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Lucky Devil

Page 6

by Cat Miller

  “Yes, I want to drive. Thank you.”

  “Not about that. I mean this whole thing. Are you very sure you want to return to me? A month can be a very long time. Especially with me. I’m . . . Let’s just say I have a healthy appetite.” He was asking her earnestly. His comment about his appetite was honest. There didn’t seem to be any innuendo in the statement. Why would he give her the chance to cry off now?

  “Are you willing to give everything you promised to Mills without me fulfilling my obligation?”

  His only response was a look like she’d been dropped on her head as a child. That would be a no.

  “Alright then. I’ll be back in a week.” She left before she changed her mind. She had to do this. It was like Luc told her, don’t bet what you can’t afford to lose. She could afford a month of her life. Whether she could afford the cost to her soul she wasn’t sure.

  * * *

  “I don’t understand why you’re going back, Everly,” Mills said for the hundredth time.

  She was finishing up the breakfast dishes when Mills returned to the kitchen to prod her again. The truck’s air conditioning had been fixed, and Mills had it tuned up. She’d already loaded her few bags and would be leaving as soon as breakfast was done.

  Guilt was a heavy weight on her shoulders. She hated lying to her brother, but she couldn’t tell him the truth. He would never have agreed to the wager, and he wouldn’t let her go if he knew what was waiting for her. Not only that, Everly was afraid of what her big brother would think of her if he knew what she’d done, what she was going to do, to save their family from ruin.

  “I told you. The man wants his pound of flesh, and it looks like I’m the one who’s going to give it to him. I made an ass of myself when I got there and promised to continue scaring away the tourists until he spoke to me. I threatened to expose his illegal gaming.”

  Most of Mills’ worry for Everly was due to the reputation Luc had earned in his mind. Luc was the man who had nearly taken everything they owned and everything their family had worked to build. Luc was the man who took advantage of weak-minded people. So she’d made an effort to make him sound like less of a demon in order to comfort her brother.

  “The man is a criminal, but he isn’t a monster. He’s running a business that seems to be more than half legitimate with a casino and hotel. Then there’s Hell, the underground, super swanky, high roller club. He didn’t take kindly to me threatening him. Not at all.”

  “We know all of this. That doesn’t explain why you’re going back,” their father dared to interject from his spot at the new kitchen table. He was watching her over his coffee cup. She pretended not to hear him.

  Everly hadn’t spoken a word to Dean Parker since she arrived at home nearly a week ago. After seeing what her father had been willing to ruin them for, she just couldn’t bring herself to speak to him. If she did, Everly feared she would start screaming and never stop.

  “I’m doing the best I can, Mills. I’m negotiating with the man. The money owed to him is nowhere near the value of our property and assets and he knows it.” She glared over at her father. “I went in there, guns blazing and accused him of being a low life criminal.”

  “He is a criminal,” Mills agreed.

  “Yes, he is, but insulting the man who holds our future in his hands wasn’t smart.” She turned around to wipe the counter. It was easier to lie to her brother if she didn’t have to look him in the eye. “I think he wants to teach me a lesson in humility.”

  “Humility? You couldn’t be more humble of a woman than you are, Everly Parker,” Mills exploded.

  Everly turned to smile at her brother. She loved him so much. She knew he would do anything to protect her and Kennedy. How could she not do the same for him?

  “Thank you for saying so Mills, but I insulted his employees. He wants me to eat crow. He’s going to give us back enough to start over. All I have to do is go work off some of the debt,” she reasoned.

  During the long ride from Vegas, she racked her brain for a reasonable excuse to give Mills for why she had to go back. This was the best story she could come up with. She wasn’t a good liar. She didn’t like being untruthful. Her best bet was to stick as closely to the truth as possible. She was going to work off some of the debt. That much was true. Mostly.

  “Something just doesn’t add up here. It’s too damn simple. I can’t believe you had a nice sit down with the man, and he decided to be kind and return half of his winnings,” grumbled her father.

  “I’ll tell you what doesn’t add up! A grown man with a family signing over everything over a hand of cards! How much do you owe the other loan sharks, Dad? How long before they show up here demanding their due? Let’s do some math on that!” She’d lost her temper and shouted across the kitchen.

  Her father turned red, but he bit his tongue. Lucky for him. Everly was ready to strangle the man. Mills was under so much stress and the added worry of knowing it was only a matter of time before another collector showed up had made it unbearable. The night she arrived home and explained what she’d learned from Luc, Mills had gone off on his anger-fueled drinking binge. In the morning over aspirin and coffee, they agreed that Kennedy needed to be watched closely until they could find a way to pay the loan sharks waiting in the shadows. While she was in Vegas, Everly was going to find out as much as she could from Luc about who else their father owed money to and how much. Dean couldn’t seem to be able to recall just yet. Lord, their mother would be so very disappointed.

  Mills tried to distract her from killing their father.

  “Exactly how will you be working off the debt? Maybe I should go do it instead.” Mills was clearly suspicious. She didn’t blame him. The story fed her brother was flimsy at best. The important part was that they were keeping half of what he’d believed was gone forever. So he couldn’t really challenge her over the particulars. She’d gone to Vegas to do a job and it had been done to the best of her ability.

  “I should be the one to go work. It’s my damn debt!” Their father pounded a fist on the table.

  They both looked at him. Everly suspected he might have a far better idea of what Luc would want from her. After all, Dean had been to Luc’s private club many times. He knew things about the Vegas underworld of gambling and loan sharks that she and Mills would never understand. But he better not say what he was thinking in front of Mills, or she’d kill him before the loan sharks ever found him.

  “You’ve done enough, Dad.” Mills shook his head. “No way do you belong in Vegas. You have an illness. Drunks don’t work in liquor stores. Druggies don’t work in pharmacies. Gambling addicts can’t work in Vegas.”

  Mills was so much better at dealing with their father than she was now. Since Dean had stopped drinking and gambling and started helping a great deal more on the ranch, things between them were getting better. Everly wasn’t sure she’d ever get over her disappointment in him.

  “It doesn’t matter what I’m doing. If I have to go wait tables in a bikini or learn to deal cards, I will, or wash dishes all day, every day, that’s what I’ll do.” She began to put the dishes away.

  Kennedy pounded down the stairs in typical teenage fashion. She entered the kitchen and stopped to look around at the grim faces of her family.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked.

  “No, honey, everything’s just fine,” Everly reassured her sister with a big hug. Kennedy was so worried about the family’s finances she was talking about getting a job in town to help instead of going to college. That wasn’t going to happen. Plenty of people got loans to pay for college, and that’s what Everly would do. She hadn’t been able to finish college after their mom was killed. Their father fell apart, and it was up to her and Mills to keep the business moving. She refused to deny Kennedy the education she deserved. They would make it work.

  Everly had given last minute instructions to Mrs. Simms. Mrs. Simms was an old friend of their mother’s. She owned a diner in town, but her
daughters ran it now. She’d been given the same story they gave Kennedy. Everly was going to take off for some business out of town for a few weeks while Mills and their father were busy moving the herd and getting everything ready for the auction.

  Mrs. Simms was going to stay with them on the ranch to do the cooking, help around the house, and take care of Kennedy. She’d be driving Kennedy to and from school every day too. They wouldn’t have to worry about her on the bus. Everly couldn’t shake the fear that someone might use Kennedy to get the money owed by Dean. Having an extra pair of eyes on Kennedy was reassuring.

  Feeling like she’d done all she could to make sure things moved at home in her absence, Everly waved goodbye to her family, Mrs. Simms, and the cowboys who were drinking coffee on the porch. Right about then, she wished she’d accepted Luc’s offer of airfare. It was going to be a long day behind the wheel of the old truck. Her father rushed down off the porch just as she slid behind the wheel. He wasn’t going to let her go without speaking his mind. She was just grateful he hadn’t done it in front of Mills, who was frowning from the porch. She shut the truck door and rolled down the window.

  “I know you’re angry with me, and you have every right to be, but you need to listen to me now, girl.”

  Everly nodded. She would listen.

  “There are rumors about Luc Christianson. Rumors about his mother and father and how he came to own that casino. Only the very high rollers get into the depths of the club. There could be things there a nice young lady wouldn’t want to see.” He patted her arm. Lord, he probably thought she was still a virgin.

  His warning was far too late. She’d already seen more than her father ever would. The rumors about the club were true. There were sex clubs, exhibitionist displays, and prostitutes to be had at Hell.

  “I don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into, but I do know it isn’t as simple as you want Mills and me to believe. You don’t have to do this, girl. Not at all.” He squeezed her arm. His eyes were sad and repentant.

  Everly wanted to forgive him but she just wasn’t ready yet. Not until Mills had the deed to the house and land, and they were all safe again. She decided to trust him with part of the truth so he’d understand her position.

  “You will not repeat this to Mills.” She glared. He agreed. “I wagered with Luc over blackjack.” Her father paled. He knew she’d never played cards before. “I lost.” He turned nearly green. “I have to do this. You of all people know I do. I can’t run from it. If I do we’ll lose it all. I did what I had to do.”

  Tears filled her father’s eyes. He understood what had been wagered without her telling him. “I believe the rumors about him are true. You stay safe and come home. I’m sorry you have to pay for my mistakes. So damn sorry.” He turned and walked off toward the barn.

  Everly waved one last time to Kennedy and a concerned looking Mills. It was time to hit the road.


  Day one of her confinement passed, and she hadn’t seen Luc at all. When she arrived at The Inferno in the dead of night and reported to the hotel’s front desk as directed, Rourke came to greet her. Everly didn’t know what she’d expected when they reached her room, but a penthouse suite wasn’t it. Rourke had her things taken to her room, and food was quickly delivered to her. She was starving and exhausted, so it was a welcomed treat.

  “Make yourself at home. If you need anything just dial nine, and they’ll get it for you. Order your meals and anything else you might need. Don’t be shy.” He was polite, but he wasn’t as friendly as he had been before. That was a shame. She liked the big gruff man.

  After Rourke left her, she had a quick look around. The suite was huge and elegantly furnished but far too stark for her taste. It was beautiful to be sure, but the sterile white of the space felt institutional to Everly. White walls. White floors. White furniture with dark wood accents. The view though, was spectacular.

  Everly opened the slider and stepped out onto the balcony to look down at the city lights spread out below her. She stood there for a while taking it all in. It was the wee hours of the morning, but Vegas still moved about like it was midday. Back inside, she looked around the gourmet kitchen and wondered if Luc had his own maid and a cook. She bet he did. She couldn’t imagine him washing his own clothes or vacuuming. She tried to imagine having someone to do every little chore for her, but she couldn’t. Everly yawned and padded back down the hall.

  Her bedroom was separate from the rest of the suite and a sitting area along with a private bath. She could live in there, and she had the feeling she was supposed to stay in the suite. Rourke told her to call if she needed anything. Did that mean she was supposed to stay in her rooms? Maybe Luc didn’t want her rambling around his home. There was another bedroom down the hall from hers. It had to be Luc’s bedroom. She’d expected him to stick her in a regular room somewhere and visit when he felt the need. He hadn’t been joking when he said they would be getting very close. Living in the same space was very close. It would be convenient for him though, wouldn’t it?

  Everly was doing her best not to fixate on the physical relationship she would have with Luc. The stress of wondering when he would come and how their first meeting would go was giving her an ulcer. She was torn. She was attracted to Luc. Very attracted physically, but mentally she was struggling to deal with his way of life and readiness to destroy other people. How could she be drawn to a person like that?

  After she ate and showered, Everly crawled into the giant bed. If Luc wanted to get to know her, biblically speaking, he’d have to do it while she slept. The bed was the most amazing cloud of comfort she’d ever known. She sank into the nest of blankets, luxurious sheets, and fluffy pillows. In moments, she was sleeping the sleep of the dead.

  Morning came and went while she waited anxiously for Luc to appear, but he never did. She began to doubt Luc lived in the suite she’d been installed into. She peeked into the other bedroom and found the closet empty and void of any personal effects. So she was alone in her personal space. It was a relief.

  It was too quiet though. Everly was used to getting up early and working all day. Idleness was not her thing. She watched an entire season of Downton Abbey that day. After dinner, she curled up with a new book she was thankful she’d packed, but after a couple of hours she was bored out of her mind. If the next thirty days were going to be like this, Everly would be crazed by the time she got home.

  Everly slid on her sandals and examined herself in the wall mirror in her very empty walk-in closet. She looked good enough in her sundress and ponytail. She would just go for a little walk. Maybe she’d have a drink or two to help her sleep before returning to her room. If Luc came for her while she was gone, he’d have to wait. Or come back tomorrow. Maybe he could come back next week. She’d be ready to see him by then, maybe.

  She grabbed her little wristlet with her identification and money and tucked the card Rourke said would open her door and give her access to the elevator. She’d paid attention to the route they’d taken to get to her room. The elevator was the same private elevator that led to Luc’s office and back entrance to Hell.

  Everly crept out into the hall feeling like a teenager sneaking out at night. It was silly. She straightened her spine and scanned her card to call the elevator. A moment later the door smoothly slid open and she stepped forward. Luc was preoccupied with his phone as he stepped out of the elevator at the same time. They bumped into each other, and his phone bounced on the carpet. He clutched her upper arms to keep her from falling when she bounced off of him.

  There they stood, looking at each other. He was so close that she could see his eyes weren’t actually black. They were a deep, dark chocolate brown. He smelled expensive. He looked elegant and perfect in his suit. Luc’s fingers loosened on her arms, but he didn’t release her. Everly was caught in his stare. Hypnotized by the heat in his eyes and the parting of his full lips.

  She wasn’t sure who moved first, but in the next moment, they wer
e kissing. That delicious-looking mouth came down on hers, and they were lost in the completely unexpected but undeniable attraction that flowed between them. He invaded her mouth, and the flavor of scotch and hot man invaded her senses. He was masterful and all-consuming. Everly’s hands clutched at the solid muscle of his shoulders and tried to get closer. When they’d first met, she’d been convinced the attraction was one-sided. Now that Luc was backing her against the wall and running his big, warm hands up her thighs, she wasn’t so sure.

  “Fuck, you’re so damn sexy,” he said against her mouth. “I tried to stay away. Damn it. I tried.” He thrust his hips against hers, and Everly felt the solid length of his cock. His hands found the panties under her dress while he continued savaging her mouth. The sound of ripping fabric startled her, and she opened her eyes to find Luc staring down at her.

  “I want you, Everly.” He groaned the confession. He looked so shamefaced. As if wanting her was a bad thing.

  She wanted him too, and yes, she also felt like it was wrong. Wrong or not, at that moment, she didn’t want to be anywhere else in the world. He kissed her again, cupping her breast with one hand and massaging her ass with the other. He pulled her toward him and lifted her leg so her knee was against his hip. This opened her up completely. Luc’s fingers stroked into her wetness from behind and she moaned into his mouth. Fuck, it felt so good. He teased her entrance with little, barely-there penetrations before he retreated to rim her lightly. Everly clutched his suit jacket frantically. She thrust her hips back against his hand, trying to get a little more. Just a little deeper. She’d never been so hot for a man so fast in her life. The skill of Luc’s mouth and those maddening fingers had her ready to beg for more.

  “Everly, you’re so fucking tempting. So slick and ready. I need to be inside you.” Luc thrust one thick finger deep into her pussy, and she nearly screamed with the pleasure of it.


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