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Page 4

by Shaniel Watson

  “At least I now know you've thought about continuing what we have.” Even if it’ll only be continuing sex and friendship to you, it’s more to me. Trying to maintain any kind of relationship with him would probably be another way to break my heart more, wondering if he was seeing other people.

  “I have thought about this thing between us. Let's not ruin the end of our night arguing.”

  I like the way he says our. Just like I'm sure I‘ve fallen for him way more than I should.

  He holds his ice cream up and says in a funny voice, “Sweet Jade, please take a lick. I'm melting…I'm melting...”

  I tilt my head and smile. I'm letting him change the subject, because he's right, this day has been great, and I don't want to ruin the end of it arguing with him.

  “You lick mine, and I'll lick yours.” He waves the cone in front of my mouth with a lewd gesture, and I laugh.

  We hold our ice cream cones to each other's mouths and we both lick and smile. I moan when he moans, without warning, we both smash the cold treat in our faces. Laughing, we pull back before we make too much of a mess of ourselves. His arm goes around my waist, mine around his neck, then our tongues move over our mouths wiping the sweet sticky cream away.

  “You taste good,” I say

  “So do you. You always taste good to me, inside and out.” He smiles.

  “You sweet-talker you. Let's get moving before we get in trouble for lewd acts in a public place.”

  We get cleaned up and get in the car. Just as I think we are headed home, he says, “One more stop.”


  “You'll see.” He smiles.

  After about fifteen minutes, Ian pulls up alongside a beautiful Victorian home. I go all mushy inside because he remembered what I said to him that one time we met at the hotel.

  “You remembered.”

  He looks at me and says, “The dream is yours, but every day can only last for a night,” he says.

  Oh my god. If I wasn't sure I loved him before, I know without a doubt I do now. I had a Victorian dollhouse I loved. I would play dress up and pretend I lived with my husband, serving tea and cookies all day, every day. I would get everything and anything I wanted. Every day would be a happy day. When I told him he laughed.

  I lean over capturing his lips with a slow, sweet kiss. “That's all I need.”

  I open the door for her and she walks in.

  “Oh, Ian.” She turns around looking at the fire place in the living room and running her hand over the rose patterned settee.

  “Come with me.” I hold her hand, leading her upstairs to the bedrooms. Once there, I let her open the unlocked door. She steps in and immediately twirls to the middle of the room like a ballerina.

  The room is decorated with unlit candles placed in silver antique candelabras, a vanity tray is on the dresser with the matching comb and brush, and coincidently the robin blue floral wall paper matches her dress. It's as if she belongs in this room in a time gone by. Beauty matching with beauty.

  “I take it you approve of your accommodations for the night?” I walk into the room.

  “It gets my gold seal of approval.”

  “Good. It's late, and I should go to let you get some rest.” I spin the set of keys in my hand looking at her, a questioning expression crosses her face.

  “What do you mean you should go?” She puts her hands on her hips. “You're not sleeping here with me? You're going to drive off and leave me stranded like in a horror film?” Her eyes widen staring me down.

  She's been teasing me all day. She was due for a little teasing from me. I pull her rigid body against me, her arms not budging from her hips. I slide my hands around her back looking into her eyes. “Of course I'm not going to leave you here. Two days ago you told me what an utterly romantic date would be. I thought that was sad. Your expectations of what a man should do for you should be higher, because you are worth so much more.”

  “You think?”

  “I know. This is what a first date should be for you. Don't let any man lower your expectations. Raise yours, and demand better by telling them what‘s expected from your experience. I want you to always remember this date. Make it the date you test all others by.”

  A sad look flits over her face, but I can't make her a promise of forever. This has to end. She'll go back to college with people her age and the boys. Oh, the boys…It's what's best for us.

  But I'm selfish. I don't want her to forget me or this summer. Every time she goes on a date, I want her to remember me, and only me.

  “Your admitting this is a date?” she asks, her smile returning.

  “Yes. The perfect date has to end with me saying goodnight like a gentleman. Which means we won't be sleeping together.”

  “So…where are you going?”

  “I have the adjoining room next to yours. That door”—I point to the opposite side of the room—“leads directly into mine. But as the date of standards, and things you should and shouldn't do on a date, you won't be using it tonight.” I smirk, hoping she gets the meaning.

  “What you're saying is, if I go on a date, I shouldn't have sex?


  She shakes her head. “Nice try.”

  “Follow the standard, Jade.” I admonish and kiss her lips. “Goodnight, Jade.”

  Mouth agape, she stares after me as I leave. “You're not serious? You're just going to leave me alone in this fabulous room with a king size bed and satin sheets to slid off of?”

  “I'll see you in the morning.” I blow her a kiss over my shoulder. “Before I forget to tell you, I had a wonderful time with you. It was perfect.” Seeing her face light up, I close the door behind me.

  I open the door to my room, and go to the bathroom, then change into my pajama bottoms. I check a few messages on my phone, see nothing important, and put it away. Then I walk to the adjoining door. Like I was going to pass up an entire uninterrupted night with her. I don't think so.

  I open the door, and there she is in nothing but a strapless blue bra and matching panties. “You're gorgeous,” I say.

  “What happened to upholding the standard of a date I would compare all to?” She crosses her arms with a smirk.

  “The date is over. You have your comparison. Get your ass over here and kiss me.”

  She chuckles. “I’ll think about it.”

  The tease. Three strides is all it takes, and she's in my arms. We fall back on the bed kissing frantically with pent-up energy from today. I can hardly go a day without having her. Weekends are my breaking point, and by Monday, I have to have her first thing in the morning. She comes in early and when we're done, the room is filled with the scent of sex.

  I pull her bra down freeing her breasts for my appraisal. The dark peaks call to me, beg for my touch. So I swirl my tongue around perfect circles and she arches her back begging for more. I oblige, giving her what she wants and what her body needs from me. I lavish hot kisses on each breast, taking my time because they deserve equal attention. They're spectacular.

  I pick up the pace as she moans and whimpers arching her back, pushing her hardened nipples farther into my mouth. I yank down her panties and sink my middle finger into her wet heat. It sucks my hand in greedily as I moan with her swollen nipple between my teeth. I lick and suck for all I'm worth, driving her crazy with need.

  She’s dripping wet and more than ready for me. I pull the condom out of my pocket, discard my pants, then slip it on. Before I enter her, I admire the tantalizing picture she presents to me on pink satin sheets, legs open wide. I can't resist her.

  From hooded eyes, she watches me, arms over her head as I lean down to get a taste. One lick into her heat and her hips rise off the bed, forcing me to linger a bit longer, drinking deep as she moves against my face. I'm so turned on, I’m about to burst at the seams. Sensing she’s getting close, I abruptly pull back and she whimpers in protest. I grab her thighs, lifting them over my arms, and sigh as I sink between her warm wet folds,
like a slice of heaven.

  “You never fail to amaze me. You feel so damn good.” I grunt, moving in and out, rocking my hips in a steady beat of an endless rhythm following my heart. “So good, Jade, so good.”

  “Oh, Ian, make me come,” she manages to get out between breaths.

  “You always want me to make you come, don't you?” She doesn't answer, and I pound into her harder, suddenly plagued by the thoughts of other men having this, having her. “Damn, Jade, answer me. Me and only me, you only want me to make you come?” My voice rises as I grunt, dropping one of her legs and pushing into her, giving her what she needs.

  “Yes,” she says hoarsely.

  “Oh god, Jade.” I seal my lips over hers, suckling in her essence and everything about her. I grind and stroke my way to her release. Endless moans flow from her through me, and she squeezes me so tight I explode, flooding the thin sheath of latex between us.

  When will I ever get enough of her? I have more feelings for her than she knows.

  I watch Jade through my open office door talking to Jenny, one of the other interns. She’s smiling and laughing. Since we came back from our date two days ago, it's as if I can't stop thinking about her. When I'm home, I find myself wondering what she's doing, or who she's with. In the office and when I'm near her, my eyes gravitate to her and only her. My feelings for her are growing faster than I know what to do with, and running way too deep. I haven't felt this way about a woman in years.

  I can't have more. Alan would kill me. Our friendship would be over, and the partnership would be up in the air. The sticky situation is made worse by Callie. She expressed an interest in rekindling our relationship, but I shut that down. I wasn't completely honest with Jade about that situation. Like I told Callie, I wasn't interested in rekindling what we used to have.

  This thing with Jade and me wasn't intentional. I didn't know who she was when I first saw her. I saw a beautiful woman I was immediately attracted to. Once I found out who she was, I tried to shut down my attraction to her. But from the first touch of her hand, I couldn't resist her.

  As much as I don't want what’s going on between us to end, I know it has to. She is an adult, but she's still so young. How would she fit into my life and friends? Sometimes boring dinner parties with girlfriends and wives twice her age. How would I fit into hers? I've done everything she should be doing, or looking forward to doing. I'm living my life. Hers hasn't really begun. Her parents are still taking care of her and supporting her, as they should.

  My main concern is she might get bored, look back one day, and ask where her youth went. I don't want her to regret a thing—least of all being with me. Another reason I don't want to let myself put too much thought into a future relationship with her.

  “Jenny,” I call from the door. “Could you get lunch for me, please. Sushi today.”

  “Yes, Mr. Fox!” She seems almost overjoyed. God knows why. I've hardly spoken to her the entire summer.

  “There are two restaurants down the block around the corner. Whatever you do, don't get it from Oishi.”

  “On it.” She smiles dashing off and waving to Jade.

  “Why is she so happy to pick up my lunch?” I say to Jade as she walks to me.

  “Oh come on, can't you see the girl has a crush on you? She hangs off every word you utter like she's a bee and your words are dipped in honey.” Jade’s lip quirks up to the side as if I should know this.

  “Then it's her lucky day, and it's going to be your lucky afternoon. I have something to give you. In my office and try to be quiet.”

  “Yes, sir.” She looks around smiling.

  Who needs lunch when the best part of my day is a slice of heaven. Fifteen minutes well spent.

  “Ian, what’s the overall grade you'd give Jade working with you this summer?” Elena asks at dinner. Dinner with a guest, Tandy, her single, available friend.

  “She’s been great, I'd give her an A.” Especially today at lunch, reverse cowboy style bouncing up and down on my lap. She worked me out real good. “One of the best interns we’ve had.”

  “I'm glad to hear it,” Alan says. “The times I've stopped by the office and sat in on meetings with her and the other interns participating, I've been impressed. They've come up with good suggestions for reaching and marketing to a younger demographic. I hoped she'd be bending over backward to do what needs to be done.”

  “Believe me, she gets what needs to be done and is on top of it,“ I say, running my hand up her thigh.

  “I‘m thrilled my girl’s on top of things and bending over backwards to get the job done,” Alan agrees, and Jade looks like she might choke on the carrot in her mouth.

  “Are you okay?” Tandy asks.

  “Fine,” she says clearing her throat.

  “Hear, have a drink of water,” I say smiling. “She‘s bending over more than you can imagine for the task at hand.”

  Shit! That crack just landed me a heel to the toes.

  “Your face looks like it's getting a bit red. Maybe it's the chicken. It's a tad spicy, but good.” Tandy smiles at Elena.

  “I'm fine. Must be the spices.”

  Matchmaker Elena strikes again. Tandy is a classically beautiful woman. She's an Ivy league grad, she cooks, and she speaks two languages. She is my type down to the black hair, and I would be more engaged if I weren't highly more interested in the woman next to me assaulting me for a bad joke.

  “Jade, you’re beautiful, exactly like your mother and Callie,” Tandy says.

  “Thank you,” she answers without looking up.

  Tandy takes a drink from her glass of Chardonnay. “You're twenty-one? I wasn't sure until you poured yourself a drink. You look younger than the picture your mother showed me.”

  “I know,” Elena said. “She was wearing significantly more makeup in the picture. Today she's fresh-faced, like my little girl again.”

  I sit back, feeling uneasy sitting next to my barely legal lover, and the woman her mother is trying to set me up with.

  “I'm twenty, but it's perfectly fine for me to have a drink of wine for dinner without my parents’ permission.” She stares at her unblinking. “And I make my own decisions.” She smashes her glass down on the table.

  “I'm sorry if I offended you.”

  “Not at all.” Her lips pull together.

  From the look on everyone's face, none of us believes her.

  The rest of the painful dinner goes without any more mishaps. Before it’s, over Jade excuses herself. Tandy leaves minutes before me at the end of the meal. As I’m about to leave, my phone rings with an unknown call. I answer and Tandy tells me to lock her number in.

  No, I don't think so.

  I tell Elena and Alan I want to say goodnight to Jade. Instead of getting her, Elena tells me where she is. I find Jade in a room upstairs that looks like an office, it's not Alan's though. “You left dinner without finishing.”

  She's sitting down looking at a book on a couch. “Would you rather me stay and listen to Tandy chat you up? I would have screamed at her before dessert came and told her to get the hell out. You're getting regular sex already. She's not needed.” She pouts, rolling her eyes.

  I smile and sit next to her. She points to a picture in the photo album on her lap. “Look at you. Do you remember that day?”

  It’s a picture of Callie and me at a party. “Where was it taken?”

  “My birthday party. That's me in the back with the tiara on.”

  “Oh jeez, put it away.” I don't need to be reminded of how much younger than me she is, and neither of us needs to be reminded of my past relationship with Callie. She brushes my hand away when I try to close the album.

  “Will you stop it? I think it's cute.”

  I scoff. She had to be no more than eleven. “Look at us now, then look at it again. Is it still cute?”

  “Yes. You were nice to me. You came with Callie, and I was grossed out seeing you kiss. I thought if a boy ever did that to me, he'd g
et a busted lip.”

  “I guess it's safe to say you've rethought that, since my lips are still intact.”

  “Yes.” She smirks, and I smile. She climbs onto my lap, straddling me. “You bought me a book of fairytales. My favorite was Little Red Riding Hood.” She presses her forehead to mine. I push my lips out, and she meets mine. “I read all the stories in that book so many times it was starting to fall apart. The retelling of them was slightly different from the usual. You gave me one of the best presents. One of the reasons I want to be a children's author, is whenever I think of reading that book, it inspires happy thoughts, and that feeling of innocence you lose as you get older.

  “You're saying I'm responsible for your interest in writing children's books?”

  “I don't think so, but again, it was one of my favorite gifts. Let me recite my favorite part for you? You can be the big bad wolf, Mr. Fox.”

  “Ready and waiting.” I brush my lip against hers.

  “Oh, Grandmother, what big ears you have.” She brushes the shell of my ear with her tongue, and my pants tent. Dangerous, but I play along.

  “Mm…” I whisper in her ear. “The better to hear you with.”

  “Oh Grandmother, but what big eyes you have.” She looks into my eyes, hers full of mischief.

  I pull down her top, kissing each breast, then my voice grows husky. “The better to see you with my dear.

  “Oh Grandmother, what big hands you have.” She takes my hands, covering her breasts.

  “The better to hold you with, my dear.” I squeeze, tweaking her nipples, and watch her face change from playful to lusty. She grinds down on me, mouth slightly agape forcing her words out.

  “Oh, my, what a big mouth you have.” She slips her tongue against the corner of my mouth, and I lose my train of thought. I watch her, feeling her, knowing how wet she's getting as she rubs against my erection. It's killing me we're not alone. I keep the urge to groan out her name in my chest.


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