the last time you were in one of these?” Burke asks Jamie.

  Jamie laughs. “In Winston? Never. How about you?” He avoids my eyes.

  “It’s been a few years for me. I love the excitement of the anticipation, but usually when a SWAT team rolls up outside, the suspects give up. Usually.” He’s looking at me when he says it. I nod, and chuckle nervously. I don’t want him to know I’m feeling nervous, though.

  “How long until we roll up?” I wonder aloud, as I wrap my hand around my wrist again.

  Jamie glances at his watch, and replies, “About five minutes.”

  I wish I could talk to Lani. I hope to God Chief Vaden is really here, and all goes well. I say a little prayer for the crew. I always prayed before missions, and everyone got out alive. Sometimes we were injured, but still breathing.

  Riley and Burke fist bump. “Be safe,” Riley states.

  “Be safe,” Burke echoes. Tradition, I realize.

  So I glance at Detective Johnson, who looks a little lost. Maybe as lost as I feel without Lani. “Be safe,” I insist.

  “Be safe,” he replies. Then we fist bump. I feel a little better, and I think he does too.


  I sit across from Connie in her office. She has a really nice office, with a flowering plant in the windowsill, and a view of the duck pond across the street. I have to admit, I’m a little jealous. The only way a cop gets an office in Winston is if they’re the lieutenant, or the chief. I know Connie’s job is important, and I know she’s deserving of the perks. But I really wish I had a door.

  She closes a file and stares at me, as I pace in front of her window. “They’re gonna be okay, Lani. You don’t have to keep me company.”

  “I know. There’s just so much that can go wrong,” I say, as I cross my arms in front of my chest.

  “Congrats on the baby, by the way. Can I be the godmother?” I turn toward her, and she frowns. “I’m not supposed to ask, am I? I’m sorry, ignore that.”

  I can’t help but smile. “Of course you can be the godmother, Connie. I don’t have a lot of female friends. I’ve slept with a lot of them.” I bite my bottom lip nervously.

  “And I’m sure they all enjoyed it just as much as I did.” She doesn’t even blush, which makes me feel a little sheepish. “It’s in the past. You don’t have to dwell on it.”

  “Yea,” I nod. “Because I’ve settled down now.”

  “It’s not such a bad thing. Being married is the best thing that ever happened to me. You’ll love it, I’m sure. I mean, you’ve seen Tony.” She gasps, and her face brightens up. “I can’t wait to throw your bachelorette party!”

  I groan loudly. “I can’t believe you’re thinking about this right now.”

  “I have to distract myself all the time, when Jamie’s working. I mean, I know you don’t think your job is all that dangerous, and you have it under control. But when you love someone, and you don’t know if they’re going to come home, you learn to think about other things.” She sounds so cheery about it. She really is beautiful, with her long blonde hair styled into the perfect office up do and her bright blue eyes highlighted with navy blue liner, but I never realized exactly how wonderful she is until just now.

  And I know that’s me now, relegated to worrying about the person in my life in a dangerous situation.

  “Thanks, I really do appreciate all of this.” I return to the window, and continue to worry about Tony.

/>   Tony

  The back doors of the van open, alerting us we have arrived at the location. I shut my eyes, and let them adjust to the sunlight that floods into the dark compartment. We begin to file out, and I am the last to leave. I look around at my surrounding, obviously a farm of some kind. I don’t know what this shit growing around me is. I’ve never been in a field in my life.

  “It’s corn, city boy,” Jamie comments, when he sees my confused stare.

  “Hmmm…” I reply with a nod. Whatever I say right now would be wrong, so I don’t say anything.

  Jamie scoffs, chuckles, and pats me on the shoulder. “You’ll learn.”

  Barrett is already on site, and he approaches as we exit the vehicle, which means I get to feel even more foolish after Johnson’s teasing jab. He immediately begins to bark orders, authoritatively. It’s enough to piss me off. After what happened with Lani, I’m already not in the mood for this.

  “The farmhouse is fifty yards that way,” Barrett states, as he points through the cornfield. I think I can see the top of the house above the stalks. “But we believe Chief Vaden is being held in the barn, which is forty yards in the opposite direction. Johnson and Riley, head off with the Winston PD officers toward the house, and clear it.” Then he turns toward me and Burke. “You two are with me, we’re going to clear the barn.” Barrett makes a circular motion with his finger, and the SWAT team moves toward the barn. We follow behind him. Out of the corner of my eye I see Burke rolling his eyes at the back of Barrett’s head.

  I’ve done raids before, but never in the US, except maybe during training. I’ve even done raids where I’ve rescued victims held for ransom. But this is different, because Lani’s dad is the victim. It’s too late to have second thoughts, though, because the battering ram is already near the barn door. The barn seems so rundown, I could probably kick it in myself.

  “SWAT, open the door!” someone says from near the door. There is a pause, full of excitement and anticipation, and a little fear.


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