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Surviving, One Day at a Time (Demented Revengers MC: Quitman Chapter Book 2)

Page 11

by Vera Quinn

  “Well damn, I never thought I would see Rebel as the settling down kind but I hope it works for you, Gracie. I’ve always known Rebel was a good man. He just likes to keep it well hidden.” Kaden laughs. I see Sin eyeing us. Sin is not comfortable with being around a lawman and I think he is glad I am keeping Kaden talking. I see the nurse come to the door.

  “Gracie, you can come back now.” I get up to follow the nurse through the door and Sin and Kaden are right behind me. Crowder stays in the reception area. The nurse looks back at us as we walk down the hall. “Sorry for the wait, Gracie. I know they told you the other day when you were in it wouldn’t take long but we are shorthanded today.” Christy is my doctor’s nurse and she is not the one that usually shows me back, it’s usually a nursing assistant. “The technician is going to do your ultrasound today. Dr. Korn is in for Dr. Christianson, but like I said we are shorthanded so the tech will be doing it. Dr. Korn was called to the hospital for a delivery. No baby is on a schedule.” Christy is always a little too cheery and talks a little too much. I just keep smiling. “Here we are. Now, Gracie, if you will just lay down up here. Shirt up under.” I cut her off.

  “Yes, I remember. Shirt up and skirt down. Thank you.” Christy smiles back.

  “You are getting to be an old pro at this. Is everyone staying with you today?” Christy asks. Eyeing both Kaden and Sin. Neither have said a word to her.

  “Yes, we are.” Sin tells her.

  “Well, okay then. The technician will be in soon.” Sin is in the room looking at everything. What he is looking for I don’t know. There’s nowhere for anyone to hide in here. I pick up the thin paper sheet and climb up on the examining table.

  “Could you two turn around until I am situated here?” They both do as I ask. I tuck my shirt up under my breasts and the elastic band of my skirt down into the top of my panties. My stomach is getting so big. I unfold the thin sheet and put over the top of my stomach. “Okay, guys, I am good.” They both turn around. Kaden sits down in a chair but Sin stays standing by the door. When I relax, I feel the baby starting to move around. Kaden laughs when he sees the baby kick me through the thin paper sheet.

  “Do you want to feel?” Kaden moves closer and puts his hand on my stomach gently. He smiles when the baby kicks again. I look at Sin and he looks horrified. “It’s okay, Sin. It’s just the baby moving around.”

  “Is that normal?” Kaden and I both laugh at Sin.

  “Of course, it’s normal. Come here and give me your hand.” Sin approaches slowly. Kaden laughs again.

  “Big, bad biker afraid of a kicking baby. I have to remember this one.” Kaden jokes. As soon as Sin’s hand is on me the baby kicks again.

  “Whoa! Does that hurt?” I shake my head at Sin.

  “It’s uncomfortable sometimes. Especially if he lays on my bladder or puts a foot under my rib and stretches out. I like to feel it. As long as he is active then it shows me he is alright.” Sin steps back.

  “Why are you so sure it is a boy? Could be another girl.” Kaden jokes with me.

  “Just a feeling. Everything has been different with this baby so far.” I tell Kaden. There’s a tap on the door and Sin is there opening it and the sonogram tech is there with Christy behind him.

  “Are you ready to try and see if you are having a boy or a girl? Hopefully he or she will be more cooperative today.” This is the same tech that was here last time.

  “Gracie, when the tech finishes up, I am going to go ahead and check your weight and blood pressure. The doctor is not going to make it for the appointment so we are going to need to reschedule.” Christy informs me.

  “That will be alright but can I call back in and make the appointment tomorrow?” I want to make sure Rebel can make it. The tech has the machine sets up. Kaden is standing beside me and Sin has moved over beside him

  “That will be fine just be sure to call as soon as possible.” Christy moves over by the tech.

  “Ms. Roberts, this will probably be a little cool.” He squirts the jelly on my stomach and starts pressing the device down on my stomach and moves it around. I hear the heartbeat and it is the best sound in the world.

  “That’s the baby’s heart?” Sin’s eyes are glued to the screen.

  “It’s strong and steady.” Kaden says.

  “Well, it looks like your son is very cooperative today. See there.” The tech points to the baby’s penis. “That shows he’s definitely a boy.”

  “Looks like you were right, Gracie. Congratulations, Rebel will be happy.” Kaden laughs.

  “Finally, trucks and motorcycles. We’ve had too many Barbies and tea sets at the damn clubhouse between Shelby and Dawg Man’s three girls.” Sin says.

  “Shelby is going to have a little brother and I’m going to have a son.” I feel a tear sliding down my cheek. Darn hormones. “I can’t wait to tell Rebel and Ms. Audie.”

  “Congratulations, Gracie. I am sorry it took so long.” Christy says.

  “Thank you all.” I am so lost in my good thoughts. The tech is writing some things down on my chart and then he runs some pictures off for me.

  “Did you bring in your DVD we gave you before and I can record this for you?” I had forgotten to hand it to him.

  “Kaden, will you get that DVD out of my bag for him.” Kaden grabs my purse and brings the DVD out and hands it to the technician. The man puts it in and records for a few minutes. He takes it out and hands it back to me with the pictures and I hand them back to Kaden.

  “Okay, I put all the measurements in Ms. Roberts chart. We are all done here.” Sin opens the door for him so he can push his machine out. Christy hands me a wipe so I can wipe my belly off.

  “Remember to call in for an appointment as soon as you can, Gracie.” I hand her back the wipe so she can throw it away. I pull my shirt down and my skirt back up. Kaden helps me sit back up and I step down. “I will see you next time. Oh, let’s check your weight and blood pressure right outside the door at my station. I almost forgot. It’s been one of those days.” I step outside the door and Christy checks my blood pressure and then my weight. She writes it in my chart. “Thank you, Gracie. Maybe when you come back everything will be back to normal.”

  “I guess that is it and neither of you say anything to Rebel. I want to tell him we are having a son.” Kaden doesn’t say anything but Sin has a grin on his face.

  “I promise nothing. If he asks, then I will see what it is worth to him.” Not funny.

  “Lane Phillips, you do not want to be on a pregnant woman’s bad side. We can be downright spiteful.” I threaten Sin. I have never called him by his given name. He looks shocked.

  “Damn woman, chill, I was just playing.” Sin says trying to calm me.

  “I am warning you.” Sin walks up the hall, right in front of me with Kaden behind me. We are almost at the end of the hall going back to the lobby and I not only hear an explosion but it throws me back and Kaden just catches me before I fall. Sin has his gun out and he is crouching right in front of me. Kaden is helping me keep my balance but he has his gun out, too. I am confused but I know this is trouble. Crowder makes his way back to us. There’s chaos in the front office. I hear moans of pain and screams of shock.

  “There was some kind of explosion in the front part of the office. A flower delivery man made a delivery to one of the women in the office and it went off about ten minutes later. I texted Jeff to bring the truck to the back exit.” Crowder has a gun in his hand. Was this meant for me or someone else? I can’t think straight. I put my hand protectively on my stomach.

  “Go check outside the back door. It would make a perfect ambush spot.” Sin is barking orders while he types out a text.

  “This is Sheriff Samms. I am at the Griffin OB building in Winnsboro, there has been an explosion. Send ambulances, fire department, and squad cars. Situation has not been accessed. Approach with caution.” At first I am confused who Kaden who is talking to but then I see the mic hanging over his shoulder. “Sin, I
am going to help get Gracie in the truck then I need to stay and help. Let’s move.” Kaden leads us back the way we came and to the exit door Crowder just went out of.

  “Crowder says it is clear. Gracie, we go out that door and Crowder is going to have the back door open. Get in and stay down. I am going around to get in the front. We’ll take the prospects and drop them off at their bikes and then we are going to make a fast trip back to the clubhouse. Keep your head down. I’ll get you there safe.” Sin has a confidence in his voice. I still can’t say anything. I am in shock or something. I just move. We are out the door and I am put in the back. Now just to get back to the clubhouse.

  Chapter 15


  We made it to Mineola and from what we have seen there is only two men with Jade. We have the place under surveillance from every possible way out. We have been waiting to hear from Cap but they have their own troubles. Someone hit their compound right after we contacted them to meet us here. This is too much of a coincidence.

  We are on our own and that is alright, there’s no way this bitch can outsmart us no matter who she has helping her. They probably have security taping outside the building. We’ve seen the security cameras set up in different spots. We left Tip at the clubhouse but Spinner has some experience with blocking the security cameras and we are just waiting for him to give us the go ahead. “We’re ready. We will only have a ten-minute block. First the electricity will be cut and that will leave only a slight hesitation in recording. The signal scrambler will give us ten minutes and no more. We need in and out in that ten minutes or we will be detected.” This is a risk. We don’t have time to see where the recording is taking place and we don’t have the floor plan of the building. If we destroy the cameras someone will have the recording somewhere and I hate putting the club at risk but this may be our only chance.

  “Are we in range of the cameras from here?” Even if we get in and out in that amount of time they could identify our bikes.

  “From what I can see from here, the cameras are only trained on the immediate area around the building. We are out of range here.” That’s on our side.

  “If you have your riding face mask on your bike put them on and take your cut off. This will give us some protection. Bolts, stay with the bikes and make sure no one fucks with anything.” It’s the best we can do. We need to do this now. We can’t wait for back-up. “Spinner, take Ax and Scrambler and cover the back. Jade is our target. We need to get her out, if possible, and back to the clubhouse. Everyone else is collateral damage. If they get in our way put them down, if not, then leave them. Bolts, text Sin to send one of the prospects with a cage but be ready to tie this bitch to you if they are not here by the time we get out. Everyone spread out and hit the front going in. Spinner be ready to torch it if we have to.” I look around at my brothers. I hope we all come out of this alive.

  “This is going to bring heat on us.” Spinner tells everyone. “But it’s what we do.”

  “Spinner you have five minutes to get in position. When we see the lights go out in front, that’s our signal, then we are hitting the front. You hit the back.” Spinner nods his head yes and his team is gone. I see them make their way behind the building. I know this is what we must do but I have a feeling in my gut something bigger is going on. The hairs on the back of my neck are standing up. My whole body is on alert. I see the lights go off and there is no turning back now.

  “Move, now!” I make it to the front door first but Cue Ball is right behind me. I kick the door in and Cue Ball shoots the front glass in. I bust in the front door and Cue Ball comes through the plate glass window. Salty is right behind me. I hear the back door being kicked in. Dawg Man goes one direction and I go the other and up the stairs. I hear shots from a back room but I keep going. The top floor is one room but there is a one door over in the furthest corner. I know Cue Ball is on my heels but I approach the door slowly. I motion for Cue Ball to get on the wall on the other side of the door, far enough away the door won’t hit him but he is till close. I get on the other side and reach for the handle of the door and throw it open.

  Someone shoots from the closet as soon as I throw the door back. I have no choice. I drop to the floor and roll in front of the door and shoot three times, spreading my shots out. It’s dark inside the closet but I see where the body fell. “Cue Ball, cover me.” Cue Ball puts himself in position to cover me. I hear shots going off downstairs. I grab a hold of body part and drag the body out of the closet.

  I hear a shot behind me. I look and I see Cue Ball shot a gun out of Jade’s hand. My brother had my back. I finished pulling Jade out. Her hand is bleeding where Cue Ball shot her but she is bleeding from a chest wound. Blood is pouring from the wound. “Cue Ball, go help downstairs, I have this. Bring help, we don’t have much time.” Cue Ball nods his head but hesitates.

  “You better ask her your questions now.” Cue Ball tells me and leaves to help the others.

  “I’m not telling you shit.” I can barely hear Jade. Her voice is low and unsteady. “You threw me away like a piece of garbage after I was there for you.” Jade is coughing and wheezing.

  “I never promised you anything, Jade. Every club girl knows the score. You were nothing but a club girl, Jade.” I am hoping she tells me something.

  “You need me now, don’t you? That bitch has you tied up in knots. I would have made you the perfect ol’ lady.” She coughs. I take my t-shirt off and put it on her wound to try and slow the bleeding down but it’s not helping. “That bitch or her brat will not live to see another day. Choke on that Rebel. I did exactly what I was supposed to. Now live with this on your conscious.”

  I stand and look at Jade. She drew me away from Gracie and Shelby. I stand up and my whole body goes cold. I shoot Jade right between the eyes. I have never hated anyone the way I hate this woman. I turn to go back downstairs but Spinner is standing behind me.

  “Building is secured. Sears and some of the other Hell Keeperz are dead. I know one got away out a back window.” Spinner updates me.

  “Butcher or Twister here?” The President and SAA should be here. Not just the VP.

  “No.” Spinner responded.

  “Torch it. Be sure to get every camera down. This was a set up. They are after Gracie and Shelby.” I pull out my phone and text Sin and Tip. I see I missed a text from Sin. I open it and read that there was an explosive that went off in Gracie’s doctor’s office but she is alright and on the way back to the clubhouse. I send a text to Sin and Tip and then one to Cap to send back-up.

  “We need to get back to the clubhouse. There was an explosive at Gracie’s doctor’s office and she is on the way back to the clubhouse. Spinner and Ax do cleanup. I’ll leave Bolts to help.” I leave in a run with the brothers at my back. We reach our bikes in no time. “Bolts, help with cleanup.” I don’t say anything else and break all speed limits to get back. My girls need me.

  Chapter 16


  As soon as we make back to the clubhouse the brothers lock it up like the compound it is. Sin escorted me to Ms. Audie’s room where she has Shelby. This was not normal. I know where Ms. Audie’s room is. Before Sin left he handed Ms. Audie a gun with no explanation. Ms. Audie looks as worried as I do. Fortunately, Shelby is napping. “Do you know how to use that?” I point at the gun.

  “Yes. It’s been a while but I know how and Rebel needs to teach you as soon as this is over.” Ms. Audie says it as if it is no big deal.

  “I have shot a smaller hand gun than that a few times with my dad. He kept a gun in the house for protection but it was much smaller. I don’t like guns.” Ms. Audie takes my hand and leads me to the end of the bed that Shelby is not lying on and we sit down.

  “You looked like you were going to fall. Gracie, I know you are not used to this life but some things are necessary.” She points to Shelby. “Would you not do whatever it took to keep that angel safe?”

  “You know I would.” I answer Ms. Audie.

  “Guns help protect her. Just like your dad used one to protect your home, you can use one to protect her. I learned to use a gun when Rebel was young and his dad was gone a lot. It was my job to protect him but if you are not comfortable using a gun it would be better if you didn’t. You need to know gun safety. This is something you can discuss with Rebel another time. So, tell me what happened at the doctor’s office.” Ms. Audie is trying to relax me. “Am I having another granddaughter or a grandson?”

  “It’s a boy but I haven’t had a chance to tell Rebel yet. There was an explosion in the doctor’s office. Crowder said a delivery man brought flowers and the explosion was sometime later. Sin texted Rebel but I don’t know what he said. Have you heard anything from Rebel since he left?” I am worried. I should have heard something. A text or something.

  “I am so happy. A little boy to go with Shelby. We are blessed.” Ms. Audie is smiling a big smile. “Sweetie, why don’t you lay down beside Shelby and try to nap. I’m not going anywhere and if Rebel texts or calls I will wake you. I promise.” I look at Shelby and she looks so peaceful. Ms. Audie goes over and sits in her chair.

  “A few minutes wouldn’t hurt. Thank you, Ms. Audie. Please, don’t tell Rebel about the baby. I want to tell him. I already threatened Sin.” I crawl up the bed and curl around my baby girl.

  “My lips are sealed.” That is the last thing I hear Ms. Audie say before I drift off until I hear the door slam back against the wall and I jump. Not a second later there is an explosion that is so hard it rocks the walls of the clubhouse. Shelby is awake and she is crying and I see Ms. Audie grabbing a bag and Sin standing with door open wide.

  “Move now!” Sin yells at us. I get off the bed as fast as I can and Ms. Audie hands me the bag and she grabs Shelbie off the bed and is trying to quiet her. “I’m putting all of you in the safe room, the front gate has been hit and we have no time, hurry!”


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