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Hannah's Blessing

Page 4

by Collette Scott

  So why did she feel so alone?


  “That’s the last one.” Diana sat back with a sigh and glanced around her at the empty house.

  Her neighbor Mindy, with her chocolate hair drawn back in a pony tail that bunched in the hood of her black, green and gold CSU sweatshirt, entered the living room carrying Hannah’s favorite stuffed bear. “Wait a minute. I have one more.”

  “I don’t have any room. We’ll have to let Hannah carry it.”

  Mindy nodded and enthusiastically viewed the room. “Then that’s it. Let’s go.”

  “Yes. I have a lot of unloading to do when we get there.”

  With a strength that belied her petite frame, Mindy picked up the last box and carried it to the small rental truck parked in the driveway. Her husband Allan called for Hannah and their son AJ, who came running with squeals of delight. They were quickly loaded into the truck with Allan.

  Diana lagged behind. With a heavy heart she walked through her house for the last time. Dust motes danced in the sunlight streaming through the windows, and echoing footsteps replaced the sound of Hannah’s laughter down the narrow hallway leading to the bedrooms. No beds remained in those rooms anymore. In fact, there was nothing left. Everything was swept clean. Only emptiness remained, and it left her with a hollow feeling.

  After committing everything to the back corners of her memory, Diana returned outside to the brisk morning chill and joined the others. The ‘For Sale’ sign in her front yard told it all. It was over. This part of her life was now one experience from which she had learned. From here on out she had the rest of her life ahead of her.

  In a stroke of pure luck, Diana had received a call later in the afternoon after her visit to the bank. Fortunately Mr. Simms had located the account that Peter had put the money from their savings in. While it was not enough to bail out her mortgage completely, she was able to pay off some of their smaller debts without having to sell her car. He had guided her through signing all the necessary papers, and then he told her that she could move on. After selling and donating her extra furniture and most of Peter’s belongings, Diana packed up what little remained from block yard sales and prepared to move to her new apartment.

  The apartment she took was a small three room place in a newer complex close to Hannah’s preschool in Westminster. Small but clean, the single bedroom was all that she could afford for the time being. While not the lifestyle Hannah was used to, Diana was sure that she was young enough to adjust. Once she had explained why they had to leave, Hannah had accepted it reluctantly but Diana had felt the first stirrings of hope for their new future together.

  “Are we ready?” Diana asked. Though the words were hard and stuck in her throat like spoonful of peanut butter, she thought she matched Mindy’s enthusiasm.

  The kids in the truck shouted their eagerness, and Diana smiled in return. Allan, on the other hand, rolled his eyes, but his voice was teasing. “I knew I would be the one stuck with the kids. I just knew it.”

  Diana gave him a grateful smile. “I can’t thank you enough, Allan. You and Mindy have been a great help.”

  “It’s no problem, Diana. I wish you had come to us a long time ago. Perhaps we could’ve helped you more than this.”

  Diana could feel a blush rise to her cheeks. Allan was not a small man, and the fierce frown on his face spoke volumes. How she hated that her neighbors had learned some of what had happened.

  “I’m okay, and Hannah’s great. We’ll manage just fine,” she said lightly.

  “It’s the hidden scars we’re afraid of, Di,” he said pointedly.

  Diana could feel herself squirming under his scrutiny. This line of discussion was not the direction she wanted to head into. Not today. “You know, these past two months have done wonders for Hannah. She’s started her new school, and I’ve found this new apartment. Losing the house right after Peter has been hard, but we’ll manage. We just need to start all over.”

  “Well, I know a few guys who would love to help you, Diana. Just give me the okay and you’ll have your pick.”

  Diana laughed, a genuine giggle that came from deep within and made her eyes sparkle. She liked that she was able to laugh again. “I’m not ready for that yet, Allan. But thanks, I’ll definitely keep your offer in mind as winter sets in.”

  He grinned and revved the engine. Diana waved back and crossed her neatly manicured grass one last time to reach her car, starting it up and leading the way to her new place. As she pulled out of her neighborhood one last time, she glanced in the mirror and saw the truck following behind. It reminded her that not everyone was selfish and cruel. There were good people out there that were willing to help. Like Mr. Simms at the bank and Allan and Mindy. Thank goodness she had been able to keep her car, and thank goodness she had finally found some friends.

  Chapter 3

  Their new home was small but safe, despite its location on a main thoroughfare. As she and Hannah settled in, there was a lot to keep them busy and the adjustment went well. The new routine suited them both. As fall approached, Hannah began Kindergarten, and Mindy kept her after school until Diana was done with work. At the same time, Diana started full-time at her job, and the extra money was well worth it. They were starting over on their terms.

  Although this new lifestyle was busy, Diana and Hannah still managed to keep some quality time together. Though she never thought it possible, she and Hannah had bonded even closer. Without Peter’s constant harassment, Diana was able to become her old self again, and her evenings with Hannah were shared with plenty of giggles, hugs and kisses.

  It was just the two of them, and they were a team. After Diana picked her up from Mindy’s house, she would prepare dinner and Hannah helped her clean up. Then they would spend the evenings together, completing Hannah’s homework, reading, doing household chores and then preparing for bed before another busy day arrived. Hannah chose the outfits; Diana tucked her in. So full of each other, Diana rarely had use of the electronic sitter. The television set resting on the used entertainment center was reserved for weekends and special occasions.

  However, it was through the television that Diana again saw Devlan Doyle.

  Three months had passed since he had confronted her at the funeral. Though at one time certain he would be harassing her more regularly, she had not heard from him since. It later dawned on her that his professed concern had been just a courtesy, and neither she nor Hannah had made his cut. Surprisingly, she was comfortable knowing that they probably would not ever see or hear from him again. He was from a part of her life that she would just as soon put behind her. Nevertheless, when Diana heard his name on the evening entertainment show, she could not resist her curiosity.

  She was up to her elbows in Hannah’s bath bubbles when she heard the announcement, and her ears instantly keyed in to what was being said. Cursing her interest, she tossed down the towel and came to her feet. Though she knew she was being silly, she hurried into the living room and stared at the set. Tall, dark, and oh so debonair in his black tux, he beamed at the cameras with the stunningly beautiful woman on his arm.

  Nah, she confirmed in her mind, he had not spared them a thought since the moment he left Denver.

  “And high fashion model Roxanne Lemieux showed up at the premier with none other than Devlan Doyle, business tycoon and rumored producer. There has been talk of Doyle teaming up with Hugh Davis, a close friend of Roxanne’s, for a new project, though neither party will comment on it. While Doyle claims merely to enjoy the beautiful model’s company, the pair has been seen together at several functions, although neither will admit to a serious relationship. As you know, Roxanne is the former wife of Director Wayne Moore, and Doyle has been linked to several beautiful actresses including superstar Catalina Jasper...”

  With an exasperated sigh, Diana turned away. Those brothers may not have been bound by blood, but they certainly shared the same fear of commitment. She and Hannah were so much better off without them
in their lives, and it had been foolish of her to watch because the sight only served to ruin her mood. Seeing Devlan flashing his white teeth in a friendly smile for the cameras with a stunning model on his arm made her teeth clench, even while it reminded her of the lack of companionship in her own secluded life. For what one took for granted, another could only dream of.

  She went back to the bathroom and sat on the lowered toilet seat thoughtfully. Hannah was still happily playing with her dolls in the bath and did not look up when she returned, so Diana watched her idly as her mind drifted back in time to the first time she had seen Peter’s handsome brother. It seemed so long ago, though really only six years had passed. Her forehead puckered in remembrance. He had changed a bit since that night so long ago. There were more lines around his large blue eyes, and his face had thinned slightly over the years. Perhaps that was why she had not immediately recognized him.

  Devlan Doyle. A man as dark as his step-brother was fair. When he had arrived at her wedding reception in his form fitting black suit that almost perfectly matched his hair, he had immediately drawn attention. Whether it was because he arrived during the toast to the bride and groom or because he was just a mesmerizing man, his presence had taken the attention away from his brother. And Diana clearly remembered that Peter had not been happy about it.

  Though Peter had told her that Devlan never lacked for female company, he had come alone to their wedding. Her curiosity, along with everyone else’s, drew many interested stares his way. However, his focus remained on the head table – on her and Peter. Much to Peter’s dismay, Diana’s eyes were drawn to Devlan’s instantly, and she felt her new husband stiffen beside her when her gaze locked with the enigmatic man’s in the doorway. While she told herself it was just the interruption that made her return his steady stare, in truth it was because he was so darkly handsome and had such bright eyes. They were mesmerizing. His intense blue orbs had focused solely on her, and he studied her intently. The way he had stared made her shiver, but she had been helpless to look away. There was no denying it; the man was not only handsome as sin, but sexy as well.

  As though in a trance, she had broken away from her guests as soon as possible and approached him, smiling cheerfully and stating her welcome. He had grasped her hand in his and held it longer than necessary, leaning forward to offer a kiss to the bride.

  At the time she had been blinded by hope, so Diana had not seen the warning sign in Peter’s jealous reaction. After watching his brother’s appreciative appraisal, he had risen and approached Devlan before he had completely lowered his head to her cheek. There was a heated discussion, with Peter doing most of the gesturing, and Devlan left quietly without another word. His parting gaze had left her feeling unsatisfied somehow, but her idealism quickly brushed aside the compelling attraction.

  It was much later in their honeymoon that Diana had mentioned the incident. Peter had shrugged it off and told her about Devlan. How his step-brother had stolen his inheritance and used it to buy into a huge corporation that was struggling. He took it over and slowly expanded before using every trick in the book to cheat Peter out of his share. Hiring smooth talking lawyers to search every document, Devlan ruthlessly swindled Peter out of his wealth.

  At the time, Diana had sympathized with Peter. He had painted the perfect picture of a family embezzlement, of a selfish and ambitious man who had forcefully gone after what he wanted without considering those he hurt. She had put Devlan Doyle out of her mind, burying her curiosity behind her righteous anger and indignation.

  Diana grimaced. What a naïve fool she was. She should have known then that she had married into the wrong family. If they would cheat each other so horribly, why would she be treated any different? Back then her love was blind, and she had been captivated by her new husband and the promise of a happily ever after. Today she just felt foolish.

  She was still resentful as she drove Hannah into school the next morning. Both men had the ability to wreak havoc and cause trouble in her life, and she no longer needed that stress. She and Hannah were much better off without them. Hannah could remember Peter the way she wanted to, and Diana could move on.

  Pulling the car to a stop across from the school she reached into the back seat and gave her daughter’s leg a tickle. Hannah giggled and pulled her leg away

  “Mommy, stop that!”

  She smiled at her daughter, feeling a surge of love for the child. “Okay… I go into work late today, so I’ll see you tonight after dinner. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Mommy.”

  Hannah was smiling happily, and it made Diana’s heart want to sing. Yep, she thought, much better off as just the two of them. Hopping from the car, Diana went to the back door to collect Hannah. She waited impatiently as Diana unbuckled her car seat and helped her out.

  “Come on, Mommy.”

  Diana raised her brow and took her daughter’s hand. “Don’t fret, silly. We’re early.”

  “I know, but you take so long. Why do you take so long?”

  “Because I’m old,” she muttered.

  Hannah giggled. “You’re silly, Mommy.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Come on, let’s go.”

  They crossed the street together, with Hannah dragging her feet through the fallen leaves. Fall was coming fast, Diana thought, and that meant more winter clothes for Hannah. After that, Christmas would be upon them. What would she do then? Could she come up with enough money to make her daughter’s dreams come true?

  The kids were all lining up outside on this blustery morning, and after bending down to give her daughter one last kiss, Diana sent her on her way with the rest of the group. She watched as Hannah was enveloped into the smiling group until she was out of sight before hurrying back to her car.

  She was just opening the car door when she heard Hannah call for her. Turning back, Diana watched in confusion as her daughter ran toward her, not minding the road or the oncoming traffic. In her hand she held a paper, waving it excitedly, while behind her, the teacher was calling out to her to stop. When Hannah did not respond, the teacher broke away from the group of children to give chase. Soon all eyes were upon her, but still Hannah paid no mind.

  With a frightened scream, Diana held out her hands, but she was too late. Eyes wide, Diana viewed the oncoming disaster with horror. Hannah had finally stopped, but she halted in the middle of the road. Her eyes were round with fear as she stared at an oncoming car. Too fast. It was moving way too fast. Without considering her own safety, Diana forced herself to move. She was running, screaming, waving her hands as though she could stop the accident by her own force of will.

  It did not work.

  There was a horrible squealing of the tires and a sickening thud, and Hannah was suddenly sailing through the air and landing with a dull thump several yards away.

  “Hannah!” Diana screamed, her hands going to her mouth in horror.

  Still running and screaming at the same time, she fell to her knees beside her daughter. She barely noticed the pain when they struck the hard pavement.

  “Don’t move her!” a bystander shouted. Suddenly there were people everywhere, and the sound of running feet echoed in her agonized mind.

  “Hold her head still.”

  There was blood seeping from a wound on her head, but Hannah was still breathing and her eyelids fluttered. Diana grasped her head and held on, taking the handkerchief someone handed her and pressing it to the gash on her forehead.

  “She’s breathing!”

  “There’s so much blood. Somebody please call for help,” she cried.

  “They’re on their way, ma’am. Just stay calm.”

  Diana wanted to scream that it was not their child lying broken in the middle of the street, but there were so many voices that she knew no one would hear. She bit her lip until it bled in an effort to keep her panic at bay.

  One of the mothers bent down next to her and wrapped her arms around Diana’s shoulders. “It’s okay, Diana. Everything wil
l be okay.”

  Diana’s eyes filled with tears as she fought back the anguish. Right now, she was not sure that Hannah would be okay.

  After what seemed an eternity, she heard the sirens. They sounded loud in the sudden hush of the children and parents gathered around her. She could hear the increasing urgency in their voices and felt the cold hand of terror take a hold of her heart.

  Please, oh please, don’t take my baby too.


  “There’s been trouble.”

  Mike’s unceremonious entry into his office brought a warning frown to Devlan’s face. Already in an irritable mood, he raised his weary gaze to his closest associate. He had spent the evening in the spotlight with Roxanne again, something he dreaded doing. It had been a long evening listening to her endless chatter, and an even longer night trying to be rid of her. Now he was back at work with hardly any sleep and sporting a headache to worsen his mood.

  “I hope this is good, Mike.”

  “I just got a call from my guy in Denver. It’s Hannah Somerset. She’s in the hospital.”

  For the briefest of moments, he struggled to place the name. Then it hit him. He sat up straighter. “What happened?”

  “Hit by a car this morning by an uninsured motorist. She’s got serious injuries.”

  He dragged his hand slowly down his face. Of all the luck. Though he wanted to just shout out a curse, he knew that it would not help matters. Right now, he needed to keep his calm and take immediate action.

  “Okay. Get the jet ready. I want to be there within the hour. Is she in a trauma center?”

  “They sent her to Denver. Just arrived.”

  Ignoring Mike’s curious glance, Devlan pressed the button on his desk to page his assistant.

  “Kathy, cancel all my appointments. I’ll be out of town for an indeterminable amount of time. And call in any contacts we have in Denver. I need to find the best pediatric orthopedic surgeons, neurologists and whatever else may be needed for a child struck by a car. I’ll get you the details as soon as I get them.”


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