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Surviving, One Day at a Time (Demented Revengers MC: Quitman Chapter Book 2)

Page 14

by Vera Quinn

  I feel like a ton of bricks was lifted off my chest. Lingo and Sin are back with us and they are healing. Jade is not an issue anymore. The Giles family have all been dealt with. Kendall wants nothing to do with Gracie and Shelby and if he sticks with that, then we have no issues. Lorraine Giles is on house arrest until her trial. She is sporting a leg monitor and I am sure she is loving that thing. By the end of the year she should be locked up for many years.

  The Hell Keeperz MC is the only worry we have left. It is a huge worry. We are at war. More blood will be spilled before this situation is rectified. We will put every one of the Hell Keeperz to ground before it is over.

  I sit here waiting for all my brothers to sit down so we can talk about the war that is on the horizon. I had Crowder bring in extra chairs for Cap and Shine. Cap is addressing our chapter today. Not business as usual but he said it was important and when our president of the mother chapter wants to talk, we listen. I see Cap and Shine making their way to join us. ‘Let’s get this started.” I bang my gavel on the oak table to get everyone’s attention. I see Con made it with Cap. “Spinner, yell at Crowder to bring Con a chair.”

  “Not necessary. We’ll only be here a few minutes. We have more clubhouses to be at today.” Cap is all business today.

  “I need everyone’s attention. Eyes on me.” All talking stops and the brothers know this is important. “I am not going to keep everyone in here a long time.” Cap is looking out at everyone. “Rebel, after I am done here we need to have a few words.” Cap looks at me.

  “The Hell Keeperz MC came into our territory and are selling drugs to children. Drugs that are destroying their lives. Then they took Rebel’s little girl. They shot up two of our clubhouses. They have no regard for life, including women and children in their attacks. The Demented Revengers will not tolerate this shit. The Demented Revengers are at war. We are going to hit the Hell Keeperz MC. Anyone with one of their cuts on has a target on their backs from any Demented Revengers. We see them, we put them to ground.” This is the first time Cap has ever taken us to war in this large of a capacity. “All of their property, burn it to the ground. We will not stop until the Hell Keeperz MC is just a bad memory. Any questions?”

  “We have plenty of back-up?” One of the old timers asks.

  “Every chapter we have, nomads, and we are calling in markers. More than enough for that pissant club. If we could pin them down we wouldn’t need all the help. They are mobile and I don’t want to give them the chance to move to someone else’s territory and take up shop. Then we would need to deal with them later. It’s better to just deal with them once and get it over with.” Cap usually doesn’t answer questions but he wants us all on board with this. I completely agree with him. Cap looks at me. “You need to supply up. We may be on lockdown until this is over.”

  “Already started.” I knew this was coming.

  “That’s all I have. Keep your eyes open, your ears to the ground, and always remember in this club, you are your brother’s keeper. It’s how we have survived until now. You keep the wind to your back, your bike between your legs, and the brotherhood first. Know it, love it, and live it.” No truer words. Cap goes quiet. I see he is done. I bang the gavel.

  “A war is brewing brothers. Let’s hope we all survive until the end or we die with honor. Let’s drink a beer.”

  The end… for now.

  Winter 2017

  The war is coming. You will meet the entire Demented Revengers MC and you just may see some of your favorites characters from my other series. Be watching for….

  Surviving Until the End

  Demented Revengers MC 3

  Thank you for taking the chance on reading Surviving, One Day at a Time. You met some new characters and I have a novella that will give you some background on Cap, Shine, and Con. I hope you enjoy it. Rules in Life is a novella I did for the Hot Wicked Romances anthology.

  I am also including the novella Only In Their Dreams. It is an erotica novella that was included in the Ribbons and Ropes and Bows, Oh My anthology.

  I also have a novella in the Biker Chicks 3 anthology that is related to the Demented Revengers MC if you would like another short read. Biker Chicks 3 will be taken off Amazon in June.

  Only In Their Dreams

  Vera Quinn

  Only In Their Dreams

  Two wounded souls.

  Lucca has lost everything. His reason for living or even to breathe.

  He’s barely surviving the pain that has taken over his existence.

  Cambrey is fighting to stay alive but she is close to losing that battle.

  One more day is one more disappointment. How had this become her life?

  One chance meeting, one night of letting go and just feeling the unknown.

  Can they survive and walk away from Only In Their Dreams?

  Only In Their Dreams

  Author Vera Quinn

  Copyright 2016 @Vera Quinn

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is entirely coincidental. Names, places, and characters are fictitiously. The author recognizes the trademarks and copyrights of all registered products or works mentioned.

  This book remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or noncommercial purposes. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be redistributed to others for commercial purposes. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a review.

  Book Cover by Tracie Douglas Rabas @Dark Water Covers Premades

  Editing and Formatting by Avril Stepowski

  Thank you to My husband, Charles. The love of my life.

  All my family and friends.

  A special thank you to all my Vera’s Teasers. You ladies rock.

  Tracey and Joanne you keep me sane.

  Nicole and Vicky, thank you is never enough.

  Shanna and Kori, you ladies keep my name out there.

  Amanda and Heather I am just getting to know you but thank you for everything.

  To all my readers, thank you. This is an all new genre for me.

  Prologue 1


  Today I turn twenty-four years old and as I look at myself in the mirror I can’t believe everything I have lost in the last year. I see my image in the fogged up mirror in my bathroom. I hardly recognize myself. I’ve lost so much weight I am a ghost of the woman I was just last year. I have dark circles under my eyes and my face has permanent worry lines in my forehead. Aging before my time.

  I was at the top of my class when I graduated from high school. Most of my classmates had plans of going off to college and making their way through life. All I wanted was to take over my Gram’s bakery and stay right there in small town U.S.A. and carry own my family’s business. I had learned all the recipes handed down our family tree and learned all the little tricks to making all the sugary confections taste and look special. That was my dream and my legacy. That bakery had been in our family for four generations. My mom didn’t get her turn in it because of a wreck that took her away from us when I was only five so my Gram’s had groomed me for it since I was old enough to follow her around the bakery and watch her work her magic. I had always loved it. I have fleeting memories of my mom and myself in that kitchen but nothing that is real clear but those memories meant the world to me. Now it is gone and my Gram is turning over in her grave with regret of leaving it to me.

  Two years after I graduated my Gram had a stroke and passed in her sleep. I loved that women. She raised me after my parents were killed in a car wreck. She made me a strong independent woman. I had already stepped up to taking care of the bakery on a day to day bases but I never took the time to learn the business part too well. I could bake all day but when it came to numbers I had to depend on someone to take
care of it. I depended on a family owned CPA business with an accountant who had handled my Gram’s business accounts for years. Mr. Grimes, nephew Chandler Grimes, had just moved to town and he was breathing new life back into his uncle’s business. Chandler was single and very nice looking with a smile always on his face. Mr. Grimes said I could trust him and I did with more than just my business.

  Chandler was new to the area and I have to say the most eligible bachelor in our small town. I never thought he would be interested in me. I am average looking on my best days. I have mousy looking dishwater blond hair and I am not the anorexic looking type. I have some curves. I worked in a bakery, enough said. I wore what I was comfortable in, baggy pants, oversized shirts, and a hair net. I wasn’t trying to win a beauty contest. When I had to set down with a customer for custom orders I dressed nicer but that was not my norm and why I had assistants.

  Chandler started not only taking care of my taxes and receipts but he started frequenting our little bakery daily. We are located in small town U.S.A. but we are the only bakery within a fifty- mile radius so we stayed busy. From daily donuts to fancy wedding cakes. We did it all and Chandler seemed to like our sweets. How he kept that muscular physique with all the treats he put away I have no idea. He started making excuses to talk to me and he was always trying to flirt and he started lingering his touches when he would shake my hand or he drove me crazy when he would let his hand linger on the small of my back when he would walk with me. It wasn’t long before our little rendezvouses for going over numbers and to council me on investments became more. I trusted him with my business, my money, and my body.

  Our affair was kept a secret by his request. Conflict of interest he said. I was a young foolish naïve woman who had no idea that my innocence is only the beginning of what Chandler would take from me. Over the years I lost my innocence, my family business, my pride and everything I ever owned. Now all that I am is a shell going through the motions and wondering how this ever happened and when this life will ever be over. I left my hometown because I just couldn’t take the looks of pity anymore. The poor young girl that let a shyster bilk her out of everything her family had ever worked for. Now I am making my living working for someone else but tonight I am going to forget. Tonight, I am going to just forget who I am and do the unthinkable. Tonight, I am going to let go of the pain in my head and my heart and feel with my body. Just this once and just for tonight. I am not going to be that girl people pity but a woman who needs more. I have fought for so long it seems. I have had to make decisions on top of decisions and they have all been wrong. So, wrong. I just want to let go. I just want to not think and just feel. I want someone else in control for a little while and I not only want it I need it.

  Prologue 2


  I look out my window at the well-manicured lawn. Everything is perfect. Everything in my house is perfect, perfect profession, perfect friends, and perfect life. Except it’s not. The only woman I ever loved is not here to share it with me. The beautiful creature who was my soulmate is no longer walking this earth. How can that be?

  I was always the golden boy who came from two very successful parents, both corporate attorneys. An only child by choice. They wanted to give me all their attention and all their love and they did. I excelled at every challenge ever thrown at me with their encouragement. Top of my class in high school and the star player in every sport. When I reached college I already knew I would be following in my parent’s footsteps so I concentrated on my studies and got into a good law school with ease. I kept my nose to the grindstone and passed the bar on the first attempt just like my parents knew I would. I joined their firm and met my Katherine, the following Fall.

  She was the light to my dark, the heat to my cold, and the joy to my sadness. She took my life over like a breath of fresh air and my parents loved her. We were what each other was missing in life. She made my heart sing. We had the traditional courtship, big wedding, built our dream home, and on our third anniversary she told me she was expecting our first child. Our parents were ecstatic. Everything was perfect. Maybe too perfect. How much perfect could one man have?

  Katherine was in her second trimester and was just cleared for flying again and we planned our last family vacation before the baby was born. Katherine’s pregnancy had no complications and she was more beautiful every day and she loved being pregnant. She wanted everyone together for this vacation. We included her parents, my parents, and her sister and husband. An island vacation. Fun in the sun in a tropical paradise. Katherine was beside herself with happiness everything fell into place with our schedules and that is not an easy feat with so many schedules to sync. There was a little hitch, I had one appointment I had to attend with a client. Mergers can be tricky and I didn’t feel comfortable to leave it on anyone else. I prefer a hands on approach when millions are in the balance. We planned for everyone but me to leave on Wednesday morning and then I would join them on Saturday. Wednesday morning, I kissed my wife good-bye at the airport. If I had just been able to let go of a little responsibility and gotten on that plane with my wife. I would have been there with her in the end. I wish I had gotten on that plane with all my loved ones. Within two hours they were gone. All of them. Just gone. My past, my present, and my future. The plane crashed two hours in to a six- hour flight. Went into the ocean with no survivors. My whole perfect world exploded and went into the deep waters of the ocean.

  How I made it through the next days, weeks, months and now years is one day at a time. I feel nothing. I am auto-pilot. I make it through but my light is gone. My reason for living is down in the bottom of the ocean. Days run into each other and the nights are so long. My arms and body ache for Katherine. I am at a breaking point. Tonight, I will find a release. I am not the same man I was a few years ago. I have to find an outlet that I have control. Total control. Somehow, I will find a way.

  Three years later for Lucca…

  Chapter 1


  In the last three years, I have learned exactly what my life was lacking that even I did not understand. My life with Katherine was perfect and I know we were truly soulmates. I cherish my memories of her but in the last three years I have discovered a side of myself that I did not know existed. I believe there is only one true love for each person on this earth. Some people never find that one person and the ones of us that do have to hold on tight for as long as we have them. Therefore, I have had my quota and I will not settle for second best. I have made the decision to delve into practices that I find very enjoyable and physically satisfying but that does not mean I must include any prolonged relationship. I have honed my skills and extended the realms of my limitations and felt the satisfaction from it. Being a high profile corporate attorney it is harder to find outlets for my proclivity. I must have complete anonymity and security is at the utmost importance. I have found a group of people with like thinking and practices and at some parties arranged by this private group we indulge. I find myself on edge today. It has been too long and I know before long I will be seeking another party to attend. Right now, I am finding it hard to concentrate on the drivel that is coming out of my companions of the night.

  Tonight, I am at another boring social event. Drinks and dinner with some board members and I am just about ready to make my excuses and leave for the evening. I am just about to speak up when a new waitress approaches our table. I observe her as she approaches and there is something about her. Something that piques my curiosity. Maybe I am just bored so much with tonight that anyone new is alluring to me but no I think it is more. She finally makes her way over to my side and I hear her voice. “Sir, is there anything else I can get you?” I need to see her eyes. I want her whole attention.

  “What happened to the other lady who was handling our party?” She quickly looks at me and then I hear her sweet voice and I know I need to know more about this woman. She looks young but her eyes have a story of their own. Something haunts her. I don’t see them but brie
fly but it is there.

  “Sir, she had to leave so I am now going to be your server. Can I get you another drink?” When she finished asking she looks me in the eye again and for a brief minute it is like we connect. She smiles and it is breathtaking. I know I must possess this woman.

  “Macallan, please” She raises her eyebrow at me. “May I ask your name?” She looks more cautiously at me.

  “I’m sorry, yes, my name is Cambrey.” She says it very quietly. Almost meekly, but her eyes, although they look haunted have a strong look mixed in. I look at her closely. Her hair is in a twist on her shoulder and it is long and honey colored. Her eyes are the most beautiful blue. She is not the type I am usually drawn to. She looks young, maybe mid- twenties. I usually like older, taller, brunette, and not as voluptuous. Cambrey looks more like Katherine and I usually stay away from anyone who even slightly reminds me of her. I could never be the me, I am now, with Katherine. I should leave now and not go down this road but I think that choice has already been taken away from me.

  “Thank you Cambrey.” She nods her head but her eyes linger on me then she takes the rest of the drink orders for our party and leaves to get our drinks. It’s not long until she is back and giving each of the others their drinks. Her eyes keep coming back to mine and I am watching her every move. We are having a battle of wills with just our eyes and I am the victor. When she brings my drink around to me I casually touch her wrist as she sets my drink down and I feel the connection. I inhale her scent and she smells of honeysuckle and my mouth waters. I have never had this connection this instantaneously. I have not had this connection since Katherine. I have to have more.


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