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Surviving, One Day at a Time (Demented Revengers MC: Quitman Chapter Book 2)

Page 12

by Vera Quinn

  What safe room? I don’t know where I am going but I am keeping up with Sin and Ms. Audie is right beside me. We walk down the hall and I think we are going to Rebel’s office. There is gun fire going off outside. We stop right before we get to Rebel’s office, it looks like a closet door. I’ve never paid attention to it before. Sin opens the door but there is another door inside and Sin puts in a combination to open it. “You’ll be safe in here. Audie, did you bring the gun?”

  “Yes.” Ms. Audie looks terrified.

  “You know what to do then. Only the officers have the combination to this door. It’d take a jackhammer to get it open without it. Someone will let you out as soon if it is safe. Only trust the officers. No one else. Do you understand?” Sin is short and to the point.

  “We’ll be fine.” I walk inside with Ms. Audie beside me and Shelby still crying softly. Sin shuts the door and I hear the lock engage. I feel trapped and it feels hard to breathe. I am gasping. I drop the bag I am holding. Ms. Audie takes my hand and leads me to a cot and we sit down. She sits Shelby on my lap and rubs her hand down my back. The smell of Shelby’s hair calms me. I know I need to get a grip and take care of my daughter. This is not me. I have never panicked. Of course, this type of thing has never happened to me before but the words Ms. Audie said earlier comes back to me. I need to protect Shelby the way she protected Rebel. I take a deep breath and some of my senses seem to come back.

  “What do I need to do to help?” I finally get out.

  “That’s my girl. Right now, just keep Shelby calm.” I kiss the top of Shelby’s head and bring her to me and hug her. I stand up and look around the room. There’s another cot set up and I see a small refrigerator and a microwave. There’s also two doors. I go to the first one and it is a closet. I see some more cots folded up and some fold up chairs. There’s also some canned food, a variety of snacks, and some juices and water. I also see some first-aid supplies and a couple of blankets. I close the door and move to the second door and open it. It is a small bathroom, a shower, toilet, and sink. Thank goodness. I turn around and take Shelby and hand her back to Ms. Audie.

  “Can you hold her while I pee?” Shelby goes willingly.

  “Of course.” I turn and return to the small bathroom and take care of my business and wash up. I splash some water on my face and dry it off. When I get back to Shelby, Ms. Audie has her eating a box of raisins. One of Shelby’s favorite snacks. I am calmer now. I still hear gun fire but it doesn’t sound as loud.

  “Shelby, do you need to go potty?” Shelby looks up at me.

  “Yes, mommy.” At least she hasn’t gone quiet again. She stuffs her mouth full and then slides off the cot and I take her hand and take her to bathroom.

  “Careful, baby girl. Don’t choke yourself.” Shelby looks up at me and she is chewing away. I pull her pullup down and put her on the toilet and help hold her up so she doesn’t fall in the water. She’s used to a potty seat on top of the toilet or her potty chair. She tinkles and I help her wipe herself and we wash our hands. When we go back out into the other room Ms. Audie is still sitting on the cot but now she has her cell phone out.

  “You two okay?” I smile at Ms. Audie trying to show we will be oaky and I hope I am pulling it off.

  “We are doing just fine. I know Rebel and the Demented Revengers will keep us safe.” I hope I sound more convincing than I feel. I know Rebel will do everything he can when he gets here. I just hope he is alright and doesn’t get caught in the crossfire coming into the clubhouse.

  “No news but we are good. Rebel won’t let anything happen to his girls.” I think about it and Ms. Audie is right. I know Rebel is coming to save us. He always does and that is one thing I do believe in. From there Ms. Audie and I pay attention to the noises going on outside. At one time we feel the building shake but we never say anything. I play with Shelbie while Ms. Audie paces and then she plays with Shelbie while I pace. There’s not much space so we walk in circles and stay alert while trying to keep Shelbie occupied. Then there is silence. All the outside noise stops.

  “Do you think it is over?” I ask Ms. Audie. My phone vibrates and I see I received a text from Rebel. It’s short but it relieves some of my anxiety.

  Rebel: All clear. Relax. Be in soon.

  Me: I love you.

  I don’t get a response but I know. “Ms. Audie, Rebel said it’s all clear and he will be here soon.”

  “I hope it is soon. This room is getting smaller and smaller. I’m feeling a bit closed in.” Ms. Audie looks a little anxious. I try to take her mind off everything.

  “Did you know the club had a safe room? Or how long they have had it?” I am sitting beside Shelby and giving her cheese crackers to eat with some juice. Ms. Audie sits down on the other cot.

  “The room was part of Rebel’s office at one time. Right after Rebel was voted in as President there was a divide with some of the members. For a while they weren’t really at war but Tip suggested to Rebel to make a safe room in case they needed somewhere for me to stay when things were in turmoil inside the clubhouse. Everyone has always known I am my son’s weakness. I’ve had to stay in here a couple of times but usually Rebel takes care of things before it gets this far.”

  I think about what Ms. Audie just said. Now Rebel has more than one weakness. I can be a liability to him. “Get that look off your face. I know what you are thinking. Anyone my son loves he will protect, that’s who Antonio Javier Sanchez is.” I smile at that. No one calls Rebel, Antonio. Usually the only time Ms. Audie uses it is when she is pissed. “He’s a good man, no matter what he wants other people to think. He loves hard when he loves, and Gracie, he loves you and Shelby. He loves the child you are carrying and it doesn’t matter if the two of you are together or not he’s going to protect you. You’ll just make it easier if you are with him. Do you truly love Antonio?”

  “Yes. Ms. Audie, I do love Antonio. He doesn’t like it when I call him Antonio. My only hesitation is that I loved Brody too but it wasn’t enough. I thought I loved Kendall, but it wasn’t enough. I’m a mom and soon I will be a mom of two. The decisions I make will affect my children and I am trying to be a responsible adult for once and not make impetuous decisions. Can you understand that? I am not trying to keep Rebel at arm’s length because I don’t want him. I am doing it to be sure it will work.” I am finally thinking clearly. I am ready to take the next step, I just want to do it the right way.

  “There are no guarantees in life, Gracie. We are not even guaranteed tomorrow.” Ms. Audie waits a second and then continues. “What if Rebel left today to go make your life safer and he didn’t come back? If instead of being out there cleaning up a mess, he died? Would you have regrets? Would you wish you had taken the chance for happiness with Rebel instead of being alone?” I feel like her words just hit me in the heart. Just the thought of not seeing Rebel again takes my breath away. I must have an upset look on my face. “That’s exactly what I thought.”

  “Ms. Audie, you are one wise woman.” I feel like a weight has been lifted from me. I know exactly what I want for once in my life. It’s not a hasty decision or a decision made from fear. It’s not even a decision. It just is. I love Rebel and I want a life with him. I want him to be the father of my children. He will love us and protect us with everything he is.

  I hear someone at the door and it opens and Rebel walks in. I pick Shelby up and I go to Rebel and embrace him. Rebel brings me deeper into his arms.

  “Poppy home.” Shelby laughs.

  “Poppy is home, baby girl.” Rebel kisses the top of Shelby’s head and then he kisses me on my lips. He tries to make it a short quick kiss but I grab hold of the back of his head with my free hand and I deepen the kiss. I lick across his bottom lip and he opens for me and I kiss him with everything I am. I feel someone take Shelby out of my arms and I wrap my other arm around Rebel’s neck and bring him as close as I can get him. If I could crawl inside him, I would. I am trying to show him how much he means to me in this one ki
ss. Rebel breaks the kiss and we are both breathless. “Damn baby, did you miss me?” Rebel ask with a smirk on his face.

  “I love you Antonio Sanchez and I pick you.” I feel tears coming to my eyes. Tears of relief from the events of today being over and tears of happiness. “We’re having a boy.” Rebel’s eyes never leave mine. He’s watching me like he is trying to read my soul. “I want us. I want you.” The tears start rolling from my eyes and down my cheek.

  “Are you sure? I need you to be sure.” Rebel asks me. “I thought after today you would be ready to run.”

  “I am done running. I have never been so sure of anything in my life. I want you in my life. In our lives. I want to go to sleep every night in your arms and wake up there every morning. I want you to be the father of all my children. I love you.” I barely get it all out and Rebel is kissing me.

  “It’s about damn time!” I hear Spinner say. I didn’t even see him behind Rebel.

  “Shut up, asshole.” Rebel half turns and tells Spinner. Then he turns back to me. “Tonight babe, we have a lot of time to make up for.” He kisses the tip of my nose. “I can’t believe I am getting a son. I am so happy. I mean, it didn’t make a difference but I am going to need the help to keep the boys away from Shelby and any other daughters we have.”

  Rebel laughs but then he gets serious and lifts my chin so he can see directly in my eyes. “I love you.” He hugs me tightly and then moves me back some. “I need you and Ma to take Shelby to your room and stay there for a while. Do not come out until I come and get you. Go directly from here to your room. Do not stop anywhere. I will have a prospect bring you some dinner. After everything is taken care of we will move you to my room. Shelby can stay with Ma tonight.” He looks at Ms. Audie and she nods her head yes, agreeing to what he said. “Do you understand, Gracie? Everyone is safe but Kaden has some cars patrolling and he will be here to question me later. We need to get a few things in order before he gets here.”

  “Alright.” Right now, I would agree to anything. Ms. Audie walks behind us and hands Spinner the gun she had.

  “That came from Sin.” She tells him.

  “I’ll get it back to him. I’ll walk you ladies back to your room.” Spinner says.

  Rebel gives me another quick kiss and releases me. I step back from him and step back to the cot and put all of Shelby’s things in the bag we have. Rebel goes to Ms. Audie and kisses her cheek and then does the same to Shelby. Ms. Audie goes into the hall and follows Spinner. I follow behind them.

  As we walk by the common room it looks like a war was fought in there. I see some of the brothers sitting at the bar with the man called Cap. Rebel followed us but goes toward the common room while we continue up the hall. After seeing the common room, it hits me that I hope everyone is alright. I didn’t even ask. Tonight, I will find out and tonight, I will start helping Rebel. I need to learn how to be the kind of woman that can help him instead of being a woman that needs taking care of.

  Chapter 17


  We were lucky today. That’s the only way to explain it. I walk back in the common room and make my way to the bar where Cap is waiting. I walk behind the bar and get myself a beer. I look to the others standing around Cap and see they have already helped themselves. Our prospects are busy fixing the part of the fence that the explosion blew apart. Kaden is not going to like we are tampering with a crime scene but I am not waiting to protect what is Demented Revengers property.

  We brought in all the family members for protection. They have all been placed in the back rooms like Gracie, Shelby, and Ma. We have a mess to be cleaned up. Kaden will get his statements but the clean-up will be over before he ever gets here. The sheriff’s department is busy investigating a big fire in Mineola right now. It’s not like they have more than eight people working in the office. It could be tomorrow before they make it here. The more time we have the better it is for us.

  This morning Cap’s clubhouse was hit. They had a prospect killed and Con was shot in the arm. Fortunately, not a lot of people were there. The prospect was in their guard shack at their gate and was shot in the initial strike. Con was hit trying to pursue the van that was trying to get away. He wiped out his bike and took one in the shoulder. The bullet went on through but the road rash is going to hurt longer than the gunshot. He’s lucky he didn’t die when he hit the asphalt. A less experienced rider wouldn’t have come out of it as well. Cap had to have been hit in Tyler right before we got the information on Jade.

  If Jade hadn’t run her mouth right before I shot her, my brothers and I would not have made it back to defend our clubhouse. Just the thought of one of the Hell Keeperz MC getting their hands on Gracie sends chills up my spine. Any of our family. I saw red when I arrived back here and spied the fight that was going on right outside the clubhouse. Blood red. Every man wearing the Hell Keeperz cut was put down.

  Sin caught a bullet in his right thigh and Lingo caught a piece of wood from the explosion. It caught him in his arm and he was taken to the hospital along with Sin. They’ll both live. Cue Ball and Salty are with them at the hospital and before this night is over more of us will be there to check on them both. It’s going to be a long night.

  Any thoughts of having time with Gracie tonight is a longshot. I take a long drink from the cold beer and turn to Cap. “Have you located where the Hell Keeperz are held up? With Sear and Twister both dead, Butcher is going to need to scramble to get officers in place. I don’t know how the man thinks but if it was me, I’d hit fast and hard. We already know that the Hell Keeperz will go after family members. We’re on lockdown, indefinitely. No one is walking through our doors if they aren’t members or family members.”

  “I called in the nomads and some of the other chapters. We’ll divide them up between our clubhouse and yours. We’ve got our ears to the ground and calling in markers. I want the Hell Keeperz MC history. They all die. They started this fucking war but we are going to finish it. Be ready to house another fifteen brothers by the end of the week. I’m also calling in markers from the BlackPath MC and the Feral Steel MC. Chief is president of the BlackPath MC and he is a damn good man. We go all the way back to when his dad, Whiskey, was president. Devil is the president of the Feral Steel MC in Oklahoma. I have never done any business with him but his dad, Stone, owed us some big markers. If the Hell Keeperz want a fucking war then we’ll give them one.” I’m ready. I want their blood as bad as Cap does. No one comes to my house and causes shit.

  “We’ll be ready. My gut reaction was to chase all of them bastards down now but I know we need to regroup. I didn’t have time to check Sears but Twister had track marks on his arm. Spinner caught it and this means more trouble. That’s what is making the Hell Keeperz so damn erratic. I knew they were producing and selling the shit but they are users. That makes them more dangerous. I wouldn’t put anything past them.” I know until the Hell Keeperz are dealt with we need to be on alert.

  “I had an idea that was the case. They must have someone else helping with the logistics of moving the lab. A seller that uses doesn’t have the good sense to stay hidden for this long. They would have slipped up, made careless mistakes. They haven’t made any, so that tells me they have help. If they are using along with selling they also need money to back them. We either need to find their weakness or find the money person. You always cut the head off a damn snake, not the tail.” Cap is right. “How are you going to deal with the law? They’ll be around sooner or later.”

  “Kaden will be here either later tonight or tomorrow. The fire in Mineola is slowing them down. Kaden cares about Gracie and Shelby, so on the Jade front we are covered. The drug war, Kaden has two boys that attend the middle school in Winnsboro. It’s one of the hardest hit schools by the recent drug sales. He may just help us get rid of the Hell Keeperz MC. The drugs in his county does nothing but hinder the sheriff’s department.” I know Kaden is a lawman but he is a father first. I’ll talk to him about it and see if I can tell wher
e his head is at on the subject.”

  “There’s no such thing as being too safe right now. We’re going to be heading back to Tyler. Keep your loved ones close.” Cap’s mind is back home and he is ready to get back to his own clubhouse and family. I know he is worried about Con.

  “Found out I am getting a boy. Gracie just told me. I have more to lose now than I ever have. The Hell Keeperz will not take that away from me and they won’t hurt another Demented Revenger.” Cap slaps me on the back.

  “Congratulations, Rebel. You deserve it but don’t get cocky. Eyes open and ears to the ground. We’ll get this handled.” I know we will. “We’re out of here. Stay in touch with updates. I want to know everything. The Hell Keeperz MC wants a damn war then they are going to get one. Take no prisoners, let the blood flow.” This is not the normal Cap. He’s a hardass but he doesn’t like unnecessary bloodshed.

  “I’m going to the hospital to check in on Sin and Lingo.” I walk out with Cap. Spinner follows behind me. Time to get the road beneath me and some wind in my face. The perfect thing to clear my mind.

  Chapter 18


  By the time I roll back into the clubhouse it’s already three in the morning. Sin was released from the hospital but Lingo will be there until later today. They wanted to keep Sin but he wasn’t staying. He signed himself out against medical advice. My mind is on a hot shower and a few hours of sleep before Kaden comes knocking on our door. I don’t even stop in the common room to get a drink even though I could use one, or ten. It’s been a hell of a day.

  I make it to my room and open the door as quietly as I can. I don’t want to wake Gracie. She’s in the middle of my bed curled up to my pillow. I make it to my dresser and pull out some boxers and hit the shower. I take the quickest, hottest shower that I can. I brush my teeth and make my way back to our bed. That’s right, our bed. I crawl into the bed and slide up behind Gracie and pull her closer into my arms. I was looking forward to fucking Gracie tonight, or last night, but right now, I just want to enjoy this. I put my hand protectively over where our child is growing. This is my heaven. I don’t have another thought before I slip into the most restful sleep I have had in a while.


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