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Olive - The Chosen One

Page 3

by Daisy L. Bloom

  Cielo swallowed, hung his head down and said ‘‘yes, I did notice but, I thought I could change him. I want to but, I am unable to accept this. My boy should be a proper man.’’

  With this he stormed back into the party.

  Olive felt hot tears trickle down her face.

  ‘This is my day’ she thought.

  She knew in her heart that she would have to use her first wish as her family was very important to her and she did not want Luna to be an outcast and it was certainly looking that way. She made her way into the woods and lit some candles away from everyone. Oak stood nearby watching all hidden from view. He saw that Olive was visibly upset. He wanted to go and comfort her but, he just couldn’t! He was afraid that she may reject him. He felt that he couldn’t take a rejection from her as she was already in his heart and she always seemed so keen on Figgy.

  1st Wish - The wish of Acceptance

  Olive collected some olives that had fallen from the trees and laid them out in a circle.

  She quietly said ‘‘calling Priscilla, calling Priscilla. I am ready for my first wish to be granted.’’

  Within a flash of a fairy wing, Priscilla was there hovering above her head. She looked splendid tonight, all dressed in shimmery gold.

  ‘‘Yes, my dear, are you ready for your first wish?’’

  Olive explained to Pricilla about Luna. She said that she wanted her father to accept Luna for who he was. Luna was one of the nicest, kindest people on earth. Why shouldn’t he be who he was born to be?

  Priscilla said ‘‘your first wish is granted my dear, you have used it wisely as the wish of acceptance is a very special one and should be accepted by all.’’

  She waved her magic wand. Yellow fairy dust blew to the ground and on the wings of a prayer she was gone.

  Olive made her way back into the party whilst Oak still looked on. Love glowed from his eyes. This fairy is not only beautiful but, she is also very wise.

  When she entered the fairy dance-hall, she couldn’t believe her eyes, everyone was up doing the Hokey Cokey! Her father’s arms were linked with Luna and Dandy and her mother was making a spectacle of herself in the middle. Willow was still with Birch and Acorn. Willow smiled as Olive walked in. She felt a huge fairy blush wash right through her body.

  ‘I am so lucky to have such an amazing family’ she thought to herself.

  The next morning Olive woke up all starry eyed and started to recall the events of the night before.

  ‘Is it all true?’ she thought ‘or was I just dreaming?’ She met Luna as she slid down the banister of the stairs from her bedroom to the bottom of the tree. There was a big smile across his face.

  ‘‘Papi said he will support me through acting school and that Dandy can come and visit whenever he wants. He thinks of him as a son now!’’

  ‘Mio Dio- OMG!’ thought Olive ‘I just love these wishes!!! Life is perfect!’



  It was only two weeks away until the olive tree sit-in. Willow was all fired up! She had been worrying about how she was going to sleep on the tree trunks once she was chained to them.

  ‘What about cleaning her teeth, eating and not to mention going to the toilet?’ she thought.

  But, hey I guess if you believe in a cause and want to fight for it, then you have to go all the way. Olive loved her sister, she loved her heritage of the olive trees but, there was no way she was joining the sit-in. She would sign the petition and support Willow all she could but, that was as far as she was prepared to go.

  ‘However’ she thought to herself ‘I will offer to be Willow’s slave so as to speak! Take her food, take her a bucket for washing and another bucket for the necessities of life, even sing to her to keep her spirits up if things got her down.’

  Fairies flew in from all over Italy when the time for the sit-in came. Birch was there to offer Willow his full support, she was so glad because at least she would have someone to talk to when she was up in that tree. Summer and Rainbow turned up with a few of their hippie friends saying ‘‘peace to the trees, save the olives for our pizzas!’’

  ‘There’s a thought’ thought Willow ‘after all what is a pizza without olives?’

  They all set up camp. The hippies made a camp-fire and set up their tents. They had these long pipe things which they were smoking from. Johnnie seemed particularly keen on these. Sunshine brought her tarot cards along with a crystal ball, she turned up wearing a pink sparkly head-dress with beading which kept dangling in her face. She told everyone to call her Madame Sunshine and kept saying ‘‘peace to the trees.’’

  Even the birds stopped tweeting, they were so over-whelmed by the sudden hippy invasion.

  Willow settled herself into her chosen tree trunk with Birch on the trunk below. They both thought it was a good idea to sleep in the chains so if they fell in the night, the chains would stop them from crashing to the ground. Apparently the bull-dozers were due the very next morning.

  ‘‘Bet they won’t expect us to be here!’’ she giggled to herself.

  Sunshine said ‘‘who’s first for a reading from Madame Sunshine?’’

  Birch said ‘‘I will if someone can reach me!’’ Sunshine sent Olive with the tarot cards for him to shuffle.

  ‘‘Best if you fly Olive, fairies are not always the best climbers!’’

  ‘‘Ok’’ said Sunshine ‘‘now Birch shuffle the cards and give me ten in the order you take them.’’

  ‘Fine’ thought Birch not believing a word of any of it but, it will pass the time on this freezing night. ‘Why can’t they do the bulldozing in the summer?’ he thought to himself.

  Olive returned with the cards and gave them to Madame Sunshine who carefully laid them out on the silk scarf she kept them in.

  ‘‘Mmmmmm’’ she kept saying to herself ‘‘now let me see!’’

  ‘‘I see you have a strong heart’’ she said to Birch ‘‘strong for life and strong for love but, the cards say you keep your thoughts closed in, you are afraid of speaking out in case you get hurt. You have a great life ahead of you, full of laughter and love. I can see two baby fairies in your future. You will live in the fairy olive field that glistens with song and magic.’’

  ‘Jesus Christ’ thought Birch ‘I am not ready for fairy kids but, as for love now, that’s another story!’

  Willow smiled to herself as she saw Birch wince at the thought of fairy babies……

  ‘‘Ok’’ said Rainbow ‘‘I want a reading, it’s my turn.’’

  ‘‘Ok, come to Madame Sunshine’’ she said patting the blanket next to her so that Rainbow could sit down.

  ‘‘Well the first thing I can tell you is that you have a mamma that really loves you.’’

  Rainbow smiled ‘‘yes mum but, what’s in the cards? What will I be? Will I be rich? Will I travel?’’

  Madame Sunshine said ‘‘you will be whoever you want to be and you will travel far and wide but, the richness will come from within……..’’

  ‘What does that mean?’ thought Rainbow ‘I want the euros!!!!!’

  Olive hugged Rainbow thinking ‘she is so very funny, I think that must be why she is my best friend. I couldn’t be without Rainbow, she brings colour into everyone’s life all the time.’

  Then the singing started.

  ‘‘Ok, let’s practice for the morning.’’

  ‘‘We will not, we will not be moved’’ they sang at the top of their voices.

  No-one is tearing our olive trees down! We want them preserved, they are our heritage.

  They moved onto singing ‘There’s a long road ahead’ ‘We will survive’ and ‘Ging-gang gooley.’

  Johnnie had brought along his Mandolin which was quite awesome and other fairy hippies were playing their bongos and harmonicas in the distance. Night-time soon fell. Before long it was 6.00am and the fairies could hear bull-dozers approaching in the distance.

  ‘‘Quick everybo
dy, wake up, the murderers are approaching!’’

  The gypsy fairies stood up first, all bronzed with bulging muscles and looking like they were ready for trouble.

  ‘‘You looking for trouble, you’ve come to the right place’’ they sang.

  Another Elvis fan by the look of it, honestly they are everywhere!

  The fairy foreman came over holding a notice from the local fairy council in his hands which gave them the right to uproot the olive trees. One of the gypsy fairies moved forward, snatched it out of his hand and tore it into small pieces.

  ‘‘That’s what we think to your piece of paper’’ he said ‘‘get off this land now, no olive tree will ever be uprooted from this land whilst we live and breathe.’’

  ‘That can be arranged!’ thought the foreman.

  ‘‘The bull-dozers are coming in and unless you want to be crushed and uprooted yourselves. I suggest you move.’’

  All the fairies burst into chorus ‘‘we will not, we will not be moved.’’

  The hippie fairies held up their banners and began chanting ‘‘save the trees! Peace and love to all! Save the olives! Save the pizzas! Save the olive oil!’’

  The bull-dozers started to move. Willow started to quiver. She didn’t want to die like this before her and Birch had a chance to talk, kiss and love each other. Birch clung onto her hand ‘‘at least if we die, we will be together!’’ he hollered.

  Willow thought ‘that is just about the most romantic thing a fairy had ever said to her, well almost!’

  At that moment, Willow freed her chains.

  ‘‘I can’t go on’’ she exclaimed ‘‘I need to go to the toilet, I have a weak bladder!’’

  Birch was sort of pleased because it meant he could free himself and he didn’t fancy any nasty surprises coming from up above.

  Olive decided it was time to step forward and handed the foreman a petition signed with over 5000 fairy names on it asking the government to save the trees and to put a protection order on them. The foreman was in no mood to please.

  He snatched it out of Olive’s hand and said ‘‘I will be back!’’

  Olive felt disturbed, she knew these people in the council, they were not the most honest fairies!! She knew she had to step in and use another of her wishes.

  2nd Wish - The Protection order for Olive Trees all over Italy

  ‘‘Calling Priscilla, calling Priscilla’’ she shouted thinking ‘I have been here before.’

  Within a flap of a fairy wing, Priscilla appeared.

  ‘‘Yes, my fairy child’’ she said ‘‘are you ready to make your second wish?’’

  This time Olive laid some twigs around her and knelt down.

  She said to Priscilla ‘‘please grant me the preservation wish for our national treasure the olive trees. I don’t want any more olive trees to ever be destroyed again.’’

  The fairy God-mother waved her magic wand, purple fairy dust landed all over the olive trees and Olive knew that they were safe forever.

  A big cheer went up in the olive field. She knew her mother and father would be really proud of her as she had used two wishes and had used them both wisely.



  The romance between Luna and Dandy blossomed really quickly. Luna became an excellent actor and had been offered a huge part as Robertus the Roman Centurion in a block-buster movie. It would mean moving to Hollywood but, Dandy was with him all the way. He quite fancied living in the Hollywood hills but, first it was off to Vegas and the whole family was going.

  Yes! A Vegas fairy blessing was what the two boys had in mind. A fairy jet had been hired. The pilot was an Elvis look-a-like and promised to sing ‘Viva Las Vegas’ and ‘Love me Tender’ over the speakers whilst flying. Champagne was on ice, everyone was excited even Cielo. Cielo couldn’t believe how much fun and joy Dandy had brought into this family. Sometimes he thought his body would burst from the laughter. Destiny had gained a few laughter lines but, wasn’t too concerned because she knew that once the boys got to Hollywood, well that would all be sorted! Luna had promised her when he received his first pay-cheque the botox would be taken care of plus Dandy had a little cleft on his chin he just wanted filling! So all was well!

  Olive and Willow giggled saying ‘‘mamma you’re a blast!!!!!’’

  Luna decided that it wouldn’t be a wedding without Sunshine and Rainbow. They were just so much fun and even Johnnie was invited. After all, he was very laid back and seemed to alleviate any stress. They all were invited along with Dandy’s parents Dana and Federico.

  When the family and friends arrived to the fairy jet at Crystal airport the first thing that hit them was the picture of Elvis’s guitar which was painted onto the wings of the jet with the words ‘Fly high with Elvis!’ The air hostesses came to meet them, Priscilla dress alikes! Mio Dio! This pilot really is an Elvis fan. There was no further doubt when he greeted them in a studded white suit, jet black hair and a slanted smile singing ‘Welcome to my world.’

  Destiny thought that was a bit odd as that wasn’t an Elvis song but, thought it was sort of cute anyway! The plane seats were Barbie pink and draped with Hawaiian flowers. A cocktail was laid out for everybody.

  ‘‘Climb aboard, take your seat, fasten your seat-belts and be prepared for the experience of your life’’ said Aaron the pilot. Oh so his mother liked Elvis too!

  The take off was smooth.

  ‘‘Peace to the clouds’’ shouted Summer and Rainbow. Everyone just loved the fruity cock-tails but, Cielo had a suspicion there was a bit of Tequila in there somewhere!

  ‘Love me Tender’ came across the air-ways along with ‘Crying in the chapel’ which to be quite honest was a bit inappropriate and ‘The girl of my best friend’ which was highly unlikely! And ‘Wear a ring around your neck’ which Luna and Dandy did! The fairies all knew they were approaching Vegas when Aaron sang ‘Viva Las Vegas’ and ‘Burning Love’.

  Through the customs they flew, fairy finger-prints were taken, web-cam photos were taken, Destiny was heard saying ‘‘make sure you keep the one of Luna because one day he will be a huge actor and become famous, just saying!’’ she said as she looked around to see fairies smirking and raising their eye-brows.

  ‘‘Peace to Vegas’’ said Sunshine and Rainbow putting their fingers up.

  Two security guards came by. ‘‘Excuse me you two fairies. What are you doing with your two fingers?’’

  ‘‘Just sending peace and love’’ said the two of them in unison………

  Luna and Dandy had it all pre-planned. They would check into the Fairy Palace Hotel, the best in Vegas! It even had gold lifts and silver toilets. What more could you ask for? They were having their civil blessing in the chapel of love and had decided to go for a themed Egyptian wedding. Dandy was going to be carried in on a throne by four hunky Egyptians dressed only in a thong. He was going to be draped in gold, wear a crown and would be carrying his vowels which would be written on a gold scroll. He would look like a Pharaoh from the past. Luna would be waiting for him at the altar in an equally appealing costume but decided that he wanted to dress in white as after all he was pure of heart.

  All the fairy guests sat in the chapel waiting and had dressed accordingly. This was going to be a blessing no-one would ever forget in a hurry.

  Destiny saw her son standing before her in his white tunic, he looked angelic and happy. She particularly liked his false eyelashes as they were studded with diamantes.

  ‘I wonder where he got those’ she thought to herself. Willow had brought Birch along, they were becoming closer and closer every day.

  There was a harpist in the corner who was playing Egyptian music very softly. Dandy made his entrance on his throne.

  Cielo did think to himself as he looked at the throne carriers ‘those boys could have put a bit more on!!!!’

  The boys had decided that they were happy for an ordained belly dancer to marry them and so this is what h
appened. This wedding will go down in history as one of the best ever, it will be talked about in the fairy forest and olive fields for years to come.

  The wedding dinner was going to be something to be remembered. The boys had decided to take the family to The Fairy Forum and sit in the restaurant by the big fish aquarium. It was huge! A diver was there at the time feeding the mini sharks. It was quite a sight to see. Everyone decided they wanted either lobster or steak. Cielo offered to pay as this was going to be a huge expense. After all it was Vegas and in The Fairy Forum where you paid the price of a bottle of wine just for one glass. Good job Cielo was feeling generous!!!! And what a tantalizing meal it was. Everybody was so happy. Well-wishers would stop by the table and wish them all a happy partnership thinking ‘fairies certainly know how to live it up and enjoy life.’

  Caesar walked through the hotel with Cleopatra on his arm all adorned in gold. It was all very theatrical and fun. Fairies would shout ‘Hail Caesar’ and hold up their hands. It was a fairy hoot.

  The following evening the boys had decided that their one big wish was to see ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ at ‘The Venetian Hotel.’ Everyone was so excited, they just couldn’t wait. The fairies chosen for the main singing parts in this production were the best in the world. They arrived to this splendid hotel which was based on beautiful Venice in Italy. Both Luna and Dandy were looking forward to visiting the real thing as they were planning to go to the Venice carnival in February the following year. They were planning to dress as fairy pirates. They decided that there was nothing more romantic than to take a Gondola ride before the big production. The Venetian Hotel had small canals with even a make-shift bridge in the grounds. It all looked very spectacular. They knew there was nothing quite like the real thing but, for now this would be a very special ride to celebrate their union. They chose the wedding Gondola which was adorned in red velvet with flowers and was guided through the water by a fairy Gondolier. He sang ‘Ho sole mio’ in Italian which means ‘Oh my sun’ as he weaved the Gondola under the bridge. The boys broke out into ‘Just one Cornetto.’


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