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Page 11

by Ashley Beale

  I fold my arms on the table and lay my head on them, feeling the effects of the alcohol even more now that I'm sitting. A body moves in next to me and I turn my head still resting on my arms to see it's Brice. "You aren't out dancing with them?" he asks.

  "No, my feet hurt." I complain with pouted lips.

  He reaches over and tucks some of my hair behind my ear, letting his fingers linger a moment longer than necessary. "You feeling okay?"

  I smile softly at him. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't drink often. Well at least not like this."

  "Yeah, me either. I don't mind a beer now and again, but I'm not a heavy drinker and I don't normally do clubs."

  "So my sister has already suckered you into a new lifestyle." I grin at that.

  He lifts a brow and takes a sip of his beer, not answering me. I sit back up and inhale a deep breath as some vertigo hits me. I have to blink a few times and focus on one spot before I'm able to speak again. "Ugh, I'm already set to go home."

  "I'll walk you home if you want. I'm sure the girls can get back just fine. It's not even midnight, they're probably going to be here for three or four more hours."

  I give him a face of disgust at that thought. Yeah, I certainly cannot stay here until after three in the morning. That isn't happening. "Are you sure?"

  "Trust me, I'm sure."

  I nod my head and motion for him to scoot out of the booth so I can too. "I'll go tell Emi."

  He waits patiently by the table as I stumble my way through the thick crowd to my sister and the girls. She spots me and gives me a large hug, nearly falling into me. "About time you joined us," she slurs.

  I can't help but laugh at her. I'm so glad she is having fun. I feel like a poor sport not dancing and having fun with her, but I really am exhausted and my feet really do hurt. "Sorry, my feet are killing me. I'm going to head back. I'll leave the door unlocked for you though."

  She pouts out her lips at me and pretends to be upset with me. Maybe she really is upset actually, and she just looks foolish because she is drunk. "That isn't fair. But fine, I'll see you later." She turns on her heels and pretends I don't exist as she gets dancing again.

  "Thank you for walking me to the door," I tell Brice as I stick the key into the doorknob.

  He walks in the door with me and I give him a questioning glance. "Sorry, if you want me to head out I will. I was just thinking of sticking around, maybe catching a movie with you or something." Oh, in other words, he is waiting for my sister to get home so they can do nasty things on my couch. Maybe he'll bring her back to his place so I don't have to hear the moaning and squeaking of my couch.

  "Uh, that's fine, yeah. Let me go throw on some pajamas and I'll join you on the couch." He smiles as I make my way into my bedroom and close the door.

  I feel relieved as I take my dress and shoes off. I sit on my bed and rub the soles on my feet, getting the kinks out of them. I wish Harvey were here to do this for me, he always rubs my feet when they're sore or when we walk around the city on Saturdays.

  Instead of thinking about him while drunk, knowing I'll get lonely and sad, I stand back up and pull out some pajamas from my drawer. It's a really hot night, so I decide on a pair of shorts and a tank top, leaving my bra on since Brice is here. I hate wearing a bra to bed, but I don't want to make either of us uncomfortable.

  I grab two pillows off my bed as well as a blanket, slip on my slippers, then walk out into the living room. Brice is sitting on the couch, his arms placed on the back of the couch. He unbuttoned the top two buttons of his blue shirt, one that really brings out his eyes, and he took off the belt on his faded blue jeans.

  "Making yourself comfortable I see."

  He smiles at me before looking down at his casualness. "Yeah, sorry if this makes you uncomfortable. I am just sweating right now and didn't want to strip down to my briefs."

  "Of course it doesn't make me uncomfortable. You can take your shirt off if your hot, I don't mind."

  His brows lift immediately as the words leave my mouth and I can feel my cheeks blush. "I didn't mean it like that."

  He laughs at me. "I know, I figured. It was pretty adorable leaving your mouth like that though."

  I place the pillows and blanket down, then walk over and file through my movies. "Comedy, romance, horror?"

  When I face him he has his shirt off and... Oh my ever loving God. Swoon.

  He clears his throat, catching my attention. Oops, I was just completely ogling his body like some kind of tramp. I have a boyfriend. Plus, my sister and him are interested in one another, even if it is for only a night or two. I'm not being a very good lady right now.

  His smile grows into a cocky one when my eyes catch his. "I said I like horror movies best."

  "Ew, of course you do. Fine. I only have one, it's the only one I'm able to watch without having night terrors."

  I put in Texas Chainsaw Massacre then walk over and sit on one end of the couch with a pillow while he is on the other end. The blanket sits between us, untouched. He doesn't say anything to me and I do my best to completely ignore him, only for the sake if I look at him, I may not be able to take my eyes of that damn six pack. The stupid effects of alcohol.

  Even though I've watched this movie a dozen or more times, I still get scared in a few parts. During one part, where the psycho asshole is about to take his victim, I grab the blanket and bunch it under my chin. I know what is about to happen and I always have to cover my eyes at this part.

  The part that jumps me isn't in the movie when he opens the door, weapon in hand, nope, it's when I hear laughter next to me. I jump inches off my seat and turn to face Brice. I can feel my eyes pop out my head and it takes me a moment to catch my breath. He is facing me, completely humored about something. What he finds funny, I have no idea.

  "Uh?" It's all that leaves my mouth.

  "Sorry, you just look so cute over there, with your blanket and pillow, shaking at a movie you claim doesn't scare you."

  "I didn't say it doesn't scare me," I argue. "I said it's the only one that doesn't give me night terrors." I don't mention it's because I actually lost my virginity to this movie. Yup, I lost my v-card to a horror movie when I was seventeen. Some romance, huh? So instead of scaring me, it actually gives me this very strange form of comfort.

  Except this part, of course.

  "You're weird sometimes."

  I stick my tongue out at him. "I'm not weird." Yes, okay, I am weird. Very weird actually, but I don't admit it out loud.

  He just laughs at me and tosses the pillow he has in my direction, missing me. I grab my pillow and slam it against him. He laughs even harder and pulls on the pillow, which I haven't let go of, so I end up tumbling towards him. The whole process has me falling onto the floor with my head at his feet, pillow still in hand. I can hear him laughing uncontrollably at what just happened.

  "Ass," I mutter as I get myself from off the floor.

  His eyes light up in humor, even in the dark of the room, I can see the joy in them. It doesn't help the reflection of the TV gives them a sparkling effect. "Sorry about that, I didn't mean to."

  I pick the pillow up and hit him even harder before I take my seat again. He just shakes his head, watching the television, taking his eyes off from me. I wish I could do that. The alcohol I consumed and that body of his has taken my attention span and messed everything all up.

  "So you have officially have a boyfriend now?"

  I hear his question but I just keep traveling my eyes further down until I see the area in his pants that seems to bulge more than I'd imagine possible. Oh dear God, that has to be part of his jeans too. I see it twitch under the fabric and it causes me to smile. I used to love with Kirt did that. Oh, oh no. My smile fades as everything hits me like a damn Mack truck.

  My eyes look to Brice's face but he is now taking in my body with his eyes. You'd think we were both naked and hormonal teenagers. We're not though. My sister nearly claimed him, he came out with us tonight to spend
time with my sister, and is staying at my place until she gets back from the bar. I have a boyfriend, and I've never even considered cheating before. Then why is it all I can think of right now is kissing him?

  I can't. I won't.

  It's not something I'll allow myself to do.

  "Brice," I say softly. His eyes meet mine in an instant. I finally answer his question. "I do."

  Before I know what is happening, his lips are on mine. He nearly lunged at me and attacked my face. Okay, that is an exaggeration, but I can pretend, it'll make me feel less guilty. Except, I can't be too guilty if I'm kissing him in return. His hands travel under my tank top until they find my bra, then he slips his hands under that.

  Oh God, that feels incredible.

  He pinches and pulls at my nipples, as his hands kneed my breasts. His tongue tastes my mouth with such a force. He tastes incredible and feels wonderful touching me. I can feel that bulge in his pants hard against my inner tight. I adjust myself so I can feel him exactly where my body is begging for him to be. He pushes his hips towards me, causing a tingling effect all over. It's incredible. I've never felt so... so... alive.

  My hips start grinding into him and I'm both thankful and angry that there is any fabric between us. I don't want him in me because that'd be wrong but at the same time, I know how very, very right it would feel. Damn life's contradictions.

  He pauses the kiss and slowly nips at my now swollen lips. "You feel unbelievable under my touch," he whispers against my mouth. I can taste his breath and I want his tongue back in my mouth.

  "Stop talking."

  I bring my lips back to his and press hard, adding my tongue. My eyes flutter shut and I allow my entire body to become involved with his. He doesn't hesitate in getting back to a rhythm with me, both mouth and body. My legs wrap around his waist and I thrust my hips forward the same time he pushes down on to me. The feeling warms me and causes even more tingles.

  His fingers continue assaulting my nipples and with each pull I can feel myself getting ready to explode. I thought Kirt and I explored all the intimacies out there, including things I considered off limits, but this... this is new.

  And oh so good.

  I tighten my legs even more around him, to the point it's nearly hard for either of us to move, yet we still continue to grind against one another. I arch my breasts further into his touch and I feel it all over my body, I start convulsing from everything I’m feeling, getting off without any actual penetration.

  I have to pull my mouth from his to breathe correctly. My nails dig into his shoulders as I come apart. "Oh my," I moan. He pushes even harder against me, continuing the grinding that is causing me great deal of pleasure. His mouth presses to my neck, licking and kissing while I moan out his name. "Ohh, oh Brice. Yeah, like that, keep going."

  He shudders in my arms and bites down on my chin, probably a little harder than necessary. His hands tighten around my breasts, which only feels better. He pauses for a quick second and I can see his eyes flutter. Did he? No. There is no way he got off too.

  I loosen my legs from around his waist and lay flat against the couch, my breathing out of control. He pulls back even further from me and just stares down at me. A new look in his eyes. He looks both satisfied and confused, maybe even a little sad. I understand all those feelings right now. I don't even know how that happened. Or why.

  "I'm sorry," he says so soft I almost don't hear him.

  I just nod my head as he continues to pull away, then he sits back in his seat. I sit up and stare at him, noticing the large wet stain at the crouch of his pants. So he did get off, too. It makes me smile, but I bite on my lip, trying my best to suppress it.

  He looks over at me shyly but when he notices how amused I am and where my eyes are fixated he snorts out a dry laugh. "You find that funny?"

  "Yeah, I kind of do." My eyes meet his for a moment. "It's kind of hot." I don't know why I say that out loud. Obviously the alcohol has a worse effect on me than I imagined it would.

  I'm totally going to regret all of this in the morning.

  His eye brows lift and his lips curl into a shy smile. "I'm glad you think so. I'm the one that has to walk around with this stuck to my jeans. Hopefully the cab driver doesn't notice."

  I don't think I have ever so laughed in my life than I do from that statement. When I'm done catching my breath and wiping tears from my eyes, I look to Brice who looks amused by me but embarrassed by the situation. "I have a pair of shorts you can wear but you'd have to give them back."

  "Uh, thanks but I'd rather wear stained jeans than girl shorts."

  I stand up and walk towards my room. "They're not girl shorts, they're..." Kirts. I sigh and close my eyes for a second.

  "Your boyfriends." I open my eyes and look back to him. We both seem to be thinking and expressing the same thing. What we just did was insanely wrong and I should have never done something like that. Not ever.

  Instead of saying that, I answer him without being too honest. "No." Because Kirt is no longer my boyfriend. Or even my fiancé. Harvey is the only boyfriend I have. Maybe. I don't know now, not after what I just did to him behind his back.

  I bring out a pair of black jersey shorts that'll probably fit him perfectly. He is a little taller than what Kirt was, and maybe a little smaller in the waist, but not by much. He grabs them from me, thanks me, then does something completely absurd. He pulls his jeans off right in front of me.

  Of course it takes me by surprise and my eyes immediately go to where they shouldn't. It's like watching a car accident. You know its best not to look, but you can't help it. You're curious and nosey, and you become glued to it. His junk inside those boxer briefs are that to me. He slides the shorts on and when he is completely covered, I meet his eyes again. My face immediately burns when I see the look he is giving me.

  "You're a perv," he says. His tone amused and joking, but I know he means what he says.

  "Not usually," I answer honestly. I used to be with Kirt, but that had ended. Or so I thought.

  "Oh, so you just like what you see?"

  I glare at him and sit back on the couch, crossing my arms. "Shut up."

  He chuckles and settles into his seat too. The movie is almost over and I'm not at all tired. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when it's done. Watch another movie with Brice? Is that safe? And is he still staying here after the movie ends? I mean, it'd be a little rude to me if he just did... that... with me, then he leaves to go screw my sister. Or screws her on my couch, in the same spot he just dry fucked me. Oh hell no.

  "Are you screwing my sister tonight?" I blurt it out before I even process the words in my head.

  I cover my mouth instantly after and turn my face to look at Brice who looks just as shocked as I feel. "What?" He tilts his head, clearly confused by my outburst.

  "You heard me," I say under my hands.

  "Yeah, I did hear you, but why would you assume that? After we just." He points to the space between us and he looks over at his discarded jeans before catching my gaze again.

  I slowly pull my hands away from my face and give him a shy and embarrassed expression. "I thought that is why you were still here."

  He closes his eyes as he shakes his head. "You don't get it," he says.

  "Get what?"

  "That I like you." His eyes open and he stares at me intently. He likes me? Me? Since when? Why? And why did he come over so late last night to pick my sister up at the airport, and how come he came out with us tonight and danced only with her? And why is he still here, waiting for her to get back? I don't understand any of it.

  He seems to notice the questions playing in my head and he answers all my unasked ones. "For you, Zoey. It was all for you."


  "Maybe I should." He stands and grabs his shirt, sliding it on his arms, then starts to button it while I just stare at him.

  "I have a boyfriend, you know," I tell him. I feel guilty immediately after it leaves my mouth.

sp; He looks at me, a little sad. "Yeah, tell him I said hi." He grabs his jeans and walks out the door. I don't say anything to him and I feel all sorts of emotions running deep inside. I can't cry. I try to, I feel the need to, but I can't. That damn medicine, I think to myself. It's awesome most days, but right now, I want to release the tension and the tears and it's actually completely impossible to do.

  Frustrated, I walk into my room and throw myself down onto the bed. I scream into the pillow, getting out as many frustrations as I possibly can. I roll onto my back and look up to the ceiling. It's been almost a week since I've spoken to Kirt. I'm speaking to him less and less, now that I'm around Harvey so much.

  "What did I do?" I ask him, knowing he won't give me an answer. "I screwed up big time, didn't I? I had a good thing with Harvey, he was helping me heal, and I go and screw that all up. Because all of a sudden, here comes Brice, tumbling on in, shaking my world apart in just a matter of minutes. Minutes! How did I not see the signs Kirt?"

  I pull at my hair as I exhale another big breath. "I'm talking to my dead fiancé, ex fiancé, about a guy I'm seeing and a guy I nearly screwed on my couch. Wow! I think there is more wrong with me than I had realized."

  Looking into the mirror, I tell myself that everything will be okay. I'm over reacting, and in less than a year, everything in our life will be perfect. Kirt comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. As his chin rests on my shoulder, he stares at my reflection in the mirror just as I stare at his.

  "You're stressing yourself right out, baby."

  "Sorry," I tell him.

  He kisses my shoulder and rests his chin there once again. "Don't apologize. I just feel bad. I didn't mean to stress you out like this. I know you're mad at me for all this, and I know it'll be hard while I'm away, but I'll write you letters every chance I get. We can do that video chat shit, I'll be able to call you sometimes. We'll make this work. And when I get home, we'll be closer than ever."


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