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Code Name: Fox / Mind Games (Syndicate Series Book 1)

Page 17

by A. L. Kessler

  "You can do this, Reagan. I know you can."

  "You don't know anything about me, how can you be so sure."

  "Call me optimistic, but I just know. I know to trust you."

  She pushed up from the floor and tossed the washcloth in the sink. “You shouldn’t be so trusting of people.”

  When he moved in the bath she rushed to his side again, but he shrugged her off obviously determined to stand on his own. “I’m an animal, Reagan. I can smell every subtle emotion on you.” His eyes traveled up and down her body for a long second before meeting her gaze. “Every single one. I trust you and one of these days you’re going to have to trust me as well.”

  “Trust is earned, Liam. Not everyone is gifted with some lie-detecting sense of smell. Some of us are just human.”

  A deep growl rattled in his chest. “You are hardly human. Is that the sort of lies the Agency has fed you? That you are some mere human.” He snorted in disgust. “You should have been raised by your own people, not used a tool.”

  “I was raised by my father. I told you I’m not an orphan.”

  He stepped out of the tub, steadying himself before slowly walking back into the bedroom, still naked and wet, and collapsed on the bed. It was obvious that the potion and herbs had helped give him strength, but the wounds on his back still worried her. As he laid naked on the bed he continued, “I still think you aren't telling the whole truth. Did the Agency help train you?”

  “Don’t be a stubborn animal.” Reagan met him at the bed and rolled him onto his stomach so that his wounds wouldn’t bleed all over the comforter. “Are you determined to hurt yourself?”

  “Answer the question.”

  She blew out a heavy breath and ignored him while she went back into the bathroom to rummaged in the medicine cabinet for bandages before grabbing what was left of the herbs. When she returned, she started dressing his injuries and packing the larger lacerations with lavender and heather. She muttered through gritted teeth. “My father raised me.”

  “Is he a witch?”

  “Actually, yes, he is. Both my parents were psychics like me.”

  “And how did you come to work for the Agency?”

  She didn’t answer. Instead she slid off the bed and headed for the door. “You need food.”

  Before she knew what had happened she found herself pinned against the wall with Liam’s muscular naked body pressed against her. “Why do you work for them?”

  The words stuck in her throat. Shame she’d never felt before came bubbling to the surface. Maybe it had started when Celeste had informed her that she was coven-less and needed training. Maybe it was something that had always been there but she’d ignored. But right then at that moment she didn’t want him to think less of her, to think of her as a pawn of the Agency. It was an unfamiliar feeling. She’d always been proud of her position. Most witches were freelance and while she was technically a free agent, she’d worked so consistently with the Agency, lived in Agency subsidized housing, had an Agency partner, and drew a regular income from her job that deep down she did feel like she was a part of the greater good that the Agency was doing. Now that he’d shoved his way into her life and made her feel things she’d rather not feel, all that old pride was dwindling, and she felt the shame of her miseducation by her father and the Agency. “My father got me the job.”

  Liam ran his nose against her jawline, inhaling deeply and his body hardened against hers. The feel of him made her legs weak. She involuntarily opened her mouth and moaned as his whiskered cheek rubbed against hers. His mouth moved to her ear and her mind became completely blank for the first time in her entire life when his tongue curled around her earlobe drawing it into his mouth. She was like melted butter. Her back arched, pressing her body into his. It was pure bliss to not hear anything, to not think a single thought. Reagan’s hands moved to his neck. How a wolf could make her feel like this was beyond her, but with the silence came an amazing truth that she could no longer deny. She wanted this wolf, more than any man she’d ever wanted. He was the eye of her own personal storm where the outside world beat her down and drowned her out with its noise he was peace and quiet and safety inside the chaos.

  His sharp fangs nipped at her earlobe and her cheeks burned hot with need. She tangled her fingers in his hair and breathlessly whispered, “Liam, I need you, but you’re still hurt”

  He stopped for two seconds, pulled back and looked her in the eyes. When she didn’t turn away, his eyes crinkled at the sides. Grinning from ear to ear. “That was a quick change of heart, lass.”

  “Don’t over think it, wolf. It’s simple. You keep the voices quiet in my head and for once in my life I want to enjoy it.”

  His eyes started to glow and she imagined the wolf was inwardly howling in victory. “You’re using me?” He quipped. It was a question but not an accusatory tone, but she still didn’t know how to respond. When she didn’t say anything he added his stipulation. “I’ll give you the quiet you want, but in exchange, you have to answer my questions.” His hand slipped down to the waist of her jeans and he popped the button with little effort to slide his hand into her panties. she paused and took a breath trying to regain some composure.

  “You’re injured. We can’t do this, you need to heal.”

  His tone was low, almost a whisper. “I already told you, I’m getting stronger. If you need me then you’ll have me, lass.” The first contact of his thick fingers with her slick folds sent a shiver through her and blessed silence tugged at her mind.

  “God, yes. Please. Anything.”

  She was waiting for questions, but instead she felt his fingers caressing her, working a slick friction between them as he stroked her folds. She was wiggling out of her jeans and kissing his neck when the first of his fingers entered her. It’d been so long since she’d let anyone touch her that the sensation was enough to make her body tremble. Liam gave a chuckle and whispered, “Don’t finish just yet, I’ve got big plans for you tonight.”

  Reagan gasped and nodded her head. Big plans sounded like the best thing ever. She wanted him and she wanted to see what he had in store for her here in the safe house far from prying eyes. He made quick work of her clothes and lifted her up, bracing her against the wall. One firm hand gripped her ass as he settled himself between her thighs. The head of his cock pulsed against her swollen clit making it increasingly hard for her to remain somewhat reserved. There was an animal inside of her that wanted out to play with his beast.

  She bit, licked, and kissed every inch of skin she could get her mouth on as he entered her. His cock stretched her walls, making her wince in pain but beg for more. He gave as much as she could take, pounding into her harder every time she panted the words, “More.” His thrusts went deep, she could feel the base of him stretching her further. The wall groaned in protest to their weight and the scent of their arousal filled the air.

  Liam captured her lips, teasing them with his tongue before thrusting and claiming her mouth. She welcomed him and slid her tongue over his. Her core tightened as she sunk her nails into his back, the bandages took the brunt of her mark protecting his wounds. “Yes,” she whimpered. Ecstasy washed over her in blinding waves of heat. His cock seemed to grow harder, thicker as she bounced on his dick. His release was violent, his body stiffened. His muscles coiled and tensed and the rush of his hot seed filling her made her cum again. Reagan’s head fell back as she let out a cry of release. Liam silenced her with his mouth once more and carried her to the bed. She was heady and exhausted, “More?”

  Her pleading question seemed to satisfy him and he nodded. “More.”

  His head was between her legs before she could ask him what more he could do. His tongue lapped at her slick folds and caressed her clit to answer her unasked question. She slapped at the sheets, wiggling her hips and ground against his mouth. With his hands kneading her inner thighs and his mouth caressing her she only lasted a minute before her entire body convulsed and her core tightened in ple

  When he came up his eyes were clear and focused, it was a look of victory and pride which made her feel deeply satisfied. She couldn’t muster up an ounce of regret. He moved up the bed and slipped in beside her. She was still breathless but wanted to get her end of their bargain over with. “Okay, ask your questions.”

  Liam shook his head. “Not right now.” She opened her mouth to protest but he kissed her silent instead. She melted against him, kissing him back and as he held her against him and pulled the covers over them she had a moment of panic “You’re back, we have to heal you.”

  “You bandaged me up, remember. It’ll be fine for a bit. I need to sleep next to you the moon will rise soon, I’ll be okay. We both need rest. You haven’t told me what happened to you but don’t think for one moment I haven’t noticed every single scar on you. My guess is Celeste healed you, but you probably need rest as much as I do.”


  “No buts, Reagan.” He brushed her hair out of her eyes and did that thing with his nose running over her jaw again. “I need you.”

  She was putty. Just like that. Three little words dissolved years of hatred and fear. He needed her. Maybe what he’d done for her voices she did for him in some way. Maybe she quieted whatever ate at his soul. She snuggled against him getting lost in the sound of his breathing and drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

  Later Reagan found herself waking up, naked and cold, in an empty bed. Memories of the explosion came rushing back and she sprang from the bed. “Liam! Where are you?”

  His voice was strained and faint. “Bathroom, lass.”

  She rushed to find him hunched over the sink, the bandages on his back soaked with blood and blood pouring from his mouth into the sink. “Dear goddess,” she whispered.

  “Looks worse than it is.” He coughed and blood splattered the counter top.

  “The hell it is. Get on the bed.”

  He gave her a dangerous look and growled. “Ready to go again?”

  “Hardly.” She waved him off and ran for her bag pulling out the spell book. “Lay down and hold still while I look for a spell.”

  He obeyed without question, laying back down. She was cursing under her breath next to the bed when he reached out and lightly held her hand. “What is it that you’re muttering?”

  “I’m saying I should have never given in. I should have done what I was sent here to do which was save your life, not get fucked.”

  He coughed again making her spew out another string of expletives. “Reagan, don’t do that. I don’t regret it, not for one second.”

  Tears stung her eyes. “Well, I do. What if something happens to you? How am I supposed to live with that guilt that if it weren’t for us screwing around you might have been saved.”

  Liam shook his head. “You already said yourself that I wasn’t dying. It’s fine.”

  “No, Liam, it’s not fine. I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  “You’ll get it done. You’ll heal me and the moon will do the rest.”

  “You’re blind faith is a little perplexing, wolf.”

  He smiled. “At least you aren’t calling me mutt anymore.”

  She stopped in her tracks and turned to him slowly. Something was there, in the words he’d just said. Something deep that he didn’t want her to know. She opened her mouth, then closed it. Leaning down, she pressed her lips against his and this time it was her who caressed his cheek. She couldn’t say the words “I’m sorry.” But she was. She was sorry that her words had hurt him every time she’d called him a mutt. But she couldn’t say it.

  To his credit, he didn’t seem to mind, he welcomed the kiss and returned it with vigor. Her naked body warmed just being near him. She slowly pulled back and took a seat next to him on the bed. “Roll over.” He did as she commanded and she sat cross-legged next to him. Pulling the book into her lap to settle in for a bit of reading. Somewhere in the book would be a healing spell, something even an initiate witch could perform and one way or another she’d have to find a way to cast it. There was magic inside of her that she could feel and yet had no access to. If Celeste was right, even being a psychic Reagan should be able to cast simple spells. Liam kept his eyes on her and every once in a while she’d glance at him and smile between reading.

  Several minutes after diving into the grimoire Reagan sat up and snapped her fingers. “Found it.”

  “A healing spell?”

  She nodded and bit her lip. “A healing spell specifically for afflicted beasts.”

  He laughed. “Wouldn’t that just be called the moon?”

  “Don’t be a smart-ass.”

  “Fine.” He muttered. “So what do you need me to do?”

  “Just lay there. I need to focus.”

  He stilled, his breathing turned shallow, and she could barely see the rise and fall of his back from his breaths. A smile crept over her lips. “You don’t have to lay that still, but thank you for trying.”

  She held her hands out over his tattered back and began chanting the spell. Her words echoed around the room, the fireplace crackled, but nothing happened. Reagan ground her teeth and tried again. She could feel the magic inside of her. It grew heavier with every attempt to access it, like bricks settling in the pit of her stomach. “Damn it.” She whispered and tried again. Time and time again the magic would sink deeper. After thirty minutes of trying Reagan was growling out the words. Her entire body tensed, her hands shook. She was failing when he needed her and for some ungodly reason she couldn’t do the simplest of spells.

  She dropped her head, shoulders slumped and placed her hands in her lap. Celeste was wrong. She was a psychic and psychics had no business casting spells outside of the Mindscape. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  Liam’s voice was soft, “Don’t give up, lass. You can do it.”

  “No, I can’t. I’ve tried. It won’t work.”

  He rolled over with a wince and sat up, taking the book away from her. Next thing she knew he was pulling her into his lap. She started to struggle but he held her tight against him. Her naked body pressed against his made her breath hitch. “Now isn’t the time for sex, wolf.”

  “I’m not trying to fuck you. I’m trying to help you.”

  Reagan pulled back and gave him a quizzical look. “Help me, how?”

  “Just relax. You know the words to the spell, right?” She nodded and he pressed a kiss to her neck. “And you said that I quiet your thoughts, yes?” She nodded again. Liam smiled and kissed her bare shoulder. “Then you just relax, let me take care of you, and you try the spell again.”

  It might not be the craziest thing she’d ever heard, but casting a spell to heal him while sitting naked in his lap seemed like a bigger distraction than just trying to read it from the book. As she settled in his cock throbbed against her entrance and she moaned. Liam laughed. “Stay focused, we can play later.”

  Nodding her head she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. How in the world was she going to concentrate with him like this? All doubts went out the window when he leaned his forehead against her. Silence flooded her. She could feel the rhythm of their breathing syncing to one another and the warmth that their skin generated, but no sound could be heard. Reagan hovered her hands over his back and his grip tightened to keep her steady. The words flowed from her lips in a sing-song tone and the knot in her stomach released. Magic sizzled at her fingertips and a satisfying growl erupted from Liam’s lips. She continued the incantation each word became breathier as her body heated. Liam’s hands slipped to her ass, sinking his fingers into her flesh and kneading her cheeks as she began to rock against him. A flash of light filled the room when the last word slipped off her tongue and Liam threw her back positioning himself above her. His mouth crushed against her, his tongue warred with hers. Reagan had never felt anything so primal in all of her life, the mix of magic that the Agency had denied her access to and the raw power she felt from Liam was intoxicating for a witch who'd never been taught h
ow to cast a spell outside of the Mindscape. In response, she ran her hands over his newly healed shoulders, resisting the urge to scrape her nails over it, to mark him as hers. Lifting her hips for him, she curled her fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. His entry was hard and fast, she cried out meeting his thrusts with a needful frenzy.

  Every touch told her she was his, he’d claimed her and she finally sunk her nails into the newly healed flesh on his back, although she felt a tinge of guilt for scratching up his back she was intent to stake her claim to him as well. His mouth seared the skin of her neck, his calloused hand cupped and massaged her breast and all she could think was she wanted more. A coil of tension grew in her core, the last thing she wanted to do was have this moment end but he plucked her strings perfectly just like he’d promised he would the first day they’d met. When she came, her back arched, head fell back, and his name slipped from her lips like a strangled cry, “Liam!”

  “Oh, I like that sound, lass.” He grunted as he buried his thick cock to the hilt. She felt his release, his shaft pulsed stretching her walls more as he filled her. When neither of them could do anything more than grin at each other and try to catch their breath Liam collapsed on the bed next to her. Pulling her against him he pressed a kiss against her forehead and whispered, “Healing magic looks good on you, lass.”

  Reagan smiled up at him.“Why do you say that?”

  He leaned forward and nipped at her lip. “Because you look like you are practically glowing.”

  She ran her hand down his muscular chest trying to memorize every inch of him. “How's your back.”

  He shrugged. “Scratched up from you, but those are already healing.”

  “The full moon is up now?.” She muttered to herself.

  “Yep, I’ll need to change to let the moon give me back some energy, and we both need to eat.”

  She nodded and sat up, “Can you find us something to eat in this place.”

  Liam grinned. “Of course, we keep it fully stocked.”


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