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Prisoner and Together: All of You series complete set

Page 33

by Silvey, Melissa

  “Go, now!” the team leader calls out after several moments, and as soon as they’re inside I hear gunshots. My blood starts pumping, and the adrenaline gets going. My first thought is, I need to keep Lani’s father alive. I run into the barn, without worry that someone inside has a gun, and see a man writhing on the ground. He’s screaming loudly. He’s still alive, but probably shot. It’s really too dark inside to see who it is, because there are no windows, and no lights. I fumble in my pockets, but I don’t have a fucking flashlight.

  “Fuck!” I call out.

  “Tony!” I hear from the other side of the huge open room. As soon as I hear the voice, I know it’s Lani’s dad.

  “Chief Vaden,” I yell, and run toward the sound. “Are you okay?”

  “I’ll be okay as soon as you get me out of these fucking chains.” I hear them rattling before I see the chief. I sneeze, violently, from the hay that’s between me and him. I stop and stare, wondering if I need to climb over it.

  “Who’s that screaming over there?” I think it’s Barrett’s voice.

  “It looks like Cruickshank. I think he’s shot,” Burke replies loudly.

  I run toward the end of the hay bales, and find Chief Vaden chained to the wall, by a handcuff on his wrist. He lifts his hand to show me, and I can really only see the movement. I feel like busting down a wall, just so I can see something. “’Bout damn time you found me. Where the hell is Lani?”

  “She’s pregnant,” I reply, abruptly. I’m instantly regretful. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blurted it out like that.” I turn around, and yell, “Who has the…”

  Barrett is two feet from me, holding a flashlight and shaking a set of keys. “I’ve got this,” he states, sounding almost cocky. He approaches Lani’s dad with what can only be described as swagger. I can’t believe how much I want to punch him, especially when he says, “Are you okay? Lani’s worried sick about you.”

  Asshole, I want to say. But I don’t.

  “The house is clear. Hughes isn’t here.” It’s Johnson’s voice over the comms.

  Before I can lift my hand to my mouth, I hear Barrett saying, “We have the chief.”

  I turn away from him, and try not to scoff. But I guess it comes out, because Burke approaches, and pats my shoulder.

  “It’s okay,” he says under his breath.

  “Okay?” I murmur.

  “Did you get that son of a bitch?” Chief Vaden asks from behind me.

  “He shot himself, we believe, as soon as we entered the structure. He didn’t even do that right, because he’s still breathing,” Burke answers, which is punctuated by a loud moan. “And crying like a baby. But Hughes isn’t here. She’s gone.”

  The chief walks toward Cruickshank, then glances down at him. “That’s the man who kidnapped me. Hughes was the person who helped him. Should someone tend to his injury?”

  Barrett thrusts his cell phone at the chief, and says, “We’ve already called for paramedics. Call your daughter. I’m sure she’s waiting to hear from you.”

  I sneeze again. I don’t know if I’m allergic to the hay, or Barrett’s bullshit. So I leave the old structure, and walk toward the SWAT van. But that doesn’t stop the sneezing which is now becoming violent and almost hurtful.

  Detective Johnson approaches at a slow jog, from the east where the house is located. “We couldn’t find Hughes.”

  “Her boyfriend shot his damn self, but your captain is fine,” I inform him. “Can I borrow you phone, so I can call Lani?”

  “Sure,” he replies, and he pulls it out of his pocket, touches the screen several times, then hands it to me.

  The phone is ringing, and I quickly put it up to my ear as I hear, “This is Detective Vaden. Please leave a message after the beep.”

  After the beep plays, I speak into the phone. “Hey, baby, it’s me Tony. I’m okay, and so is your dad. We’ll be headed back soon, and I’ll let you know all the details when I see you. I love you, baby. I love you so much.” Then I hand the phone back to Lani’s partner with a “Thank you.”

  “Why don’t I take you to buy a phone this evening, and maybe we can get a beer?” he suggests, as he puts the phone back in his pocket.

  “I’d like that. But I have no cash, or bank account.”

  “We can still get a beer,” he offers. I nod, as Riley and Burke join us.

  “Let’s go get a fucking beer,” Riley seconds with a huge grin on his face.

  “I need a drink,” Burke agrees.

  I turn toward the barn, and Barrett is standing next to the chief, who is speaking into a phone. That must be why Lani didn’t answer. “I’m in,” I say as I turn away from them. An ambulance is finally pulling into the driveway of the house.

  “I suggest a strip club,” Riley says rowdily, and slaps Detective Johnson on the shoulder.

  “Woah, slow down. Let’s start with beer, at a bar. Lani would remove my head from my body if I took Tony to a strip club,” Burke counters.

  “Then who the fuck is going to plan his bachelor party?” Johnson asks, and turns to stare at me.

  “I guess she’ll have to make an exception,” Burke replies with a sly smirk.

  We load back into the back of the SWAT van, as the paramedics stroll past us with a gurney.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I hear a commotion in the hallway, and I turn to find Tony entering the building with his new clique. They’re joking with each other, and laughing boisterously. I return my eyes to the files on my desk, but my attention is still on Tony’s voice. I listened to his voicemail, after I hung up with my dad, and it made my heart melt. Just that short message made me feel so much emotion, I had to splash my face with water in the bathroom just to keep myself from tearing up.

  “Hey, baby,” I hear him say in his husky voice, as I feel his hand on my shoulder. He leans down and kisses the top of my head, then his lips gently caress my temple. I feel my shoulders quiver as a bolt of pleasure strikes the base of my neck, and travels down my spine. It is so unfair, how he makes me feel… especially since I’m mad at him.

  When I don’t say anything, I don’t respond at all really, he sighs and bends down in front of me until he’s almost eye to eye with me. “Baby, Jamie asked me to go out to grab a beer with him. You’ve seen your dad, right? He’s okay?”

  I should have expected it. There’s usually at least one big case a year, whether it’s pot growers on the south end of the county or meth cookers in the north, and after we close it the guys always go out for drinks. I’ve never been invited, not once. But I should have known Jamie would take to Tony; Killian has, and Riley. Everyone loves him.

  “My dad is fine. Everything’s fine. Go have your beer.” I frown as I hear the attitude in my own voice.

  He sighs again, louder this time. “I’m sorry, Lani. I’m sorry that Barrett put us in this situation. But your dad is fine, isn’t he?”

  I still haven’t looked at him. “I said he is, didn’t I?” That was a little louder than it should have been. I try to reel in my anger, and calm my voice some. I don’t even know why I’m angry. I finally glance at him, and his dark eyes are full of trepidation. “Just go. Have fun.”

  He touches my chin and tips my face up to his. I stare at his chin, pouting. How does he bring this side of me out so easily? I feel like such a girl around him, and I hate it.

  He pushes my hair behind my ear, and brushes the back of his fingers against my cheek. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs, just loud enough for me to hear. “It’s still hard for me to believe I can touch you whenever I want.”

  Now I feel guilty. His eyes are focused on my lips. His fingers are in my hair, and his palm is against my cheek. I close my eyes, and enjoy the feel of his skin on mine. I had absolutely no idea what I was missing before I met him.

  “I love you, Melanie. The last thing I ever want to do is hurt you, or make you angry. I just want you to be happy. If you don’t want me to go, I won’t.” His se
xy voice is low, and it makes my muscles clench uncomfortably.

  My God, he makes me crazy. I’m angry, contrite, and happy all at the same time. “Go out and have fun. I’ll go and stay with my dad until you and the gang come to get me, and take me back to the hotel. Okay?”

  The smile he gives me makes my heart contract. He kisses my lips quickly, and says “I love you so much, baby,” before he hops up and practically runs toward the showers. I chuckle under my breath, but I watch as he speeds away. Even in the bulky blue SWAT jumpsuit he looks amazing. His ass is so perfect it’s even accentuated in the plain garment. You’re beautiful, too, I think, as he turns the corner and calls out to someone at the other end of the hall. I need to find Constance.


  “Can I borrow your phone one more time?” I ask Jamie. It’s really bothering me that I can’t get through to Lani. I’ve already tried three times. I know she was mad at me when I told her I was going out with the guys, but she should have gotten over that by now.

  Riley makes a sound effect with his voice, the sound one would think a whip would make while traveling through the air, followed by the crack the tip would make when landing on its target. At the same time he flicks his wrist. It would be hilarious, if he was talking about anyone but me.

  “Thanks, that helps,” I mumble.

  Jamie rolls his eyes as he pulls out his phone again. “I’m gonna have to start charging you a quarter.”

  “Put it on my tab,” I reply, with a dash too much sarcasm.

  Having the guys buy my drinks didn’t sound bad when they invited me out, but now that they are doing it, it feels way worse than I expected it to. My SEAL team would sometimes buy rounds, but I always knew I could also buy their rounds next. Not that I was rich when I was a SEAL, far from it, but we always had enough money for what we needed. I took care of my family. Lucy had a fairly new car, I had a reliable truck, and the kids had much more than they needed. Lucy’s parents spoiled them, no doubt about it; Lauren and Max are their only grandchildren. My parents have all of my nieces and nephews as well, not that Lucy has let them help out much, or even let Lauren and Max see my parents since she ended my parental rights.

  Not that I want to be thinking about any of this while I’m listening to Lani’s voicemail answer again. “This is Detective Vaden. Please leave a message after the beep.”

  “Lani, it’s me again, for the third time. Baby, if you didn’t want me to come out, you should have just told me. Call me and let me know you’ve made it to your dad’s house okay.” The beep interrupts me just then, which is fine because the message said enough, without me having to say I love you in front of the guys.

  “So whipped,” Jamie jabs at me. He glances over at Burke, who actually appears more sympathetic than usual.

  Riley, though, is more than happy to go along with Jamie. “He has to be the most pussy whipped man I’ve ever seen.”

  “Trust me when I say this, because she is my partner. Melanie Vaden is the most badass woman you’ll ever meet. She can take care of herself, Tony. She’ll be fine with her dad for one evening. Have another beer, man.” Jamie practically beams with pride as he talks about his partner, who also happens to be the woman I love. I can’t help but feel jealous, even though Jamie’s married to a gorgeous woman himself. Lani told me she’d never slept with her partner, and I want to believe her. I want to trust her. But then I glance over at Burke, who is actually quiet tonight. He is watching a hockey game on the television, but I feel like there’s something else going on.

  Jamie raises his hand with two fingers up at the bartender. Normally I wouldn’t mind, but I’m just on edge tonight, more than I should be while I’m drinking good beer with good men. It’s bugging me she’s not answering. My life is just too weird lately, maybe. My nerves are shot. But I just can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong.

  “Do you have Chief Vaden’s number?” I sound desperate, but that’s probably because I am desperate.

  “Drink your beer, and stop worrying,” Burke finally pipes up. “She’ll be fine. Lani Vaden is always fine.”

  I groan inwardly as I stare at the beer Jamie places in front of me.


  “Lani, sweetheart, I’m gonna stop and get beer. If I’m not there, just let yourself in. You know where the key is.”

  I glanced up at my dad’s front door as I listened to his voicemail, wondering why he didn’t assign a patrol car to sit out front, after everything that has happened…

  And that’s the last thing I remember, before everything went black.

  Everything is still black. My hands are cuffed behind my back, and there is something covering my face. I have no idea of how much time has passed since I pulled into my dad’s driveway at eight o’clock. I watched as Tony left with his new friends, black hair still a little damp, wearing the charcoal gray pants and white shirt I like so much. He looked stunning as he turned and blew a kiss to me.

  I wonder if he’s too busy drinking to wonder if his pregnant girlfriend is safe at her dad’s. He’s probably laughing with Jamie, and sharing war stories with Riley. He and Burke are probably talking about whose favorite hockey team is better.

  And I’m stuck God alone only knows where. I smell hay, and horses, and I hear owls outside.

  I’m in the country. Great, there are any number of farms in Winston and Mason counties. I could be anywhere in the state, actually.

  I’m lying awkwardly on a hard floor, I assume, and my shoulder is killing me. I move around until I’m sitting up, and I hear the horses moving around in their stalls. One whinnies loudly. Do I want my captors to know I’m awake, so I can figure out who has me? Or do I want to break my thumb to get out of these damn cuffs, because I really have to pee.

  I move my rear end off the ground, so I can loop my arms under my legs, and with some maneuvering I get my hands in front of me. At least I can get this sack off my face. That’s when I hear the sound of chains moving, and feel their tug as I try to pull.

  Fuck, I’m handcuffed and chained!

  I guess I’m breaking my thumb.

  I really hope Tony gets here soon.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Hey Roman, your girl’s calling,” Jamie continues to goad me, as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. He glances down at the screen, and his face goes blank. “Oh, shit,” he says, before he answers, “Detective Johnson.”

  “What’s wrong?” I ask. I just knew I couldn’t enjoy an evening out without something bad happening. I should have been with Lani.

  “No, sir,” he says, into the phone. He’s making a point not to look at me. He does, however, glance at Killian, who seems to be as on edge as I am.

  “What is it, Johnson,” he demands.

  I groan loudly, and Riley glares at me.

  “No, sir,” Johnson says again. All of the color has drained out of his face, as he hands me the phone. He says nothing, and refuses to look into my eyes.

  “Check, please,” Burke calls out, and pulls out his credit card. Riley grabs his too.

  “Roman,” I bark into the phone. I don’t even look at the caller ID. Maybe I should have.

  “Son, don’t panic.” Of course my first reaction is to panic, especially after the look on Jamie’s face. Now, he’s looking at me expectantly, while Burke and Riley are settling their checks.

  “Just tell me what the hell is going on,” I insist. I’m not quite upset enough to say, and don’t call me son, but I’m very close.

  “Lani’s car is in my driveway, but she’s not here. I thought maybe she’d decided to go with…”

  I interrupt Lani’s father there. “Where do we meet up, at the station?” I demand, in a tone that is something akin to a growl.

  “I’ll call everyone in, and I’ll meet you there. I assume Burke and Riley are with you?” he adds.

  That question makes me even more angry, because one of them should have been with Lani. “We’ll all be there,” I state wi
th confidence, as I hand the phone back to Johnson. “Lani’s gone. Time to meet at the station.”

  Although we each only had two beers, everyone is now extremely sober. “I’ll meet you there,” Jamie says.

  “Let’s go,” Burke orders everyone at the table. It’s fine with me that he’s taking charge, because I can feel myself falling apart. We’d better fucking find Lani soon, or I will tear this entire town down to the ground looking for her.

  As I walk past Riley, he pats my shoulder. “We’ll find her,” he assures me.

  I respond with what I’m thinking. “Everyone in this God forsaken county had better pray to God we find her soon.” For some reason, none of the men I’m with look surprised.


  “You’re not going anywhere, Vaden,” a familiar voice says, after I pull the cover off my face. Then I see her standing there, the head bitch herself, Warden Drake. Why isn’t she in jail awaiting trial? “We found your ear piece, no one’s coming for you.”

  “Well I guess your powerful connections really did save your ass, didn’t they?” I snap.

  Her smug expression makes me want to slap her even more, and if I wasn’t cuffed and chained I would do it. But then she speaks, and makes me want to smack her even more. “Oh, you have no idea what I’m capable of, and the men who back me, well…” she scoffs. “How’d you like your welcome in DC?”

  I laugh then. “Just like everyone else you send after me and Tony, they just couldn’t get the job done. You saw Tony kill three men with his bare hands. Do you really think anything you send at us, short of an army, will hurt us?”

  She smiles brightly, her dark, empty eyes almost sparkle. “I don’t know, Vaden. Look where you are now. I’ve got you right where I want you.”

  “If you hurt me, Tony will destroy everything you love,” I reply confidently.

  “We can’t wait for your boyfriend to join us. As a matter of fact, we’re counting on it. And when he gets here, we’ll destroy everything you love.” She’s really enjoying her seemingly impenetrable position of power. What she doesn’t factor in is Tony. Does she really think they will ever be able to take Tony alive? He will rescue me or die trying, and he’ll take out every one of them who gets in his way.


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