The Belt Buckle Ranch Collection, Volume 1 (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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The Belt Buckle Ranch Collection, Volume 1 (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 24

by Olivia Black

  “It’s no problem at all. The Belt Buckle is just down the road a bit.” Trent nodded his head before heading back to his truck.

  Sliding over to the driver’s seat, Gabe buckled his seat belt and started the engine. He waited for Trent to pull in front of him and then pulled the truck onto the road. He looked around, hoping to spot Jared, but there was nobody in sight.

  It didn’t take long before Trent was pulling off the two-lane road and onto a gravel path. A large wooden sign greeted him, Belt Buckle Ranch. The truck dipped and bounced down the road and Gabe smiled. Large mountains set up the backdrop for the most beautiful place he’d ever seen. The land was green and lush, trees and open space as far as the eye could see. Horses and cattle moved around, grazing off the land.

  “I can see why you like it here,” Gabe said, thinking about Jared.

  * * * *

  Jacob heard what sounded like crying coming from outside. Walking to one of the small living room windows, he peered outside into the alley below, and looked down. He spotted a man sitting on the ground, his arms wrapped around his legs, rocking back and forth. He didn’t recognize the guy from his current angle, but Jacob knew a guy in need when he spotted one.

  His brows drawing together in concern, Jacob jogged downstairs and out the back door. He walked on quiet feet toward the distressed young man and knelt down beside him.

  “Are you okay?” he asked in a hushed tone, not wanting to spook the guy.

  When big blue eyes looked up at him, Jacob’s heart broke in two. Jared. He could barely breathe as he stared at the beautiful young man. He didn’t look like the same guy Jacob had met. His head was shaved, tears streaked his cheeks, and his eyes were red and swollen from crying. He looked lost, scared, and vulnerable.

  “Oh, baby boy, what happened to you?” Jacob asked, but he wasn’t expecting an answer.

  Moving closer, Jacob scooped Jared up into his arms and headed back toward his apartment. He held Jared close, relieved to have the young man back where he belonged.

  He didn’t know what had brought Jared to his doorstep, but he wasn’t about to let this opportunity pass him by. Making his way up to his apartment, Jacob sat on the couch with Jared carefully positioned on his lap. He wrapped both arms around the young man, holding him close, offering as much comfort and support as he could. He didn’t speak. Instead, he waited quietly for Jared to talk to him.

  “I didn’t have anywhere else to go,” Jared finally whispered after a while, hiding his face against Jacob’s chest.

  “I’m glad you came to me,” he told Jared honestly.

  He’d wanted to see the young man again, but hadn’t made an effort since the phone call. He was planning to head out to the Belt Buckle Ranch, but he wanted to give Jared some space before confronting him. Now he wished he would’ve gone to see him sooner or at least called over the last couple of days. Grabbing a throw blanket hanging over the back of the couch, he covered Jared, wanting to make the young man more comfortable.

  “Do you want to talk about it? Tell me what happened?” Jacob coaxed gently, hoping the young man would tell him what happened.

  He was worried. Had one of his brothers hurt him? Was he physically injured? What happened at the ranch to send Jared to him? Jared started to shake his head slowly, refusing to speak, but he surprised Jacob when he started talking.

  “An old friend came into town today from Portland. That’s where I used to live. I’ve known him since I was a teenager. We lived in the same group home.”

  He paused and Jacob closed his eyes. He hoped and prayed that Jared wouldn’t have a sad story, but he didn’t have much faith. My poor baby boy. What happened to you? Guilt consumed him, making him wish he would’ve given Jared the benefit of the doubt after he left that morning.

  He wasn’t like every other guy in Jacob’s past. He wasn’t looking for a good time or a one-nighter, he was just scared.

  “I met Gabe and I loved him right away. He was so innocent and naive. I’d already been in the system for a while when he arrived and I wanted to protect him from all the bad shit that happened.” His voice cracked and Jacob just listened as he opened up, exposing his past completely. “There was a man. He worked at the boy’s home where I lived and he liked cute, innocent boys. When he started acting interested in Gabe, I knew I couldn’t allow anything to happen.”

  Again, Jared paused and Jacob wanted to tell him that he didn’t need to say anymore, but he had a feeling that Jared needed to talk to someone.

  “We fell in love. It happened so fast, but I guess it was inevitable. We shared a room, went to school together, and depended on one another. When that bastard came looking for Gabe, I offered myself in exchange for him.”

  Jacob tightened his hold on Jared and kissed the top of his head, hoping to give him all the strength he possessed. As hard as it was for him to listen to what Jared had endured, the young man in his arms had lived it.

  “I let him do things,” he whispered, sniffling, and Jacob slowly rocked him.

  “Shhh, baby, you don’t have to say anymore. That man was wrong. He took advantage of you. He was an adult. You were a child. You didn’t do anything wrong,” Jacob told him, and Jared started sobbing.

  “I—I killed him,” he whispered, but Jacob wasn’t sure if he’d heard the young man correctly.

  He didn’t ask any questions as Jared broke down and let out all the emotions he’d probably been holding onto for years. Jacob’s own eyes filled with tears and he wished that he could do more to make the memories of his past vanish.

  My poor baby, I wish I could take away all your pain.

  Holding Jared close, he hummed softly, hoping it offered some amount of comfort. The pain-filled noises coming from Jared soon slowed down and his trembling form became still.

  Looking down, Jacob stared at closed, puffy eyes and realized that Jared had cried himself to sleep. He pulled the young man even closer and kept on humming.

  You’re going to be okay. I’m never going to leave you. I’ll protect and hold you as long as you’ll let me.

  It was hard for him to believe the pain and abuse some people endured in their lives. Jacob’s own family had their share of issues, but nothing compared to what Jared had gone through in his short life.

  After almost an hour, Jacob yawned and shifted. He turned his body and slowly lowered himself onto the couch so that he was lying flat on his back. As gently as he could, he situated Jared so that the man could sleep comfortably. In his new position, his numb arms became almost painful. The constricted blood started to flow back into his fingers, but he kept them wound tightly around Jared.

  He considered taking the young man to his bedroom, but decided against that idea. He wanted Jared to wake up in his arms on the couch. The bedroom seemed too intimate at this moment. And he didn’t want to give Jared the wrong impression. Instead, he wanted to show the man that he would hold him anytime he was needed.

  Chapter 8

  Jared woke up surrounded by warmth and cuddled tight against a big, muscular chest. He knew exactly where he was before he even opened his eyes. After walking away from Gabe, he’d kept on walking until he reached Jacob’s place. He wanted to knock on the door, but he didn’t think he’d be able to face the rejection if Jacob sent him away. Instead of going back to the ranch or calling one of his brother’s for a ride, Jared snuck into the alley so that he could be alone.

  He didn’t know how long he’d been there or even when the tears started, but when Jacob came out and picked him up, he felt nothing but pure relief. Being in the older man’s capable, loving arms was what he’d needed to feel safe once more. He didn’t know how it was possible, but the nightmares he faced nightly disappeared. It was almost as if Jacob was strong enough to fight them off and make them go away.

  Jared moved up Jacob’s body and nuzzled into the man’s neck, inhaling his cologne. He placed a quick kiss there before finally opening his eyes. He looked up and was immediately captured by Jaco
b’s soft eyes. He felt vulnerable and exposed now that he’d cried on Jacob’s shoulder and spilled his guts. He wasn’t sure what to say or where to begin, not now that he was looking at Jacob.

  They stared at each other for a minute before Jacob finally spoke. “Thank you for trusting me.” Sitting up, he placed a kiss on Jared’s forehead.

  “You’re the only person I’ve wanted to have in my life. Everyone else was placed there. I can’t really explain it. I just…”

  “You don’t have to say anything, I understand completely. Other people were brought into your world, but you chose me,” Jacob said, and he nodded in agreement. He couldn’t have said it better. “I’m glad you came here.”

  “Me too.” Jared slowly stretched out before moving off of Jacob’s body. He stood up and watched as Jacob did the same. “Thanks for listening and for holding me. I really needed you.”

  “I’m sorry for that phone call. I never should’ve…” he started, but Jared interrupted him.

  “No. You didn’t do anything wrong. I guess I just have a lot of shit to deal with and I haven’t wanted to face it. Seeing Gabe today…” Jared shook his head. “He brought up some stuff and I…I don’t want to go backwards, I want to move forward.”

  “I’m here for you if you need me or if you just want someone to listen. You’re not alone.” Jacob stood up and pulled Jared back into his arms for a big hug. “Day or night, okay? Anytime.”

  “Thank you.” His words came out muffled as he spoke into Jacob’s broad chest. “I’d better head back to the ranch.”

  “Did you drive here?” Jacob asked, reluctantly dropping his arms from around Jared’s back.

  “No, I walked.”

  “Walked?” he asked as if he didn’t believe Jared was capable.

  “Yeah, I was driving Gabe to the ranch from the airport when we got into a…” He paused. Was it an argument or a discussion? Did they have their first real fight? “He said some things and I got out of the truck and walked here.”

  “How long is he in town for?” Jacob asked as he walked over to the small kitchen.

  He opened the fridge and pulled out two bottles of water, handing one off to Jared. He grabbed the bottle and opened the lid, taking a deep gulp. The cool liquid felt good as it trailed down his throat.

  Jared shrugged, “I don’t know. A week?”

  “Are you going to be okay at the ranch?” he asked.

  It was obvious he was concerned and it warmed Jared’s heart, knowing that someone cared about him.

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “I’ll be fine. Maybe it’s time that we talked. I want us both to be able to move forward without holding on to the past. It’s not healthy.”

  “Let me write down my phone number.” Jacob went back to the kitchen counter and opened a couple of drawers until he found what he was looking for. He jotted down his number before handing a piece of paper to Jared along with a key.

  “What’s this?” he asked, inspecting the key.

  “It’s a key to my place. If you need somewhere to escape to and I’m not here, just let yourself in. You’re welcome here anytime.”

  “Thank you, Jacob. That really means a lot to me.”

  “And…uh…no strings attached.” He held up both hands as if he was surrendering in the middle of battle and Jared just stared at him in confusion.

  What the hell did that even mean? No strings? Was Jacob no longer interested in him sexually? Had he said too much to the older man? He felt hurt, but he wasn’t surprised. He’d made a lot of bad decisions in the past—most of them were still secrets—things that couldn’t be undone now. Maybe he shouldn’t have come over to Jacob’s place. He couldn’t regret his decision though, not when he felt safe with the older man.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” Jacob moved closer to Jared and cupped his cheeks, forcing him to make eye contact. “I care about you. Genuinely care. You’re welcome here. I just don’t want you to feel like you have to give me anything, because you don’t.” After a few moments of silence, Jacob exhaled loudly. “I’m screwing this up.”

  “No, no, you’re not. I understand what you mean. You don’t want me to think I need to give you sexual favors for a safe place.”

  “Your wording is blunt, but that pretty much sums it up.” The right side of Jacob’s mouth kicked up into a half smile, but his eyes looked sad.

  “I know that you’re not that kind of guy,” Jared told him honestly.

  He’d been around plenty of users and abusers in his time and he didn’t believe for one second that Jacob was a bad guy. There was something deep in his gut that told him to trust the older man. He wanted Jacob to be a part of his world and maybe one day, possibly even his daddy. He wasn’t going to let go of that dream, not yet anyway.

  “I’m not saying that I don’t want you, Jared, because I do. I think you’re incredibly strong and beautiful. I’m willing to take this as slowly as you need. Spend time with Gabe and when you’re ready, I’ll be here for you.”

  Jared nodded and grinned, feeling a lot better about the entire situation. “I’d better head back now. I don’t want Gabe and the others to worry about me.”

  “I’ll give you a ride.” Jacob kissed his cheek before heading toward his bedroom.

  Less than a minute later, he strode around the corner with his keys in hand and a smile on his face. Jacob opened the front door and ushered Jared down the stairs and out the back door, into the alley. There was a small garage he hadn’t noticed before and Jacob pulled one of the barn-style doors open, revealing a workbench, pick-up truck, and a shiny black Harley. Grabbing a helmet off the workbench, Jacob secured it to Jared’s head.

  He tapped the side and grinned, “You look cute. I would give you my leather jacket to wear, but it disappeared the other night.” Jacob winked.

  “Shit,” Jared whispered. “I swear I was planning to bring it back to you.”

  “I know. I’m just teasing.”

  Reaching for a helmet hanging on the handlebars, Jacob threw his leg over the Harley and sat down. He flicked a few switches and the bike roared to life. Tilting the bike, Jacob raised the kickstand and Jared moved back, giving him space to back it up out of the garage. He stared at Jacob sitting on the black bike and his cock hardened instantly.

  “Climb on.” He motioned to the small space behind him and Jared climbed on.

  He moved close, wrapping his arm around Jacob’s waist and resting his head on the man’s shoulder. The motorcycle took off and Jared held on tight, closing his eyes. He didn’t want to leave Jacob’s place and the comfort of the man’s arms, but he knew it was time to head back to the ranch to see Gabe.

  He just hoped his oldest friend wouldn’t be too angry with him for walking away and abandoning him on the side of the road. He was sure that Gabe was already sitting at the ranch with his brothers. When Jared looked at Gabe, he saw a dependent little teenager, but that wasn’t the case.

  Instead, Gabe was a man that pretended to need Jared to make him feel useful.

  They arrived at the ranch faster than Jared had anticipated. When Jacob pulled to a stop in front of the house, Jared climbed off and took off his helmet, handing it over to the older man. He tucked the helmet inside one of the saddlebags before shutting the engine off and putting down the kickstand. Jared gave him a questioning look. He didn’t think the man was planning to stay.

  “Do you mind if I meet your friend?” he asked and tilted his head toward the porch.

  Turning around, Jared saw Gabe stand up from one of the chairs. He stood there staring at them for a moment before smiling. His eyes looked sad and Jared immediately felt guilty. He’d left Gabe on the side of the road and gone to Jacob for comfort.

  “Hey, Gabe, come on over.” Jared held out his hand and Gabe stepped off the porch. “I’d like you to meet Jacob Monroe.”

  Chapter 9

  Jacob stood tall, swinging his leg around so that he was standing next to his bike.

  Jared’s friend
, Gabe, walked over to them, looking a little anxious. Jacob wasn’t sure if it was because he’d been worried about his friend or if he had feelings for Jared. The two men shared a history. They would always be tied together because of their past relationship. He just hoped that there would be room for him in Jared’s life. He wanted to be part of the young man’s world. And he hoped they would have a future.

  Holding out his hand, he smiled gently and Gabe took his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Gabe.”

  “You too, Jacob.” He dropped his hand. “I was worried about Jared. It’s good to know that he’s in good hands.”

  “Thanks for saying that.” He was relieved the Gabe seemed so calm. “I was just bringing Jared home. Listen, you two should come into my bar sometime while you’re in town and have a drink, my treat. I’ll be re-opening the place tomorrow night.”

  “Yeah, sure, that sounds great.” Gabe nodded.

  “Just leave Oliver at home.” He winked at Jared and he chuckled, rolling his eyes. “Well, I’d better head out. It was nice meeting you, Gabe.”

  “Thanks for bringing Jared home.”

  “No problem,” Jacob murmured.

  He stood frozen for a moment, unsure of himself. Should he kiss Jared or should he give him a friendly pat on the shoulder? Wrapping an arm around Jared’s waist, he pulled him close to his side and kissed his cheek. He wanted to give the young man a real good-bye kiss but refrained from showing his emotions in front of Gabe.

  He didn’t know their dynamic and didn’t want to cause too many waves, but he did want the other man to know he was interested in Jared.

  Getting back on his bike, Jacob started the engine and headed down the driveway, trying to maneuver around the large dips in the gravel road.

  He drove past the front of his bar and spotted Tyler’s car. Grinning, he turned the throttle and drove around to the back of the building. He moved fast, opening the garage before parking his bike inside. Jacob pocketed his key, took off his helmet, and locked everything up. He was really looking forward to spending time with Tyler. It also meant that he wouldn’t be sitting at home alone thinking about Jared.


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