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Gabrielle Demonico

Page 7

by Shifters Unleashed (Five Volume Box Set) (Retail)

  Moments later, her suspicions were validated. Caleb slammed his paws down on the mattress, arched his back and thrust his full length inside of her. She struggled for a moment, but she cared only to receive the ultimate tribute from her beasts and steeled her resolve to sate their desires, no matter the cost.

  Caleb’s complexion darkened, his hips turned to living stone and then his thick horn of breeding intent shook inside of her. In the next second, his life seed spurted into her mouth and he cried out. Deep groans of satisfaction emanated from the center of his chest as he emptied all that he had into her rapacious gullet.

  He shivered and convulsed into the spasms of his peak. She savored the the final remnants of his ejaculate and moved her mouth tenderly along his full length until he withdrew from her in spent relief.

  As Caleb’s form receded into the darkness, she once more turned her attention to Paul who fucked her with deep, powerful strokes. As she looked up at him, his shape shimmered in her vision. She felt as if his human form had melted away and what took her instead was that ritualistic part of him intent on fulfilling his promise.

  Her legs slammed against his muscled flanks as he beared down upon her fully stretched channel. She reached up and placed her small hands against his hips as he thrust, enjoying the combination of solid muscle and purpose against her ample flesh. For several minutes they moved in perfect synchronicity - their bodies humming in thoughtless symmetry. It was mating precision in its purest form and she soon fell under the spell of his primal thrusting.

  Suddenly his pubic bone crashed against her slickness. It was an unconscious motion on his part controlled by somewhere from deep inside. She sensed that their moment had arrived as she could feel the heat of his lust building. He lurched forward and buried his teeth into the soft flesh of her shoulder.

  She groaned and placed her hands upon his biceps and wrapped her thighs around his muscled ass cheeks pulling her hard into him. He cried out and she could feel his erection fire inside of her. His pollen flooded within and brought with it the life giving potential the pack would need to sustatin itself.

  Haley’s eyes glassed over as she looked up at her mate. She relaxed under the weight of his climax and savored the pleasure of his mighty eruption. Wave after wave of his life giving seed penetrated their way deep within her. She wanted to nourish them all and give them all a chance to fight, exist and begin the cycle of life all over again.

  As the final jets spurted inside of her, she thought of all the times like she’d enjoy this from now on. She would be taken, shared and savored unlike she’d ever imagined and serve her purpose for them for as long as it was required. At last, the final remnants of Paul’s climax receded from his loins and he withdrew himself from her in exhausted satisfaction.


  As the trio enjoyed the afterglow of their shared bliss, Haley couldn’t help but get the sensation that all of this was meant to be somehow. She’d been through so much heartache, disappointment and sadness in the past few years that almost any relationship would have been better but this… no, this was something entirely unique, authentic and beautiful.

  She lay snuggled up between her powerful wolves and took great satisfaction in knowing that she was valued for everything she was as a woman. Of course this wasn’t like any life she’d ever envisioned for herself but whose life ever is? Few things, if any at all, ever turn out as planned. And, this moment, with these two men would certainly fall into that category.

  The three of them eventually drifted off to sleep, sated and content.

  The next morning, Haley awoke to find Paul missing from the group and Caleb lying awake, looking at her with a soft smile on his face.

  “Good morning beautiful.” He cooed.

  Haley blushed. She then rubbed her eyes and replied, “Good morning handsome, where’s Paul?”

  “Oh, he rousing the kiddos.” He said.

  She replied, “Oh, right. You’ve got to go to work. I… I must have forgotten.”

  He chuckled and said, “Well, that’s understandable. A lot has happened in the past couple of days. But, no, today we won’t be doing anything work related.”

  Haley propped herself up on her arm. Her blonde hair fell gently over her shoulders and she said excitedly, “You won’t?”

  “Nope.” He said. “Today is a day of celebration, joy and family. You are now one of us. Our cousins and their children will be coming over later for supper. You will be introduced to them all as a member of the pack. That is, assuming of course that’s what you want…”

  “Hmmmm…” Haley said coyly. “I dunno… Smoldering sex with the two hottest brothers on the planet? I’m not sure that sounds so great.”

  A broad smile spread across Caleb’s face. He then laughed and said, “Beauty and a sense of humor all in one curvy little package.”

  He then leaned over and kissed her softly on the forehead. Warmth coursed through her and all at once she felt the kinship and love that came with her new place in this life.

  “I suppose I am…” she smiled.

  He chuckled again and replied, “Hah! Come on, let’s go. I’m sure the kids are waiting for Mee Mee at the breakfast table already.”

  The pair climbed out of bed and readied themselves for the morning. As they dressed and prepared to leave the cabin, Haley wondered what lie ahead for her. Not just for today, meeting the rest of the family and the like but in the future.

  What would she tell her parents and her friends?

  What would life be like here, not just for today, but for years to come?

  Lastly, she placed her hand upon her belly and wondered… what if? Was she finally to become the mother she’d always dreamt of being? Had it already happened?

  There were so many questions that needed answering. Haley knew she’d have to fight her instincts to want to know things would work out and for once, just go with the flow. After all, it had worked pretty well in the past few days and it looked as if it would as far into the future as she could see.

  Bride of the Pride

  “He’s looking at you.” Avery said.

  “Uhhm, no, he’s looking at you.” Ellie replied as she took a sip from her water bottle. After a quick drink, she placed it back in the elliptical trainer’s cup holder and continued, “Besides, he’s probably pissed because we’re the last people here, Avery.”

  Working out was bad enough. Even worse, they’d started late and now it looked like they’d earned the scorn of Ben Patterson, one of the gym’s co-owners. His equally gorgeous brother Jason was nowhere in site at the moment and so for that, Ellie was grateful.

  Avery seemed unaffected by Ellie’s comment. “It’s too bad he’s human…” she said.

  Ellie just rolled her eyes and replied, “Well, why do you care? You are taken anyway!”

  “I meant for you my dear…” Avery retorted.

  Avery and Ellie were best friends and both part wolf shifters. And yes, Avery was very beautiful and very much off the market. But, it wasn’t like Ellie had a chance with him even if they were. Avery knew all about Ellie’s lifelong struggles to fit in. Like human families, just because you’re born into one doesn’t mean you’ll be accepted. Besides, humans were strictly off limits anyway.

  As the two returned to their routines, Ben began to walk in their direction.

  “Holy shit, here he comes…” Avery said in a loud whisper.

  “Avery. Calm down… please!” Ellie said quickly.

  “Hello ladies…” Ben said as he walked up.

  “Hi Ben…” the girls replied in unison.

  Oh God. Ellie thought.

  He smiled briefly and said, “Ellie, your trial membership is about to expire and you’ve used up all your guest passes on your friend here.” He never broke eye contact with Ellie or acknowledged Avery at all. Ellie couldn’t believe it. No man had ever disregarded Avery before.

  “We actually thought you were coming to yell at us for being here so late.” Avery interject

  He grabbed the bar across the front of the elliptical, leaned in towards Ellie slightly and said, “Can we expect the pleasure of your company any longer after tonight?”

  If there was ever a total package, it would be him. He was handsome, kind and had muscles stacked upon muscles. He and his brother were lifelong athletes who never lost their edge. They were so very different from the men she knew - the men of her pack. They were dark and almond skinned but the brothers were fair skinned, blonde and blue eyed.

  They were easily the most impressive humans she’d ever been around. Until she’d met them, she’d never really considered being with a man. Anyway, it’s not like they’d ever be interested in someone like her. But, he was human and even though mating with him was not totally off limits, it might as well be.

  Sleeping with him on the other hand…

  “So, what’s it gonna be Ellie?” he asked.

  “What?” She’d totally forgotten the question.

  “Will you be renewing with us or will this be the last time I see you in the flesh?” he asked.

  “Yes!” She replied quickly.

  “Yes it is the last time I’ll see you or yes you’ll be renewing?” he asked, his voice raised an octave at the end.

  “I mean, you’ll see me again.” She answered and smiled.

  “Good. That’s what I was hoping to hear.” He replied. He then said, “Well, you ladies are the last ones in the gym tonight but I’ve got a ton of paperwork to catch up on so take your time finishing. No worries.”

  “Thank you…” The women both answered in unison once more. Ellie shook her head in embarrassment and wondered if they could sound anymore like school girls. He turned to leave and they watched him until he neared his office. Once he did, Avery leaned in towards Ellie and said, “I told you!”

  “Told me what?!” Ellie replied.

  “I told you he was looking at you. He’s all about you Ellie.” Avery answered smugly.

  “Would you please shut up? Don’t be ridiculous Avery. I’ve seen all the women in here throwing themselves at him. He could have any of them. Why would he want someone like me?” She replied.

  “Yeah, well, do you see him with any of them?” she asked incredulously.

  Ellie shook her head and then said, “No, but so what? Maybe he’s not dating any of them but it doesn’t mean he’s not dating someone.”

  Avery leaned over towards her and said, “Ellie, don’t be so dense. Why on Earth would he come all the way over here to ask you about your membership renewal when everything is computerized? Hellooooo???”

  Ellie listened in silence as Avery continued, “Honestly, you need to get over this shit with Lukas once and for all Ellie. I know it’s hard but it’s gone on for too long and the only one suffering is you.”

  Ellie shrugged. As much as she hated it, Avery did have a point. Even if Avery was completely wrong about Ben having the hots for her, which she was, continuing to drag herself down over Lukas had gotten old. And, truth be told, just pretending Ben might be interested gave her much beaten down self-esteem at least a temporary boost.

  “Okay, you made your point. Can we just finish this damn workout?” Ellie asked.

  “Fine.” Avery replied.

  After the pair finished their exercise, they showered in the women’s locker room and got ready to head home. Ellie noticed that Avery was getting dressed much more quickly than normal. Suspicious she asked, “Hey, what gives? Why are you in such a hurry?”

  “Me?” Avery asked innocently. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  “Bullshit…” Ellie replied. She then turned to face her and said, “Something is going on with you. You need to sit down and wait for me so we can leave together.”

  “Fine.” Avery replied as she plopped down on a long bench in the center of the locker room.

  Satisfied that she wasn’t going to be abandoned, Ellie bent down towards her gym bag to grab her makeup. She quickly rummaged through it, pulled out what she needed and stood up to finish getting ready.

  To her shock, Avery had vanished.

  “Avery… Avery!??” Ellie exclaimed in the loudest whimper possible as she hurried towards the exit.

  That bitch! I’ll get her for this! She thought.

  She knew what Avery was up to and it was completely ridiculous. He was human so nothing could come of it long-term. At best, it was going be a very awkward situation for her if she ran into him on the way out. She fumed about her friend’s shenanigans as she walked back towards the mirror to try and make herself look presentable.

  Her only hope was that she’d slip out unnoticed.

  Anyway, even if by some crazy circumstance she did something with him it was too soon for her - the wounds from Lukas’ rejection ran too deep. Her place within the pack would have been difficult for anyone to tolerate. Her family was only part shifter which automatically made it more difficult for her to fit in. Add to that the fact that she was the only one with extra stuffing competing for Lukas and it was an almost insurmountable task.

  She looked in the mirror disgusted at the lumpy reflection before her. How much longer was she going to live like this? Could she really expect Lukas to pick her over the other women in the pack who were not only full shifters but had bodies to die for? Worse yet she’d gone against her better judgment and given her virginity to him several years ago. It was a last ditch attempt to try and sway him. But, she’d done so willingly and without placing any conditions on him for it.

  So, yes, while it was true he’d strung her along ever since it wasn’t completely his fault. As she put on her lipstick, she knew that she was equally to blame. The worst part of all was that to her disgust she hadn’t stopped sleeping with him in spite of everything that had happened. She felt trapped by her need and numbed to the pain of hoping he’d finally be with her. He was like a drug she couldn’t live without and the prison of addiction she was in was taking its toll.

  In fact, she recently decided that she needed to know, one way or the other, what it was going to be. But it had backfired on her. When she pressured him he told her that he was happy with the way things were. And, why wouldn’t he be? He was a virtual sure thing to become pack leader at some point and he had all of the other available females at his beck and call, including her.

  What was she hoping for?

  What was she holding on to?

  It was clear now that he had no intent of claiming her.

  As she finished applying the last of her makeup, she decided that Avery was right. Whether someone like Ben is interested or not, something inside told her that it was just time to end things with Lukas. That is, if you could even call it what they did a ‘thing’ to end in the first place. So, she reached for her purse, grabbed her cell and after a deep breath, readied herself to text him.

  She thought about a lengthy text, explaining her reasons for wanting to cut ties with him. In fact, she typed several variations but each one seemed needier and more pathetic than the one before it.

  “Bah!” she blurted out loud.

  Just do it Ellie.

  She took one last deep inhale, typed, “there’s some1 else” and pressed ‘send’.

  Within ten seconds her phone buzzed back with a reply. “what do u mean? who?”

  She answered, “no 1 u kno. besides, u said u didn’t want 2 b with me. i have 2 get on with my life lukas.”

  “no, who is it ellie?” he said.

  “no 1 u kno… he’s a trainer @ my gym, ok? i have 2 go…” she replied.

  “w8, what gym? r u talking about the new 1 that opened in waterville?” he replied.

  She said, “mayb but what difference does that make lukas? why do u care all of a sudden?”

  “stay away from him ellie. i'm warning u. u r making a big mistake. he's not what u need.” He answered.

  “fuck u lukas! u don’t the 1st thing about my needs! i hav tried 2 give u everything & u’ve done nothing but turn me away. i'm tired of i
t and & i deserve better in my life.” She replied.

  “this is last time i'm going 2 tell u this ellie. stay away. ur place is with us.” He said.

  Ellie was furious.

  How dare he think he can control her and scold her? She wasn’t a liar but for the first time in her life she was glad that she had lied to him about being with someone else. Now she knew what kind of a control freak Lukas really was. He wasn’t going to be able to have his cake and eat it too with her anymore. She knew that Ben wasn’t interested despite Avery’s assurances to the contrary but suddenly being alone was much better than being in that mess of a place she was with Lukas.

  She angrily stuffed her cell phone in her purse without replying to his last text.

  As she gathered the rest of her things, her phone continued to buzz away inside of her purse. Whatever he wanted to say, it was just going to have to wait. She knew that she hadn’t heard the end of it but she had for the moment.

  As she headed out of the locker room, it felt as if the anvil which had hung around her neck for the past few years was beginning to lift. It was a refreshing change from the depression she’d thought she’d never rid herself of. She began to pick up her pace and with each step she felt lighter and freer. In fact, her mind was so preoccupied by her liberation that she’d completely forgotten she wasn’t alone in the gym.

  That is, until a voice from behind said, “Ellie?”


  She stopped immediately and slowly turned back to face him.

  “Hi…” she said softly as she pulled a strand of her dark blonde hair behind her right ear. “I… I meant to come and thank you for letting us stay late. I just have something on my mind and I forgot. I didn’t mean to be rude. Anyway, thank you.”

  “No problem. Listen, I walked Avery out to her car. She asked me to do the same for you. Would you mind?” he asked.

  Ellie shook her head in disbelief. She really was going to kill Avery.

  She slung her gym bag over her shoulder and replied, “Sure. That would be great. Thanks Ben.”

  The pair began to head for the front door but as they neared it he stopped abruptly and said, “Oh hey, I almost forgot. Did you want setup your renewal tonight?”


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