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Code Name: Fox / Mind Games (Syndicate Series Book 1)

Page 18

by A. L. Kessler

“If you’re better, does that mean we are going back tonight?”

  “We can go back tomorrow after we rest a little more.”

  Grabbing her shirt and panties she slipped into them. “Rest some more?” She padded into the bathroom as he headed for the kitchen and laughed. “We haven’t rested at all.”

  She heard his rumble of laughter from the other room. “We will. Trust me, after tonight you'll appreciate a marathon of sleep.”

  She blinked and looked at herself in the mirror unable to hide the creeping smile spreading over her face. It should bother her that the wolf was promising more sex, it should repulse her, but she found her core aching in anticipation.

  In the kitchen Liam stood at the stove, cooking eggs with a pair of jeans hanging low on his hip and a plain white t-shirt clinging to his muscular frame. She’d noticed him grab something from the bedroom dresser, apparently the wolves were prepared for situation in which they’d lost all their clothes in an explosion. As she settled in at the kitchen bar, Liam placed plates of breakfast food in front of her. “Eat up, you need the energy.”

  The wolf could eat like a beast and Liam insisted she eat as well. Over the course of their meal his conversation topics were all light, he seemed to be avoiding anything that might scare her away, which she appreciated. She didn't want anything to ruin their night, but the familiar pull of exhaustion was threatening to pull her under.

  In the underground apartment there were no windows and she found herself drifting off as he clear their plates. The cat nap didn’t last long and when she sat up on the couch where he’d placed her she noticed Liam pacing in front of the fireplace. "Something wrong?"

  “No, I’m just restless.”

  “You need to change?”

  He smiled and nodded.

  Fear trickled in causing her peaceful mood to shatter. "Will you recognize me? Should I leave?”

  “I will never hurt you, Reagan.” She blinked as he crossed the room to her. He knelt down and ran his fingers through her messy hair. “But I will change tonight and if you don’t want to see it then you can stay here.”

  She nodded and looked away from him. “Okay, I don't think I can handle seeing it.” His words sank in and she snapped her head up. “Wait, where are you going?”

  He was already stripping off his shirt and tilted his head toward the door. "To the roof, I need to be in the moonlight.”

  “But what if I need you?” Her thoughts raced around every possible outcome of being separated from him. Someone could find her in this room and assume she was still with the Agency. Or what if Liam was attacked while she was stuck down here while he was up on the roof?

  "It'll be fine. If for any reason you need me just go back down the hallway and get in the elevator, it’ll take you to the roof.” He stood up and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "I understand you don't want to see me like that. Just remember, I will always know you. Whether I'm a wolf or a man, you never have to fear me.”

  She nodded headed for the bedroom. "How long will it take?”

  “The change won't take long, the healing will go fast.” He grinned. "You did such a good job that the moon doesn't have much to do except restore some of my energy.”

  His grin filled her with pride. she liked him being proud of her magic even if it had taken way too many attempts before she got it right. With one last look back he slipped out of the apartment and closed the door behind him. Time ticked by slowly and she flopped on the bed hoping to sleep through this ordeal. She'd fallen for the man, but the wolf was something she wasn’t ready to deal with. She didn’t mind the astral wolf, but the wolf in flesh and blood was entirely different. For that matter, what if the astral wolf’s presents meant that Liam couldn’t change? She had no idea how she’d explain that one. Cowardly as it was, she couldn't bring herself to watch Liam change.

  When he'd changed to save her from his secretary and protected her from the rest of the pack she'd been too focused on the other wolves and didn't stay long enough to see any transformations other than the female who'd attacked her. Knowing that Liam was on the roof currently changing into a wolf, the thing that scared her most of all, filled her with a debilitating fear. After thirty more minutes she felt the stir of boredom setting in.“Maybe I should check on him." She shook her head. "No, he's fine.” The inner battle amped up with her heart wanting to check on him and her brain insisting that everything was fine.

  Curiosity ate at her. What if he was hurt more than she realized? What if the moon wasn't restoring his energy because she'd pulled his wolf’s subconscious out into the physical world? Gathering up every ounce of bravery she had Reagan slipped on her jeans and through on a jacket before making her way to the door. As she stepped out into the hallway panic struck her square in the gut, this was a Syndicate hideout which meant their might be someone else down here. There was no way she wanted to get caught by some other paranormal mobster hiding out in the basement apartments. She ran to the elevator and punched the roof button. Tapping her toe as her body hummed with nervous energy during the slow climb to the top. As soon as the doors cracked, Reagan pushed her way out and ran to the door. Her hand hovered over the handle as she tried to calm her breathing. When she was calmer, she turned the knob and stepped out onto the cold roof.

  The wind bit into her skin and she cursed. The white wolf snapped its head up and gave a growl causing her to freeze. She swore her heart even stopped beating for a second. The fear was crippling. Here he was, in wolf-form, staring at her like she might be his next meal.

  She scanned the area. The roof looked like an outdoor patio complete with furniture, plants, and a couple of awnings for getting out of the sun. Under normal circumstances she imagined people hanging out, having barbecues, and chatting. But given that this was a mob hangout, maybe the decor was simply to give the illusion of an outdoor office lounge.

  The wolf made another guttural noise. Clearing her throat, she managed to whisper. "You said you'd never hurt me.” The wolf whimpered, some part of her had expected a verbal response, but instead the animal walked slowly around the couch separating them and laid down on the floor while lowering its head. "Are you saying I’m safe with you?”

  The creature made the same whimpering sound and closed its eyes. Reagan moved closer and knelt down next to him. With a shaky hand she reached out and lightly touched his beautiful fur. His back twitched in response but he didn't move. She felt herself relaxing in the quietness of the night under the full moon. She laid down next to him, petting him, stroking his fur and scratching when she found a spot that made him shiver. His fur and body heat kept her comfortable in cold night air.

  The moon was waning from its highest point when the wolf stood up. It stretched and gave a howl to the sky before padding off into the shadows. "Liam? Where are you going?”

  The wolf didn't answer, not that she'd expected him to, but a rustling noise and some grunting made her hair stand on end. The wolf still gave no answer then she called again. Instead Liam's deep voice answered back a few minutes later. "I didn't think you'd want to see me change back.”

  As he made his way back into view Reagan's stomach fluttered with butterflies. He was naked and framed in moonlight. “Thank you,” she managed to say while itching to run her hands over his bare chest. He grinned as if knowing what she was thinking, and before she could comprehend what was happening he’d scooped her up and within seconds had her back inside the elevator making their slow descent toward the apartments. His skin was cold but he didn’t shiver, instead he looked hungry, ravenous. Reagan was the prey, he was most certainly the predator. Without a word he hit a button on the panel and the elevator stalled, she blink and started to ask what he was doing, but he took her to the ground. Large hands quickly undressed her.

  The movement of his body was graceful and predatory. She was his for the taking, and the werewolf seemed to want every inch of her. While he'd been capable while bandaged up and even better after she'd healed him it was obvious
now just how wounded he'd been. His body claimed her, his mouth scorched her flesh, and every thrust caused colors to burst behind her eye.

  Everything seemed more intense, from the dark of the night sky to the buzzing sound of the electric current running through the elevator, to the taste, touch, and scent of him. A realization hit her as he rolled over and pulled her on top of him. She glided onto his cock, riding him slow and steady in a motion that seemed to be driving him crazy from the way he was gripping her hips and grunting. She'd never feel this with anyone else. No physical connection had ever felt so pure. When she had to leave him her world would be dark and cold. When her release came she threw her head back, crying out. Liam joined her as she scored her nails down his chest. He buried his cock to the hilt and another tremor washed over her as his hot seed filled her.

  She woke briefly to find herself back in bed. Liam stirred next to her, pulling her close and growling protectively. Smiling, she nestled in and closed her eyes. Round after round in the elevator had drained every bit of energy she'd had, and now she could see why he'd said she’d need a marathon of sleep. Tomorrow would bring a whole new world with it, but for tonight she wanted to live in this fantasy where she could have both worlds. Liam and her life with the Agency. Even with everything that had happened, her end goal was still to prove she'd been setup, but if the Agency reinstated her it would mean the end of her with Liam.

  He tightened his grip on her and nuzzled her neck. She'd miss that feeling he gave her. Trying her best to block it out of her mind she took a deep breath and willed herself to drift off to sleep.


  The drive back from the safe house after the full moon was quiet and comfortable. Liam drove Celeste’s car back, and Reagan snuggled up in the passenger seat with Liam holding her hand as he took them back across town. She spent a good portion of the drive staring at her fingers entwined with his. Given the size of everything on the man, she’d have thought that their hands would fit awkwardly together but instead they held each other perfectly. Touching him brought no direct link to his mind, unlike with others where she’d be blindsided by random entries into their deepest thoughts. This was bliss and there was nothing she could think of that would ever bring her down from the high.

  As they slowed down to enter the compound, someone stepped from the shadows and Liam growled. “What the fuck is he doing here?”

  Reagan was snapped out of her peacefulness to see Jake half concealed in his Agency issued Day-light gear holding out his gloved hand for the vehicle to stop. “Jake?”

  Liam narrowed his eyes and threw the car into park. “Stay here. I’ll deal with him.”

  “Absolutely not. He’s my partner.”

  “And you’re my—”

  “You’re what?” She really couldn’t fathom what she would be to him, but when he didn’t offer an answer she opened her door and stepped out. “Jake, what are you doing here?”

  Adjusting his sunglasses without disrupting the facial camouflage that protected him from the sun, he cleared his throat. “Looking for you.”


  She could hear Liam cursing from inside the car before he opened his door and stepped out to join her. “She is no concern of yours, Agent. Leave my property now.”

  Although she couldn’t see his eyes, she imagined Jake glaring behind his glasses. “The sidewalk is city property, Mr. O’Conner, and like it or not Reagan is part of the Agency.” He turned his attention to her. “The Captain wants you to come back. We’ve found the psychic who attacked this mutt, some low-level nobody hired by a rival clan to take down the O’Conner’s. You’ve been cleared, and Captain James would like you back at the Agency immediately to be reinstated.”

  She went wide-eyed. “The McGregor's?” Glancing at Liam she beamed. “We were right.”

  Liam shook his head. “Reagan, don’t go.”

  “I have to, this is my work. The only thing I’m good at.”

  “That’s not true, look what you did for me.”

  “One time and look how hard it was. I’m not a real witch, I’m a psychic, and working with the Agency is my job. I have to go.”

  “Please.” He practically whispered his plea and a part of her broke.

  “I—” Reagan couldn’t look him in the eyes as she stepped away from the car. “I’ll send for my stuff.” Giving a small smile while still refusing to look at him she whispered. “You’re safe now, that’s what you hired me for. I’m sorry I couldn’t help you catch the person.”

  “Reagan, damn it.”

  She shut the car door and crossed over to the sidewalk toward Jake. “It was nice working with you, Mr. O’Conner.”

  Jake beamed at her and held out her security pass. “Welcome back, Agent Silas.”

  Jake paused the elevator and brushed the hair from Reagan’s face. His touch brought in a flood of memories and images into her mind. “It’s good to see you again, Reggie.”

  “Jake, don’t, please—” His mouth was on hers before she could finish talking. A cold shiver went through her. There was no warmth emanating from him and it had nothing to do with him being a vampire. He wasn’t Liam, and deep in the pit of her soul the touch of his lips felt wrong. Placing her palms on his chest she shoved him back. “What are you doing?”

  “Well, I think it’s pretty clear what I’m doing. I’ve missed you.”

  “It’s been a few days.” She wiped her mouth on the back of her hand. “Don’t kiss me again, Jake. We are friends, nothing more.”

  “Reggie, you act like—”

  Reagan glared. “Don’t call me that. And I’m not acting like anything. We aren’t lovers, Jake, I thought we were friends,” She furrowed her brow, “But you sold me down the river when the Captain thought I’d hurt Liam.”

  “Oh?” Jake’s voice turned gravely, “It’s Liam now? What happened to him being Mr. O’Conner?”

  “Things change.”

  It was a simple enough answer and she wasn’t giving any more details. What was between Liam and her was private and something that she desperately wanted to protect. The walls of the elevator seemed to be closing in on her. The voices pounded against her skull. She worked the lump in her throat down with several deep breaths. This wasn’t where she wanted to be, she wanted to be back with Liam. The revelation nearly knocked her for a loop.

  The vampire blew out a breath, more for dramatic effect since he really had no need to breathe, and hit the green button on the elevator to restart it. “I’m sorry, just forget all of this. We are friends and nothing more. I just don’t want to see you get mixed up with the mob. They are dangerous, Reagan. Wolves,” he elaborated, “are dangerous.”

  There was nothing she could say, she nodded. She knew they were dangerous, but Liam didn’t feel like a danger to her. Being in this building felt dangerous. There was a slight vibration coursing through her entire body. She wanted to bolt from the Agency and never look back, something had changed and her brain couldn’t seem to sort out what her intuition was already picking up. Jake led her out of the elevator and to the front desk of floor forty-seven. “Lucy, reassign Reagan her stun gun and badge.” The human woman complied with a curt nod of her head without so much as acknowledging Reagan. As she strapped her holster back in place and adjusted her badge to the hem of her shirt, she did everything possible to avoid touching Jake. He, on the other hand, had itching fingers trying their best to soothe and caress her arms, back, and grab hold of her hips. Reagan sidestepped his last attempt and headed for the locker room but Jake headed her off. “Captain says for you to wait for him in the lounge. He has something he wants to talk to you about.”

  “Why do I have to wait?”

  “He’s in a meeting.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Then why did you bother bringing me in right now? Why didn’t you wait?”

  “Because,” he snarled, “I wanted to get you away from that mutt as quickly as possible.”

  She spun around glaring. “You tricke
d me?”

  “I had to. Don’t you see, Reggie, you are under his spell.”

  “He’s a wolf, they don’t fucking cast spells.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “No, no I really don’t, Jake.” She stepped forward and poked his chest as she spoke. “You seem to be saying I’m too dumb to know better, and you think you have to take care of me. Well here’s a news flash for you. I’m a grown ass woman and can do what I want. As long as it’s not on company time I’m free to live my life how I see fit.”

  He nervously rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, I guess you should go wait to talk to the Captain about all that. Things have changed, Reggie.” He turned to leave and pointed over his shoulder toward the lounge. The Captain will send for you when he’s done.”

  Her mouth hung open. Things have changed? What was going on? She shouted after him, but he never turned back or acknowledged her. Heaving a sigh she headed to the lounge, passing by the Captain’s door she was grateful the shades were down. Against her better judgment, she ran her hands over the glass and came to a full stop when the Captain’s voice echoed in her head. “Finish the damn job this time. I want him dead by nightfall.”

  “I need some time to assemble a group.” An unfamiliar voice answered back.

  “You’ve got very little time, Romulus isn’t pleased with this newest development. Those people on the docks won’t last much longer.”

  She felt a bit of relief, whoever he was talking to must be an Agent. Human’s were always their top priority. The man cleared his throat. “Yeah, and god knows you can’t get top dollar for sex slaves if they’re dead, right boss.”

  Her blood ran cold. The Captain laughed. “Got that right, now go.”

  Reagan darted around the corner as the door opened. The Captain’s phone was ringing as the man stepped out of the office. She peaked around the corner and covered her mouth. The man wasn’t a man or an Agent. He was the McGregor wolf she’d seen at the work site when she’d been looking for Liam. She could hear the Captain pick up the phone and clear his throat, “Romulus, what can I do for you, sir?”


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