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Hannah's Blessing

Page 10

by Collette Scott


  Devlan stood in the living room by the wet bar, idly watching the clock on the mantle. He was on his second whisky already, and yet he had only been downstairs for fifteen minutes.

  “Wills brought the car around,” Mike said, shutting the front door behind him. “He’s ready when you are.”

  Devlan turned at the sound of his voice and took the opportunity to glance up the stairs again. “Great. What time is it?”

  “Ten till.”

  “Okay,” he said, sighing. “How do I look?”

  Mike glanced at him up and down, taking in the sharp black evening suit with a critical eye. His eyes glittered with amusement when he answered. “I’m sure she’ll find you pleasing enough, sir.”

  Devlan nodded again. “Right.”

  A slight noise caught his attention and both men turned their gaze to the curving staircase. Diana stood at the top like an angel dressed in the sapphire blue gown he had chosen, and his mouth went dry as he stared up at her. She was perfect, every inch of her. The dress clung to her soft curves like a glove, one he wished at that moment he was wearing.

  She smiled shyly and self-consciously patted her hair when she saw him staring. The blond mane was tastefully done in a French twist with a few wayward strands escaping down to curl around her face. Her neck was exposed, all the way to the ‘V’ in her gown. A sudden urge to taste the skin exposed caused him to grip his glass a little tighter. When his body reacted immediately to his wayward thoughts, Devlan forced himself to look away from the gaping gown. However, it did not help when he scanned lower. The slit up the side showed a bit of her smooth thigh as she descended the winding stairs. With a sharp glance at Mike, Devlan noticed that he too was intently watching the show.

  “Mike, tell Wills we’ll be right out.”

  With as much reluctance as he had felt, Mike tore his gaze away and absently muttered a few words of acknowledgment. Devlan’s eyes returned to Diana as she continued her descent.

  “You look ravishing,” he said warmly.

  She blushed under his stare, her hands running down her sleek frame. “Thank you. And thanks for supplying me with a dress. It’s a perfect fit. Just no more, ok? We’ve taken enough from you already.”

  Though he wanted to tell her that he planned on showering both her and Hannah with everything he could give, he held his tongue when her clear eyes met his. “I won’t ask how you managed to find out my clothing size.”

  He cleared his throat cautiously. “I took the liberty of peeking in your closet that day we had breakfast. Kathy and I went shopping several days ago.”

  “Oh,” she breathed. “You looked in my closet?”

  Feeling humor would be his best defense, he winked at her. “At least it wasn’t your underwear drawer. I couldn’t find that... I hope you don’t mind?”

  “Mind? Of course I mind. You shouldn’t have. I can dress myself.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe you bought clothes for me.”

  “I did.” He nodded his head, still not feeling a trace of guilt. Her eyes darkened, though from anger or embarrassment he could not tell. “They’re a gift from me, Diana. Would you please accept them?”

  “Well, do I have a choice now?”

  In the time that Devlan had spent with Diana, he had learned a thing or two about her temper. Her pride was obstinate, and he had obviously offended her. Now was not the time to share his plans with her. Instead he sent his best smile her way.

  “Let’s go. It’s almost seven. I want to take a short detour through Beverly Hills before dinner. Show you some of the sights. Are you hungry?”



  She came to rest at the bottom of the stairs, her heels clicking against the marble tiles. Devlan still could not tear his gaze away from her. Everything about her was fresh and pure, so different from the competitive beauties in this land of the stars. He loved that she wore very little makeup to cover her clear, healthy skin. Only her lips glistened with the tantalizing moistness of her gloss, and his chest swelled with pride as he admired her. Tonight, he had the honor of escorting her out.

  Taking hold of her arm, Devlan felt her shiver. Satisfied that she was not as immune to him as she would have him believe, he led her outside to the waiting car and smiled proudly as Wills and Mike gaped. In his opinion, tonight he was escorting the most precious beauty ever.

  Diana sat silently in the Bentley on their way to the restaurant while he explained some of the sights. Though she piped in to ask an occasional question, he could sense her apprehension. It almost matched his. If things went his way this evening, he had a lot to gain. His goal of having her finally accept him as a part of her life, perhaps even place her trust in him was finally within reach, but he would have to tread carefully during this critical stage. Nervous energy caused his fingers to drum against his thighs in a rapid tattoo, and he reminded himself over and over again to move slowly and remember his patience.

  But his patience was in short supply when they pulled up in front of the highly rated restaurant and he spotted the small group of photographers standing by. As he suspected, Diana went rigid.

  “Are they here for you?”

  He chuckled. “You give me far too much credit, Diana. Photographers usually hang around the more popular restaurants hoping that they’ll catch a shot of someone. More than likely some of Hollywood’s finest are out for the evening.”

  “But won’t they recognize you?”

  “Maybe. Does that bother you?”

  Diana reached up to pat at her hair self-consciously and then glanced down at her dress. “Yes, a little. I’m nothing like the women I’ve seen you with.”

  He reached forward to cup her chin. Her skin was soft, warm and very much alive. “You’re beautiful, and for once I’m looking forward to spending an evening out. I’m proud to be your escort tonight, Diana. Besides, they’ll probably leave us well enough alone.”

  When his thumb began to stroke her jaw, she pulled away and glanced out the window. “I don’t know.”

  “I’ll be right here beside you.”

  “That’s what worries me.”

  Wills came to open Devlan’s door and he smoothly stepped out, turning sharply and holding out his hand for Diana. Her long, cool fingers slipped into his palm and he gripped her hand reassuringly. They strode towards the restaurant side by side, barely drawing notice at first. However, the opportunity was too good to pass for some. Several cameras flashed in the night, and a few voices called Devlan by name.

  “Good evening, gentlemen,” he said to the men loitering with cameras in hand. He only paused for a moment before leading her into the dim safety of the restaurant.

  “See? That wasn’t so bad… and you looked great,” he murmured, leaning into her soft hair. It smelled fresh and clean, a floral scent that came straight from the shower. The urge to remove the pins and set it free was strong, but he maintained his control as the young, tuxedo-wearing host approached with a wide smile to escort them to their table.

  Candles were everywhere, casting a soft glow on the room ahead and lending a more secluded and romantic setting. It was just what he had planned, and he scrutinized the dim corner table they were being led to until he was satisfied with the solitude. Let the seduction begin, he thought triumphantly.

  “Doyle, man, how are you?”

  Devlan stopped short, his private world shattered yet again. Standing before him was an older man, about sixty, with a woman the same age. Distracted by his private thoughts, it took him a moment to place him. Then he remembered. He knew him from his golf club.

  “Thomas, how are you?”

  He held out his hand, and Thomas took it in a firm handshake. Diana stood beside him, smiling politely. He glanced down at her in preparation to make introductions, but she surprised him again by taking the initiative.

  “Thomas, Esther, how are you?”

  Devlan’s eyes widened in surprise. She knew them?

p; “Diana? My God, Thomas, look! It's Diana!”

  The older woman stepped forward and held out her arms, embracing Diana in a hearty hug. The other diners around them glared at them from their tables, irritated by the loud display, but Devlan was too stunned to intervene.

  Ignoring their stares, Thomas took her hands in his and kissed her soundly. “Diana? What are you doing in California?”

  “My daughter is here recovering from an accident. She was hit by a car.”

  “That’s horrible. Will she be okay?”

  Diana nodded. “We’re over the worst of it.”

  Thomas turned his attention back to Devlan and narrowed his eyes. “So how did you meet up with Diana, Doyle?”

  “She’s my sister-in-law. She’s staying with me during Hannah’s rehab.”

  Thomas eyed the two suspiciously. “And where’s your husband, Diana? Are you two still together? Haven’t seen him since you were married. As a matter of fact, we lost complete track of you after the wedding.”

  “I’m a widow now,” she said softly. “Auto accident this past summer.”

  Esther’s eyes seemed to fill with tears of pity. “Two car accidents? Just months apart? Oh, that’s terrible. I’m so sorry we weren’t there for you. First your parents, and now your husband. Just tragic. Is there anything we can do for you?”

  Diana took Esther’s hands in her own. “You’re so kind.”

  “She’s fine. She’s in my care now, and I’m taking good care of her.” Devlan securely wrapped his arm around Diana’s waist, aware by her rigid posture that she was not pleased.

  Thomas raised his brows suggestively, and Devlan realized that it was fast becoming no secret how much he wanted this woman. However, the older man took it in stride and smoothly changed the subject.

  “I hear you put Littleton back in his place a few weeks ago. Good man.”

  Devlan had to chuckle. It was true that Littleton was not a happy man, but it was not him who had set him back. “That was Kathy. Just doing her job.”

  “Ah, Kathy. And how is that beautiful assistant of yours now? God knows, man, you should just marry her and be done with it.”

  Devlan was aware of the strange look Diana gave him and quickly sought to diffuse the situation. “Kathy’s happily married with two children, Thomas. Alas, another beautiful woman lost.”

  “Diana’s widowed now, Devlan, perhaps she’d be the perfect Mrs. Doyle?”

  Devlan’s hand tightened around her waist, and he pulled her closer. The open display proved too much for her, and she pulled back with a slight frown.

  “I’m not so sure Devlan’s ready to settle down quite yet. Have you seen his track record lately?” she said.

  A collective gasp echoed between Devlan and their uninvited guests followed by polite chuckles. Diana’s eyes twinkled mischievously when she stared up at him, and this time it was he who was not amused. His hand tightened around her waist again.

  “Perhaps I’m still looking for the right woman,” he muttered.

  Esther smiled and pinched his cheek while Thomas leaned forward and whispered in the general direction of his ear. “Well, look no further, lad. I’ve known Diana since she was a precocious little girl. Never met a smarter child. You’d be wise to grab her while you can.”

  Devlan threw back his head and laughed. If only he knew. “I’m trying, Thomas, you’ve no idea.”

  “Well, good luck to you, then. I’ll see you on the course soon?”

  “Of course.”

  Thomas returned his attention to Diana, who was frowning at their whispers. “We must run, dear. Take a card and call me. Devlan will let you out of his sight long enough to visit with some old friends, right Dev?”

  Devlan nodded reluctantly. As much as he would love to keep her all to himself, he knew that she would very openly rebel. “Of course.”

  “I’ve just arrived today, so I’m sure he’ll be tired of me soon,” Diana answered smoothly. He bristled again, but Esther did not seem to notice her veiled insult.

  “Take care, dear, and please call soon.”

  “I will, Esther, thank you. Thomas, it was good to see you.”

  “Likewise, darling girl, now run along. Too many people staring.”

  Devlan grunted in agreement. So much for a quiet, pleasant evening to get to know one another. First photographers, and now some old friends. What would be next?

  Despite the interruption, he soon realized there had been a benefit after all. Seeing Thomas and Esther Holmes had lightened Diana’s mood considerably. She became animated, less frightened and much more talkative. With only a little prodding he was able to learn more about her childhood in Connecticut and the crash that made her an orphan. Over a dinner of roasted lamb and pickled salmon, Devlan learned that her father and Thomas had been good friends as well as Esther and her mother. It was obvious that Diana had a happy childhood and treasured her parents very much. Once they were gone, she met and quickly married Peter in the hopes of having a family again.

  In the short space of one meal, he had learned more about her than in all the time they had spent together combined. As the minutes passed, he watched her visibly relax and felt better than he had in days. Finally, he was making progress. They shared laughter as well as conversation, and her quick wit amused him tremendously. He was further surprised to see Diana’s normally cool manner melt when dessert was brought out. Like a child, her face gleamed in the candlelight when she leaned forward excitedly.

  “I have a horrible sweet tooth,” she admitted with a wry grin.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Reaching forward, Devlan poured himself another glass of wine. It was a great Chardonnay, not too heavy, and one he discovered and committed to memory that Diana liked. He sat back and sipped it as he watched her help herself to the dessert platter. Pleased with his progress, he smiled contentedly and decided to push a little further.

  “So I’ve heard about your wonderful childhood. Now tell me about Peter,” he said.

  Diana placed down her spoon and shot him a cold look. “I’d rather not ruin a pleasant evening.”

  In no mood to spoil the mood, Devlan nodded in agreement and flashed a smile. “Then at least tell me why I’m such a jerk.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “When I first met you at the funeral you looked at me with disgust. Besides, you told me he had said things, and then there was your comment to Esther and Thomas... Well, I’d like to know what kind of monster I’m supposed to be.”

  Diana glanced down at her plate and took another sip of wine. Her discomfort was plain, but the wine she had consumed that evening loosened her tongue. “Peter said you were a horrible womanizer. He said you would never commit to anyone, left a trail of broken hearts, and used women only for sex. Afterwards you used to mark your conquests on an Irish walking stick.”

  “That is actually true,” Devlan admitted with a laugh. “In college I did that. But it wasn’t because I went from woman to woman. Unfortunately, I was the one being dumped.”

  Diana laughed as well, her eyes revealing her disbelief. “You’re a handsome man. I find it hard to believe that women dumped you.”

  “Well, they did. I think it was because I was too nice. Girls always look for the bad boys.” When she snorted in answer, a wide grin crossed his face. “Okay, so that’s a partial falsehood. What else did he say?”

  “He was very explicit in detailing how you stole his share of the inheritance from your father and used it to buy into a company that took off. He was left with nothing and said that you made millions off his small share and refused to pay any of it back.”

  “What a bastard I was.”

  Diana shrugged. “Maybe he deserved it.”

  “Do you still believe him?”

  She met and held his gaze. “I don’t know what to believe anymore. One minute you’re a businessman with more money than I could ever imagine, and the next you’re an ordinary guy. You’ve bought me th
ousands of dollars’ worth of clothes; you’ve taken care of my daughter’s medical bills… Wow, you’ve done so much for Hannah and me in the past month.

  “Part of me says that it’s just guilt over what you did to Peter.” She stopped and sighed, her eyes softening to a sky blue. Her voice was low and husky, and the sound of it warmed his bones. “Then part of me says you are a decent man who would never stoop to such heinous lows, and what you’ve done for me you’ve done because you really care what happens to us.”

  Unable to look away from her, his voice dropped an octave when he answered. “Is it so hard to admit that Peter was not telling the truth?”

  She shook her head quickly, smiling sadly. “Knowing what I do now, no.”

  Devlan pressed his advantage. “None of that is true. Peter’s inheritance was smaller than mine because my mother brought in the money. Peter was only my step-brother; he never even knew my mother.”

  She nodded.

  “Before he died, my father set aside a college fund for him. That was his inheritance. He spent it all before he finished his second year of school.”

  “That’s when I met him,” she admitted softly.

  “Yes, I know. He came home several times and asked me to give him a loan. The economy had just started turning, and I had put every dime I had into a failing software company. I had nothing to give him. He never forgot it, especially when I came out with our mobile software and my company took off the following year. I expanded from there and grew by leaps and bounds. By that time he had you and was planning to get married. He no longer needed me.

  “But, I’ll tell you Diana, I’ve never met a man who could hold a grudge like he did. He could be completely wrong and still make you feel like you were in error.”

  “Believe me, I know,” she agreed softly.

  “Well, if you knew him and how he was, why were you so quick to think the worst?”

  She was opening to him. He could see it in her eyes. All of his patience was slowly wearing her down. He could almost taste his victory.


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