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Page 5

by Shaniel Watson

  She strokes my bottom lip with her tongue and says, “Taste me.”

  I'd like nothing better. “Come closer.” I settle for a kiss as to not disrespect her parents further in their home. I stroke my tongue against hers for one last taste, suckling on her lower lip, remembering the last time I did this between her legs. “I should go. Your parents are going to start wondering what's taking me so long.”

  “Don't,” she whines.

  She rests her head against mine, and I stand letting her slide down my body and fix her blouse back. Holding her face in my hands, I regretfully place a simple kiss on her pouted lips. “Goodnight, Jade.”

  She gives me a weak smile as I leave. Outside the door, I give myself a few minutes to get rid of the bulging ache between my legs. This has to stop. I'm deceiving my closest friends. I was seconds away from having sex with her in their house. They could have walked in at any minute and then what would I have said? I'm having a summer fling with your daughter? That would have gone over about as well as a hit and run. Starting tomorrow, this has to end.

  Oh god, this is the morning from hell. What did I do to deserve to get this? I stand from the toilet holding my stomach and rinse out my mouth. There's a knock at my apartment door as I drag myself past the couch to my door. I yell, “Go away if you're not Jade.”

  “It's me. Jenny gave me the message you left for me at work.”

  Thank god. I open the door. “What took you so long? I'm dying.” I wince holding my stomach.

  “You're not dying. But you do look it.” She presses her hand against my forehead ushering me to the couch with my pillow on it.

  “I'm firing Jenny when I feel better.”

  “No, you're not. It's not entirely her fault you got food poisoning.” She walks into the kitchen and fills a pot with water to boil. “Not her fault she was thrown by your good looks and got sushi from the wrong place. Didn't you notice the containers weren't the same yesterday?”

  “They use the same nondescript clear containers. I blame you too.”

  She looks over at me on the couch where I'm dying and her forehead creases. “Me?” She pours something into the pot stirring.

  “I would have paid closer attention to what I was putting in my mouth if it wasn't for the superpower between your thighs and your amazingly strong sucking powers.”

  She chuckles, pouring the steaming hot liquid in a bowl. “I wasn't the one who sent Jenny for lunch because I wanted a quick slice of heaven—your words.” She raises an eyebrow, placing a bowl on the table beside me.

  “What the hell is that?”

  “It's a broth that will make you feel better. Let it sit here and cool; then I'll even feed it to you if you want me to.”

  “I know I'm years older than you, but I'm well enough to feed myself. That part of my life is hopefully many years away,” I mutter.

  Her lips twitch. “Hopefully so, or you won't be of any use to me in my still young age. Raise your head.”

  She places the pillow on her lap, and I lay my head to the side. She rakes her fingers through my hair, combing it back off my forehead. I feel better already.

  “What took you so long to get here?” I close my eyes savoring her touch.

  “I didn't take so long. I was given your message an hour after I came in, and I stopped by the store and came right over.” She kisses the side of my head.

  “I feel awful, babe.” Damn, her hand stills shortly.

  “I know.” She continues to stroke my hair, ignoring my slip of the tongue.

  Must be the soothing touch of her hand, and the way she's holding me in her lap, has me forgetting endearments like that shouldn't be used. It only confuses and makes things harder when it's time for this thing between us to end.

  “You'll drink your broth and feel much better. In the meantime, I’ll tell you a story, take your mind off the pain.”

  “What’s the story? How one of my interns tried to kill me for lack of attention?”

  She laughs, and I smile through a queasy stomach.

  “Nowhere near as diabolical. Goodnight Moon.”

  “Another children's story? You're not making me feel better. And I'm in no shape to get it up if it's the adult version—Ah, for you maybe I can get it up enough to do a sad, sad, imitation of a hook.”

  “Then people would wonder why all of a sudden I've started calling you old Captain Hook.” She giggles.

  “I definitely don't want to hear your story now,” I grumble.

  “It's soothing. Be quiet, keep your eyes closed, and listen.”

  I give it a try, and in no time I fall asleep in her arms. She stays with me the entire day. Offers to spend the night, but I can't let her do that knowing I was going to break it off with her today before I became sick. Sure, I could have managed on my own. But she made it so much better.

  Halfway through the night, I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking that I should have accepted her offer to stay. I make up my mind. I'm going to have one more weekend with her. Just us. No one else. I send her a text telling her about my plans, No work. No sneaking around family and friends or noisy co-workers. She doesn't reply so I figure she‘s sleeping and hasn't seen the text yet.

  The time together will be something of a goodbye for us; I hope she'll understand why I need to do this sooner than later.

  The next morning she comes into work with a cup of ginger tea instead of my usual coffee, locks the door, and launches herself into my arms kissing me excitedly.

  She was more than happy that I wanted to spend time with her alone somewhere we wouldn't be hiding. It was going to be great she said, but I felt like such an ass for what I was about to do. Put an end to us.

  I packed my bags and brought them with me to work in the trunk of my car. I told Jade to do the same. We were leaving straight from work to a summer rental by the beach in the Hamptons. I thought it was fitting. We began there, so we should end there, bittersweet as it is.

  We get on the Long Island Expressway going east, and I crank up the AC to push out the stifling heat. I look over at Jade in her work attire but modified with her shirt open and a black camisole top underneath. Very sexy. I notice she's not smiling and she hasn't said much.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “You've been sort of quiet since we hit the highway. What happened to all the excited energy of yesterday?”

  “Still excited to spend time with you,” she says, and I reach over to hold her hand, keeping an eye on the road. Then she adds, “I'm just enjoying the ride and thinking.”


  “How much I'm going to miss seeing you every day.” She runs her hand through her hair but doesn't turn her head to me.

  “That's what this weekend is about. Us spending as much time together as we can.”


  “So let’s not think about this. Let’s enjoy our time together uninterrupted and free.”

  “Okay.” She shrugs, and I press the back of her hand to my lips.

  Fuck. This is going to be hard. This fling was simple when we first started, but I knew somewhere along the way, her feelings might grow. I thought I could control her feelings toward me, because I knew exactly what I wanted. I wasn't going to get caught up in feeling more than lust and having a good time. I wasn't going to blur the lines.

  I didn't know shit. The lines blur and merge in and out of sync every day with her.

  When we arrive she sprints out of the car toward the beach house.

  “How the hell did you manage to find a Victorian beach house?” She runs up the steps and goes through the door.

  I love her enthusiasm. The outside is Victorian, but inside is modern with stripped hard wood floors, updated appliances, a touch of Victorian with the bedrooms and living room furniture, and a large claw foot tub. I bring our bags inside, close the door, and walk up the stairs where she went. I put my hands in my pockets and watch her on the back balcony overlooking the beach. “I have my
ways of finding things.”

  “I love all your ways,” she shouts from the balcony down to the beach.

  Seeing her like this makes me happy.

  She comes in, puts her arms around my waist, and kisses my cheek.

  I raise a brow. “We come all the way out here to be free, and that's all I get?”

  “You're going to get way more than that. Do you know how good you look today?” She scans down my body cataloging everything from my dress slacks, sleeves rolled above the elbows, to my watch gleaming in the light. “Did I mention how I love to see a man in a watch? Oh, and your hair windblown and fabulous.”

  “All that—I can't believe all I get is a peck on the cheek. I deserve more than that.”

  “Sure you do.” She backs away with that mischievous look in her eyes. “If you can catch me first.” She sprints off, and I laugh.

  She keeps me on my toes. I love it.

  I catch her and we play around a little, more than a little. Enough to take the edge off until later. We hit the beach. Her in her bathing suit that got my full attention the last time we were in the Hamptons. We picked a spot, laid out on the blanket, and I watched her slather sunscreen on. I declined the invitation to help. It would lead nowhere but back inside, naked.

  Thirty minutes after we‘ve arrive on the beach, a guy comes over to us and asks her, “Hey, we're about to start a game of volleyball we need a few more players. You think you can help us out? Where in desperate need and you look pretty fit.” I clear my throat, and then he looks at me. Pressing his lips together before he releases a smile. “I meant both of you. Would you like to join our game, you and your…uncle?”

  Great. At least he didn't say dad. “Thank but I'm good. Jade?“

  She smiles at me and bites her lip. “Are you sure you don't want to? I don't want to just leave you here.”

  “I don't mind. Go ahead and have fun. I'll be sitting here watching you. I'll be your personal cheering section.”

  “You're the best.” She leans over and kisses me with tongue. Then looks at the guy whose eyebrows are now over his hairline. “What's your name?” She smiles at him.


  “Nice to meet you, Clayton.” She holds out her hand for a handshake. “I'm Jade.”

  “Pleasure to meet you, Jade.“

  “He‘s not my uncle, as you can tell.”

  “Yeah, I got that from the kiss. At least I was hoping he wasn't.” He laughs

  She laughs. “Yeah, that would have been real awkward.“

  I'm not as amused. I force a tight smile as he walks off saying, “See you by the net. It's Guys against girls.”

  “Was that kiss for my benefit or his?”

  “Every time you kiss me, I see your eyes do a quick scan around us like anyone cares.” She sighs taking off her cover-up. “Loosen up some, okay? This is supposed to be a fun weekend with no hiding or worrying about who sees us.”

  Not worrying about what other people think about us together is more challenging than I thought, but I'm trying for her this weekend. “Okay, but put the cover-up back on.” I see she's going to protest and give her a level stair and a reminder of her tiny bathing suit. “Wouldn't want another nipple gate incident.”

  She gives me a sheepish smile. “Good point.”

  If she's flashing anyone, it's going to be me, and only me.

  I watch her join the beach volleyball game with the group her age. It didn't take long for the game to end and the girls to win. Of course, I cheered for the ladies.

  “Hey,” she says as we are packing up to go back to the house. She gets in front of me, then puts my hand around her waist, and holds her phone up at us with a big smile. “Say sexy is as sexy does.”

  “What?” I chuckle.

  “Just say it! Cheese is outdated.” Maybe for her. I kiss her cheek and smile as she snaps the pictures, then another one. “Perfect.” She beams, tilting her head up to me.

  I stare down at the picture she snapped of both of us. We both look good. And at least I don’t look like her father—older brother maybe, but definitely not her father. Still…eighteen plus is quite a gap considering most months it's going to seem like nineteen. It may only be a year, but to me every year counts. People are going to think I'm a lecherous older man going through an early midlife crisis.

  “What do you want for dinner?” I ask walking past the couch she‘s lying on after we shower from the beach.

  “I don't care. As long as it's not chicken, fish, or, beef.”

  “…You want air?”

  “No.” She smirks and sits up, her face inches from mine, as if I should know. “I want something light. We’re by the sea. Seafood, and something light like a salad.”

  “Then you should have said so.”

  “I did. What else was left?”

  “Smart mouth keeps running, and something’s going to end up in it, with you on your knees.”

  “Promises, promises.”

  “Fish is seafood by the way.” I tap the end of her nose, and walk away.

  She sticks her tongue at me, and I chuckle. “Brat.”

  “I heard that.”

  “You were supposed to.”

  We find a restaurant close by and order baked Tilapia with mango chutney, the seafood she didn't want. We talk and laugh drinking Coronas at our sidewalk table until late in the night. By the time we get back, we are buzzed. We fall back on the bed. I clumsily try to unbuckle my pants with fumbling fingers. She giggles, brushing my hands away.

  “Don't laugh, it's not good for a man’s hard on.” I smile.

  “I won't hold it against you. I'll bring it back up.” She kisses below my navel making me suck in a breath, and I slide my hand into her soft hair.

  “I love the touch of your lips.”

  “Good, because they're going to be over every inch of your body tonight, boss.” She sits up between my legs, raking her fingernails down my stomach to my open pants. My cock jumps, and I moan when she strips off her top giving me a clear view of her perky breasts.

  “Mm…these are perfect,” I tell her, circling two of my fingers over her erect nipples. She says my name between her parted lips as her head rolls to the side.

  “I'm going to make every dirty fantasy you have of me come true tonight.” She gyrates her hips moving farther until she’s on my stomach, teasing the tip of my dick against her bare ass.

  I grunt unable to do anything else in my state than let her make all her promises and my threats of the day come true. When it's all done she crawls up into my arms, and damn it's perfect.

  Instead of a blistering eighty-nine and humid, it's a dry eighty-six. The AC in the supermarket is like a cool drink of water splashing over my skin after the heat outside.

  “Beer or wine?” She holds up a bottle of Merlot in one hand and a six-pack of Blue Moon in the other.

  “Get the Merlot. Pass on the Blue Moon. Get Sam Adams rebel.”

  “Exactly what I thought.” She grins. Sure she did. She puts them in the cart, and I push.

  “Hey, I'm going to see if they have Takis chips.”

  “Those things are disgusting,” I say.

  “I love those chips. Anyway, they're not for old people.”

  “I’ll show you old.” I speed the cart towards her. She yelps and giggles, darting into another aisle.

  I wander into a side aisle, take a pack of condoms in case we run out, and find the last item on our list.

  She's near the checkout talking to two girls who look familiar, and the guy I wouldn't forget. Her date from the barbecue. I pull up next to her. “You ready?”

  “Yes. Got everything?”

  “Hey, aren't you her dad's friend? I'm, Ashley, we met at the barbecue.” She waves, and I greet her back.

  She and another girl look down in the cart, and it's like a rapid scan of eyeballs. Food, alcohol, bingo—condoms. A knowing smile spreads across their faces, and I try not to roll my eyes.

  “We need to go chec
k out,” Jade says to them.

  “Sure thing,” Ashley says smirking.

  “Jade, can I call you? I didn't get your number. You forgot to take mine,” Asshat says. He wasn't smart enough to get clued in like the girls.

  I put my hand around her shoulder. “If she didn't take it, means she didn't want it. She’s taken.” I kiss the side of her head.

  “My bad. I didn't know she was into dudes her dad's age.”

  “You little fucker.” I move forward making a go for him. Jade jumps in the way blocking me. Her friends push him back.

  “Guys, we're leaving.” Jade holds her hand against my chest. She turns her head back cutting the prick a look. “Your sorry ass never had a chance with me.” She takes over pushing the cart while pulling me by the hand.

  “Jade,” he yells in our direction but looks at me. “Tell your parents I said hey. If they're interested in a son in law that's not the same age as your father, you know where to find me.”

  “I'm going to kill him.” I try to turn back but she holds on to my arm with both hands.

  “Forget him. He's an idiot. He’s upset I'm with you, not him. Let's go,” she pleads. “Wait on the other side. I'll check out.” She rubs my arm.

  She keeps looking at me until they're out of the grocery store. She puts the last item up, and the cashier who looks younger than her says, “I'm sorry miss, but I need an ID.”

  “I left my ID. I swear I'm twenty-one.”

  “I still need proof.” He looks at her bored, popping his gum.

  “I got it.” I pull out my wallet.

  “You should have said that from the start. I don't need your ID, I'm sure you're way over twenty-one, like my friend said.” He smiles smugly.

  My hands curl around my wallet needing an outlet for my anger. “Just bag the stuff.” You little shit.

  I push the cart and load the bags into the car. We get in the house and Jade pulls me over. “Those guys were being jerks. So what if you're older than me. We know the age difference, and that doesn't make us click any less. We are not any less compatible.”


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