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Swerve: Boosted Hearts (Volume 1)

Page 10

by Sherilee Gray

  His fingers tightened around the phone. Not the answer he was hoping for, not the way he was feeling right then. He fired off a quick answer: U sure?

  Her answer was almost instantaneous: My mom’s staying with me. First night.

  Her mom? Christ.

  Hugh: Tomorrow?

  Shay: Going out with a friend.

  Hugh: After?

  He sounded desperate, but that was because he damn well was. A car horn blared loudly behind him. He hadn’t even noticed the lights had changed. Planting his foot, he headed for home. Her return message came through as he was pulling up outside his place.

  Shay: Um…maybe? Logistics might be kinda hard though.

  He stared at the screen. Something was hard, all right, painfully so, and it had nothing to do with goddamn logistics.

  Hugh: Two nights too long babe.

  Shay: For me too.

  His cock started to ache in his jeans.

  Hugh: I’ll sort something.

  The first thing that needed sorting was her lack of wheels. It’d make this thing a hell of a lot easier if she could come to his place, as well, especially with her mother there for however long.

  Shay: K. Night, Hugh.

  Hugh: Night, princess.

  He shoved open the truck door and made his way inside. After what happened tonight, he should be losing her number, should be back in his truck, off to some bar to work off the lust thrumming through his veins with some faceless, nameless woman. A woman he could easily forget the next day. A woman who wouldn’t bury herself under his skin and have him making stupid mistakes. But he couldn’t do it. The idea of sleeping with someone else didn’t do a damn thing for him. The only way he was getting off tonight was in his own fist, thinking about Shay. All sweet and curvy and warm, curled up in bed in her cute PJs, in her cute fucking trailer.


  * * *

  Hugh closed the hood on the Honda, wiped his hands and shoved the rag in his back pocket. It wasn’t much, one of their old loaners. It’d been parked up a few months, but it hadn’t taken much to get it back on the road. A new set of tires and a good service and she was good to go.

  Now he just had to get Shay to agree to take it. He didn’t know her that well, but from what he’d seen, and despite what she said about herself, she was independent and self-sufficient. She was working three jobs with her graphic design stuff thrown in the mix, and he doubted she’d just happily take the car from him without a fight. He’d have to get creative to get her to agree.

  He locked the car and shoved the keys into his pocket. As much as he wanted to stay tucked away back here behind the garage, he was shit out of luck. He’d been there since 5:00 a.m., after tossing and turning all damn night. Joe either hadn’t heard him arrive from his apartment above the garage or was ignoring him, because he hadn’t seen his brother. Either way worked for Hugh. But his reprieve was over. Adam had arrived a short time ago and had opened the front doors.

  Hugh headed around the side of the building and in through the front. His friend gave him a chin lift when he walked in then turned back to the car he was working on. Adam didn’t ask about the Honda or why Hugh was working on it. Thank Christ. No way did he want to answer those questions, not after last night. He doubted they’d even know it was missing once he took it. He scanned the room; his brother was nowhere to be seen.

  “Where’s Joe?”

  Adam shrugged. “No idea. Wasn’t here when I opened up.” His friend rubbed his whiskered jaw, stared at Hugh for several seconds. “Look…” He threw up his hands. “I may have overreacted a teeny bit last night. I know you, more than anyone, have busted your balls to get outta this shit. I just don’t want any of us to be sitting behind bars before we finally are.”

  They’d been friends since high school. Were boosting cars together when they were teenagers, low on cash—and in Hugh’s case, with a family to feed and mortgage payments to make. The guy didn’t need to be caught up in this. He could have walked away, but the crazy son-of-a-bitch had signed up to help without batting an eyelid. They were like brothers, and he hadn’t hesitated to help his brother out of a bind.

  Hugh often wondered how many times Adam regretted that decision, especially after the stupid shit Hugh had pulled last night. “You and me both.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “And you weren’t overreacting.”

  Adam grinned. “Tell me you at least got laid after all that.”

  Hugh gave him a flat stare.

  His friend clapped him on the shoulder and chuckled. “Struck out, huh? And here I was last night with one to spare.”

  Shaking his head, Hugh punched Adam in the shoulder. “Dick.”

  “It certainly got a workout with the two I had in my bed.”

  “Jesus, you’re an asshole.”

  “Got some of that action, too.”

  “How the hell do you get all these women to trail around after you? Can’t be your winning personality.” Women flocked to the guy. Hugh doubted Adam spent many nights alone. Though, Hugh knew that was the point, what drove him out to the clubs and bars every night in the first place. The guy had his own demons to deal with. Now, thanks to Hugh’s old man and Hugh’s failure to protect his family from the waste of space, Adam had taken on theirs, as well.

  “And that, my friend, is why you spent your night alone, while I had a couple honeys in my bed, begging to fulfill all my dirty fantasies.” He shrugged. “It’s a gift.”

  “You must be running low by now. How many dirty fantasies can one man have?”

  Adam chuckled. “There are infinite possibilities.”

  Hugh opened his mouth to answer when a car drove in. Al’s car. “Shit.”

  A week had come and gone since Don gave them Al’s ultimatum. It had only been a matter of time before the old bastard decided to pay them a visit. Don jumped out and opened the back door. Al climbed out, looking skinny, pale and kinda frail. Hugh glanced at Adam, seeing the same thought running through his friend’s head.

  The rumors were true.

  Al was sick. Really sick.

  But even sick, an air of authority radiated from the guy. He still had that arrogant expression on his smug face, and despite his frail appearance, carried himself like the cocksure bastard he was.

  “Boys,” he said as he approached. “I can see how excited you are to see me.” Don took position beside his boss, a smirk on his stupid-looking face.

  “We weren’t expecting you,” Adam said.

  “Of course you were.” Al grinned. “Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? I think we make great business partners, and I’d hate to see that partnership dissolve when there’s a lot more money to be made. Once you’ve paid off your debt, you’ll be getting a cut. A very generous one.”

  Hugh crossed his arms. “Not interested.”

  The old bastard’s gaze sharpened, locking onto Hugh. Hugh stared back. He wasn’t backing down on this. Being a professional car thief wasn’t something he aspired to be, despite his past and the stupid mistakes he’d made as a kid. Mistakes that had brought him to this very point. He wanted out, but if Al had his way, this is where they’d all stay.

  Screw that.

  “You’re making the wrong decision,” Al said, expression cold, blank.

  “We disagree,” Adam answered.

  Al stared at them. “I see.” His fingers curled into fists. “Well, thank you for your time. I have to be going. We’ll talk again soon, though.” Then he turned, got back in his car and left.

  Adam watched the car roll out. “I’d say negotiations are about to start.”

  They’d learned first-hand the way Al conducted negotiations.

  They were fucked.

  Chapter Ten

  Kayla stumbled, and Shay reached out to steady her friend before she fell on her butt. Things were getting messy. They’d both had too much to drink. Well, she hadn’t had as much as Kayla, but then, it didn’t take as much for Shay to get tipsy. She’d always been a lightweight
when it came to alcohol.

  The night had started off great, gone really well until the fourth round of Tequila Sunrises, then things had taken a turn for the worse. She’d had to wrestle the phone out of Kayla’s hand several times. In her intoxicated state, her friend had decided she needed to call James. He apparently needed to know how much she loved him…was positive the reason they broke up for the third time was because she hadn’t expressed her feelings for him enough.

  The real reason they kept breaking up was that James was an A-1 jerk. End of story.

  Shay opened the door of the taxi and ushered her friend in. “Let’s get you home, honey.”

  Kayla crawled inside, collapsing on her belly, butt in the air.

  “You have to sit up. Come on.” Shay grabbed her friend under the armpits, stumbling a little when she leaned in to drag Kayla into a sitting position.

  Climbing in after her, Shay secured her friends seatbelt before Kayla did another face-plant then glanced at the driver, who was now scowling at them, and gave him Kayla’s address.

  “If she pukes in my cab, the fees double.”

  “She won’t.” She better not. Shay could barely afford the ride as it was.

  Kayla reached out and poked Shay in the side of the face to get her attention. “He doesn’t know, Shay. I need to tell him I love him. I neeeed to.”

  “I know, honey.”

  After taking the phone off Kayla for the third time, Shay had stolen the battery out of it while Kayla wasn’t looking. She would thank Shay in the morning. Kayla rested her head on Shay’s shoulder, and a second later, she was passed out. Wonderful.

  Shay managed to rouse her long enough to get her into her place. Kayla’s roommate was thankfully home, and the two of them got her into bed. Shay handed over Kayla’s phone and battery with strict instructions not to let her have it until the morning and then headed for home.

  The trailer was dark when they pulled up outside. Her mom must be in bed. Something about the intense darkness beyond the windows made Shay freeze…had her weak, alcohol-addled mind filling with a memory she never allowed herself to revisit.

  Mom forgot to pay the electricity again. Shay huddled under her blanket on their old couch. She hated the dark, especially when she was home alone. She gripped the flashlight tighter, whimpering when it started to flicker, knowing the batteries were about to run out. This was the second night her mommy had stayed away. Shay’s tummy rumbled, and she hugged herself to stop the ache. A shadow moved outside the window. It was just the trees, she knew it was, but it still scared her. Clutching her teddy tight, she prayed her mommy would hurry up and come home, and that morning would come fast…

  “You all right?” the driver asked impatiently.

  “Oh…! Yes. I’m fine. Sorry.” She paid him then climbed out, letting the memory fade, locking it away with the rest.

  She headed to the trailer, glad her mother was asleep. She couldn’t deal with another one of her tirades tonight. Her mom was unhappy, extremely unhappy, which was common on these visits. When she was like this, she wasn’t satisfied until everyone around her was just as miserable as she was. She accomplished this by being nasty, and, at times, cruel. She put Shay down constantly, whenever the opportunity presented itself.

  Another reason to end things with Hugh—she’d be humiliated if her mother spoke to her that way in front of him. The idea of the two of them in the same room was enough to give Shay hives.

  Thankfully, she didn’t have to worry about that happening. Hugh said he’d work something out so they could get together after she’d been out, but she hadn’t heard from him all evening. His text message: Two nights, too long, though short, was to the point and had triggered some serious happy tingles. Now she felt disappointed. Disappointed, tipsy and because she was thinking of Hugh, aroused.


  She unlocked the door as quietly as she could and tiptoed inside. The smell of cigarette smoke hit her first, which annoyed the crap out of her. She’d told her mom she couldn’t smoke inside. But then her mother did what she wanted when she wanted. That’s how it had always been. Loaded with bags, she’d arrived the day before as she’d promised. And after she’d found and opened the cheap wine Shay had bought for cooking, she’d plonked her butt on the couch and proceeded to drink the whole thing until she passed out. So much for their dinner together.

  Since her mother had taken the bedroom, Shay flicked on the light and stared at the couch. She’d slept on the foldout for years while she’d lived with her grandmother, before she’d gone to college. Right then, she missed her gran more than she ever had.

  Dumping her bag on the counter, she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, which was when she spotted a note stuck to the front of the refrigerator door. It was held on by one of the hula girl magnets her gran had bought on her honeymoon to Hawaii. They were faded and cracked. She’d loved them.

  Staying with a friend. See you tomorrow.


  A friend?

  She checked the bedroom, and sure enough, it was empty. She’d never heard of a friend, let alone met any of them. Still, it didn’t come as a surprise; her mom had trouble sitting still. She’d probably met some random guy while Shay was at work. Wouldn’t be the first time. She’d be after her next meal ticket. But Shay refused to lay awake all night worrying. She’d spent far too many nights doing that to last her a lifetime.

  The sound of a car pulling up outside her trailer was loud in the silence, and she stiffened. God, had her mother come home after all? Did she have someone with her? Shay headed to the door and pulled back the faded floral curtain covering the small window, squinting into the darkness to get a better look. She didn’t recognize car.

  But then the door was shoved open, and Hugh’s huge frame unfolded from the driver’s side.

  Her heart kicked into gear as she gripped the door handle and pulled it open. She took the first step and gave him a little wave. The urge to run at him and jump into his arms was almost too hard to contain. He was just such a welcome sight after the last couple of days.

  “It’s you,” she said stupidly.

  He grinned. “Looks like it.” His gaze moved over her, lingering on key areas before lifting to meet her eyes. “You look hot, princess.”

  She had on dark jeans, platform heels and a fifties-style baby-doll top with a sweetheart neckline. She’d say it was more a cutesy look than hot, but hey, she’d take it. “What are you doing here?”

  His eyebrows lifted, gaze dropping to her lips.

  Oh. She felt her face heat. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “Said I’d sort something. Came to pick you up…”

  She shook her head. “My mom…well, she’s not actually here tonight.” Her heart started doing some serious fluttering. “Not back ‘til tomorrow.”

  He grinned. “Perfect.” Shutting the car door, he headed her way, but before he reached her he tossed the keys in his hand toward her.

  Her hand lifted automatically, catching them.

  “Yours,” he said when he stopped in front of her.


  “The car. It’s yours.”

  She blinked up at him, trying to clear her fuzzy brain. What? He couldn’t be serious. She couldn’t afford a car. “What do you mean, mine? I don’t have money for a new car.”

  “Don’t want your money, princess.” His hands went to her hips, and he gave her a squeeze. “Car’s yours,” he said again, as if he’d given her a frickin’ donut and not a whole car. “You gonna let me in?”

  She stepped back, and he kept coming, until they moved inside and her back met the kitchen counter.

  “Um, Hugh. I can’t accept a car from you.”

  He stared down at her. “Why not?”

  “Why not?” she sputtered.


  “Because it’s a car.”

  “Think we’ve established that.”

  She tilted her head back, lifting her hands to
his chest. The firm muscle flexed under her palms, and she sighed. The man truly was scrumptious. He grinned. Oh wow…

  His brows lifted a little. “So you’ll take it?”


  He grinned wider. Crap. Focus! She shook her head, forcing her brain back to the conversation at hand.

  “You can’t just give me a car. That’s…it’s…well, it’s nuts.”

  “You need one?”

  “That’s…that’s not the point.”

  He chuckled. Gave her another squeeze. “It’s not a big deal. It’s our old loaner. We were gonna junk it cause none of us could be bothered fixin’ it. I fixed it today. It’ll run sweet until you’re ready to upgrade.”

  It was a nice thing to do, a really nice thing to do, but she couldn’t accept it. That wasn’t what they were about. She flexed her fingers against his pecs and tried to suppress the shiver that moved through her. “It’s really sweet of you, and I appreciate it. I do. But I can’t accept it. It’s just too much.” She ran her hands over his pecs, down to his abs and back up, watching her hands as they moved over him. “God, you’re big.”

  He chuckled. “You drunk?”

  She shook her head. “Just tipsy.”

  “You get horny when you’re tipsy?”

  She stared up at him, mouth dropping open. Dear lord, the things he said. “What…? No. I’m not…” She couldn’t make herself say it.

  His soft brown eyes transformed, gaze sharpening, a determined expression coming over his face. Then he rubbed his hips against hers, and she nearly moaned out loud when she felt his erection against her belly.


  Yes! But horny didn’t quite cover how she was feeling in that moment. Still, she couldn’t say it. “No.”

  His nostrils flared, and he licked his lower lip before a sexy, extremely dirty grin lifted the corners of his mouth.


  Hugh grinned down at Shay. She was a sweet, soft, little armful, and he’d thought about nothing else but the woman currently pressed up against him—lying through her teeth.

  She was as hot for him as he was for her.

  After last night, nearly getting caught, he knew he shouldn’t be there—letting her get in his head like this was stupid, reckless. He had so much shit raining down on him, he was close to suffocating. But for some messed-up reason, he couldn’t stay away. And the thought of her walking to the bus stop in the middle of the goddamn night, unprotected, had been driving him bat-shit crazy since she told him how she made it to work and back. She could refuse to take the car all she liked, but it was going to happen. By the time he walked out of here, Shay would have agreed, happily, to take the damn thing off his hands.


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