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Hannah's Blessing

Page 5

by Collette Scott

  “Yes, sir,” came the crisp response.

  Devlan collected what papers he needed and placed them in his briefcase. His headache and his frustration with Roxanne would have to wait. In fact, everything would have to wait. Diana and Hannah needed him now and he had a plane to catch.


  Diana stood by the nurse’s station, ears attuned to the activity in the trauma room while she struggled to keep from barging in. One nurse had told her in an overly patient and calm voice that there was a tube to Hannah’s lungs and they were giving her oxygen to keep the swelling in her brain down. They would soon be getting x-rays, and then they would be sending her for a CT scan. While they were doing all this, they would continue to stabilize her. If she would just take a seat…

  No, Diana would not just take a seat. Though the words were meant to reassure her, it did little to help. Tears continued to roll down her face, and she paced and worried while her heart screamed out for her child. Why could it not be her on that table? She should have done something to stop it from happening. Something more. While she waited in a hallway with bated breath, her daughter could be dying without her.

  She was still hovering as close as she could get when the emergency room doctor approached her. “Mrs. Somerset?”

  She nodded.

  “Is there anyone else with you?”

  “Uh, no. I’m alone,” she whispered. Yes, she was very alone. Hannah was all she had.

  His face was solemn as he led her to the family waiting room. The room was empty now, but he shut the door behind them for even more privacy.

  “I’m Doctor James Haverill. I’m the Emergency Room physician on duty this morning. I have some good news and some bad news.”

  She nodded her head weakly.

  “We’ve got some swelling in her brain. We also found some bleeding into her pelvic cavity. There’s a question as to the stability of her pelvis, but right now it appears intact. One of her femurs, the thighbone, is fractured and the other leg shows some bending, which is not unusual in a child since their bones are so flexible. Fortunately, the break is not within the epiphysis, or growth plate. It’s the head injury that we’re very concerned about. It can be fatal or at least permanently damaging…”

  He stopped and gave her a moment to ingest everything before continuing. “I have a neurosurgeon on the way. He’s very good; the best in the area. We need to operate immediately to get the bleeding controlled and the swelling down.”

  “Do whatever you must, just please let her be okay.”

  He shook his head solemnly. “I can’t tell you for sure if she’ll be okay. It’s far too early. We have grave injuries here that we must treat carefully.”

  Diana blinked away fresh tears. “Do what you have to.”

  He nodded and gave her hand a squeeze. His hand was warm and strong. “I’ll do my very best. We all will. Betty over there will have papers for you to sign.”

  A tremulous smile crossed Diana’s lips and she watched the doctor hurry back down the hall. She sank to the sofa and ran her hands through her hair as a moment of panic filled her chest. What if something went wrong and she did not have a chance to see Hannah once more and tell her how much she loved her? Unable to stop the frantic pounding of her heart, Diana bit back the despair that threatened to overcome her. First Peter, and now Hannah. How much more could she take?

  Struggling against the tightness in her chest, Diana mentally shook herself. Hannah needed her to be strong and in control right now, and she owed it to her daughter to be so. Inhaling another deep breath, she let it out slowly in an effort to ease the growing pain in her breast. She had to get moving - now.

  It was through blurred vision that she saw the tall, broad shouldered man in a dark suit rush past the door in the direction of the nurse’s station. He stopped in his tracks and turned back when he saw her.


  Diana stiffened at the sound of that deep, seductive voice. She knew that voice. She had just heard it on the television. Why was she hearing it here?

  She wiped at her eyes quickly, trying to clear the tears before he noticed her show of weakness. Then she met his concerned stare. Astonished, she realized that it really was him. From the television the evening before to standing in the middle of the family waiting room, Devlan Doyle appeared to be everywhere.

  “What on earth are you doing here?”

  He came to tower above her, looking fresh and clean and smelling of expensive cologne. Though intimidating in his power suit, his face was grave and worry glittered in his eyes. “I came as soon as I heard. Where’s Hannah? Is she going to be all right?”

  “They don’t know yet,” she whispered brokenly.

  “Wow Diana, I’m sorry.”

  She nodded and looked away, unwilling to share her pain with him. But Devlan was not having it. He reached down, captured her hands, and pulled her to her feet. Too stunned to resist, she stiffened when he suddenly enveloped her in his arms and pulled her close, his hand smoothing her hair down her back. She remained rigid until his husky whisper reached her ears.

  “You’re not alone, Diana. I’m here to help in any way that I can.”

  Alone. She had not felt this alone until the idea of losing her child became a sudden reality. Now everything seemed so tenuous, so many unknowns, and his small gesture of kindness was all it took to break down her resolve to resist. Her tears overflowed and ran in a silent stream down her cheeks. How had he known how alone she felt?

  “I’m so afraid that she’ll never know how much I love her.”

  “Doubtful,” he said forcefully.

  Devlan’s hands tightened encouragingly. He did not seem to mind that she was crying on his fancy suit which probably cost as much as her monthly salary. In fact, by the racing of his own heart he appeared to be as frightened as she was. Surprised by his sudden vulnerability, she began to weaken. His touch was gentle and soothing, and it was so welcome during this time of uncertainty. Surely he could make matters all right. He said she was not alone.

  How easy it would be to fall back into that trap.

  Quickly changing the subject from her traitorous thoughts, Diana took a deep breath. “The doctor said that she has swelling in her brain and that both her legs are injured. She might also be bleeding into her pelvis. What will happen now?”

  She could feel Devlan nod as his chin came to rest upon the top of her head. “I’ve already called in favors from some friends of mine, Diana. They’ll work on Hannah to the best of their abilities. She’ll pull through. You have the best in the area to help her.”

  As his words sank in, Diana suddenly realized just how bizarre his presence in the hospital was. It was almost surrealistic. She stiffened and pulled away from him, leaving the comfort of his arms with the suspicion that things were not what they seemed. Reaching for another tissue, she took a moment to regain her composure. She could feel his intense gaze upon her as she moved away to a safe spot within the small room.

  “How is it, Mr. Doyle, that you’re here?” She managed a shaky laugh. “I mean, how did you hear about the accident and get here so quickly?”

  There was a slight hesitation before Devlan answered. His gaze did not quite meet hers as he spoke, which only increased her suspicion. She watched him warily as he focused on his clean, short fingernails.

  “I was already here, Diana. I was upstairs in a meeting with upper management. I’m doing some work with the hospital. There was a lot of talk about the accident, and when I heard Hannah’s name I came down.”

  Diana was not sure she believed him, but judging by his sharp appearance she suspected he was doing some sort of work. Whether or not it was upstairs was another story altogether. However, he did have the means to help her, and at that moment Hannah needed all the help she could get. The police had told her that the driver could not show proof of insurance, and that did not bode well for her at all.

  She nodded slowly and sat back down on the couch, keeping a safe distance
between them. Her guard was up again, and she intended to keep it that way. No, she needed to keep it that way.

  Seeing her continued hesitation, Devlan took a step toward her and spoke quickly. “Let me help you help your daughter, Diana. I can do it. I can ensure that she has the best medical care available, with specialists in every field.”

  “I am capable of taking care of Hannah, Mr. Doyle.”

  He nodded impatiently while his hand waved away her words dismissively. “I know that. But I am offering you financial help. You have no insurance. How will you pay for her care?”

  The warning bells that had rung when she first saw him were an all-out cacophony of noise now. Her eyes narrowed until they were almost slits. “How did you know that?”

  “Common sense, Diana.” When she continued to stare at him suspiciously, he shrugged. “You just started full-time, did you not? Does your job offer you benefits immediately?”

  She grimaced. He was right. “We’re covered as of the first of the month.”

  “You see? You can’t get her the care I can. Trust me, Diana. I will do my best for her.”

  “But why? I can offer you nothing in return. You know I can’t repay you; I have no money.”

  “I don’t want your money.”

  Their gazes locked, but Diana held her tongue and waited for him to elaborate. Tense moments passed until his gaze slipped away from hers to travel her length. Unlike Peter’s scathing and contemptuous look, Devlan’s was warm and appreciative, and Diana felt the power of it all the way to her toes. He cleared his throat, but his voice grew deeper when he finally answered her unspoken question. “There are things other than money that you can offer.”

  She could imagine what that meant.

  Though her mind screamed that she was being foolish and reckless, her heart told her that nothing mattered more than her daughter. She would do anything for Hannah. Taking a deep breath, she met Devlan’s gaze steadily.

  “What would I have to do?”

  “I would expect that you return with Hannah to L.A. I can take care of you both there. Hannah will have the best medical care that money can buy. We can discuss repayment options at a later date.”

  “I’m still not sure I understand,” she said with a quick shake of her head. “Why would you do this for us? We’re nothing to you.”

  He recoiled in surprise, and a fierce frown appeared on his face. “Nothing?”

  As his blue eyes darkened in frustration, Diana realized that he was not a man used to being questioned. Judging by his glare, he apparently did not like that she did just that. When he finally spoke, his voice was clipped and cold and she shivered at his tone.

  “I’m offering you the best of care for your daughter. Take it or leave it. But I’d advise you to reconsider your stubbornness and think of how far you will go for Hannah… I’ll be out in the hall.”

  Chapter 4

  Diana watched Devlan back from the room and shut the door behind him with a gentle click. The smell of his cologne remained behind, a tangy male scent that tickled her nose. She could tell that it was costly. Of course, everything about him spelled out quality. She knew he was wealthy beyond belief, and that meant he had the means to help Hannah.

  His words still rang in her ears. How far would she go for her child?

  She was not that stubborn. She would do anything for her baby.

  If the steamy look he had given her was any indication, he did not want her money. No, he wanted something else from her, and she could only think of one thing that might be. Was she prepared to get involved with a man who would surely break her heart? Was she willing to put aside her firm decisions to get her life and confidence back before allowing another man into her life, especially a man that would surely bring havoc?

  Entering a relationship with Devlan Doyle would cause trouble. But Hannah needed his help, and unfortunately she had no way to give her everything she needed without taking Doyle up on his offer.

  Diana came to her feet. Nothing mattered as much as her daughter. She would do whatever it took to get the best for Hannah. Closing her eyes briefly, Diana stiffened her resolve and took a deep breath to give her strength. She reached for the door handle and grasped it tightly, knowing that once she opened that door she would seal her fate. But she could find a way to steel her heart against Devlan Doyle; she would not allow it to betray her again.

  “I’ll take it.”

  Devlan stood by the nurse’s station with his companion, the same man he was with at the funeral, speaking in hushed tones. At the sound of her voice his head swiveled slowly in her direction, and his triumphant gaze penetrated her very soul. With an almost imperceptible nod, he straightened and joined her again.

  “They’re taking Hannah upstairs now. I’ll bring you up.”

  “I’ll go anywhere. I’ll do anything. Just help her.”

  Devlan responded with a quick nod. “I’ll take care of it.”

  “I’m counting on that.”

  His hand came down on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Don’t doubt me. I always keep my word.”

  When she immediately stiffened, his hand dropped to her arm. Without another word, he guided her to the nearest elevator and up to the surgical floor. There he stood aside so that she could exit the elevator but did not follow.

  “Mike will stay with you. I have to get some work done, but I’ll be back when they’re done. If you need to reach me, Mike will take care of it.”

  Diana glanced at the burly blond man with a little trepidation. She had never met a bodyguard before. As if in answer to her unspoken question, he smiled cheerfully down at her.

  “Hello, Mrs. Somerset.”

  She managed a small smile. “Please call me Diana.”

  Mike glanced at Devlan who nodded shortly before the elevator doors closed again. Stuck alone with Mike, she began walking down the hall.

  “Very well. Can I get you anything?”

  Diana shook her head. All she wanted now was reassurance that Hannah would be okay. Unfortunately, that meant another waiting room. This one was sporting four white walls, a sofa and several chairs. Magazines rested on the battered wooden coffee table, most current but well read. Everything was clean and well-kept but missing her laughing daughter.

  Sinking into the chair closest to the door, Diana stared at her feet. As she glanced down at her worn jeans, she noticed for the first time Hannah’s blood staining her knees and thighs. Fresh tears pricked her eyes as an image of the accident scene flashed behind her eyes. There had been so much blood and so much noise. For as long as she lived, she would never forget the sound of that sickening thud.

  Please let Hannah get well.


  Devlan exited the elevator and strode toward the exit. The bright late-morning sunlight greeted him, and the cool fall air went right through him. Squinting against the glare, he shivered and pulled his jacket closed as he approached the waiting limo.

  “Chilly out today, sir?” the driver asked.

  “I left in too much of a hurry to grab a winter coat,” he muttered.

  “I have the heat running in the car.”

  The driver opened his door and stood aside while Devlan climbed in. Once in the privacy of the dark interior he leaned his head against the seat and closed his eyes. Though he was used to sudden events and immediate reaction times, this morning had caught him completely by surprise. Little Hannah Somerset was in serious condition, and now he had to prepare for the worst case scenario.

  First Peter and now Hannah, he thought in frustration. Was he destined to donate everything to charity? No sooner did the thought escape than he chided himself. After all, to him Hannah’s situation was an annoyance; to her mother, it was devastation.

  His irritability must be due to the lack of sleep. He was just too old for these late nights, he concluded. If Roxanne had not forced him to escort her to another premier and the parties afterwards, he would have been more alert this morning instead of frazzled and
cranky. His days of enjoying the night life were over, now they left him exhausted.

  “Where to, sir?”

  Devlan sat forward and pressed the intercom button. “To my suite.”

  “Very well.”

  The silent limo eased away from the curb, and Devlan settled back once more. Hannah was in trouble; her injuries serious. Now he needed to make sure that he could live up to his promise to the child’s mother. He did not like promises or the commitment they required, but this time he was determined. Not only did his estate require it, but he had given Diana his word.

  The elation of victory was somewhat hollow but still there. Diana and Hannah were finally under his protection. Though not exactly in the way he intended, he had accomplished what he had set out to do. Diana had relented, and he had control. The question now was whether or not he could pull it off. Not in the clear yet, he needed to demonstrate to them both that he was capable of taking care of them, and taking care of them well. He had to earn Diana’s trust and prove that she had made the right choice. The only choice.

  He reached for his phone and dialed Kathy. “Open the Malibu house. I need it cleaned and ready for use.”

  “Sir? But you’ve never used the Malibu house before.”

  “Just do it. And find a good rehabilitation center for the child. Once she’s cleared to leave the hospital, I want to settle her mother there and personally oversee Hannah’s rehab.”

  “How is she now?”

  “In surgery. Too soon to tell. It’s serious, though.”

  “Oh no, that’s terrible. The poor thing. Her mother must be frantic… I’ll get right on it. I’ve cancelled all your appointments here for now. I had a problem rescheduling your golf game with Mr. Littleton. He’s booked now until after Christmas.”

  Devlan grimaced. “I’m not too concerned with a golf game. At least that was a break.”

  “Yes, sir. Will you be coming back today?”

  “No, I’ve decided to spend the night here. I’m on my way to the suite now. I want to be close by when Hannah’s done with surgery and has her first night.”


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