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Surviving, One Day at a Time (Demented Revengers MC: Quitman Chapter Book 2)

Page 15

by Vera Quinn

  Chapter 2


  When I arrived at work tonight I thought it was going to be another boring night. I know I am lucky to have my job in one of the nicest dinner clubs in the city but just because people have money does make them have manners or to behave civilly when they have had one too many flutes of expensive Champaign or expensive liquors.

  Cheryl had to leave for a family emergency and now I am not only covering my tables but I am expected to cover her dinner party also. At least it is a small dinner party and some of them have already left. My eyes are drawn to a dark-haired man in a very expensive looking suit. I can’t keep eye contact with him. He has an energy that radiates off him. I look but I have to avert my eyes away quickly. I take the drink orders furthest away from him but it is not long before I have no other option to address him. I hope my voice doesn’t breakup speaking to him. My stomach feels like it has butterflies in it. “Sir, is there anything else I can get you?” I look at him momentarily and I have to look away. I feel like he is trying to see inside my soul. I can’t make eye contact. I think I am almost home free. I just want away from this man but at the same time I don’t want to leave.

  “What happened to the other lady who was handling our party?” Did I do something to upset him? I look back at him and the pull is undeniable. I look away again, anything to break his spell on me.

  “Sir, she had to leave so now I am going to be your server. Can I get you another drink?” I chance another glance at him and I want to get lost in his gray eyes. I know I have to get away from this table.

  “Macallan, please.” Expensive. “May I ask your name?” Why would a man like this want my name? To know who is serving him. Get a grip Cambrey this man is unraveling you with his eyes and commanding voice. It has nothing to do with dark wavy hair, eyes that are the most beautiful shade of grey, I can see the way his shirt sculpts his chest and the way he commands respect from everyone around him. This man is way out of my league.

  “I’m sorry, yes. My name is Cambrey.” I can barely hear my own voice at least it didn’t crack. He is looking at me so closely it unnerves me.

  “Thank you Cambrey.” I nod my head at him afraid to try to speak again. I finish with everyone’s drink orders and then go to the bar to pick them up. I am glad I wrote them down. No way would I remember anything after looking at that man. I make my way back to the table and go about making sure everyone is happy and their drinks are accurate. I keep stealing glances at this enticing man. Each time he is watching me and it is hard to take my eyes away from him. It’s like I am being drawn to him physically just by his eye contact with me. I finally have to pull my eyes away from him but I feel him still watching me. As if he is the stalker and I am his prey. I have chills running up my spine and I can’t take a cleansing breath in my lungs to get a handle on my emotions that are now running wild. It is hard to look away and let him win but I have to. I walk around to him to give him his drink and I am a shaking mess. I only hope I am containing these feelings. As I set his drink down he innocently touches my wrist and that soft touch sets my body on fire. I feel alive. How can one touch have such a response out of me? I have to escape his presence before I make a fool of myself. I look at him one last time and I see the heat in his eyes but surely it is wishful thinking. This successful man could not want me or want anything to do with me. I make a hasty retreat back to my own tables to keep myself busy and away from this sexy man I have no chance of interesting this successful man. I am a waitress in an upscale dinner club going nowhere. I will keep a respectable distance and keep it together and when he walks out tonight I know I will feel an emptiness that cannot be filled.

  Chapter 3


  When the rest of the guest make their departure, I take a seat at the bar and watch Cambrey as she keeps herself busy for the rest of the evening making sure she keeps her distance from me and she never makes eye contact. I know I am not going to catch her for a short conversation so I do something I have never done before, well since Katherine, I intentionally wait for woman.

  I see when Cambrey is gathering her things. I make my way outside and wait. Patience is not hard for me. It used to be but I have learned it is a skill with many rewards. I see when Cambrey exits the door and I come up behind her quietly. I am so close I can feel the heat coming off her body. The way she is moving is absolutely mesmerizing. Then I place my hand on her shoulder and she jumps. I did not mean to startle her but when she jumped I finally got a glimpse of her eyes with a sparkle in them. They are extraordinary even if it was the sparkle of fear.

  “It is only me Cambrey, don’t be afraid my little Kitten. You are safe with me. Can’t you feel the chemistry between us? I know you can feel it. I see it in your eyes.” I reach my hand out and take her hand in mine.

  “Sir, I don’t know you.” I feel the pull again. She is perfect.

  “Don’t lie to me ever. Look in my eyes Cambrey. You know me, you can feel it just like I can. You can feel recognition that your body has to mine.” I step closer to her and pull her to me. Then I kiss her lightly on her cheek and whisper in her ear. “If you don’t trust me then trust yourself. You know you can’t deny this attraction between us. Come with me for tonight.” I put my finger under her chin and turn her head towards me so I can see her eyes. “Just tonight, Kitten.” She looks at me and I can feel her body tremble and I see her lips start to move and I am mesmerized. She starts to speak but stops as if she is thinking and then starts again. Her voice is soft but I hear it to my soul and I will never forget the words she says.

  “Your command controls my body. Your touch soothes my soul. Your lips heal my aching wounds. Make me yours if only for tonight. The memory will linger with me forever.” I look at her to make sure I heard it right and she has misty eyes as if the words are causing her some kind of turmoil. They have to be because I feel it myself but I am not going to deny myself Cambrey. I kiss her forehead and lead her to my car. I unlock and open the door for her and wait until she is comfortable and reaches for the seatbelt but I take it from her hand and finish buckling it for her and kiss the top of her head and shut the door. No way am I waiting until can make it to my home so I take her to a discreet and close hotel. My home is not where I would entertain a woman I have no intentions of seeing again. Normally I meet my playmates at private parties or my club. It only takes us fifteen minutes to arrive but we do not utter a word between us afraid that it might break this spell we are under. I pull up to the parking attendant and exit my car and go to help Kitten out. I open the door for Cambrey and take her in my arms and hug her briefly. It doesn’t take long to get our room situated. We are alone in our ride on the elevator to our room but I must at least touch her hand. To have contact with her is keeping me grounded but I feel like I am on the edge of something. I crave control in everything but this feeling I have being with Cambrey is far from control.

  We enter the room I lead her to a chair and let her set down while we get a few ground rules in place. “Kitten I want you to relax but you must listen very carefully to what I have to say and then give me some very honest responses.” She is shaking her head yes but I must have her voice. “You have to respond with words not head movement.” She looks a little confused but she does respond.

  “Ok.” She looks down at her hands but her eyes move back to me. “Why are you calling me Kitten? My name is Cambrey? You haven’t told me your name. I really shouldn’t be here but there is something about you that I couldn’t walk away from. Something that just has me doing and not thinking”

  “Does my name really make a difference? You allowed me to bring you here without it so I know you feel this same intense connection between us. I assure you that you are indeed safe. I call you Kitten because it is appealing to me. I am in control here, complete control, and we only have tonight. Can you handle those terms Cambrey? I am not an easy man. I have hungers that sometimes I do not even understand. I will cause you no lasting pain. There is a fine
line between pain and pleasure. Each has its own place in our journey to obtain complete ecstasy. I want to blur those lines with you. I want to push you past your comfort zones so you can push past your preconceived idea of pleasure. Can you do that for me Kitten? Can you submit your will to me to achieve these plateaus you have not climbed before?” I wait for her response. I see her breathing has picked up and she is wiping her palms on her skirt. She is watching me but not the way I am focused on her every reaction to my voice and commands.

  “Yes.” She says in a breathless response.

  “I have some simple rules I need you to listen to carefully and consider and then respond to.” I watch her and wait for a response. It is spoken softly and quickly.

  “Ok.” Nothing more.

  “Remember Cambrey, you are my playmate for tonight. I am your Sir while we are here. Never forget. After tonight you will feel it in your soul. We may never connect again, in fact, I can almost say that with certainty. I don’t do repeats but we have tonight. When you address me it will be Sir.” I look at her and make sure she does indeed understand.

  “Yes sir.” She says it but still looks nervous. It pleases me.

  “Do you have anything that you will not do sexually?” She is looking at me when I ask the question but her eyes hit the floor when I am finished. “Anything that is completely repulsive to you or you cannot ever see yourself participating in? Kitten look at me and answer my question.” I take her chin in my hand and move it so she is looking in my eyes. I’m gentle but I hold it firmly. I must have her honesty.

  “I don’t want to be hurt and I don’t want to be with more than one person at a time. I don’t really know. I’ve only been with one man and we weren’t together for very long…. I don’t really know, Sir.” She looks like she could cry. I go and sit beside her and take her hand in mine and make her look at me in my eyes.

  “I have already told you I will not give you pain without pleasure. Nothing to leave any lasting pain. No one is here but you and I so it will only be us. I do not have the time or patience to instruct you on a lot of rules. No time for anything but a basic safe word. If you want me to completely stop something say red. Everything will completely come to an end. We stop everything and we get dressed and I will escort you home. Everything stops. If you would like to slow down and get accustomed to it, say yellow. We will either pause or I will take into consideration other methods. Red is your safe word and everything stops. Do you understand?” I make sure she is still listening and understanding. I see she is listening anxiously. “Feel with your body. Listen to my voice. Obey me and I will reward you. Disobey me and I will punish you. My pleasure will be your ecstasy.” I command her and I see her body is trembling from the meaning of my words. She wants this as badly as I do and my patience is coming to its limits. I need to possess this woman. I need to feel her submit to me. “Can you trust me completely Kitten? Do my words awaken something inside you to crave it beyond reason?” Her eyes hold the answer but I must hear it and she does not disappoint me.

  “Yes Sir.” Her voice is not hesitant at all.

  “I am going to have to improvise a little tonight but this will be an awakening of sorts for you my Kitten.” I leaned in and whispered into her ear. Her eyes watch me. “Kitten get up from the chair and slowly undress for me. I want to see your beautiful body that is going to bring me such pleasure. Don’t be nervous you have a beautiful body and I want to enjoy looking at what is mine. Look in my eyes as you do it. You will be able to see my appreciation for such beauty.” She gets up and looks me in the eye. Her hands are shaking. She is nervous but she does not hesitate as she starts slowly unbuttoning her blouse. Her fingers work with each button until she gets to where her shirt is tucked in. She pulls it out of her skirt and it is finally completely unbuttoned and I can see the swells of her breast where the shirt is left open. “Slowly Kitten. Anticipation is everything.” I feel myself harden and my arousal is very apparent. I see her eyes taking in the outline on my trousers. She slowly licks her lips and I feel my need for her increase. I watch as she takes her shirt from her body. She reaches to the side of her skirt and unzips it and lets it fall to the floor. She is left standing there in her stockings, bra, panties and her heels. She has the creamiest looking skin. It is flawless. I approach her and run my hand down her soft stomach. The feel of her skin under my hand gives me a feeling of the power my words have over her. “Take your shoes and stockings off slowly.” She has the shoes off and then she sets down and props her foot and leg up and starts rolling her stocking slowly and then the other one. “Bring me your stockings kitten and then go and sit back down.” She brings me the stockings and I watch how she moves. Keeping my eyes on her every move. I take the stockings from her and watch as she sets back down. I go to the bed and turn back the bedding until it hits the floor. “Come here Kitten.” She stands beside me. “Do you trust me?” I wait for her answer and she does not keep me waiting.

  “Yes I do, Sir.” Her voice is low but with no hesitation.

  “Take your bra off and put it on the chair for me Kitten.” I watch as she does it. I get my first look at her pink nipples. She is excited. Her nipples are pebbled and I watch as they move when she is walking.

  “Tell me how to use your safe words.” I wait for her response.

  “If you do something and I need for it to completely stop I say red. If I say red, then we are finished and I go home. If I need to slow down, then I say yellow. You will decide then how we proceed, Sir.” She is doing a great job of grasping the details. I have had playmates that take more than once to understand everything. I now know for sure this was meant to happen.

  “Very good Kitten. You are pleasing me tremendously.” I keep my voice steady and I can see she likes the praise. “I want you to lie on the bed now Kitten.” She looks at me but sits on the bed. I take both her stockings in my hand and she watches every move. “I am going to tie your hands above your head. Your hands will be bound together but there is no place to tie your hands so you cannot move them. Keep your hands above your head. Do not move your hands from above your head. Do you understand Kitten?”

  “Yes I understand Sir.” I move her hands above her head and tie them securely enough she cannot untie them by herself. I use both of her stockings to make sure it is very secure. I feel a surge of energy run through my body at the sight. I take my tie from around my neck.

  “Now Kitten I am going to blind fold you so you cannot see. My tie may not be wide enough to accomplish this task so I want you to shut your eyes and keep them closed until I say open them. Can you do that Kitten?” My pet is so beautiful this way.

  “Yes, I can do that Sir.” Kittens voice is full of emotion. I can hear the excitement even though she is trying to control it. I tie my tie around her eyes. I kiss the shell of her ear softly and then I whisper to her. “Feel with your body. Listen to my voice. Obey me and I will reward you. Disobey me and I will punish you. My pleasure will be your ecstasy.” I command and her body reacts. I see her clinch her thighs. I run my finger from her left nipple down her slightly rounded stomach and then I back away. I see the ice bucket on the table and I have an idea. I quietly leave the room to get what I need to make this the most enjoyable night.

  Chapter 4


  I am trying to hear what this mysterious man is doing. I cannot hear anything. He has set my body on fire. I feel the wetness between my legs. My nipples are hard and ache for his attention. I do not know this man’s name but for some reason I trust him. His voice has mesmerized me and I could not ignore it if I wanted to. It’s as if he has me hypnotized to do his will and I want more. I want him as if I never wanted a man before. My body is on fire with need. Then I feel him beside rather than hear him. I feel something cold on me. Ice in between my breast. I squirm to try to get away from it’s cold. “Lie still my Kitten and just feel.” I try my best but it is hard. I feel the pressure he is putting on the ice and I feel the ice skate across my skin. He ru
ns the ice over my right nipple and it puckers even more and as soon as the ice is gone I feel his tongue and the warmth. He glides the ice from my nipple down the valley between my breast and then his tongue slides behind it. The difference between the cold of the ice and its hardness to the heat of his tongue and its softness is driving me insane with want and need. I stay as still as I can trying to follow his directions completely, afraid he may stop. The heat from my body has melted most of the ice and then I feel as he replaces the small piece with a bigger one. He lavishes my other nipple with the same attention of ice then his tongue. I have never felt this need. He slides the ice down my rib cage but doesn’t follow it with his tongue until it gets close to my belly button. He replaces the ice again and rubs it around my belly button and then inside. He runs his tongue slowly around my belly button but nips the side with his teeth. I feel my moisture between my legs pool. Then the ice and his tongue are gone. “You are doing very well, Kitten. Lie still or I will take the sensations away. Feel the way the cold of the ice turns to a slow burn?” Then I feel as he slides my panties down my legs and off my feet. He runs his finger between my folds but never touches my nub where I need the attention. I know with just a few circles of his finger I would feel the climax that I so hunger for. He takes his hand away and I want it back but then I feel him lean over me and he spreads my legs further apart. “Your mound is beautiful Kitten. Neatly trimmed.” Then I feel him come closer and he holds my lips apart further and he softly blows on me. Holy crap. It feels so good. I want him to lick me just once. I know I would climax but he doesn’t. I feel so close. I listen for any hint of what he might be doing next and it is not long before I know. I feel him sit further down on the bed beside me and then he is sliding a piece of ice up and down my slit. It is so cold but he slides on the bed beside me and I feel lying there getting closer to exactly where I want him. The ice has melted but it is replaced with another piece and then he is blowing and I feel the flick of his tongue on the bundle of nerves where I want his whole attention. Then it is gone and I feel the ice again on my nipples and then his tongue. It is torture. Slow and it is lighting my body on fire. Now when the ice touches me it feels more like a flicker of fire. It is hard for me to be still but my Sir wants me still. Then Sir rubs the ice lightly across my clitoris again and I feel one finger go inside me. He’s moving without me knowing where he will touch me next. My walls clamp down on him. I am so close. “No, my Kitten you will not have an orgasm until I tell you that you can. Concentrate on the different sensations but do not let go.” I can’t help myself when I moan and clamp down on his finger. His finger is not moving but he is slightly moving the ice and I clamp down on him again but then he is gone. “Control Kitten.” This is maddening. I want a release. I need it. I am hovering on the edge.


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