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Swerve: Boosted Hearts (Volume 1)

Page 11

by Sherilee Gray

  She licked her lips and blinked up at him several times in a way that made him want to savage that innocent-looking mouth, made him want to push her to her knees and watch those pretty eyes go wide when he slid his hard cock into her mouth.

  His thoughts scattered when she took his hand in hers—until she placed the keys back in his palm.

  “It’s too much, Hugh.”

  Yeah, he liked it when she said his name. A lot. He also noticed she’d changed the subject back to the car, away from the way she was clenching her thighs together. “That the answer you’re gonna stick with?”

  Her lips were slightly parted, breath coming faster, sexy little pants forcing her tits against his abs. “Yes.”

  “Stubborn,” he muttered.

  Her spine straightened, which just pushed her closer. “I am not.”

  “Yeah, you are.” He tucked her hair behind her ear. “But I like it, makes changing your mind a fuck of a lot more fun.”

  Her jaw tightened. Cute as fuck.

  “I’m not changing my mind.”

  Yeah, she was, she just didn’t know it yet. He stepped away, and she watched, eyes wary, throwing off a shit ton of attitude. So much for having to fake it. That was cute, as well, kind of like a pissed-off kitten. He went to the couch in the small living space and sat down. “So you wanna watch some TV?”

  The attitude drained away, and she frowned. He wanted to laugh at the confused look on her face. The woman couldn’t maintain even a little bit of anger; it wasn’t in her nature. Yeah, she got pissed when she needed to, but it wasn’t her. Shay Freestone was sweetness—inside and out. She was also turned-way-the-hell-on and denying it.

  She crossed her arms over her chest, pushing up all that soft, round flesh. “TV?”

  His mouth went dry. “Yeah.” He patted the couch beside him.

  “Um…okay. Sure.” She walked to the television, a slight wobble in her step, and bent over to turn it on. That full, round ass was now aimed at him, and the denim coving it hugged those sexy cheeks to perfection.

  He reached down and adjusted his hard-on because it fucking ached. “Awesome.”

  She went back to the kitchen and opened the fridge. “Are you hungry? Would you like a drink? I’m going to have a sandwich.”

  “Yeah, I could eat. Beer if you have one?”

  He watched her move around the small space. He liked watching her, the way she moved, the little noises she made while she worked. Everything about her drew him in a seriously big way.

  She brought him a beer, handed him a cheese and ham then took a seat beside him. They ate in silence. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but he could feel the tension between them, feel it building. Her face was flushed, and every now and then, she’d sneak a glance his way. She was waiting for him to make the first move. He grinned to himself. Shit, she was irresistible. Sexy and so sweet she gave him toothache. He got a kick out of just watching her eat, listening to more of her noises. The little moans she made with each mouthful.

  When they finished, she took their plates to the kitchen and headed back to the couch, coming to a stop in front of him. “So, um…do you want to watch this?” The Discovery Channel was playing. “Or…?”

  He lifted a foot, resting his boot on the coffee table, blocking the path to her seat. “I’m done watching TV, princess.”

  She looked down at him, brows raised in question. “You are?”

  “I’m in the mood for something else.”

  Her eyes glazed over, and her hands fluttered around at her sides.

  “Stand right there,” he told her.

  She sucked in a breath.

  He took his time looking at her, letting his gaze travel over every soft curve. “Shirt off.”

  “My shirt…”

  “Now, beautiful.”

  Her throat worked for a second, then she lifted her trembling hands and gripped the bottom of her shirt.

  “That’s it.”

  Slowly, she lifted it, revealing her breasts, beautifully encased in bright-pink lace. Then she pulled it up the rest of the way and off, letting it fall to the floor.

  His cock surged behind his jeans painfully. “Bra,” he murmured. “Take it off, let me see ‘em, sweetheart.”

  She reached back and did as he asked, freeing her luscious tits, all creamy and smooth and full. Her nipples were stiff and pink, and he wanted that soft flesh in his hands, wanted to take it in his mouth now. But that wasn’t happening, not yet. Her face was flushed, and her eyes were bright. So damn gorgeous. She was getting off on him telling her what to do bigtime, loving every damn minute.

  “Turn around. Show me that ass.” His voice was getting rougher every time he opened his mouth, with every pulse of his hard cock.

  She gave him her back, and he wanted to grab her waist, yank her back and press his lips to that pretty spot at the small of her back, trail his tongue along the top of her ass, dip it down the crease. “Take off the pants…panties, too.”

  She took in a deep breath, kicked off her shoes then, sliding her thumbs in the sides of her underwear, pushed them down. Bending forward, she stepped out of them and gave him a spectacular view of her swollen, pink, juicy little pussy. Jesus fucking Christ.

  Tugging open the button of his jeans, he dragged down the zipper, shoved the pants down his hips a little to free his cock. Grabbing a condom from his wallet, he quickly rolled it on.

  “You turned on now, Shay?”

  She shivered, a full-body shiver. “Y-yes.”

  Keeping his legs spread, he reached forward, grabbed her by the hips and got her to back up, nice and close. “Sit on my lap, slowly.”

  Her hands went to his knees, nails digging into the denim as she lowered herself. He fisted his cock with one hand, guiding her down with the other. When the head of his cock met her hot, slick flesh, she moaned in a way that made his balls draw up tight. How the hell was he going to hold out?

  “That’s it, sit down on my hard cock, take all of me inside that hot, little pussy.”

  When the head breached her tight opening, she gasped. He controlled her descent, keeping it painfully slow, torturing them both. Her head was tilted to the side, and he watched her face flush darker as she took each inch.

  Nothing was hotter than the way she stretched around him, swallowing him in that tight grasp. When he was all the way in, he reached around and lifted each of her thighs over his, so she was wide open, feet dangling off the floor—fully under his control.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and held her down tight. He wasn’t letting her move, no matter how much his balls ached, not until he got the answer he wanted. Sweat started to break out across his skin, the urge to lift her and slam her down on his cock damn near impossible to ignore, especially when she wriggled her lush ass.

  “Hugh…please. I need…I need to move.”

  He slid a hand over her soft belly, her ribs, up to cup one full breast and squeezed, working and tugging her nipple. “No moving, not until I say so.” He was goddamn thrilled when his voice came out more than a rough growl.

  “But I…” She wriggled again. “I need you to…ahhh.”

  She moaned helplessly when he tugged harder on her nipple, his arm tightening around her hips to keep her immobile.

  “Please, Hugh,” she gasped.

  He nearly gave in when she said his name in that needy voice. “You gonna take the car?”

  “What? I-I…no.”

  She was flat-out panting now, every second he was inside her, she got hotter, tighter—shit, wetter.

  “Then, no, I’m not moving. And neither are you.”

  “Y-you can’t be serious.”

  “I get what I want, and what I want is for you to take the car.”

  She shook her head, red hair sliding over her bare back, making him want to fist it and pound into her until they both blew up.


  Her hand moved down between her legs, and he felt her pussy tighten, which should be i
mpossible. Jesus, it felt so good, his goddamn eyes rolled back in his head. He grabbed her wrist, pulling her fingers away from her slick, stiff, little clit.

  “No you don’t. You don’t come ‘til I say you can.”

  He felt her spasm around him, and he groaned. He gripped both her wrists in one of his hands, the other still massaging her breast. If she didn’t give in soon, he was gonna blow; no way could he hold out much longer. He kissed and sucked lightly on her shoulder.

  “You gonna take the car?”

  “I…I…ahh, oh, God.” She moaned then jerked in his arms.

  And fuck him, she started coming, pussy gripping his cock, milking him without either one of them moving, clamping down on him so damn hard he struggled to drag in his next breath.

  “Yes!” she cried out, rocking against him as best she could with the way he held her.

  Jesus Christ.

  “That’s it, that’s my girl.” He hissed out a breath. “Pussy so greedy I don’t even have to move, and you come for me.” Then he snapped. Moving his hold to her hips, he yanked her down hard, slammed up into her, once, twice, a third time, and he came with a shout. So hard his fucking ears were ringing, and his limbs felt like Jell-O.

  Shay slumped back, his cock still buried deep, all soft and sweet and sexy as hell.

  “That’s my girl,” he rasped again, the words out of his mouth before he knew what he was saying. Words he shouldn’t be saying but that felt right, more than right.

  But she wasn’t his girl; that option wasn’t open to him, not until they found a way to get free and clear of the shit hanging around their necks. The way things were going, that might never happen. And even if they did? He was kidding himself if he thought he was good enough for Shay. He’d only let her down like he had his whole damn family.

  “You’re a sadist,” she murmured.

  He buried his nose in her hair, breathed her in, shut down his thoughts. He didn’t want to think about any of that, not now. “You said yes.”

  She stilled. “No, I didn’t.”

  “Yeah, you did. Shit, you screamed it, babe. If you don’t use it now, you’ll hurt my feelings.” He’d also be royally pissed. He wanted her safe. “I’m doing it for purely selfish reasons,” he said. “If I can’t get to you, you’ve got a way to come to me when we wanna hook up.”

  She turned to him, skin pink, eyes glowing and gorgeous. “I don’t know…it doesn’t feel right…”

  “It’s really just a time-efficiency thing.”

  “You’re very pushy.”

  “I am when I know I’m right.”

  “Hmm. Arrogant, too.”

  “Bend to my will already, woman. You can’t win.” He grinned. “Tell me you’ll use it.”

  “Well.” She screwed up her face, looking fucking adorable. “I suppose you make some sense.”

  “Of course I do.”

  “With my mom here, I thought we’d have to end this…what we’re doing, but if I borrow your car…”

  He gave her a squeeze. Like hell this was ending, not yet. No way. “Use the car.”

  She smiled. Bright. Beautiful. “Okay, just until we…until…” She stopped mid-sentence.

  Until this is over. Jesus, he couldn’t think about that, not now. “Good.” He gave her ass a pat. “Now we’ve got that sorted, let me get rid of this rubber.” He lifted her to her feet.

  She turned to him, and her smile slipped slightly. “Are you going?”

  He should, he should keep this thing sex only—sleepovers shouldn’t come into it—but he’d enjoyed sleeping in her bed, having her pressed against him all night. “Climb into bed. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Then he strode to the bathroom before he pulled her in close, before he kissed her just for the hell of it, because he wanted to taste her. For no other reason than he couldn’t think of doing anything else.


  Chapter Eleven

  Shay woke to the sound of voices coming from the tiny living room beyond her bedroom door.

  She grabbed her phone, checking the time. 8:30 a.m.


  Shoving back the covers, she jolted into a sitting positon then scrambled out of bed. She groggily pulled on her robe, stumbled to the door, and yanked it open…

  And ground to a screeching halt. All remnants of sleep vanished in an instant.

  Hugh stood by the door. It was open, so he was either coming back inside the trailer or going out. Her guess? Making a hasty retreat if the expression on his face was any indication. He was staring at her mother, who was back and lounging on the couch, a cigarette in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. He did not look happy.

  Her mother looked rough, hair out to there, mascara smudged, still wearing her outfit from the night before. The ragged-edged, cutoff denim skirt she wore was heading into micro-mini territory, and the bright-pink tank she had on had the words Daddy’s Girl stretched across her enhanced breasts. One of her boyfriends had paid for her boobs a few years ago, and not a day passed that she didn’t have those things out on display.

  Shay stepped farther into the room, dread swirling in her belly. “Mom, I ah…I wasn’t expecting you home so early.”

  Her mom took a drag of her smoke and stubbed it out in one of the antique saucers left to Shay by her gran. It was from a tea set that had once belonged to her great grandmother. Her mom knew this, knew how precious it was to Shay.

  “So I see.” Her mother’s gaze narrowed, slid back to Hugh. “She doesn’t have any money; you know that, right?” She climbed to her feet, planting a hand on her hip.

  Oh, God.

  Pain shot through Shay’s chest.

  Hugh gave her body a sweep, but it wasn’t in appreciation. Her mother was an attractive woman, and though her face showed signs of the hard life she’d chosen for herself, there was nothing wrong with her body, and she knew it. But the way Hugh was looking at her, you’d think she’d sprouted a third arm…from her forehead. “What the fuck did you just say?”

  His voice was low, rough, and Shay shivered. He sounded angry. No, he sounded pissed off.

  “Um…Hugh, maybe…”

  “You’re here, with her.” Her mother cut her off, pointing a pink tipped finger at her only daughter, and Shay braced for what was coming. “You want something, why else would you be here? She doesn’t have any money, she doesn’t have jack shit if you want to know the truth. I love her to bits, but she’s no supermodel. So why are you here?”

  Oh, my God.

  Her mom was a mean drunk, but hungover she hit a whole new level of ugly. Usually, though, she waited until company left before throwing the insults at Shay. “Mom…”

  “No, Shay, someone’s got to look out for you.”

  Since when? “Mom, please…”

  “Guy like that has no reason to be with the likes of you. Jesus, look at yourself, girl.” She shook her head. “He’s after something.”

  “Are you fucking serious?” Hugh growled.

  Shay quickly moved to him, put a hand to Hugh’s stomach and pushed, trying to get him to take a step outside. The muscles clenched under her palm, but he didn’t move, didn’t budge. It was like trying to move a…mountain. A mountain man.

  His hard gaze was fixed on her mother. She gave him another shove. Again, he didn’t budge.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  His brown-eyed gaze dropped to her, searching her features. A second later, jaw tight, he gave her a subtle nod and stepped back.

  “Thank you,” she whispered and pulled the door shut behind her. “I-I’m sorry about that, she’s…she’s…” She had no words to describe what her mother was.

  “A bitch?” Hugh finished for her.

  Obviously, he didn’t have the same trouble. “She’s hungover. She’s not herself when she’s been drinking.”

  He just stared at her, not commenting, which said it all, really. She wasn’t fooling anyone, least of all Hugh.

  “Look, I gotta go.�
� He didn’t look overly happy, but then he lifted a hand and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  She probably had serious bed-head going on.

  “Okay.” That feeling, the one that hit whenever he was leaving, bunched tight in her belly. She ignored it and forced a smile.

  He shoved a hand into his pocket and pulled out the car keys he’d tried to give her last night and held them out. “Come to my place tonight. I’ll text you the address.”

  The happiness that lit her up inside just because he asked her to go to his house was way off the charts. Enough that it freaked her the heck out. Made her pause before jumping. Made her want to take a step back. “I don’t know.” She bit her lip. “Maybe we should slow things down.”


  “I don’t know…”

  He tilted his chin toward the trailer. “Don’t let her get in your head.”

  But her mother’s words had gotten to her. No, she didn’t think he had some nefarious plan to steal her minimal possessions out from under her, but her mother was right about one thing. Hugh could have anyone he chose. Why he chose to spend time with her, she had no clue. What they were doing would come to an end, and soon. It was what she wanted. What they both wanted. She had to remember that.

  “It’s not about my mother,” she lied. “I just thought…”

  “Don’t think. I want you. You want me. It’s as simple and as complicated as that.”

  Was it? He obviously wasn’t concerned about messy emotions. Of course he wasn’t. That’s not the way he saw her. She wasn’t a threat to his heart. She just had to make sure Hugh didn’t become a threat to hers. “Okay.”


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