conquest attempts, 152
conspiracies, 118, 125, 126
constitutional reforms, 230–32, 233
Continental Blockade, 6, 18, 145, 225
Convention of Cintra, 225
Copenhagen, 6
copper warming-pans, 150
Correio Braziliense, 81, 145, 146, 208
Cortes, 130, 189, 228, 232, 233, 237, 239
Costigan, Arthur William, 16
Council of State (Portugal), 18, 19
coup attempts, 118, 125, 126
crime, 162, 165
Crown Manuscripts, 246
Cruz, Antonio Gonçalves, 203–4, 206, 209
da Camara Cascudo, Luis, 189–90
da Costa, Hipólito José, 68–69, 81, 93–94, 154, 155, 208
da Cunha, Luiz, 16
da Pina Manique, Diogo, 44
Darwin, Charles, 102
da Silva Lisboa, José, 66
dead, burial of, 167, 169–70
de Aguirre, Juan Francisco, 176
de Andrada e Silva, José Bonifácio, 80, 239
de Assis Mascarenhas, Francisco, 152–53
de Azevedo, Joaquim, 33, 34, 135, 136–37, 233–34
de Azevedo, Madame, 135–36
Debret, Jean-Baptiste, 108, 155, 156–57, 178–79, 187, 214
de Caleppi, Lourenço, 34–35, 148
de Freycinet, Louis, 187, 188
de Freycinet, Rose, 187–88
de Jesus, Clara Maria, 182–83
de Jesus, Jorge Pardo, 182–83
de Miranda Montenegro, Caetano Pinto, 60, 207
Denmark, 6
de Oliveira, João Fernandes, 182
de Oliveira Lima, Manuel
Brazil, 15, 69, 71, 232, 236, 238
Carlota Joaquina, 126, 128
Europe, 10
João VI, 118, 123
Pernambucan Revolt, 204, 208
Portugal, 21, 26
public servants, kickbacks and payments to, 134–35
Rio de Janeiro, 104
de Sousa Coutinho, Domingos, 81, 144, 208, 224
de Sousa Coutinho, Rodrigo, 16–18, 66, 72, 80, 122, 151
diamonds, 27, 79, 185–87
Dias, Maria Odila Leite da Silva, 227, 240
dos Guimarães Peixoto, Domingos Ribeiro, 167–68
dos Santos Marrocos, Bernardina, 41, 242, 250
dos Santos Marrocos, Francisco, 40, 42, 242, 247, 250
dos Santos Marrocos, Joaquinna, 249–52
dos Santos Marrocos, Luiz
Brazil, 159, 242–48
career, 42
children, 244, 249–52
court, Portuguese, 43, 136–37
crime, 162
death, 248
marriage, 244
Portugal, invasion of, 45
Royal Library, 40–41
ship life, 47, 96–97
slavery, 175, 244–45
as source, 41–42
Ebel, Ernst, 111, 160, 176, 212
education, 80, 153, 192
Ender, Thomas, 74–75, 114, 184, 193
England. See Britain
Enlightened Despotism, Age of, 28–29
explorers, 153
Fazenda, Vieira, 121
Florentino, Manolo Garcia, 104, 172
Flyer (ship), 50, 61, 85, 87
fog, 51–52
Fontainebleau, Treaty of, 20–21
forros, 181–83
foundling wheels, 252
Foy, Maximilien, 35, 199, 222
France, 13, 18–21. See also French Revolution; Napoleon Bonaparte; Peninsular War
freedom, religious, 148
freed slaves, 181–83
Freemasons, 44
French Artistic Mission, 155–56, 213, 214
French Revolution, 10–11, 12, 13, 44, 207–8, 231
Freyre, Gilberto, 105
Gâlvea, João de Almeida de Melo e Castro, count of, 41–42
Gama, João de Saldanha da, 62
Gates, David, 199
George III, King, 8–9
gold, 27, 78–79
Gomes, Bernardino Antonio, 112
Gomes, Pedro, 33
Gonçalves dos Santos, Luis, 85–86, 89, 90, 92, 93, 214
Goya, Francisco, 196, 201
Graham, Maria
Brazil, 135–36, 188–89, 232
foundling wheels, 252
Pernambucan Revolt, 204
Salvador, 63, 64–65
slavery, 170
Great Britain. See Britain
Guanabara Bay, Brazil, 84–85, 86, 87, 89–90, 109–10, 158
gunpowder, 227
Haiti, 164, 165
hand-kissing ceremony, 83, 92, 141–42
health, public, 71
Henderson, James
Brazil, 133, 187, 192
court, Portuguese, 140–41, 142
slavery, 171, 179
violence, 165
Hibernia, HMS (ship), 37, 38, 50, 54
Holanda, Sérgio Buarque de, 26, 80, 139, 176, 239
housing, 87–88, 93–94, 136, 147, 154–55
Humboldt, Alexander von, 72
hygiene, 42–43, 104–5, 115, 117, 167
ice skates, 145, 150
indigenous people, 70, 74, 114, 142–43, 155, 194–95
Industrial Revolution, 13, 23, 145–46, 200
Inquisition, 25
intellectual life, 80–81, 192
João VI, king of Brazil and Portugal
appearance, 91, 117, 118, 121
ascension to power, 118
bathing, 115, 117
Brazil, departure for, 35
Brazil, effect on, 236–37, 238
Brazil, kingdom status for, 154
Brazil, voyage to, 50, 52
Britain, secret agreement with, 19
cabinet, new, 151–52
children, 128
constitutional reforms, 231–32, 233
coronation, 209, 210–11, 214–16
court, new, 138–42
death, 126
depression, 118
diamond, false, 185, 187
dress, 121
fears, 115, 121
fleeing, reasons for, 5–7
France, fooling of, 19–20
habits, 121, 217–18
hand-kissing ceremony, 83, 92, 141–42
health, 117–18
homosexual relations, 120
housing in Rio de Janeiro, 87–88, 93
indecision, 5
legacy, 67, 83, 122–23, 236
life in Rio de Janeiro, 216–18
love life, 119–20
marriage and separation, 5, 120, 126, 127
Napoleon Bonaparte on, 235
Pernambucan Revolt, 209
personality, 5, 118–19, 121, 125
portrait, 116
Portugal, return to, 226, 227–34
proclamation to Brazilian people, 19
Salvador layover, 57–60, 62, 65–67
territorial expansion/conquest attempts, 152
trellises, 154–55
Jordão, Manuel Rodrigues, 139
José, Dom, 5, 25, 118
José de Menezes, Eugênia, 119
José I, King, 8, 16, 29, 71, 83
Journal of a Voyage to Brazil (Graham), 189
judicial penance, 82–83
judicial system, 148
Junot, Jean-Andoche
João VI, 119
Peninsular War, 197–98, 200
Portugal, 21, 22, 35, 222, 223–24
kickbacks to
public servants, 134–35
Koster, Henry, 77, 117, 189–91, 205
Leão, Braz Carneiro, 138
Leão, Fernando Carneiro, 129
Leão, Gertrudes Carneiro, 128–29
Lebreton, Joachim, 155, 156
Lent, 166
Leopoldina, Princess, 188, 209, 211–12, 213–14, 229
lice, 43, 53, 91
Light, Kenneth, 38, 39, 48 58–59
Lindley, Thomas, 191
Lines of Torres Vedras, 201–2
Lisbon, 21, 22, 28, 42–43, 222–23. See also Portugal
literacy, 71, 192
Literary Society of Rio de Janeiro, 80–81
Loison, General, 199
London, 145–46
Lopes, Elias Antonio, 174–75
Louis XIV, King, 9, 10
Louis XVI, King, 11, 231
Luccock, John
Brazil, 71, 187
court, Portuguese, 132–33, 134–35
palace, 212
Rio de Janeiro, 77, 102–3, 106–8, 112
slavery, 176–77, 181
Madrid, Treaty of, 69
Mafra, Palace of, 5, 18, 33, 118
Magalhães, Raimundo, Jr., 131
Maler, Colonel, 94
Malerba, Jurandir
Brazil, 155, 157
celebrations, 211–12
court, Portuguese, 139–40, 142
João VI, 123
Rio de Janeiro, 109
Royal Pantry, 133
Manchester, Alan
Brazil, 66, 238
British-Portuguese treaty, 147, 149
court, Portuguese, 44
Portugal, invasion of, 22
ship life, 47
slavery, 172
manners, table, 108
Manoel, João, 194–95
manumitted slaves, 181–83
Maria I, mad Queen of Portugal
Brazil, departure for, 36
death, 209, 210, 230
insanity, 4–5, 8, 9, 118
Rio de Janeiro, arrival in, 93
science, distrust of, 25
Marialva, marquis of, 19–20, 211–12
Marie Antoinette, 10–11, 231
market, slave, 169–72
Martins, Oliveira, 29, 32, 42, 115, 117–18, 234
Masonic lodges, 44
Masséna, André, 202
Mawe, John
about, 185
Brazil, 74, 77–78, 149–50, 155, 191–92
diamond, false, 185, 187
Rio de Janeiro, 101
slavery, 182
smuggling, 79
meat, 108
Medusa (ship), 50, 52, 55
Minerva (ship), 49, 59, 61
Miranda, José Antonio de, 164, 239–40
mixed porphyria, 8–9
monarchy, absolute, 4
Moniteur, Le, 32–33, 223
Monteiro, Tobias
Brazil, 156
gold, 27
João VI, 7, 91, 120, 121, 122, 217, 232
Peninsular War, 27
Pernambucan Revolt, 207
Montigny, Grandjean de, 214, 232
moonlighting slaves, 176–77
Moore, Graham, 53
Moraes, Melo, 66
Moraes, Rubens Borba de, 184
Morro do Castelo (Castle Mountain), 167–68
Mug, Brother, 206, 209
mule troopers, 75–77
music, 157
Napoleon Bonaparte. See also Napoleonic wars; Peninsular War
achievements, 13–14
Continental Blockade, 6
death, 235
imprisonment, 203
legacy, 235–36
military genius, 11, 12–13
power, 9–10, 18, 20
Napoleonic wars, 10, 11, 12, 13, 189, 196. See also Peninsular War
National Library of Rio de Janeiro, 246
neutrality, politics of, 29
New Blacks Cemetery, 169–70
news, speed of, 61
Northeastern interior of Brazil, 190–91
Norton, Luiz, 35, 93, 117
Olinda, Brazil, 204, 207
Oliveira, João Francisco de, 119
Oman, Charles, 22, 197, 224
O’Neill, Thomas, 54–55, 113
owners, slave, 175–76, 182
Palace of Mafra, 5, 18, 33, 118
Palace of Queluz, 5, 8, 33, 118
Palmela, count of, 140, 231
Pedro, prince of Beira
appearance, 188
birth, 128
Brazil, 19, 67, 189, 228
marriage, 20, 209, 211–12, 214
rebels and, 230
Pedro Carlos, Dom, 35, 230
penance, judicial, 82–83
Peninsular War, 21–22, 197–202, 222–25, 227. See also Napoleonic wars
Pereira, ngelo, 117
Pereira da Silva, J. M., 233
Pernambucan Revolt, 203–9, 237
Pimentel, Alberto, 131
pirates, 174
Plaza of Commerce massacre, 232
Pohl, Emanuel, 105
police, 163–66
Pombal, Sebastião de Carvalho e Melo, marquis of, 28–29
Pompeu de Toledo, Roberto, 74
Porto Alegre, Manuel, 121
Porto Revolution, 230, 239
ports, opening of, 65–67, 144–45, 147–48, 149–50
Portugal. See also Peninsular War; Portuguese ships
Brazil, trade with, 15–16, 227
Britain and, 6–7, 18–19, 29–30, 147–49, 226–27
Catholic Church, 24–25
censorship, 28–29
constitutional reforms, 230–32, 233
Cortes, 130, 189, 228, 232, 233, 237, 239
Council of State, 18, 19
decline, 23–26
demographic resources, 24
economy, 24, 26–27
France, bluffing of, 18–20
invasion of, 21–22, 197–202, 222–23
monarchy, absolute, 4
natural catastrophe, 28
neutrality, politics of, 29
reforms, 28–29
return to, 226, 227–34
sea power, 24
Portugal, Fernando José de, 82, 151
Portugal, Marcos Antonio, 157
Portuguese ships. See also specific ships
about, 24, 46–47, 49–50
arrival in Rio de Janeiro, 84–85, 89–92
plans for arrival of, 85–89
post, speed of, 19
Prado, Almeida, 175
pregnancy out of wedlock, 249, 250–52
Presas, José, 129–30
Pretos Novos (New Blacks) Cemetery, 169–70
Prince of Brazil (ship), 31, 50
Princess Carlota (ship), 96–97
prostitution, 65, 75, 162, 193
public servants, kickbacks and payments to, 134–35
punishment of slaves, 164, 165, 178–79
Queen of Portugal (ship), 31, 36, 49, 52
Queluz, Palace of, 5, 8, 33, 118
Quental, Antero de, 25
Ramos, Artur, 178
Ratton, Jácome, 43
rebellions, slave, 82, 83, 164
Recife, Brazil, 203–4, 205, 207, 209
religious freedom, 148
revolts, slave, 82, 83, 164
Rio de Janeiro. See also Brazil
appearance, 102, 104
bells, church, 109
burial of dead, 167, 169–70
fire, 109–10
crime, 162, 165
customs, 105–6, 163–64, 166
dress, 105
food, 108–9
French influence, 159–60
health and medical care, 112–13
housing, 87–88, 93–94, 136, 147, 154–55
manners, table, 108
meals, 106–9
meat, 108
police, 163–66
population, 103, 113, 162
as port, 101–2, 104
Portuguese ships, arrival of, 84–85, 89–92
Portuguese ships, plans for arrival of, 85–89
roads, 109, 113
sanitation, 104–5, 167
slaves and slavery, 104–5, 110–13, 164–65, 169–72, 176, 181–83
trellises, 154–55, 163–64
violence, 165
Rio de Janeiro Gazette, 154, 158–59
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 71–72, 73
River Plate Question, 129
roads, 109, 113, 153
Rodrigues, José Honório, 233, 239
Rothenberg, Gunther, 12–13
Royal Chapel (Rio de Janeiro), 93, 120, 157, 214, 215
Royal Library (Portugal), 39, 40–41, 45, 96, 246
Royal Navy (Britain), 47–48, 101–2, 146–47
Royal Pantry and Buttery (Rio de Janeiro), 133, 135
Royal Prince (ship), 31, 36, 38, 48, 49, 50, 52
Rufino de Sousa Lobato, Francisco, 120
Rufino de Sousa Lobato, Matias Antonio, 120–21
Rugendas, Johann Moritz., 63, 187, 212
runaway slaves, 180–81
Saint-Hilaire, Augustin de, 68, 78, 187, 193
Salvador, Brazil, 57–67, 70, 245–46
sanitation, 42–43, 104–5, 167
Santa Catarina, Brazil, 73–74
São Cristovão Palace, 188, 213, 217–18
São João Theatre, 157, 160, 165
São Paulo, Brazil, 74–75
Schultz, Kirsten, 122, 248
Schwarcz, Lília, 26, 27, 32, 45, 117, 215
scientific advancement, 192–95
Secret Memoirs of D. Carlota Joaquina, The (Presas), 130
ship life, 46–47, 48–49, 53, 54–55, 96–97. See also Portuguese ships; specific ships
shipwrecks, 173–74
Shyllon, F. O., 174
Silva, Amaro Velho da, 92, 140
Silva, Chica da, 182
slaves and slavery
arrest of slaves, 164–65
branding of slaves, 178, 180
Brazil, 82, 172
Debret’s documentation of, 156–57
manumitted/freed slaves, 181–83
market, slave, 169–72
moonlighting slaves, 176–77
owners, slave, 175–76, 182
price of slaves, 175, 176, 244, 245
punishment of slaves, 164, 165, 178–79
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