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Olive - The Chosen One

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by Daisy L. Bloom

  She decided to fly to see her best friend Rainbow who lived a few olive fields away. Rainbow’s mother is called Sunshine. Her house is full of all of the colours of the rainbow. On a sunny day you have to wear sunglasses just to protect your eyes, there is nothing dull or dreary in this house! Sunshine is a hippy fairy, long colourful plaits, big sunglasses and long flowing hippy skirts. I am sure you get the picture! She has a hippy Sky-mobile with a huge peace sign on the side. It says Pace e Amore in big letters which means ‘Peace and Love.’ Sunshine’s father is not about, he went off with the fairies somewhere to another land. Rainbow is Olive’s best fairy friend so she was only too pleased to say that they could go to the shopping mall in the Sky-mobile. It will be so much fun and everyone can come, Destiny, Willow and of course Luna. They will have some hippy fun, maybe make a few daisy chains on the way as it is a little ride to Arcadia (the shopping mall). This shopping mall was the place to go and the place to be seen.

  ‘‘Yo man’’ said Rainbow.

  Yes, Rainbow seemed to have inherited some of her mother’s strange sayings. She is always saying ‘Peace bro’ and giving you hippy cuddles. Sunshine wanted to bring along her pilot Johnnie because she has a habit of day-dreaming when she is flying and ends up in another shopping place all-together. She hoped to bring along some hippy drums to tap out some tunes. Yes, they were going to have a right old sing-song.

  They decided to go on this adventure the following day as no-one could wait as the excitement was literally boiling over. Olive thought it may be wise to pack some ear-plugs and some sun glasses just in case things got a little rowdy. She had been on one of these expeditions with Rainbow’s mamma before but, she had to admit to the feeling of butterflies in her stomach, the anticipation of it all was just so uplifting.



  Destiny decided it was safer to get Cielo to drop them off in the Sky-bus at Sunshine’s. It wasn’t as smooth as the sky-train but, it would get them to the sky-mobile pad quicker and everyone was eager to get shopping. As they got out of the Sky-Bus, Destiny very cleverly (I might add) gave Cielo a big kiss and at the same time managed to swipe his fairy credit card from his back pocket.

  Up, up and away everyone was shouting as the sky-mobile lifted into the air.

  Destiny had said to Sunshine before the departure ‘‘I don’t want to be a pain but, would it be possible if you don’t smoke on this flight as I am so totally allergic to the smoke.’’

  ‘‘Yes, that’s cool’’ she said.

  Destiny smiled and thought to herself ‘does that mean she won’t or is she just saying the air-conditioning is working?’

  Sunshine had a bucket full of daisies for the daisy chains. She must have been up early because she already wore a string of them around her head along with some wide bottomed flares, long flowing black hair and big hoop ear-rings. Rainbow was dressed in every colour you can imagine. Willow was afraid you wouldn’t be able to see her because she would blend into the colours of the sky-mobile but, no doubt you would hear her as she decided she was going to be the one to play the hippie drums. Come on then everyone, let’s sing ‘Peace to the world.’ Everyone started singing ‘Peace to the world.’

  Willow was thinking I don’t know this one but, I will join in anyway and just hum my way through it.

  ‘Peace to the world and joy to all men’ she started to hum.

  Luna brought out his mouth-organ. Willow thought to herself this is going to be the best day ever!!!!!!

  When they arrived at Arcadia they thought they were going to have trouble landing because the ticket collecting fairy flew up to them in his sky-mobile and said ‘you should have pre-arranged your landing.’

  ‘Oh great’ thought Olive ‘all we need!’

  Sunshine gave him the peace sign and said ‘‘peace man’’ flashing that huge smile of hers and he reluctantly waved them through. Thank the fairy God for small mercies!

  ‘‘The first shop I am going to hit is Wings & Dazzle’’ shouted Rainbow. ‘‘I love that shop. It’s got some really cool gear! Come on let’s run and try to lose the two mothers!’’

  Destiny whispered in Olive’s ear ‘‘please do not leave me with the hippy!’’

  ‘‘I will buy you a sparkly bag to go with your shoes!’’ she said through gritted teeth.

  With that Olive linked arms with her mamma and off they walked.

  Luna and Willow followed also linking arms. Sunshine and Rainbow glided on by singing ‘Peace and love to all.’

  They hadn’t been in Wings & Dazzle long when Sunshine spotted a big fringed bag with a peace sign on the front.

  ‘‘Mio Dio! OMG’’ she shouted. I just have to have it, it is perfect and it was! To be honest!

  And then it happened……..

  Across the crowded room, Luna heard someone calling Dandy.

  ‘‘Dandy where are you? I need your help so much!!!!’’

  Luna then saw him! Dandy came rushing across the room carrying a huge fairy hat along with a tutu. He knew straight away that he was the ONE!!! It was love/lust at first sight!

  ‘Dandy’ he thought to himself ‘this is the man of my dreams.’

  He climbed up onto a fairy glass table and started to sing! Yes! Luna started to sing! Olive and Willow looked on wide-mouthed as they didn’t even know that Luna could sing let alone serenade! He sang in the most melodious voice ‘Love lifts me up where I belong.’ As if this wasn’t enough he then broke into ‘You are my Destiny.’

  His mamma Destiny flew up to the table alongside him and started dancing with him.

  She thought ‘It’s my namesake, so I am going to!’

  As Dandy stood looking on in awe, the fairy manager came out from behind the till and said ‘‘what do you fairies think you are doing? Have you gone mad? We are not on a film set from Glee you know.’’

  It then hit Luna what had happened. He looked around for Sunshine and Rainbow to spread the peace as he was convinced that this was one time they really needed it, maybe he should try it.

  ‘‘Peace man’’ he said.

  The fairy manager did not look amused ‘‘what’s your problem fairy?’’

  Luna took a big gulp and slowly flapped his pink wings and dropped to the floor with his mamma following in quick pursuit.

  ‘‘Sorry sir, I just got carried away in the moment.’’

  With that he made a hasty retreat towards Olive who couldn’t contain her excitement as she had just found THE dress, realized her brother was gay and could sing all in a flash of a fairy wing………

  Luna followed Olive into the dressing room. They were both giggling. Willow was slumped over in the corner laughing so hard she thought she was going to die ‘‘why on earth did you sing Luna? I will remember that moment for the rest of my life!’’

  ‘‘I bet Dandy will remember it more he chuckled to himself!’’ Ha ha!

  So the plan was that Olive would invite Dandy to her 18th and then Luna could take it from there without any further ado.

  Dandy felt slightly flushed and fascinated by the little fairy with the huge voice.

  ‘‘Mio Dio! OMG!’ he thought. ‘That has never happened to me before. When the fairy manager came out from behind the till all flushed and furious, he felt he just wanted to join in and sing back to the fairy ‘you are in my heart, you are in my Soul’ but, didn’t want to be too forward.’

  He was so happy to be thrust an 18th birthday invitation before the fairies left. He was amused by the colourful fairies giving the peace signs and saying ‘big up!’

  It turned out that Dandy was born Theo. He knew that he felt different to other boys his age quite early on. His parents had brought him up to believe he should be true to himself, be who he is and not pretend to be something he wasn’t. Because of this he was able to embrace his sexuality and lived his life the way God intended.

  If only things were that simple for Luna….

  There was lots of singing
and good cheer all the way back to the olive tree houses, everyone was in high spirits. Destiny was a little quieter than usual because she knew that things would have to be explained to Cielo about Luna but, she would take care of that all in her own time.



  The day of the party and Olive’s 18th arrived. The whole olive tree field was lit up with fairy lights. The fairy marquee was erected, the fairy caterers and chefs were already preparing the amazing feast and the fairy band ‘The Wandas’ had arrived and were already setting up. As Olive looked out of her bedroom window which was located in one of the trunks, she realized that this was going to be a very huge day. Before any festivities were to take place Priscilla the fairy God-mother would arrive to bestow the ten wishes on her in front of everybody and proclaim that Olive was the chosen one. She trembled inside with sheer excitement. She had been waiting for this day for what seemed like an eternity and on top of all of this, Oak was coming to her party. She was hoping to dance with him and perhaps flirt a little. After all she was now eighteen and he was in her heart. She thought he was her soul mate. She felt it in every little fairy bone of her body.

  Before she could get ready for the actual party, she put on her white fairy dress with a tutu underneath. This ensemble had been passed down from generation to generation. It was only given to the chosen one. Her mamma had suggested that she wear a diamond tiara. She knew it was a little over the top but, she thought ‘why not? It is my day after all.’

  The fairy make-up artists arrived along with the fairy hair-stylists. Destiny took her breakfast in bed, she lay there giggling with her sister. She could hear drums in the distance, drums that called all the fairies in the land to announce that something very special was going to happen.

  She descended the stairs that wound around the main tree trunk to a round of applause. She curtsied slightly looking around to see if Oak was there. She spotted him standing by her cousin’s olive tree house. She silently swallowed hard, thinking ‘this is it!’

  Priscilla the fairy God-mother flew into the middle of the fairies where a big heart of red flowers had been laid.

  ‘‘Come hither my little fairy child, stand within the circle’’ she said.

  Olive flew into the circle of flowers. She held her wand high above Olive’s head and said ‘‘today I bestow the ten wishes on you, use them wisely my fairy child as you will not get another chance. Five of these wishes must be used on other people but, the other five you can use as you choose.’’

  With that she waved her magic wand, fairy dust flew out all over Olive’s beautiful jet black hair and with that she was gone.

  Fairies were cheering, shouting Brava, Brava and running towards Olive to kiss her hand. The festivities began…….

  There was a fairy roast hog on the main table along with lots of delights, light music was playing in the background, the olive trees were swaying in the distance and everyone was in really good spirits. Olive, Willow and Luna were beside themselves with joy. Destiny and Cielo sat at the main table looking on proudly and beckoning the children to join them.

  Luna looked nervously around to see whether Dandy had arrived when he came up behind him and tapped him on his shoulder. It sent shivers down Luna’s spine. Luna could see immediately why Dandy was given his name. He was the dandiest dresser he had ever seen, he exuded style! He was wearing a black tuxedo with silver trim along with an extravagant dickey bow in silver covered in Swarovski crystals. He had on shiny black pointed fairy shoes and walked with a grace like a fairy on air. Dandy immediately said he would like to dance but, after Luna cast a glance in his Papi’s direction he said through mumbled breath ‘‘later my friend, come and meet my family.’’

  He took Dandy over to where his father was sitting, it was respectful after all to introduce him formally.

  ‘‘This is Dandy’’ he said.

  Dandy did a slight bow and took Cielo’s hand saying ‘‘I am so very pleased to meet you. You must be so very proud of your son and beautiful daughters.’’

  Cielo gave a false smile between gritted teeth.

  With that he went over to Destiny and kissed her on the cheek and said ‘‘madam, may I have the pleasure of this dance?’’

  Destiny got up feeling a little flushed as she wondered what was coming later with Luna, it would be a little difficult to hide as the air was full of anticipation. Dandy led her expertly onto the dance floor and whirled her around before breaking into a little Salsa. My God, he was Dandy on his feet! He was everything Luna had ever dreamed of. The perfect partner in more ways than one.

  Olive and Willow looked on in bemusement watching their father’s face. His mouth was set in a strong line and slightly twitching at the corners.

  ‘Oh dear’ they thought.

  Olive looked around the room for Oak but, instead of Oak she saw Fig coming towards her. Fig was affectionately known as Figgy. A lot of his school friends preferred to call him Fibby Figgy as he had a tendency to lie! Figgy had a lot to deal with as he was bullied at school and didn’t feel he could open up and tell anybody. Olive was always so sweet to him, she understood him like no other and that was why he was secretly in love with her. If only she felt the same way…….

  Oak saw Figgy making his way towards Olive and felt slightly jealous. Olive made his heart burn with desire. He didn’t feel that Olive would ever consider him as a possible suitor! As for her father, he would never accept him! He simply wasn’t good enough! He was just a tree surgeon! He had such a love for trees. His job was to treat them for wood rot. If animals had decided to make the tree their home, he would kindly get rid of them but, without killing them if he could. He thought every animal and fairy on earth should have a chance.

  Oak watched as Figgy led Olive around the dance floor. This girl was like no other! He didn’t care that she was the chosen one because he would have loved Olive even if she had been born to the water fairies and he had a huge fear of water.

  Willow looked around for Birch.

  ‘I wonder where he is?’ she thought ‘maybe tonight is the night that I can make sure that he is aware of the olive tree sit-in which is coming up very shortly.’ They were planning to dig a lot of trees up to build new houses and there was no way she was going to stand for it. No way! She was all prepared, chains an’ all! If she had to chain herself to a tree when the bulldozers came in, she would! It simply was unacceptable! She saw Sunshine and Rainbow doing a hippy dance in the distance and thought to herself ‘maybe I can get their support also.’

  She made her way towards them. Just at the same time Birch entered through the archway that was lit up with fairy lights. He had a girl on his arm!

  ‘Great’ thought Willow ‘just about all I need!’

  Birch caught her eye and made his way over towards her. She was slightly flushed and confused.

  ‘‘Hello Willow’’ he said ‘‘you look absolutely gorgeous.’’

  ‘‘So does your lady-friend!’’ she retorted.

  Birch stammered a little ‘‘oh no, this is my cousin. She is only hanging onto my arm as she is wearing Louis Vuittons and they are so high she can’t walk!’’

  ‘‘Show her’’ he said to the girl ‘‘Acorn show her!’’

  The girl lifted her dress and giggled.

  ‘‘I am even worse after a glass of vino!’’ she said.

  ‘‘Oh well’’ said Willow relieved ‘‘you can hang onto my arm if you like so we can both support you.’’

  Birch smiled thinking ‘Yes, I like her.’

  Before the evening was over Willow made sure that Birch, Sunshine and Rainbow were all aware of the sit-in and that they would be offering their full support!!!!

  ‘‘Peace to the trees’’ shouted Sunshine and Rainbow in unison.

  Dandy escorted Destiny back to her table hoping that perhaps now Luna would join him for a dance. Their eyes met and without asking Luna followed him onto the dance floor.

‘What is going on there?’’ bellowed Cielo to Destiny ‘‘that boy is definitely gay, I can tell by the way he walks.’’

  Destiny swallowed hard and said ‘‘just let your son be who he is. Please do not try to change him. Let him follow his own path.’’

  Cielo replied ‘‘I am going outside for a cigarette.’’

  ‘‘So you are taking up smoking now!’’ retorted Destiny.

  Destiny only wanted what was best for all her children. Acceptance for who you are played a very important role in her life.

  ‘Not everyone is the same’ she thought ‘why do people think that they can change another person? We are all born to be who we are supposed to be!’



  Olive was still being led around the dance floor by Figgy when she saw her father storm outside puffing on what looked like a cigarette! Her father was an anti-smoker, he always had been and he would never change.

  ‘What on earth was going on?’ she thought.

  Olive excused herself from Figgy and followed her father outside.

  ‘‘Papi what is wrong?’’ she said.

  ‘‘It’s Luna, all I have done for him and he decides to be gay!!! What is the matter with him? He fancies that boy fairy Dandy. I can see it! He is making a laughing stock of us all. What will the olive field fairies say? What will the fairy priest say? And worst of all what will the Sky fairies say? I have already enrolled him to start training as a doctor! All he talks about is becoming an actor and now the last straw is this fairy boy!!!’’

  Olive swallowed hard and said ‘‘papi, you have to understand, we are all born a certain way. I was born to be the chosen one, Willow the earth fairy and Luna is the moon fairy but he also was born to be gay! His body does not match his soul papi. God works in mysterious ways papi but, he loves us all. We are all put on this earth to accept the challenges that come our way. Luna has always been this way. Surely you noticed papi? Surely?’’


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