Book Read Free

Chasing the Dragon

Page 24

by T. K. Leigh

  “I love bubbles,” I commented.

  “Yeah. We know.”

  She proceeded to pop the cork and a strange energy rushed through me, knowing in just thirty minutes, I’d be seeing Tyler for the sole purpose of having sex. I had a feeling I was in for a night to remember. I wondered if the way he made love matched his personality. Dominant, intense, sensual, passionate, hot… I had a feeling it would be all of those things and then some.

  “Cheers, bitches!” Jenna exclaimed, bringing me out of my musings about Tyler. I grabbed the flute and toasted my friends.

  “Here’s to getting laid!” Brayden countered.

  “I’ll certainly drink to that.” We clinked glasses and I took a sip of the champagne, my heart racing in anticipation. Placing the flute on the vanity, I went to my dresser and grabbed a lacy strapless bra and matching panties, heading to the walk-in closet to change.

  “I feel like it’s prom night all over again!” Brayden said. “That’s when I popped my cherry.”

  “Brayden, I’ve had sex before,” I shouted back as I slid on the black panties, checking my backside in the mirror.

  “I know. But I have a good feeling about tonight.”

  “Me, too.” I grinned, pulling on the dress. Opening the door, I spun around so my back was facing my friends. “I need someone to zip me.”

  Jenna placed her glass on the night table and approached me, raising the zipper.

  I smiled in appreciation and strode to my vanity to put on the rest of my makeup. A few minutes later, I was standing in front of the full-length mirror once more, my eyes shadowed and my lips a deep crimson red. I put a pair of conservative diamond studs in my ears and finished accessorizing with a strand of pearls.

  “Wow,” Jenna breathed.

  “Ditto,” Brayden said.

  “You like?” I asked, spinning around to face them.

  They simply nodded in response.


  “And Tyler will more than like that,” Brayden said, flirtatiously raising his eyebrows.

  “That’s what I was hoping for.” I grabbed my clutch and the overnight bag I had packed, and headed down the hallway. Just as the clock struck seven, there was a gentle knock on the door.

  “He’s here!” Brayden blurted out, his voice echoing in the living room. He jumped up and down in excitement.

  “Shhh!” I placed my finger over my lips, trying to hush my exuberant friend. You’d think the way he was acting that he was the one going out with Tyler.

  Readjusting my composure and smoothing my hair, I squared my shoulders and faced the door.

  “Answer it! You’re killing me here!” Jenna said.

  “If the anticipation is killing you, imagine how Mack must feel right now,” Brayden countered.

  “You’ve got that right,” I muttered.

  Allowing a smile to spread across my face, I took a few steps into the foyer and opened the front door. It felt like the air was knocked out of me when my eyes fell on Tyler. He wore a crisp black suit, black shirt, and red tie. While I loved how he looked in his typical attire of a t-shirt and cargo shorts, he cleaned up good. His dark hair still looked damp from a shower, and I smelled a hint of cologne that was like an aphrodisiac to me. I drank him in, content to just stare into his beautiful green eyes for the rest of the night…maybe my life.

  “Hey,” I breathed, speechless.

  “Hey,” he said, his eyes roaming my body.

  “Hey,” I repeated, unable to tear my gaze from his.

  “Hey,” Tyler said once more.

  “Hey,” Jenna giggled.

  I broke out of my trance and shot daggers at my friends, feeling somewhat embarrassed. Blushing, I said, “Shouldn’t you two be leaving?”

  “Yeah. We just wanted to make sure you actually did go tonight and didn’t blow poor Tyler off,” Jenna said, grabbing Brayden’s hand and heading toward the door. “Tyler, take good care of our girl. And if you think she’ll try to run before the sun rises, you have our permission to tie her up.”

  “Yeah. And punish her,” Brayden added.

  “Enough!” My face flashed red. “Get out of here!” I grabbed both of their arms and tried to usher them out of my home.

  “Have fun, baby girl,” Brayden said, planting a kiss on my forehead.

  “Lunch tomorrow?” Jenna asked, raising her eyebrows.

  I nodded, waving at my friends as they retreated down the hallway and into a waiting elevator.

  “Who said you’d be free by lunchtime?” Tyler asked, leaning toward me, his voice husky.

  “Lunch is after sunrise. If I recall our arrangement from earlier this week correctly, the terms were from sundown to sunrise. I’ll be free and clear of you by then.”

  “I wouldn’t count on it.” He winked. “Shall we?” He took the small overnight bag from me and held his elbow out.

  “Of course. We’re wasting valuable time.” After arming my security system, I clutched onto him, allowing him to lead me down the hallway and toward the bank of elevators. One arrived almost immediately and we entered, a unique sensation similar to what I could only describe as butterflies on steroids settling in my stomach.

  Tyler pressed the button for the lobby and the steel doors closed. I kept my eyes forward, biting my lip to hold in my smile.

  “Don’t do that,” he said, his voice velvety with a hint of gruff.

  I shot my head toward him, noticing his chest heaving as if he was having trouble maintaining his composure.

  “Why not?” I exhaled.

  In the blink of an eye, he had his arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me against him, his front to my back. I tilted my head to give him better access to my neck as he feathered kisses across my skin.

  “Because it’s fucking hot. And it makes me want to taste your lips.”

  “Then what’s stopping you?”

  Tyler’s hands roamed my frame, sliding down my hip, stopping briefly at the hem of my dress. Lifting the skirt slightly, his hand found its way to my panties and grazed my back side. Growling, he took a firmer grip and clenched his teeth onto my neck, causing me to yelp out in surprise.

  “You have a fantastic ass, Miss Delano. Has anyone ever told you that?”

  “All the time,” I said coyly.

  “Well, then, I’m just going to have to work harder, aren’t I?”

  “Not so sure it can get much harder.”

  Tracing his finger down the line of my neck, he pulled my earlobe between his teeth. “Oh, it can, Mackenzie. It most certainly can.”

  He released his hold on me, leaving me panting and a bundle of sensation. All too soon, the elevator dinged, and I struggled to come down from the high I was on. I would have stayed in that elevator all night if I could.

  “Shall we?” he asked, a glimmer in his deep eyes.

  “Yes,” I replied, allowing him to lead me into the lobby. I was trying my damnedest to make it appear as if he didn’t affect me with the simplicity of a well-placed hand, a flick of his tongue, and carefully-chosen words. But he did. Boy, he did. Regardless, I straightened my spine and fought to squeeze my legs together to ease some of the tension I was feeling. I had a premonition that all it would take was one simple touch and I would unravel.

  “Have a good evening, Mackenzie,” Paul called out from the security desk. “Mr. Burnham,” he said nodding at Tyler. “And don’t worry. We’ll be keeping an eye on her place, like you asked.”

  Processing Paul’s words, I slowed my steps, stopping as we exited my building. “Like you asked?” I raised my eyebrows.

  “Yes. When I arrived here this evening, we had a nice little chat about your safety.”

  “Why?” I asked. “Why do you care so much?”

  “Because I’m human. Even if this is the last night I get to enjoy your company, like you want me to believe, I will still care about you. Nothing will change that. Not even you telling me you’re not interested in me or pursuing anything other than a platonic re
lationship. Friends watch out for each other, too.”

  “So is that all you want to be?” I folded my arms in front of my body, biting my lip once more.

  “You’re already painfully aware of what I want from you, Mackenzie. And tonight, I’ll prove to you that you can’t deny what your heart wants. Because I’m fairly certain it wants the same thing I do, but that feisty brain of yours is getting in the way.” He pulled my body against his, staring at me with absolute devotion.

  “Tonight, my darling Mackenzie, I will prove to you that your heart is capable of making good decisions, too. That sometimes following your heart requires a leap of faith. But that, in the long run, it’s better to jump and never look back. Please, Mackenzie,” he whispered into my neck. “Let’s jump together.”

  “Swoon.” My shoulders relaxed and, had Tyler not been there to steady me, I probably would have melted into a puddle at his feet. I was ready to jump. I was ready to go all in. I was ready to swim across the largest, coldest ocean for something that had evaded me for years… Love.

  “Here we go with the swoon again,” Tyler joked, balancing me and walking me from the building.

  “It’s a good thing for you, so I wouldn’t complain.”

  “Did you hear me complain?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Because I like that I make you swoon. And I plan on making you do a whole lot more than just swoon tonight, mi cariño.” He approached a sporty black coupe and clicked his key fob, the headlights blinking.

  “What’s this?” I asked.

  “It’s my car.”

  “I thought you had a Bronco?”

  “I do. But I also have this nice little number. Looking as amazing as you do, I couldn’t expect you to be satisfied with driving around the island in the Bronco. The Jaguar is much more suitable to your needs tonight. And, like I said, tonight is all about catering to your needs.” He opened the door for me, helping me in, before he ran around to the driver’s side.

  As he maneuvered out of the parking lot and onto the main road, I turned to him. “So, are you going to give me any hint about what we’ll be doing tonight?”

  “All will be revealed in time.” He winked.

  “You like this, don’t you?”


  “This whole secretive thing. You like keeping information from me.”

  “What makes you think that?” he asked. I could sense a hint of unrest and agitation in his voice.

  “I didn’t mean anything by it,” I said quickly. “It’s just, with this whole evening…” I gestured with my hand in a waving motion. “You’re building it up like it’s going to be a night I’ll never forget.”

  “That’s the plan,” he answered quickly. “It has to be to woo you, Mackenzie.”

  “But what happens after?” I turned to look at him, my eyebrows furrowed slightly. “I mean, if I want something more with you, what happens after?”

  “What do you mean?” He reached across the console and grabbed my hand in his, his delicate touch of my knuckles sending a slight chill down my spine. It was the simplest of gestures, but it spoke volumes. “If you end up wanting something more, then my job is complete and I’ll have the absolute pleasure of being able to see to your needs on a daily basis, instead of just one night. I really hope you give me the opportunity, Mackenzie. You deserve to be revered and doted on in a way I’m not even sure I’m worthy of, but I will try my best.”


  “Why what?”

  “Why me? I still don’t understand why you’re going through all this trouble.”

  “It’s no trouble at all. I just… It’s hard to explain.” He turned off the main road and drove a few blocks before pulling into a long driveway. Killing the engine, he faced me. “Have you ever met someone and, without them even saying a word, you just knew there was something about them that spoke to you?” He grabbed my hand in his, his voice growing louder, impassioned. “Like their soul had a story that complemented yours and you were able to read what the pages said without them even uttering a syllable?”

  I stared, wide-eyed, a current building in my veins. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

  “I don’t know any other way to say it. I’ve been drawn to you since the minute I laid eyes on you. And then you opened your mouth−”

  “And ruined everything, I’m sure,” I joked, trying to lighten the force Tyler had on me.

  He smiled a genuine smile at me. “No. Not even close. I’m sure your quick tongue and sharp wit have intimidated many men in the past, but not me. I hate weak women who don’t have a single opinion of their own, or who are so desperate for approval that they have no personality. But you, well… I felt it…” He leaned closer.

  “You felt what?” I whispered, my lips a breath from his.

  “Lightning.” He closed the gap and planted a full kiss on my lips, then pulled back.

  My eyes remained closed as I imagined the ghost of Tyler’s kiss, bringing my fingers up to my mouth. “Swoon.”

  A low chuckle filled the car and I opened my eyes to see Tyler gazing back at me, his smile reaching his eyes. “Ready to be completely swept off your feet, princess?”

  “You better believe it.” I faced forward, realizing I had no idea where we were, other than in a private driveway. “Is this your house?”

  “Yup.” He opened the car door and ran around, helping me out.

  “I shouldn’t be surprised,” I muttered.

  “Ah, my wee lass,” he said in a horrendous Scottish accent, “I pray that I can still dazzle you and that my usefulness hasn’t worn off already.”

  I giggled, walking up the driveway with him, my fingers entangled with his. The brick walkway was outlined by several low lights, illuminating our path up to a large two-story cream-colored stucco house. Approaching the front door, I saw a numbered keypad where there would normally be a lock. Tyler punched in a code and the door beeped. He held it open, allowing me to enter, before turning to a panel just inside the foyer, disarming the alarm.

  “This is where you plan on wooing me?” I asked, looking around his somewhat darkened house. Just off the foyer to my left, there was a large sitting room, and a kitchen, dining, and living area to my right. Pieces of art hung on the walls and the entire place was expertly appointed, but it didn’t look lived-in.

  “I would have at least expected candles and romantic music, not some dark, lifeless room.”

  “No. Not here. Give me a little bit of credit. I have other plans for you. But I wanted you to meet someone.”

  As if on cue, I heard the sound of nails hitting the hardwood floor and a short, stubby dog with a scrunched-up snout and huge jowls came pummeling down the hallway. Tyler kneeled and scratched the dog’s head, allowing him to shower him with love.

  “This is Griffin.”

  The dog began to bark.

  “Sorry. Every time he hears his name, he does that.”

  “Griffin!” I said excitedly, getting down to his level and giving him some scratches behind his ears.

  He barked again.

  “Glad you like dogs,” Tyler commented, straightening himself. I followed.

  “Of course. What’s not to love? If all humans had half the heart dogs or cats do, the world would be a better place.”

  Wrapping his arm around my waist, Tyler pulled my body into the crook of his arm and I couldn’t help but think how well I fit him, as if I was molded just for him. I think he felt it, too.

  “You’re a hopeless romantic, aren’t you, Miss Delano?” he whispered against my hair.


  “Good. I hope to see more of that side of you this evening.” He broke the embrace and strode through the foyer and down a long hallway toward a pair of French doors. “Come,” he said, spinning around to face me.

  “Where are we going?”

  He beamed. “You’ll see.”

  I followed, walking past an ornate marble staircase and met him at the
back door. My eyes fell on the water, the darkness illuminated by a medium-sized yacht in the mooring.

  He opened the back door and held his hand out for me. “This way, mi cariño. Your chariot awaits.”

  “We’re going on your boat?” I allowed him to lead me down a set of stairs and into his backyard. He punched a code into a door in the back wall that led to a long dock.

  “Yes. And that…” He gestured with his head toward an eighty-foot vessel. “That is so much more than a boat.”

  “Men and their toys.”

  “You got that right.” He held my arm, ensuring that my footing was solid on the wooden dock, and helped me onto the impressive yacht.

  “I’ve never been on a yacht before,” I said, taking in the luxurious surroundings as he led me into the main salon. “But don’t let it go to your head. You can’t woo me with material things.”

  “I’m not,” he responded, his voice light. “You promised me from sundown to sunrise. I simply wanted a guarantee you’d stay until then, other than tying you to my bed as Jenna suggested.”

  A man appeared from the deck and Tyler nodded. “We’re ready, Jimmy.”

  “Ready for what?” I asked.

  “To leave.”

  “You mean, we’re going somewhere? On the water?”

  “Well, we already are on the water, but yes. We’re heading out into open water tonight.”

  “What if I get seasick?”

  “This is a pretty sturdy vessel, but if you do, I have wristbands for motion sickness.” He strode through the large living and dining area, and opened a drawer in the wet bar. Returning to where I stood, still somewhat in shock, he grabbed my hand in his, sliding a small band around my wrist. “Just as a precaution. I don’t want to ruin tonight by you getting sick on me.” He spun on his heels and retreated to the wet bar.

  I lowered myself to the sofa, crossing my legs as I felt the yacht make its slow journey from the low wake area and into the Gulf of Mexico. As the sound of a bottle of Champagne being opened echoed, I took a minute to soak in my surroundings. The yacht was lush and exquisite. The sitting and bar area opened into an ornate dining room, mahogany trimming the walls. The furniture was all in shades of creams and grays, with an accent of plum. I had trouble wrapping my head around how much a boat like this would cost. I could barely make a mortgage payment these days and, here I was, sitting on a yacht that probably cost in excess of several million dollars. I suddenly felt insecure and out of place. This wasn’t my life.


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