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Page 9

by Cassia Brightmore

  Waiting for him to come back, Gwyn replayed the scene. The pain she had seen in his eyes had been sobering. She knew what it was like to keep secrets and hide from the past. She wanted him to trust her, to open up. The connection she felt to him was strong—her heart recognized his.

  Returning carrying two glasses of red wine, he handed her one and set his on the glass coffee table. Sitting down, he took her hand.

  “When I was growing up, all I ever wanted to do was become a police officer. Just like my Dad. I studied hard and got through the Academy right after high school. It was always my dream to make Captain, to follow in my Dad’s footsteps.” He paused to take a sip of wine.

  “My Dad’s cases were always high profile. He was the best in his department and everyone looked up to him. But that meant he was hated on the streets, he had a lot of enemies.” A feeling of dread filled Gwyn as he spoke. Whatever he was going to tell her, it wasn’t going to be good.

  “I got on at his station as a rookie. I remember he was so proud and I was so thrilled to be on my way to fulfilling my dreams. I was the youngest rookie in that house, and I let it go to my head. I thought that I knew everything better than anyone else because of who my father was. A call came into the station one day, a distress call. I thought I was man enough to handle it on my own…I—I didn’t call for backup and I responded on my own.”

  “I was a cocky and arrogant little fuck. By the time I was at the destination, I realized too late that it was my parent’s house the call had come from. My parents. I burst inside without any thought.” Brady paused for a moment, swallowing hard.

  “There was a gunman holding them both hostage. He wanted his gang leader released from prison or he was going to kill them. I didn’t think, I just rushed him and took him down. I had no idea there was another man in the house. I didn’t follow protocol…and while I was fighting the first perp, the other one shot my parents right in front of me.”

  “I thought I was a hero. I thought I was invincible. My arrogance got my parents killed.” Brady’s tone was even as he spoke, but the pain was reflected there in his eyes. “My Dad had led the task force that got their leader captured, and my family was their payback. If I had just stopped for a second, I might have been able to save them.” He looked down at his hands, sadly.

  “After that, I worked my ass off. When I became an Officer in Homicide, this offer came in for the Sheriff’s job and I took it. That was five years ago.”

  There was a moment of silence while Gwyn processed his story and he mourned the loss of his parents. When Gwyn finally spoke, her voice was full of understanding.

  “Brady, your father raised you to be a strong man. One that followed his gut. Even if you had called for backup that day, you know deep down that those men went there with the intent to kill, regardless if their demands were met. Your parents got to see you being the son they raised—a fighter. Protecting his family.”

  He grabbed her face and kissed her hard. “Thank you,” he whispered. She kissed him back, their lips molding together. The both needed the comfort, the acceptance. It wasn’t long before he slipped back into his authoritative role, taking over the kiss and forcing his tongue inside her mouth.

  “God, I want you so bad, Gwyn.”

  She moaned, agreeing with him. Need for him was growing in her belly, spreading throughout her body.

  “Take me to bed, Brady.” That was all the assent he needed as he lifted her into his arms, never breaking their frenzied kissing. His steps were rapid as he headed up the stairs to his bedroom, kicking open the door. Entering the room, he set her on her feet with care.

  Feeling shy, she looked up at him and asked, “This is just for tonight, right?” Her words angered him, his eyes flashing at her.

  “Let’s get something straight right now.” He picked her up by the waist, tossing her tiny frame onto the bed. He growled seeing her sprawled out before him and followed her descent, covering her body with his. Dominating her. Owning her.

  “You are mine. This ass is mine,” he ground out, gripping her cheeks tightly. “This mouth is mine,” his lips crashed down on hers, stealing her breath. “If I want to fuck you, I will. If I want you to suck my cock, you will. If I want to devour that sweet little pussy of yours—I will.” His words were a lightning bolt to her core, igniting the passion between them. As his hips began to move against her, she let out a loud moan and pulled his lips back to hers.

  His quick switch in demeanor excited her in a dark, passionate way. The ferocity in which he wanted her made her feel beautiful, desired.

  “Are you all in with me, sugar?” She couldn’t concentrate on his words as he had lifted her tank top over her head and was nuzzling his face between her breasts. His tongue sought her nipple through her bra, biting down and causing her to cry out.

  “I’m gonna need an answer here, darlin’,” his hand began a slow trail down her stomach to the edge of her skirt, slipping under it and heading to her core.

  “Yes,” she cried out and his finger skimmed over her opening. Teasing.

  “God, you’re so wet. I need that taste.” Kissing down her stomach, he tugged her skirt down her legs and tossed it aside, taking a moment to admire her red panties before discarding them with one rip. His eyes feasted on her bare pussy, like a man starving.

  “So fucking pretty, sugar.” His tongue took one long, slow swipe over her, capturing her juices. Gwyn’s back arched up off the bed, granting him better access. He added a finger, finding her opening and sliding it in. Groaning when he felt her tight heat, his tongue caught her clit between his teeth and tugged.

  “Oh God, Brady,” Gwyn words were a long moan of pleasure. “Tell me what you want. Tell me, Gwyn.”

  “Don’t stop, I need more.” She begged, thrusting her hips closer to his face. He added another finger and began slowly fucking her with his hands and mouth. The torture was exquisite; his tongue was swirling and driving her closer to the edge.

  “Tell me, Gwyn,” he ordered again. She had never been into dirty talk during sex before. He was forcing her to dig deep inside herself, to find and explore parts of her she didn’t know existed. It was both exciting and terrifying.

  “I want to come on your face, Brady. Please.” Grunting his approval, he doubled his efforts, his fingers picking up the pace. When his teeth bit her lightly, she went off. He launched her into an intense orgasm that rocked her to the core. Lifting his face, he watched her, withdrawing his fingers when she settled. Reaching his arms behind his head, he grabbed the collar of his t-shirt and pulled it up and over his head in one fluid motion.

  Gwyn’s breath caught at the sight of his muscular six pack and the dark tattoos covering his chest. Her gaze lowered, taking in the V that led below his belt. “Jesus, fuck.”

  Smirking, he lowered his head and captured her mouth, letting her taste herself on his tongue. “You taste better than I thought you would, sugar.” Reaching behind her, he unsnapped her bra, drawing it down her arms.

  Realizing she was fully naked, she blushed, moving to cover herself. He stopped her with his words. “You are so damn gorgeous.” His voice was husky with desire. Feeling brave, she reached for his hips and slowly pushed his track pants down his legs. When her little hands brushed over his hard length, he nearly blew his load.

  “Not this time, sugar. I can’t wait. I need to be in you.” Snagging a condom from the drawer beside the bed, he leaned back and took his impressive cock in his hands. Rubbing it up and down once, twice. Gwyn had never been so turned on her in life watching a man. The man was pure male, he dripped sex appeal. Brady held her eyes as he rolled the condom on.

  “Grab your tits,” he ordered and she moved to comply, pinching and rolling her nipples. His demanding nature was causing a dark thrill to run through her. Brady ran the tip of his cock up and down her before slowly pushing just the head inside.

  “God, you’re so tight. So perfect.” He gave a full thrust and Gwyn whimpered feeling his full hard le
ngth fill her up. The sensation bordered on pleasure and pain, she wanted more.

  “Jesus Christ, Gwyn,” he bit out as she chased his hips, encouraging him to move. Setting a slow rhythm, they moved together, the sound of their skin meeting filling the room.

  “Brady,” she panted. “Please, I want more.” She gripped his ass, attempting to pull him closer. Grasping her hips he pulled her up and slammed himself deeper into her. Her tight pussy was relentless, it gripped him and begged for more. It wasn’t long before he felt her clenching around him and knew she was close. He thrust a thumb into her mouth. “Suck,” he ordered. Her wet mouth wrapped around him and with each lick, she drove him closer to his own release.

  When he felt her small hand reach between them and grip his balls that was it. He exploded like a rocket and emptied himself inside her, her orgasm right behind his.

  Pulling out and gasping for breath, he cradled her in his arms for a few minutes, kissing her hair. Climbing out of bed, he went into his ensuite bathroom to clean himself up, coming back with a warm cloth for Gwyn. The sight of her hair pulled loose from her ponytail, spread on his pillow as she lay tucked into his bed did something to his heart. When her eyes brightened at the sight of him coming back and she smiled, his heart skipped a beat. She was so damn beautiful.

  Climbing into bed, he gathered her back into his arms.

  “You’re safe with me, Gwyn. I’ll do anything to protect you.” Nodding, she snuggled in and closed her eyes, sleep claiming her in seconds.

  Brady watched her for a few minutes. Stroking her hair, he felt content. He meant what he said, he would find this fucker terrorizing their town and then he would focus on building a life with her. He had a good team in place here. He knew they could handle it.

  Deputy Dan Percy shook his head, trying to clear out the lunacy left behind by the two drunk girls. He liked Gwyn, she had a feisty side he wouldn’t have pegged her for. She would be good for his Sheriff. Seeing how happy Sam was being married to Hailey and the beginning of what was sure to be a long relationship between Sheriff James and Gwyn—that was the push he needed. It was time he confessed his true feelings to Sarah. He had been in love with her for as long as he could remember.

  Mulling over how to best approach her, he pulled to a stop behind a dark sedan. When the light turned green and the other car didn’t advance, he gave a light tap on the horn. When that got no response, he let out a loud sigh and got out of the car. “Damn kids,” he muttered as he flicked on his flashlight.

  Exerting caution as he approached the vehicle, he noted that there was loud music coming from inside the car. Feeling sure it was just some kids out for a spin in mom or dad’s car, he grinned. He remembered those days well. The main road was deserted at this time of the night, with most of the folks having retired for the evening. Percy couldn’t wait to get this over with so he could head home for a cold beer.

  Rapping hard on the driver’s side window, he called out, “Hey open up. What’s going on in there?” The window slowly rolled down.

  “Oh, it’s you. What are doing just sitting there? The light is green,” He pointed at the traffic light with his flashlight. “Come on, you gotta get moving.” The driver gave no response and Percy started to get irritated. “Look—” he was cut off when the driver raised a slate gray Glock, the barrel pointed straight at him.

  There was a loud bang and pain exploded in his chest as he fell to the ground.

  “What the…” Sarah’s beautiful face flashed through his mind before everything faded to black.


  The sunlight streaming through the curtains woke Gwyn the next morning. Yawning, she stretched lazily. Her body was humming, she couldn’t remember the last time she felt so alive. Her muscles were sore, a delicious throbbing pain she basked in. Rolling over, she took in Brady’s sleeping profile. Even in sleep he looked intense and sexy. He had kept her awake most of the night making love to her, both slow and sweet and hard and fast.

  Sitting up, she clutched the sheet to her chest. Spotting one of Brady’s t-shirts on the floor she scooped it up and pulled it over her head, inhaling his scent. Slipping quietly out of the bed, so not to wake him, she padded through the hall and down the stairs. Brady’s house was of average size, she liked the wooden furniture and gleaming floors. It had the definite feel of a bachelor’s pad, but still felt like a home.

  Stepping into the large kitchen, she looked around for a coffee maker—pleased when she spotted it on the counter. Filling the pot with water, she replayed the events of the night in her mind. From Hailey’s shocking confession about the murders in town to the mind blowing sex-a-thon her and Brady had; a lot had happened in 24 hours. Recalling the way that Brady had played her body like an expert musician, she blushed as she carried the pot of water to the coffee maker and then began searching the cupboards for coffee.

  Locating it, she set the machine to brew and hopped up on the counter to wait, her feet dangling several inches off the floor. Happiness was a warm glow throughout her body, she had never felt so desired, so cherished as she did in Brady’s arms. With Lawrence, it had always been about control. He had a way of making her feel unworthy with just a look. When he felt a look wasn’t effective enough, it turned into harsh words or a casual lift of his fist. He was a man that was confident in his power, confident that he would always have that power over her.

  Shaking away the memories, she hopped down from the counter after the coffee finished percolating. Grabbing a mug she poured a cup and let out a low moan when she took the first sip.

  “If I’d known that all I had to do was give you a cup of coffee to have you making sounds like that, we would have been in bed a lot sooner, darlin’.” Brady’s voice flowed out from behind her.

  Smiling, she spun around. “Good morning, Sheriff. Coffee?”

  “Sure,” his gaze blazed into hers. Realizing she was standing there in just one of his shirts and her bright red panties that she was thankful to discover were still in one piece, she flushed. She passed him a mug of coffee, not missing the way his eyes trailed down her bare legs.

  “Ah, I should probably go put some pants on…” she started to leave the room. He grabbed her wrist and spun her into his arms.

  “I wish you wouldn’t,” he whispered. His hands cupped her ass in a soft grip, lifting her. Her legs wrapped around his waist automatically. “Okay,” she complied and pressed her lips to his in a gentle kiss.

  Groaning, Brady deepened the kiss. His tongue slipped inside her mouth to tangle with hers, eliciting another moan from her. Swinging her back up onto the counter, his mouth moved to her ear.

  “I can’t get enough of you, Gwyn. Your taste is burned into me,” he breathed, causing her to shiver and scoot closer to him.

  A loud knock on the door interrupted them. This time it was Gwyn that swore, “Fuck.” Chuckling, he kissed the tip of her nose.

  “I agree, sugar. Stay right there while I get rid of whoever this asshole is.” She nodded, looking up at him from under her lashes. With a growl, he pushed away from the counter.

  “This better be fucking good,” he muttered under his breath as he stomped to the door. Yanking it open, he prepared to give the intruder hell.

  “What—” His words were cut short at the sight of Sam on his front porch. He was holding his hat in his hands and his hair was rumpled, as though he had run his hands through it repeatedly.

  “Brady. Can I come in?” Sam’s voice was dull, lifeless.

  “Just tell me. What is it? Another body?” Brady wasn’t one to beat around the bush.

  “No. Well, yes. Look, it’s bad. Shit.” He took a deep breath. “Percy’s dead.” He said it quickly, ripping off the band-aid in one brutal swipe.

  Brady stared at him, not blinking. Devastated, he motioned for Sam to enter. Closing the door, he leaned his head against it for a moment. Taking a deep breath, he faced Sam.

  “What the hell happened? And don’t tell me it was some kind of
Mrs. Bartlett mishap.” Brady’s voice rose, anger filling him.

  “No, it wasn’t that. Although, I wish it was. Brady, he was murdered.” Sam’s words broke as he choked up. Shocked, Brady sank to the couch, cradling his head in his hands. Taking a seat beside him, Sam dropped a hand on his shoulder.

  “Jesus, what the fuck is going on?” Guilt weighed down on his shoulders. This was his town. It was his job to protect and keep the citizens safe from harm. With these murders and now the death of one of his deputies, feelings of insecurity and incompetence were starting to settle in his bones.

  “Uh, Brady?” He looked up at Sam’s voice. Sam tilted his head toward the kitchen in question. Standing in the doorway was Gwyn, confusion evident on her face.

  Brady moved to her side, pulling her close to him. “Sam, this is Gwyn. Gwyn, this is Sam, my friend and one of my Deputies,” he introduced.

  “Oh, you’re Hailey’s husband,” Gwyn’s smile was warm and sincere. Realizing she was standing there in nothing more than a t-shirt, she nervously tugged on the hem. “I’ll just excuse myself and go get dressed,” she said, and hurried out of the room.

  Brady glared at Sam, seeing him bite his knuckle and wiggle his eyebrows. “Not now. What do we know?”

  The humor disappeared from Sam’s eyes as he answered. “It was a shooting. Single GSW to the chest, looks like he died instantly. His car was stopped at a light just in front of the diner. He was found lying in the street. Brady, Joan found him; she’s pretty shaken. Hailey is with her now.”

  “Who secured the scene?”

  “I did. Joan called it in to me, since it was my night on call. I came straight here as soon as I could,” Sam finished and fell back on the couch cushions. “I just can’t believe it. Who the hell would want to shoot Percy?”

  “We’re going to find out. I better get over there—have you contacted his family?” Brady walked over to the stairs, heading to his bedroom to change into his uniform.


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