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Page 10

by Cassia Brightmore

  “No, boss. Wanted to inform you first.” Brady nodded and muttered that he would be right back as he left the room.

  Finding Gwyn in his room straightening the bed warmed his heart. He needed her goodness more than anything. Snatching her into his arms he wrapped her in a tight embrace.

  “I need you to come with me,” he said in a quiet voice. Gwyn looked up at him, her eyes searching his. What she saw there had her nodding. “Of course, whatever you need. Brady, what’s going on?”

  “We lost one of our men. I need to get to the bottom of this, but I need to know that you’re safe while I’m doing it.” He pulled out of her arms and walked to the closet to grab a clean uniform. His shoulders were tense with stress. Gwyn could feel his anger radiating around the room. Deciding to give him a few minutes alone, she headed back downstairs.

  Crossing the room, she sat down beside Sam. “Brady told me that you lost one of your men. I’m so sorry, Sam.” Gwyn’s voice was full of empathy and concern.

  “Yeah. I can’t fucking believe it. Fuck!” He burst out, standing to pace around the room. Gwyn’s heart broke seeing his distress. Helpless, she stared at him, not knowing what to say.

  Brady descended the stairs, calling out that he was ready to go. Silence followed them as they left the house and filed out to the cars, the mood somber. The drive to the diner was much the same, Gwyn rode with Brady in his cruiser while Sam followed in his. Taking Brady’s hand in hers, she gripped it softly, offering support the only way she knew how.

  Pulling to a stop outside Earl’s, Brady sat staring ahead; taking in the yellow crime scene tape and the visible chalk outline in the road. The bright white glow was a symbolism of death, of a life cut short. Clenching his fists in anger, he turned to face her. “Remember what I said, Gwyn. No matter what, I promise I can keep you safe. Don’t run.” His tone was fierce, his eyes intense. Swallowing, she nodded. She had no intention of going anywhere. Not while he needed her.

  Entering the diner, Gwyn spotted Hailey and headed over to her. The two girls embraced, Hailey’s eyes were red rimmed from crying. Her blond hair was messed around her face, her clothes rumpled.

  “What can I do to help?” Gwyn asked her. Hailey sniffled and glanced over as Brady and Sam came through the door.

  “Honestly, I don’t even know. Right now, it just doesn’t even seem real.” Hailey’s tone was dull and lifeless—a stark contrast to her usual vibrance and spunk.

  “Hailey, what happened? Who was killed? Brady hasn’t said and I didn’t have the heart to ask. And where is Joan?” Gwyn looked around the diner, trying to spot the kind older lady.

  “It was Percy, Gwyn. Percy—he’s dead.” Fat tears rolled down Hailey’s cheeks at her confession, her body silently shaking. Shocked, Gwyn’s mouth opened and closed wordlessly. She covered her mouth and took a step back. Percy? The deputy that she had just met? No, it couldn’t be.

  “Joan found him in the street this morning, he was dead. Shot and just….dead.” It kept getting worse. Joan appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, Earl’s arm wrapped around her shoulders protectively. He led her over to Brady and a small gathering of other cops, no doubt to give her statement.

  “Jesus,” Gwyn breathed. Needing to keep busy, she moved behind the counter to start a fresh pot of coffee. Loading up a tray with mugs, creamers and sugar she started towards the small group, stopping in her tracks when the diner door was yanked open. A pretty young redhead burst inside, her eyes wild. Spotting Brady and the others, she ran over.

  “Tell me it’s not true. Tell me he’s not dead,” she wailed. The pure gut-wrenching heartbreak in her voice had tears stinging the back of Gwyn’s eyes.

  This was suffering.

  This was pain.

  This was unbearable.

  Unable to stand it, Gwyn put the tray down and rushed to the girl’s side. She caught her as she sank to her knees. “Shhh, hey it’s okay. It’s going to be okay,” she soothed, stroking her hair.

  “I—I think I loved him. He was an arrogant douche most of the time…but he would get this look in his eye, and I just—I just knew we would end up together. I loved him.” Brady came over and picked her up off the floor, guiding her to a booth.

  “Sarah,” he said gently, tilting her face up to his. “You’re right, Percy didn’t always make the smartest choices. But the one thing he was right about, was you. He did love you, he just didn’t get the chance to say the words.” Gwyn could tell it was hard for him to speak about Percy, but his words seemed to offer Sarah some comfort.

  Hailey came over and together she and Gwyn helped Sarah up and headed off in the direction of the ladies room to get cleaned up. Brady watched them go with a heavy heart, the guilt he felt growing by the second.

  Wearily, he steeled himself, preparing for the task of taking Joan’s statement. He owed it to Percy to gather as much information as possible in order to catch this fuck and make him pay.

  A man stood across the street from Earl’s Diner in faded blue jeans and a black sweater with the hood pulled up over his head. Watching the chaos, the destruction brought him a distinct, pleasure. Grinning at the crime scene, his heart beat at an erratic pace at the sight of the blood spilled on the pavement. Recalling the thrill he felt when the bullet discharged from his gun, finding its home in the dumb cop’s chest.

  His blood didn’t carry the same sweet taste as a female’s, but still he hadn’t been able to deny himself one swipe from his wound. The terror on the officer’s face as his life drained from his eyes, as he gargled and struggled for breath had been like icing on the cake. It had truly been a night to remember.

  Tightening the strings on his sweater, he whistled a happy tune and strolled down the street, slipping unseen into the dark alleyway.

  Hours later, Brady was wrapping up at the diner when he felt Gwyn’s small hands on his back.

  “Hey,” she said, moving to stand in front of him. “How are you doing?” He took her hand and dragged her over to the door.

  “I need to get out of here before I snap. Will you come somewhere with me?” Brady’s eyes were pleading. She couldn’t deny him.

  “Yes,” Gwyn answered, getting lost in the clear blue of his stare. He nodded and left her side to speak to Sam and Hailey in a low voice. Earl had already taken Joan home, making the decision that the diner would remain closed for the day.

  “Sam and Hailey are going to take Sarah home. I’ve done all I can here for now—let’s get the fuck outta here.” His voice turned hard, portraying in a few words the turbulent emotions swirling through him.

  Getting in the car, he drove them at a fast pace out of town. “Percy was a good man. He didn’t deserve to go down like that.” He spoke quietly, almost to himself. Looking at him with sympathy, she agreed. “He was, and you’re right. He didn’t deserve what happened to him. But Brady, you have to know. This wasn’t your fault, it isn’t your fault.”

  He rolled the car to a stop at the edge of a large park. Fields of green grass laid out for miles, and Gwyn thought she spotted a baseball diamond not too far off in the distance. “I discovered this place when I first moved here. I come here sometimes when the memories become too much for me,” he explained. He reached over and unsnapped her seat belt.

  “Come on. Walk with me.” Gwyn couldn’t have turned him down if she wanted to, she was utterly captivated by this man. She was in serious jeopardy of losing her heart to him. A fact that both terrified and thrilled her.

  The park was deserted, peaceful. The sun beating down on them as they walked breathed life back into their bones, reminding them they were still alive. Death might be stalking them at every turn, but in that moment—life had them in its clutches.

  Looking at Brady, she sighed. He was dealing with so much, so much pressure was on him. How could she bear to add more on his shoulders by entangling him in a relationship with her knowing the baggage she carried with her? She was being very selfish, starting something with him when she knew he
deserved someone better.

  Taking a deep breath, she prepared to break her own heart but saving his. By letting him go.

  “Brady, I’m not sure we should take this any farther. This thing with us…I mean, sure we have chemistry—but you have so much going on right now. You don’t need me around complicating things for you.” She hurried to get the words out before she choked on them.

  Brady’s expression turned thunderous at her words, his glare sharp and piercing. “Not. Fucking. Happening.” He bit out. They stood staring at each other, his chest heaving as he struggled keep his temper in check. The air around them sizzled, passion seeping in.

  Grabbing her roughly by the arm, he hauled her back until she was flush against him, her back to his front. Grinding his now hard cock into her ass, he lowered his lips to her ear. “You think you can push me like that and I won’t respond?” He taunted, nipping her ear. She let out a low moan, her body beginning to respond.

  “You’re mine. I won’t let you go, and I’ll be damned if I let anything happen to you, Gwyn. The sooner you get that through your head, the better.” His hand trailed down her body, cupping her aching pussy through her skirt. Feeling her heat, he groaned. Dragging them backwards, he hit one of the tall trees, his hands coming up to brace her shoulders.

  “Brady, please,” she begged. Her body was a slow fire, desire taking over every part of her being. This man and his fierce possessiveness of her awakened a darkness in her she didn’t know existed. He pinched her nipples through her thin shirt, her back arching against him.

  “You want my cock, sugar? Right here out in the open?” He taunted, rubbing his length against her.

  “Yes. God yes,” Gwyn begged, not caring that they were outside in broad daylight. He yanked her skirt up and shoved her panties to one side. “This is gonna be hard and fast, darlin’. I can’t do gentle right now. You ready?”

  “Fuck, Brady. I need you inside me,” she panted, pushing back into him. With a low growl, he braced his back on the tree and thrust up into her warm heat. “Jesus, Gwyn. You feel so fucking good. So tight,” he grabbed her hips in a hard grip and started fucking her at a brutal pace. She was at the perfect angle for him to reach around and pinch her clit between his fingers. She cried out, arching her back.

  “Not gonna last long, sugar. You on the pill?” his question came out strained as he struggled to hold back his release. Gwyn could feel herself building, the tantalizing thrill of being out in the open, of the possibility of being seen was invigorating. She was riding high on a wave of passion—his dominance over her was complete.

  “Yes. Fuck, Brady, I’m going to come.” No sooner were the words out of her mouth then she was tightening around him, her pussy gripping him tight.

  “Yes, Gwyn,” he shouted out as he released his load deep inside her. His hands had travelled up to tangle in her hair, exposing her neck for his teeth as he bit down; claiming her.

  Breathing heavy, they pulled apart, each covered in a light sheen of sweat. “Wow,” Gwyn mumbled. “That sure was some walk in the park, Sheriff.”

  Laughing out loud, he scooped her into his arms. “God, I love you, woman.” As soon as he said those three little words, it was as though time stood still. The only sound was the distant chirping of birds.

  “You—you love me?” she repeated.

  “Yes, Gwyn. I love you. Every tiny part of you. Even the things I know you’re hiding from me. I know, when you’re ready—you’ll share them. And I can wait. Because you are worth it. We are worth it.” He placed a soft kiss on her lips and looking in his eyes, Gwyn saw everything she had been looking for. She saw herself as she wanted to be seen. If this day had taught them anything, it was that life wasn’t something to take for granted. It was a gift. A gift to be cherished. So for once, she stopped running. Stepping closer, she raised up on her toes, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “I love you too, Brady. Take me home.”


  The last thing Brady expected to see when he walked into his office the next morning was a pair of long, shapely legs propped up on his desk. His gaze followed the line of those legs all the way up to the gorgeous face of Mila Stevenson. Flashing a smile, she gave a little wave.

  “Good morning, Sheriff,” her voice was husky, her gaze smoldering as she let it run down the length of him.

  “Mila. You shouldn’t be in here,” he deliberately left the door open as he stepped inside. Swinging her legs down from his desk, she stood, approaching him—the cat stalking her prey.

  Stopping in front of him, she tiptoed her fingers up his chest. Leaning in, she whispered, “I missed you, Brady. We never get anytime together alone. When I heard about what happened to poor Dan Percy, I knew I had to come down here and comfort you. It’s such a tragedy after all.”

  Brady grabbed her hand and removed it from his chest, stepping back to put some distance between them.

  “Yeah, it’s been a shock to say the least,” he agreed, moving to sit down at his desk. Hoping it would discourage any further advances.

  Mila’s hands clenched as she took advantage of the opportunity to close the door. She moved positions, stalking back to his desk. Sliding her ass across the smooth wooden surface to sit down, she angled his chair to position his legs between hers.

  “I can’t even imagine how you must be feeling, precious. Whatever you need, I’m here. Yours to use however you see fit,” her words held a double edged meaning and Brady knew he was in deep shit. He had to get her out of there, fast.

  “Look, Mila—” he didn’t get the words out, before she leaned forward and placed a finger on his lips, shushing him.

  “We fit, Brady—we always have. You can’t honestly tell me that you think we aren’t the perfect couple?” He wasn’t given a chance to reply before she bent at the waist, and slowly ran her other hand up her inner thigh, stopping at her most sensitive area. From her position, her full breasts were on display, and she knew he was getting an eyeful. Looking up at him under her lashes, she continued in her sultry voice.

  “Come on baby, I know you want a taste.”

  “Mila, you’re a beautiful woman, but I—” Once again he was cut off when she launched herself at him, landing in his lap and nearly sending them both toppling backwards. Her soft lips pressed against his with urgency, trying to coax his open to allow her tongue access. The smaller of his two heads was shouting at him to comply, that there was a warm, willing woman in his lap that he should be taking full advantage of. His smarter head knew this was wrong, that he wasn’t interested. He had something real with Gwyn and there was no way in hell he wanted to ruin what they had only just found.

  Grabbing Mila’s shoulders, he pushed her back firmly. “Mila, stop.” Enraged, she glared at him. The sound of a throat clearing from the now open doorway had them both snapping their heads around towards the sound.

  Two men stood there, taking in the scene with interest. Dressed in cleanly pressed suits, Brady knew who they were before they spoke. Standing up and moving Mila to the side, he decided to play dumb.

  “Can I help you fellas?” He asked, shooting Mila a warning glance to keep quiet.

  “Sheriff James? I’m Special Agent Gage Harris,” the first man introduced himself. He was tall with trimmed blond hair and dark brown eyes. “And this is Special Agent Barrie Walker,” he continued, motioning to the shorter man beside him. He was as plain looking as his partner was handsome. His dark curly hair was arranged in a haphazard style, his eyes gray and light.

  Nodding, Brady moved forward to shake their hands. “What can I do for you?” he repeated, even though he knew why they were there.

  “The FBI feels that you could use a little help down here, Sheriff,” Agent Walker sneered. Brady knew right away that he was a power-tripping son of a bitch, exactly the type of law enforcement officer he had tried to avoid when he was in New York.

  “Mila, I think you better go,” Brady said, placing his hand on the small of her
back and ushering her through the door. The pen was just starting to come alive as the other deputies filtered in. Brady ignored the curious looks. Mila, the epitome of manners, followed his instructions without argument.

  “Gentlemen, it was a pleasure to meet you. If you’re staying in town, my recommendation would be the Pioneer, they have a lovely breakfast spread. Brady, we’ll finish this later,” Mila promised. With a wink, she turned and left the three of them staring after her. The two agents already under her spell.

  “Quite the piece you have there, Sheriff,” Walker commented, letting out a low whistle. Ignoring him, Brady shut the door and motioned for the two men to take a seat. Moving behind his desk, he stood for a moment, letting them see he was in no way intimidated by their status or presence.

  “So, this is about my case,” he began, putting mild emphasis on the my. Having the Feds hone in on his territory was a blow unlike no other. The town was his, his to protect and as morbid as it sounded, the victims had become his as well. Handing over the case to the FBI was not a road he wanted to go down.

  “Sheriff, you need all the help you can get. Now, we haven’t been ordered to officially take over as of yet, but it is heading in that direction. However, for the time being, think of us as your over-seers. We’re here to offer assistance in any way possible. We all have the same goal, to get this fucker off the streets of your town.” Agent Harris was much more diplomatic than his partner as he explained their standpoint.

  Hearing that the case was still in his hands, Brady relaxed. Knowing that having the support of the FBI was the best thing for the case, no matter how bad it burned his ass having them on his turf, he decided to play nice.

  “Okay then, fellas, let’s get you up to speed.”

  There was no better feeling in the world than waking up in Brady’s bed. Gwyn had decided this as she yawned and stretched lazily. The smell of him was still potent on the sheets, his scent, that delectable combination of spice and male. She touched the side of her face where he had placed a gentle kiss that morning before leaving. He had insisted that she stay in bed for a little while longer, informing her that the sight of her wrapped in his sheets was one he wanted to carry with him all day.


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