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Hannah's Blessing

Page 9

by Collette Scott

  “We have a bit of a ride to Malibu, depending on traffic. Would you like a drink or something?”

  “What I’d really like is to see Hannah. I’m afraid if she wakes up someplace different without me she might panic.” She frowned. “I knew I should have ridden with her.”

  Devlan’s lips compressed as he considered her words. “You know, I didn’t even think of that. I’m not used to this child thing yet.” He pressed the intercom button and heard blaring music. “Damn kid,” he muttered. “Turn it down, Wills. We’ve had a change of plans. Head up to the rehab now, please.”

  “You don’t have to change all your plans, Mr. Doyle. You can just drop me off if it’s a problem.”

  Devlan laughed. “I’ve kissed you twice now, Diana. Don’t you think it’s time that you start calling me by my given name?” When she did not immediately respond, he pursed his lips playfully. “Alright, let me put it to you this way… If you don’t start calling me Devlan, I’m going to kiss you in public.”

  She blushed in answer which caused him to laugh harder.

  “Besides, this makes perfect sense. It beats running back and forth from Malibu to the city. We have reservations tonight for eight o’clock. I don’t want to rush you all over, not on your first night in Los Angeles.”


  Diana hesitated, her stomach muscles clenching. Perhaps now that she was in California he was anxious to begin their relationship. In truth, Diana was surprised he had not pushed her that morning in the kitchen. While he had not even mentioned their agreement since that breakfast, she had noticed that he told his secretary he was staying in Malibu with her. If she knew men at all, it was only a matter of time, and apparently the time must be coming. She was not sure how to respond.

  “I made dinner reservations at a great place I found some time back. Thought you might enjoy relaxing a little and seeing the L.A. of the movies. Now that Hannah’s getting the best care, you can finally relax a little.”

  “She had good care in the hospital,” she protested.

  “Yes, but these are specialists. Hannah will have twenty-four hour care and more therapists than the hospital could offer. She will be with children just like her, and there might be some near her age. Will you trust me?”

  She ducked her face away from his, too afraid to say what she really felt. No, it would do her no good to place all her trust in one individual. She would trust no one but herself.

  “You don’t understand,” she declared. “She’s my daughter. I need to be with her.”

  “I’ll call now and see if we can bump up our appointment with the admission liaison and the attending physician. They’ll tell us what is planned for Hannah, who will be taking care of her, and those things. You’ll be in charge of everything; just tell me what you need.”

  “If it matters at all,” Diana said softly. “I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you’ve done so far.”

  Devlan beamed with pride and a warm smile appeared. “I think it matters a lot. Especially since I know how hard it must’ve been for you to say it.”

  He reached forward and placed a warm hand on her knee, and she watched as his fingers gently stroked the area around her kneecap. Despite the warning signals in her brain, she was unable to move away from the soft touch. It was foreplay, she reasoned. He was trying to break down her defenses.

  Seeing her discomfort, Devlan sat back and again reached for his phone. It took some time, but he was methodical and efficient in adjusting their schedules. She half-listened to his authoritative voice as he let his expectations be known while she watched the cars meander alongside them. Her thoughts drifted as well.

  Hannah would be in an inpatient facility for some time before she could go to the Malibu house with her. There she would have several hours of therapy and educational tutoring every day until she was ready to return to Colorado. The cost, Diana feared, would be astronomical, and there was only one form of payment Devlan seemed to want from her.


  “We’re all set,” he announced.

  Diana startled when she heard his voice, but he did not notice. His attention was focused on the traffic out the window, and the frown on his face was filled with frustration. She stared at his handsome profile, admiring his straight nose and square jaw while he was distracted.

  “This is the worst way to see the city. Tomorrow after we go to the facility I’ll be your guide.”

  “Oh no, that’s not necessary. I’m sure you have more important things to do,” she said hastily.

  “You are important, Diana. You and Hannah are my priority right now. You’re the only family I have, and you’re visiting from out of town. Don’t you think it would be pretty rude to ignore you and not take some time to show you around?”

  “Well, this is a little different. We’re a little different,” she answered.

  “Nonsense. I told you before I need the time off. Work has consumed most of my time, and I’m due for a vacation.”

  She could not help the jab. “Apparently not so much time that you couldn’t hit the parties.”

  When Devlan smiled his bright blue eyes smiled as well. “So you noticed,” he teased.

  “Yes,” she muttered.

  “I love when you admit to it,” he said, chuckling. “Ah, looks like we’re finally here.”

  Sure enough they had arrived, and the whitewashed modern facility caught Diana’s attention. The well-manicured lawns sported paved walking paths flanked with an assortment of wood picnic tables, benches and lawn chairs to occupy the patrons. Established trees offered shade from their trim and neat canopies, and beds of perennials brightened the yard with a splash of rainbow colors.

  “Very nice,” she admitted.

  Devlan assisted her out of the Bentley and once more wrapped his arm around her waist as he led her up the steps. Just inside the door stood a pretty young blond woman dressed in scrubs and a white coat. Beside her was a woman with fiery red hair, dressed in a plain blue business suit and low heels. They approached with wide, friendly smiles.

  “Welcome Mrs. Somerset, Mr. Doyle, we’ve been waiting for you. Hannah has just arrived and is being transferred to her bed. We’ll take you straight up to her room to see her, and then we’ll sit down and chat.”

  Diana appreciated their enthusiasm and happily fell in step between them, peppering them with questions and concerns while they listened patiently and responded reassuringly. Devlan was left to lag behind but did not complain from his position close behind her.

  Hannah was still groggy when they arrived, so after saying hello and making some introductions, Diana and Devlan were led back to a spacious office to discuss Hannah’s care path. While Devlan appeared to take it all in stride, Diana found her head spinning with all of the information thrown at her. Whereas she could answer the questions they posed, it was Devlan who asked the ones about the facility. Apparently he had done some homework about rehabilitation, and that pleased her even more than his carrying her luggage down to the car.

  After performing so well with the administrators, Devlan finally allowed his more impatient side to appear when Diana fussed over Hannah for the remainder of the afternoon. With increasing glances at his watch, by the third hour he finally spoke up. “Diana. We still have a long drive.”

  Diana leaned over Hannah and gave her a kiss on the nose. Her eyelashes fluttered briefly but remained closed, and the nurse who had joined them smiled at Devlan conspiratorially. “She’ll probably be out all night. You chose a good night to take your wife to dinner.”

  “If I could get her out the door, I’d consider it a good night,” he responded.

  Diana glanced at him over her shoulder. It was not his childish whining that caught her attention. It was that he made no attempt to correct the nurse for her mistaken belief that they were married. Interesting. Stroking Hannah’s hand one last time, she finally pulled away when the nurse placed her hand on her shoulder.

��ll sleep through the night and won’t even know that you’re gone,” she whispered. “From what I hear, you haven’t left her side yet. Let your handsome hubby take you out for a night and spoil you. Even Hannah wouldn’t mind. It’ll be good for you both when you come back feeling more relaxed.”

  Diana shook her head, fully intending to set the nurse straight. “He’s not -”

  “She’s right, Diana,” Devlan interrupted smoothly. “I bet Hannah will heal even faster when you’re happier.”

  “That’s absolutely true.”

  Diana scowled in Devlan’s direction, but he only winked back at her. Coming to his feet smoothly, he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Playing the husband role effortlessly, he pressed a warm and lingering kiss on her neck and smiled at the nurse. “Now you’re fairly sure she’ll sleep through the night?”

  “Well I can’t say with absolute certainty, but given that she’s had a long day and her medication…” Her voice trailed off encouragingly.

  “Alright,” Diana muttered. She bent and kissed Hannah’s soft cheek one last time.

  “It’s only for one night,” the nurse said. “We have your contact information if something comes up.”

  Hating that she seemed like an overprotective mother, Diana nodded her thanks and sent one last glare in Devlan’s direction. His eyes danced with mischief and what appeared to be excitement.

  Before she could find another excuse to stay, he reached for her arm and led her out of the room back toward the waiting car. Knowing it was pointless to fight any longer, she allowed him to have his way this time. After all, Hannah would be all better soon. She was safely ensconced in a state of the art facility with beautiful grounds and a friendly staff. They could not have asked for anything more. The best care money could buy was the gift she had received for her daughter.

  For that she had Devlan Doyle to thank.

  Chapter 7

  Malibu was a beautiful seaside community north of Los Angeles where the affluent lived and the tourists gaped, and it was also the place that Devlan Doyle was allowing her to stay. Yet again she was faced with the now familiar fairytale feeling as they entered the small community, and it grew when she saw the property for the first time. His house was among the finest, hidden off the road by a gated drive. Feeling more like a movie star and less like a penniless single mother, Diana stared in awe at the well-manicured grounds tucked behind the privacy walls.

  Wills spoke into the speaker and the gates swung open on well-greased hinges to admit them. While Diana continued to gape, Devlan looked around with satisfaction. She had thought that most of the houses on the beach in Malibu were condos or narrow salt-box homes. Well, she was wrong.

  The long drive circled around the front of the Mediterranean-style house. Though narrow, the yard was a plush, deep green and littered with marble statues and fountains leading all the way up to the house. Fresh flowers in full bloom lined the drive and added a splash of color to offset the dark green of the beautifully landscaped yard. Diana quickly noticed that, in addition to the garages, there was a tennis court and a large, spacious guesthouse on the property. It had the same whitewash and red tile roof, almost a miniature of the large house. She wondered if that was where she was going to live.

  The Bentley came to a gentle stop in front of the three-story house. The late afternoon sunlight glimmered on the stucco finish, enhancing its pristine exterior. As Wills held open her door, Devlan assisted her out and led her up the wide outer stairs into the expansive foyer.

  The large door stood open, revealing a huge chandelier with hundreds of small lights hanging from the high ceiling. Just beneath it stood a heavy crystal table with a clear glass tableau. Her breath caught at the sheer size of it.

  “That light probably cost as much as my yearly salary,” she murmured aloud.

  He snorted. “You’re probably right. I didn’t buy it. I only walked through real quick when I bought this place. I haven’t had time to come here since.”

  Diana shot him a withering glance.

  “Well, it’s nice.” He grinned down at her, his eyes sparkling, and his arm once more snaked around her waist and pulled her against his side. “This house is your house while you’re my guest. I’ll show you around, and then you can settle in before dinner.”

  “Wait,” she said nervously. “Aren’t I staying in the guest house?”

  “No,” he said, frowning. “I put you in the second master, with Hannah’s room next door. The guesthouse is isolated. Mrs. Maclean will stay there when she arrives. She’ll be out in a few days to help while you’re visiting.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about this.”

  Ignoring her comment, he moved further into the house, veering to the right into a spacious white carpeted room. The room was as bright and cheerful as the foyer, too white for a five-year-old girl, she thought nervously. Every room as far as she could see was lined with large windows, granting a serene ocean view and natural lighting. She could understand why he liked the place. It had an optimistic and welcoming feel, more beautiful than any house she has ever stayed in before.

  “This is the main living room.”

  Diana fell in step behind him, following him throughout the house. It was multi-leveled and asymmetric, and she knew in an instant that it would take her some time to find her way around. There were eight bedrooms in the main house, three masters, all with private baths and huge walk-in closets as well as balconies that overlooked the heated pool and the long sandy stretch of beach just a short walk away. His prideful enthusiasm began to rub off on her as they continued the tour, and soon her intimidation was replaced by excited planning of trips down to the beach with Hannah when she was better.

  Diana’s room was spacious and cheery like the rest of the house, with a huge king-sized bed, full entertainment center and whirlpool bath. Like the other rooms she had seen, her bedroom had a full wall of floor to ceiling windows with a view of the ocean. She glanced around in awe. “All this for me?”

  Though she felt guilty that she desired to stay at the house, she could not help her girlish excitement of being treated to such luxury. She feared that she and Hannah would be spoiled forever and never want to leave.

  He smiled. “Naturally… Do you like it?”

  “Yes, it’s very beautiful… and big.”

  “Yes, this room alone is bigger than your whole apartment,” he pointed out.

  “Thanks for reminding me, I almost forgot.”

  He chuckled and crossed the room, having one more surprise that he proudly showed her. Hannah’s room connected with hers through a hidden door that was disguised as a bookshelf. “You can either use this door or have Hannah come through from the hallway.”

  Hannah’s room was already littered with more toys than any child could dream of having. There were walls of toys and books. Diana turned to Devlan in dismay. “You can’t keep doing this. She’s going to leave here so spoiled, I’ll never be able to keep her under control.”

  Devlan gave her a curious glance before clearing his throat. “I’ll be back to pick you up at seven.”

  “But, Devlan,” she said. “I don’t have anything to wear to dinner.”

  “Look in your closet,” he announced over his shoulder. “We picked up some things for your stay here.”

  As the door closed behind him, she continued to stare at the spot she had last seen him. It concerned her that he was growing more presumptuous with every passing day, and it was difficult to accept his generosity. Letting out a nervous sigh, Diana marched straight to the closet only to gasp when she opened the doors. There was almost an entire wardrobe in there, all in her size.

  “How in the...”

  She began pulling the clothes off the rack and held them up to her. There was even a bathing suit.


  She kept looking, pulling out a silky nightgown with a fine, soft matching robe. There was a fashionable pantsuit and even a couple of casual outfits. Everyth
ing she would need for semi-formal and casual dress.

  “I guess he doesn’t like my jeans.”

  Though she knew he had the best of intentions, tears of shame filled her eyes. He was trying to make her fit in the only way he knew how. She could never afford a wardrobe as costly as this, so he took care of it in his subtle and firm way. Part of her felt like Cinderella meeting her prince, but the realistic part of her was deeply humiliated.

  If Devlan wanted her to look good while she was here, she would do her best to live up to his standards. She had been raised well and could socialize with the best. She could show Devlan a thing or two. Yet her pride demanded she not keep a thing. She would leave every gift that he had purchased when her time to leave arrived.

  As she was turning back to exit the huge closet, her eyes fell on the sapphire blue cocktail dress. Obviously it was for her to wear to dinner, and the gown itself was magnificent. Softly lined in silk and beaded with pearls and sequins, it glittered in the afternoon sunlight. It had been so long since she had spent an evening on the town, she could not resist the longing she felt when she studied it. It was the kind of dress that clung to her curves, requiring little or no undergarments, and she wondered if Devlan had planned it that way.

  Suddenly unable to breathe, she quickly hung the dress back up and went to stand outside. Her balcony overlooked the large pool, partially hidden from the tropical trees that wound up the side of the house. It too glimmered in the late-afternoon sunlight, crystal clear and stirring only slightly in the breeze. Beyond the pool, the waves pounded rhythmically into the sand. It was a pleasing and relaxing sound that she knew would help her sleep at night.

  As she leaned against the railing, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The soothing sounds were comforting to her ears. She realized that she had been working on nervous energy since early that morning and could use a long nap. Looking over her shoulder, the large bed beckoned, and she dropped down on her soft mattress with a thankful sigh. It had been a long day, one full of surprises. Vaguely she wondered what would be next.


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