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Gabrielle Demonico

Page 6

by Shifters Unleashed (Five Volume Box Set) (Retail)

He slowly began to relax his pressure and speed and then withdrew his fingers from inside of her. As he did, her molten desire trickled down her inner thigh. He stood before her as her breath calmed and the waters of climax receded from the shores of her mind. As she gazed up at him, Haley could never recall feeling so uninhibited around anyone, especially a man. There was so much more she wanted to give him in return and take him as close as she could to the cliffs of pleasure.

  But, it was not to be… Not on this night.

  “Haley…” he said. “I want you to understand how precious you are to us - to Caleb and me. Our pledge to you is a solemn one but one with which you must agree. It isn’t in our nature to claim that which is not offered. What I’ve done here, tonight, was for you and you alone. The next time, if you so desire, it will be for all. Do you understand?”

  Haley attempted to refocus her mind as best she could and then said, “Yes… I… I think so.”

  Paul nodded. “Very well.” he said. “I will bid you goodnight. Tomorrow you will be asked to give us your decision. Please think carefully about what we are offering. We do not make such gestures lightly.”

  “Okay, I will. I promise.” She said softly.

  A few minutes later, Paul had gone back to the main house and Haley was left alone with her thoughts. It had all happened so fast. She didn’t know what to think or decide. Luckily, she would have tomorrow to think it over and she knew that she was going to need it.


  The brothers left before dawn the next morning. Unlike the first day with the children, the day passed slowly for Haley. Even though she enjoyed the company of the children immensely, her mind was elsewhere. However, they were a welcome distraction from the events and discussions she’d had with Paul with previous night.

  After lunch, Haley put the smaller children down for a short nap and then sat with Cooper to watch his favorite cartoon. For the most part, they sat in silence save for the occasional giggle from him. However, at one point during a commercial Haley noticed he was fidgeting uncomfortably with his shoelaces.

  After years of interpreting the body language of tikes, Haley knew he had wanted to say something to her, but couldn’t. Finally, she reached her arm around his small shoulder and said, “Coop, is something wrong honey?”

  “No…” he replied with distance in his tone.

  “It’s okay, sweetie. You can tell me. Whatever it is.” She said softly.

  He looked up at her with a look of sadness in his eyes and asked, “Mee Mee, are you going to leave us like our real mommies did?”

  Her heart sank and she immediately felt that heavy lump in her throat again. She knew that they’d been told their mothers had died but beyond that, not much else. Fighting back pools of moisture in her eyes she hugged him close and answered, “Ohhhh, honey. No, I wouldn’t leave you.”

  His small eyes widened and he said, “Does that mean you are going to be our new mommy?”

  She paused for a moment and replied, “Well, sweetie… I… We all need to get to know each other a little better. Don’t you think so?”

  He shrugged. His legs dangled off the couch. She watched as he kicked them back and forth slowly, nervously.

  She was beginning to grow terribly fond of all the children, but especially Cooper. It hurt her to not be able to give him the answer he wanted but there was nothing she could do about it at the moment. Only time and a discussion with the brothers could cut through her uncertainty.

  So instead she just diffused the situation and pulled him close to her so that they could enjoy a small respite of cartoons and closeness. As pleasurable as it was, she wondered what she’d gotten herself into - either accidentally or on purpose.

  The brothers returned home again at dusk. There were pleasantries exchanged between the three of them but she sensed heaviness in the air during supper. Perhaps it was in her mind but she couldn’t shake the feeling no matter how hard she tried. She only half ate her dinner and then felt an overwhelming need to be alone.

  She stood and said, “Please excuse me. I’m not feeling well at the moment.”

  Both brothers stood from the table and Paul asked, “Is there anything we can do for you?”

  “No, I’ll be alright. I just need to go lie down for a bit.” She answered.

  “Okay.” He replied. “But, if you need anything, please call.”

  “Thank you both.”

  Haley headed back to the cabin and collapsed into the plush mattress of the king sized bed. She felt herself drift in and out semi consciousness until, after about an hour or so, there was a knock at the cabin door.

  “One second…” she called out.

  She walked across the room and opened the front door to see Caleb and Paul standing there with a plate of food for her. “We thought you might still be hungry.” Caleb said as he offered the plate to her.

  She smiled slightly. Their kindness seemed to know no limits. She accepted the plate from him and said, “Thank you both very much. Would you like to come in?”

  They nodded and she stepped aside to allow them entry inside the large opening to the cabin which consisted of the living room and kitchen. She closed the door behind them and then turned back to see them both looking at her. The first thing that flashed in her mind was her time with Paul. It would have been impossible to forget no matter how strange things might have seemed in this moment.

  And Caleb, from the moment she’d first seen him, she was smitten. And truth was, she still desired him very much but the doubt had been building in her mind and she needed to come clean. She set down the plate of food on the kitchen table and said, “Look, I… I think I may have made a mistake.”

  Puzzled, Paul asked, “What makes you say that Haley? Was last night not pleasurable?”

  “Yes, yes!” she said emphatically. It’s not that. It’s not that at all. You are both sexy, wonderful men and any woman would be crazy not to want you.”

  “But…” Caleb said insistently.

  “Well, it’s just that… I don’t belong here with you. I mean, with your kind. I mean, I’m not a she wolf, or whatever.” She replied quickly.

  Nice Haley, real smooth. Nothing awkward about that…

  The brothers looked and each other and grinned slyly.

  After a few moments, she couldn’t take the silence and said, ‘What?”

  Caleb replied, “Haley, did you believe Paul last night when he told you of our feelings toward you and how we knew you to be our true mate?”

  Haley reluctantly nodded her head in the affirmative.

  He continued and said, “Isn’t the life here with our children everything you’ve always wanted? Our family is warm, loving and welcoming and Paul and I would care for you like as no others could or would.”

  They both walked towards her. Finally, Paul reached down and took her chin delicately between his thumb and forefinger and said, “Haley. Our instincts tell us that your hesitation is a result of your past. Your mother spoke to me of your marriage and the heartbreak it caused you. It’s understandable to have wounds. But, it’s unforgiveable to allow the bastard to affect you long after the deed has been done. What happened was not your fault. The time to accept that and move on is at hand.”

  Caleb then said, “My brother and I and all the wolves that make up the packs in the valley are men of their word. We are bound to it, just as we are to the soil and the life it gives. You have nothing to fear here and a life you’ve dreamed about to be gained. But, the choice is yours to make.”

  Their words sunk deep down and resonated in the center of her being. She knew that they were being genuine. And, the truth was that she was still very desperate for them both. They stood looking at her calmly, patiently awaiting the answer that would determine the future of all involved.

  She was quiet and still for a moment and then moved towards them. Fate had brought her to this place and as she looked up into their eyes she knew what her decision must be. She couldn’t ignore the truth that the un
iverse was shouting to her - that she belonged here, tied to the pack, forever…


  Without speaking, Haley stepped up on to her toes and kissed them each tenderly on the lips. Her choice was clear to their primed instincts and they narrowed their eyes hungrily at the thought of claiming her curves.

  Haley wanted to ask them what to do, who should go first or some other question that would expose her inexperience. Luckily, the big canines wasted no time with formalities and before she knew it, she was swallowed in a sea of fingers and heat and flesh.

  Haley’s mouth watered for Caleb. It had since the beginning. The time to embrace his fire was now and she groaned as he grabbed her bountiful flesh and pulled her close. It was her daydream realized, in the full vivid spectrum of life’s color. He towered over her, his eyes flashed from deep blue to aquamarine. He held for a moment and then descended upon her full lips with singular purpose of consuming them, and her.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Paul. He seemed to be savoring his brother’s moment with her and it was then that she came to know the depths of their purpose and principals. Yes, they would share her and do so without the petty emotions that so often interrupt shared lovers. She turned her focus back to Caleb who tasted her savagely, and eagerly. His wolf was starving - more so than perhaps even he realized. But, Haley could sense the restraint in him, borne out of concern for her delicate human body.

  Instinctively, she broke free from him and said breathlessly, “I am not afraid. You have the trust of my mind and body - they are yours to do with as you will.”

  Caleb was slightly smaller than his older brother but more defined. The hard work showed in the rugged sinew of his tanned forearms which gripped her curves with surprising strength. She was immediately reminded of Paul’s powerful touch from the night before. Though it was strong like Paul’s, Caleb’s had tenderness to it as well.

  In wordless acknowledgment of her permission, he scooped her up and began to head for the bedroom. Haley’s pulse riveted at what lie ahead. It was to change her forever and the moment couldn’t have come sooner. She could hear Paul’s footsteps close behind and her mind sparkled with possibility.

  How would they take her?

  Who would claim her first?

  How would it all unfold?

  As they walked, her soul felt light for the first time in years. Their inner wolves beckoned her to partake in the ritual of the ages. As Caleb lay her down upon the bed, she could sense her own animal scratching at her mind, hungry to take on the challenge that encircled her.

  She watched with unfettered primal lust as the men removed their clothing. Shirts fell away and exposed deep crevices of musculature. Haley’s eyes rounded like saucers at the magnificence of the flesh before her. Barrel chests and chiseled midsections were the reward for the toil of ranch life.

  These were men of purpose whose world revolved around that which they could measure with the sweat of their brow and product of their effort. As they continued to strip away the layers, her eyes greedily made their way down the midlines of their torsos until her eyes widened still further in disbelief. Thick bulges of potency strained against the fabric of their underwear. Her channel throbbed with need but she wondered if she would have what it took.

  She only hoped that she did as she lay back on the mattress.

  The brothers climbed up on to the bed and quickly moved around on either side of her. Caleb was positioned above her head, while Paul moved deftly between her thighs. As reluctant as Haley had been earlier, apparently some deep part of her had already acquiesced when she’d gotten dressed in the morning. It was quite unlike her to forget her panties but somehow, she had. Now all that stood between Paul’s turgid member and her blossom was an old pair of denim jeans.

  Hardly a deterrent.

  Haley’s ample bosom rose and fell as Paul’s ten digits she’d craved started to weave their magic along her curvaceous lower body. Caleb, on his knees, leaned over her face and reached down towards the bottom of her cotton tee. Her eyes fluttered as his cock, still cruelly contained, moved directly over her line of sight. As Caleb moved down her torso, she felt Paul quickly unfasten her jeans. She dutifully raised her hips in compliance and he slowly removed them, exposing her milky thighs and slick velvet for the pleasure of both men.

  Caleb’s feral musk wafted into her nostrils as he held above her methodically working his fingers underneath her shirt. He began to lift it up the length of her voluptuos torso until he reached the bottom of her bra. Haley’s breath slowed into deep, long bellows as her body cried out for him to release her breasts from their prison of lace and his cock from its chamber of cotton.

  And, before she knew it, his canine had split her fabric in two and her heavy globes flopped to the side. Her pink buds had pebbled against the cloth and now rose even higher into the air with the rush of release. And then, out of reaction or instinct, Haley made a move that she never would have before. She thrust her hands up to the waistband of his underwear and pulled - hard.

  The wild wolf moaned as his thunderous man root burst forth. Haley’s eyes boggled at the size of it. Long and thick it pulsed mightily skyward upon its release.

  “Yeesssss…” she hissed. As she did, she felt the sudden and very welcomed intrusion of Paul’s hungry mouth upon her fleshy flower. Picking up right where he left off, the hungry beast left no doubt that tonight he would lay claim to that which had denied himself the evening before.

  Meanwhile, her hands broke free of the cotton of Caleb’s underwear. Immediately she clamored for the throbbing shaft as it pulsed mightily upwards signaling its virile potency. A menacing, fully engorged shadow hovered over her mouth and she licked her lips in anticipation. The bulbous tip glistened under the pale light of an early evening moon which had filled the room with a translucent off white glow.

  Her small hands wrapped around his girth and she made a single long pull up the length of it in an effort to use his body’s lubricant to her advantage. As she began to jerk, her hips thrust upwards into Paul’s mouth as he savaged her puffy folds once more. His tongue and fingers worked together to fashion a masterful display of oral art.

  Finally, she took Caleb within her mouth. The wolf howled upon her consumption and he braced himself with his arms on either side of her upper body. She pulled as much of him into her as she could reasonably manage but she’d awoken his beastly urges - he continued to thrust even when she was certain she’d reached her limits.

  Her mouth was pushed to its maximum but his desire had seized control. When she realized that he could not, would not, relent she relaxed as best she could until finally she was able to adjust. Merficully, he began to ease the pressure of his plunge and she streadily started to make long, slow pulls along his length. With each loving stroke of his cock, she suckled any nectar he had to offer.

  But just as her rhythm had steadied, she felt coolness upon her wettest, most vulnerable part. Paul had withdrawn his mouth from her and the night air taken his place. Soon, however, something very different occupied the spot his tongue once had. And now, between her thighs she felt the true meaning of what it was to be loved by wolves.

  Her hips twitched slightly as the mushroomed head of his dick pressed firmly against the entry of her desperately wet channel. She moaned against Caleb’s cock inside of her mouth and the vibration of her utterance caused him to cry out in pleasure. Haley was near the zenith of her experience, perched on the ledge of the taboo, and ready to make the plunge with both brothers.

  Any resitance she’d held inside had melted away like wax beneath a flame. All that remained now was for Paul to lay claim to her womb and make her initiation into the pack complete. She felt his spike poised upon the precipice and knew that any second she would at last be his. Her velvet sopped upon his spear, eager for his entry, her channel yearned to be stretched to its limits and the depths of her core craved his potent seed like a secret vice.

  Her blood ran hotter than lava in
the darkest places of the world. She had reached her breaking point and knew that even a moment’s more delay would send her in the black abyss of longing. Then, at last, Paul parted her slick core as the untamed things of Nature should. Her wet sex clamored to surround it all, take it as deep as it could and not release it until the DNA that would bind them all found its rightful place.

  The initial thrust was the opposite of the man who iniaited it. He was caring, strong and gentle but his plunge was deep, fast and hard. The message was unambiguous, direct and unlike anything she’d ever experienced. As he drove inside, she spontaneously released Caleb’s iron from her mouth. Spittle from her hunry orifice showered down upon her as she cried out, “Aaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!’

  Paul growled lowly, bared his teeth and began to pump. He was but an arcane piston, a perfect fusion of biology and desire formed as one mighty organ of procreation. His rhythmic thrusts evoked a series of low grunts from deep within as his wolf took control. The heat of Paul’s thrusts and the slick feel of Caleb’s erection within her mouth quickly brought her sex to the brink.

  Climax rattled at her mind and then suddenly, her vision darkened before a confettied shower of sexual sensation rained down upon her ample flesh. Caleb’s cock grew ever harder as she approached her penultimate moment until as last, Haley erupted. Once more, she withdrew Caleb from her mouth and cried out, “Ohhhh, yesss, yesss, yesss!!!”

  Caleb allowed her but a hint of respite before guiding his hungry erection back within the warm, wet confines of her mouth. Haley shivered as her climax sheathed Paul’s prodigious instrument of sexual weaponry. He began to rut her without restraint but with intention - his teeming millions would soon till the fertile valley of her womb.

  Finally, Haley began to descend from her peak and regain focus upon the only thing which mattered to her any longer. Until the savage duo had laced her insides with all that they could offer she would not relent. Without warning, Caleb’s body began to contort and sieze. Even though she had little experience with men in her life she had enough to know what his gyrations indicated.


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