Book Read Free

Chasing the Dragon

Page 23

by T. K. Leigh

  “Tyler, I’ve already taken that first step. I’m falling, and I’m falling hard. Just promise you won’t let me drown.”

  Cupping her face in my hands, I kissed her forehead. “Never, mi cariño. Never.” Pulling her body into mine and wrapping my arms around her, the arms she said felt like home, I kissed her, a soft, beautiful expression of my feelings. My motions were delicate and measured, taking my time to ensure she felt exactly what she needed to at that moment.

  She looked up at me, my lips still lightly poised on hers. “I feel safe around you. I don’t want you worrying about me when you’re not near, so…let’s shoot some guns.”

  I beamed. “That’s my girl.”


  “NOW, KEEP THIS SOMEWHERE safe and secure, but easily accessible, okay?” Tyler said, handing me the case containing my brand new gun.

  It was still a little surreal to think I had just spent the last few hours shooting. I remembered seeing my father’s stash of weapons when I was growing up, but those were his service revolvers. I never saw myself as one of those people who owned a gun, and I didn’t want to admit I was still a little uneasy about it. I worried that would make me appear weak and I was anything but.

  “Anywhere you suggest?” I asked, turning the knob and opening the door to my condo, Tyler following behind me as I disarmed the alarm.

  “I keep one of mine between the mattress and box spring.”

  “Loaded?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Yes. I recommend you do the same.”

  He grabbed the case out of my hands and strode toward the island, placing it on the counter. “Here. Leave it unchambered so it won’t fire until you actually chamber the round, okay?” He opened the case and placed the magazine in the pistol. “It’s one more step you have to take if you need to fire it, but if you’re nervous about it going off, it’s a safety measure. You don’t have any kids so you don’t have to worry about that.”

  “But I have Meatball.”

  He looked down at me, giving me a playful look. “Meatball doesn’t have opposable thumbs, does he? He can’t exactly reach under your mattress, right?”

  “No,” I said, smiling. “I’m pretty certain if he did have opposable thumbs, he would use them to open the refrigerator and forage for snacks, rather than reach under my bed for a gun.”

  “That’s what I thought. Don’t be nervous about this. You’re an incredible shot, Mackenzie. Anyone breaks in, you’ll be able to protect yourself.”

  I took a deep breath. “Okay. Got it.” I reached for the pistol in Tyler’s hands. “Let me go put this away.”

  He handed it to me and I marveled at how light it was. Remembering Tyler’s admonition to always keep it pointed down and away from anything or anyone I didn’t want to harm, I carried it down the hallway and placed it between the box spring and mattress on the side of the bed that had become mine.

  My side, I thought, the idea of Tyler having his own side of the bed for the foreseeable future causing a warmth to flow through me.

  Giggling, I spun around, stopping abruptly when I saw Tyler’s imposing frame standing in the doorway, rage apparent on his face.

  “What the fuck is this?” he bellowed, holding up a coffee mug.

  Confusion washing over me, I glared at him. “Ummm… It’s a coffee mug, Tyler. People drink coffee out of it.” My voice was light and condescending, and I fought to mask my irritation.

  “I know, Mackenzie. Don’t get smart with me. Why were there two in your sink?”

  Shit, I thought, dropping my jaw, my eyes wide. I had no idea how I was going to explain my morning visitor. “Maybe I had two cups of coffee this morning.”

  “Not possible,” he barked, crossing his arms in front of his chest and keeping his legs wide to prevent me from slipping past him. “I left just before eight. You were at the gym at nine, like always. There’s no way you drank two cups of coffee in that time period. Not to mention you only drink coffee out of one particular mug.” He held up the cup in his hand. “And it’s not this one. So… Who did you have coffee with this morning?”

  “Why do you care? Jealousy doesn’t suit you well, Tyler,” I spat.

  Softening his expression, he took carefully measured steps toward me, caressing my face in a delicate manner. “I’m not jealous, Mackenzie. I’m just worried. I protect the people I care about and, right now, you’re at the top of that list.”

  I melted into his hand, closing my eyes and savoring the feel of his skin on mine. A second ago, I was absolutely furious with him, but all he had to do was touch me and I couldn’t stay upset.

  “It was Charlie.” I tore away from him and walked toward my bed, sitting down, feeling the outrage as his eyes studied me.

  “Charlie?” he asked, his voice growing loud. “As in your ex-boyfriend? As in the schizophrenic who was locked up? As in the man who broke in Sunday night?”

  “Yes. One and the same, but he’s not that Charlie anymore. We talked, Tyler. That’s all. He apologized for everything. He explained things to me, things no one would tell me.”

  “What kinds of things?”

  “Nothing really,” I said evasively. “Just stuff. Memories of my freshman year of college. Of life before it all went to shit.”

  Sighing, he joined me on the bed. “Mackenzie, he escaped Walter Reed.”

  “How do you know that?” I shot back quickly.

  “I did some digging when you told me about him. He’s a threat to you and I needed to know everything I could about him, which wasn’t much. According to my brother, that guy’s records are sealed tighter than Fort Knox.”

  “You did a background check on my ex-boyfriend?!” I shot off the bed, glaring at him, my chest heaving in rage.

  “Yes, I did,” he responded calmly, as if this was completely normal and acceptable behavior. “I needed to know what he was capable of.”

  “All he’s capable of is being a good person, Tyler. He’s not the monster he’s been made out to be. And I’m partially responsible for that, too. I believed all the rumors I was fed the months following his institutionalization. Charlie isn’t crazy. The only thing he’s guilty of is being too smart for his own good and digging in things he shouldn’t have. That’s what got him put away. Nothing else.”

  He scrunched his eyebrows. “What do you mean by that, Mackenzie?”

  “Exactly what I said. This morning, he told me he began looking into a few things when working Cryptology. He said he was close to blowing the lid on something huge.” I sat down again, sighing. “The thing you have to understand about Charlie is that he’s absolutely brilliant. He sees things most people can’t. But this brilliance is also a curse. He has trouble understanding why people can’t see what he does. It’s frustrating for him, and that frustration sometimes comes out in violent ways.”

  “Mackenzie, I just−”

  “Please, Tyler,” I interrupted, placing my hand in his. “I know what I’m doing with Charlie. He’s not going to hurt me.”

  “How do you know that? What if he has another episode?”

  A sly grin crossed my face. “I’ll be able to protect myself, thanks to you.” I winked.

  “Mackenzie,” he cautioned, his voice still full of concern, “he was a Ranger, correct?”

  I nodded.

  “I’m not trying to downplay how good you are with a gun, but this guy has had years and years of advanced weapons training and handling. You’ve only had a few hours. Yes, you’ll be able to protect yourself, but you’re no match for his skills.”

  “Tyler, if he wanted to harm me, he’s had plenty of opportunities.”

  He sighed, his shoulders sinking. “I’m not going to be one of those guys who tries to control your life, Mackenzie. There’s something about you that makes me believe you won’t put up with that shit anyway.”

  “Good observation.”

  “But I’ll still worry about this. Just be smart.”

  I leaned over and planted a soft kiss o
n his lips. “I will. Promise. I won’t let anything happen to me before tomorrow night because I need to get laid.”

  Tyler chuckled in response. “Horn dog.”

  “What can I say? You bring out the tiger in me.”

  Growling, he pushed me onto my back and positioned himself between my legs. “Oh really?”


  Nuzzling my neck, his lips lingered on my skin. It didn’t matter how many times he had kissed me or caressed my body, it still wasn’t enough.

  “Can I tell you something?” he asked, his voice husky.

  “Yes.” I tilted my head, allowing him better access to my neck.

  “When you were talking about guns earlier, it gave me a hard on.”

  I giggled, running my hands up and down his back. “Semi-automatic,” I murmured.

  “Oh, baby,” he replied, biting my neck and growling.

  “Double action,” I continued, my voice low and sensual.

  “Keep going…”

  “Hot load.”

  His body began to shake through his laughs as he continued kissing my neck. “Don’t stop. I need more.”

  “High-capacity mag.”

  “Damn straight it is. And don’t you ever forget it.”

  I laughed along with him. Grabbing his face in my hands, I gazed into his eyes, which were bright with amusement. “Engage the slide and chamber a round.”

  “Fuck yeah, baby. My safety is off.”

  “I need your full metal jacket,” I joked, thrusting against him in a playful manner. I tried to stop laughing, my stomach beginning to ache, but couldn’t. Tears streamed down my face and I wanted to live in that moment of time. This was what a relationship was supposed to be like. Fun, laughter, and happiness, not full of lies, betrayal, and deceit.

  My laughter finally settling, I exhaled, meeting Tyler’s eyes. “Thanks. I’ve been needing a good laugh.”

  He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss. “Me, too.”

  “I need to go to work. I’ve wasted the entire day away. It’s almost five.”

  The most adorable pout crossed Tyler’s face, and I couldn’t help but smile.

  “You should actually go do whatever it is you do, too, don’t you think?” I commented.

  “I’d much rather spend time with you.”

  “And I’d much prefer spending time with you, but won’t that make tomorrow night so much better?”

  He gazed at me, pausing for a moment as if deep in thought. “You know what? I think you’re on to something. I’m going to walk out of your place and you won’t see me until I pick you up tomorrow at seven. Think you can go twenty-four hours and not miss me?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Baby, I’ve gone twenty-six years without you. Twenty-four hours will be a cakewalk.”

  “Yeah, but that was before you knew me. I’ll tell you something. Not seeing you for the next twenty-four hours is going to be extremely…hard for me,” he said, raising his eyebrows.

  Laughing once more, I responded, “I can understand how it would be so hard.”

  He buried his face in my neck, stifling his own laughs before pulling away and gazing into my eyes.

  “You know what I like about you?” he asked.

  “Yeah. My lips.”

  “No. I like that you’re real. You’re one of the most genuine people I’ve met in a long time. Don’t ever change.”

  “I only know how to be me, and this is it.”

  Beaming, he lowered his mouth to mine, kissing me fully and lovingly. “I hope that will keep you satisfied until tomorrow,” he said, winking, then raising himself off me.

  “It won’t, but I’ll make it last.” I followed him down the hall, slightly despondent, knowing I’d have to go an entire twenty-four hours without seeing him.

  As he approached the door, he spun around to face me. “Be good.” He placed one last kiss on my forehead. “I’ll be here at seven tomorrow. Pack an overnight bag.”

  “Yes, sir.” I saluted him.

  “You’re freaking adorable, you know that?” He pulled me into his arms.

  “So I’ve been told…by you.”

  He sighed. “I really hate saying goodbye to you. It’s getting more and more difficult every time.”

  I leaned my head against his chest. “I know. But you’ll see me soon. Mañana.”

  “Sí.” Grabbing my hand, he placed a chaste kiss on it, just as he had done the night we first met. “Until then, mi amor.” He opened the door and left.

  Leaning against the entryway wall, I sighed, my heart so full I thought I would burst into a million different pieces.

  “Tomorrow feels like it’s light years away,” I said to no one at all.


  “IT’S INDECENT PROPOSAL NIGHT!” Brayden exclaimed excitedly the second I answered my door Friday afternoon. He and Jenna pushed right into my home, not waiting for me to actually invite them in. “I suppose we’ll allow you to miss girls’ night so you can get laid.” He winked over his shoulder at me.

  “Thanks, guys. I appreciate that.” I closed the door and followed them into the kitchen.

  “Ummm, Mack?” Jenna said, eyeing me as I stood there with my hair disheveled, wearing a pair of gym shorts and a tank top. “What time did you say Tyler was picking you up?”

  “Seven. Why?”

  Brayden and Jenna shared a look.

  “And you haven’t started to get ready yet?” she asked.

  I glanced at the clock in the kitchen. From the way they were acting, you’d think Tyler would be picking me up in a few minutes. “Guys, it’s not even six yet. I have plenty of time.”

  “Okay. What have you done with our friend?” Brayden joked. “We lived together for years, Mack. I know you. You used to have to be ready at least two hours before you went on a date or you’d have a complete meltdown.”

  “Maybe I’m turning over a new leaf. Maybe I’m trying to not live according to my routine anymore. Maybe I’m breaking out of my comfort zone. Hell, I set up a date to get laid. I think that’s breaking from my comfort zone.”

  Brayden scrunched up his nose. “Nope. It’s not. It’s got you written all over it. I wonder how Tyler knew the only way he’d get in your pants was by making it part of your schedule. Come on. Time to get you ready for your big date!” He grabbed my arm and pulled me down the hallway.

  I followed him, stunned into silence. It hadn’t even crossed my mind that Tyler knew enough about me to realize that I’d be more inclined to see him if it was part of a pre-determined schedule. It was true, though.

  As I entered my neat and orderly bedroom, I considered whether I would have the same feelings about him had we never made a plan for tonight. In that small gesture, I realized he was catering to my needs…and his. He wanted me, and he knew I wanted him. But he knew I was scared, petrified. He knew enough that if I planned something ahead of time, I didn’t mind the unexpected. Friday night girls’ night. The opening of the restaurant. Brayden’s celebration bash. All of those were things that were part of my routine or had been scheduled in advance. I was completely dumbstruck by the revelation.

  “Have you decided what you’re going to wear?” Jenna cut through my thoughts.

  “Not yet,” I replied.

  “Black. Whatever it is, it has to be black,” Brayden insisted, rushing into my closet and scanning the walls. “As much as I think you look smoking in red, I think tonight calls for a little black dress.”

  I leaned against the doorjamb of the closet, watching Brayden work. “I can get on board with that.”

  “Good. Work on your hair and I’ll sift through and see if I can find something acceptable.”

  “Who died and made you my personal stylist?” I joked, heading toward my vanity. Sitting down, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I barely recognized the woman looking back at me. I appeared the same as I did a week ago, but Tyler’s influence was written on my face. He was in my eyes, in my smile, and in my heart.

sp; “No one, sweetheart,” Brayden replied. “I’ve gladly undertaken that role since, well…I met you. I’m a guy. I can tell you what guys like.”

  “Boo…,” Jenna said, “you like guys.”

  “So?” He turned his attention to me. “Mack, have I ever steered you wrong?” He placed his hands on his hips in mock irritation.

  “Not yet,” I said, running my hot curling iron through my hair.

  “See, J-bird. I know what I’m doing.” He combed through dress after dress, tossing them all over my room. It took all my resolve not to clean up after him. The old me would have followed him and hung up each dress that he decided wouldn’t work for tonight. But I wanted to be free from the chains of my past, and that meant learning to give up control over certain things. So I allowed Brayden to make a complete disaster out of my room. I’d clean it tomorrow.

  As I was curling the final lock of hair, he let out a gasp. “This is the one.” He held a short, flowing number up to his body.

  I studied the dress. It was off-the-shoulder with short sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. The bodice was fitted before flowing out at the waist and falling just above the knees.

  “It’s simple but elegant. And you can so add a touch of wow with some dynamite shoes.” Brayden tossed the dress at me before retreating back into my closet. “Oh, like these!” He appeared in the doorway, holding a pair of sexy sandal stilettos with a jeweled strap around the ankle. “Hot. There’s no other word.”

  I released a strand of hair from the curling iron and examined the shoes. “Good work, boo. I’m in.”

  Jenna squealed. “I’m so excited our girl’s getting laid!” She bounded off the bed and ran down the hallway. I simply shook my head, tuning out anything she was saying as I put the finishing touches on my hair.

  “Since you’re skipping girls’ night,” she said breathlessly, re-entering the bedroom, “we brought girls’ night to you!” Beaming, she presented a bottle of champagne and three flutes.


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