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A Warrior's Choice [Warriors of the Light 18] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 6

by AJ Jarrett

  Kayson stood and walked over to rub his hand over Kevin’s back. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t get some pleasure from the action. Kevin’s back was stacked with muscle and his skin was warm through his shirt.

  “I have to say this wasn’t the reaction I was hoping to get,” Kayson teased. He read somewhere that a good sense of humor was a good trait to have in a partner. Kevin straightened and was breathing heavily. Kayson had to hold in the urge to cringe. The smell was horrible and a dab of vomit was on Kevin’s chin. Kayson would never understand how humans survived. “You got a little.” Kayson pointed at Kevin’s chin.

  Kevin grabbed the hem of his shirt and raised it to his mouth. It gave Kayson a great view of his ripped eight-pack abs. His mate took good care of himself over the years and Kayson felt deep pride. A healthy body meant a healthy mind.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” Kevin griped. “It’s fucking creeping me out.”

  “I can’t help it.” Kayson puffed out his cheeks and tilted his head back to look at the night sky. It was hard not to look wantonly at his mate. “I’ve waited well over a hundred and ninety some years to find my mate then when I do I lose him.” Kayson looked back at Kevin, meeting his hard stare. “And then I find him again here, of all places.” Anger, that’s what Kayson was feeling at the moment. Every time he thought about walking into that room to find Kevin near those rogue vamps he wanted to kill something. “The only thing that had kept me from going insane over the years is knowing that Wes and Matt would take care of you but I guess I was wrong. Had I known you were wasting your life like this I would have searched for you more aggressively. I wouldn’t have given up because clearly you haven’t done well without me.”

  “Shut the hell up.” Kevin placed his hands on Kayson’s chest and shoved him. It didn’t have the desired effect that Kevin had intended by the hateful glare on his face. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t know me or anything about me so fuck you.”

  “But I want to know you, you…” Kayson spun around, hands in his hair and roared up at the quiet night. “You’re such a pain.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Kevin put his hands on his chest and his plump lips curved down into a cute little pout. “Am I not making things easy for you? Well, forgive me.” Kevin’s voice hardened. “You helped ruin my life, you jackass. So, if you were hoping by saying that we’re mates would make everything magically better then you were sorely mistaken. I’d rather poke a hot needle into both my eyes than to be stuck with you for the rest of my life.”

  “Really?” Kayson rolled his eyes. He couldn’t believe how childish his mate was acting. This had to be a human thing. Their crazy emotions were unnerving, to say the least. “You think I’m the bad guy when you’re the one who was involved in human trafficking?”

  “I wasn’t involved in that, you moron.”

  “Again with the name calling.” Kayson was doing his best to be kind and understanding but his mate was so argumentative. “If you weren’t with those men then what were you doing there?”

  “I’m a cop,” Kevin shouted. “I’ve been undercover for the past year. The string of missing people and bodies piling up led us to the Cobras motorcycle club. Hence why I’m here.”

  “You’re a police officer?” Kayson grinned. That was a noble profession. Cops were the warriors in the human world.

  “Yes. Now will you please go away.” Kevin made a shooing motion with his hands as if Kayson was a pesky rodent bothering him.

  “I’m not leaving you again, Kevin.” Kayson stepped toward Kevin and gently grabbed his wrist as Kevin raised his hand to push him again. “I’ve waited over a decade to be reunited with you. I can’t let this opportunity slip through my fingers.” Kayson jerked Kevin toward him, their chests touching. The soft little gasp of air that escaped Kevin’s parted lips fanned against his mouth. “I know you feel the connection between us. You have to. It’ll only get stronger. We’re meant to be together.” Kayson lowered his gaze to stare at Kevin’s plump lips. He wanted one little taste. He’d been starving for just one kiss for so long but it had to be Kevin who made the first move. He wouldn’t prove Kevin right, that he was a monster. Free will meant everything to humans and Kayson refused to steal that away from his mate.

  Kevin’s eyelids drooped and Kayson felt Kevin move closer to him. They were only an inch apart when the deafening sound of sirens filled the air.

  No! Kayson wanted to scream to the heavens. He was so close to finally getting what he so badly wanted.

  Kevin pulled away from him. He rubbed his hands furiously over his face.

  “You better go. They’ll be here within seconds.” Kevin turned toward him. “And I’d rather not have to explain to them about you.”

  “I understand.” Kayson pursed his lips. He didn’t want to leave but he couldn’t stay. He’d been sent here to take care of the rogue vamp issue to keep their existence hidden from law enforcement. He’d be defeating the purpose of doing all that if he stayed. “I’ll go but Kevin, this isn’t over.”

  “I know.” Kevin turned his back to him and walked away.

  Lights flashing in the distance bounced off the dark trees to create a strobe light effect. Kayson waited until the very last minute then vanished.

  Kayson teleported himself back to Hale’s place. It was still dark out and the house was quiet. Kayson teleported to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of blood from the refrigerator.

  He was so annoyed. This boiling pit of fire in his stomach was his irritation. Now he totally understood what all those authors in the books he had read meant. Kayson wanted to rip somebody’s head off. Why was Kevin being so difficult? Sure, his parents died at the hands of Kayson’s boss but Kevin acted as if Kayson killed them. No, he hadn’t killed them because he was too concerned with keeping Kevin alive.

  Maybe that’s the problem. Kayson tilted his head from side to side, replaying the events of tonight and twelve years ago in his head. He hadn’t cared about anyone except for Kevin. Kevin loved his parents and his brother so Kayson should have tried to protect them in order to spare Kevin that pain. But there was no way he could have done that. Hale would have killed him to had he tried to stop him.

  “How did it go?” Hale walked into the kitchen wearing only a pair of loose-fitting silk pajama pants. He turned his back to Kayson as he opened the fridge to pull out a bag of blood. Kayson could see the faint red lines that Christopher had left behind. They’d already begun to heal. It made Kayson sick to think Hale took pleasure in another. He was cheating on his mate. What an asshole.

  “Great. They’re dead.” Kayson finished off the bag of blood and tossed it into the trash bin. “I killed the rogues and the humans involved. They’re all dead, just like you asked.” Kayson was using a mocking tone but he couldn’t stop himself. He was pissed off. “Is Christopher still here?” Kayson’s lips pulled back in a sneer. He really disliked Christopher and hated that Hale allowed himself to be a slave to his baser desires. He needed to learn control.

  “He left about fifteen minutes ago.” Hale slammed the refrigerator door shut and spun around to face Kayson. “Is there a problem, Kayson?”

  “No.” Kayson shook his head and started to walk away but then stopped. “You know what, I do have something to ask you. How do you do it?” Hale arched his eyebrows up on his forehead in question. “How can you lay with another when your mate is out there? Doesn’t it bother you in the least?”

  “It bothers me that I can’t have what I truly want.” Hale took a drink from the bag of blood. “But such is life.” Kayson waited to see if Hale would say anything else but he remained quiet. Kayson turned to leave when Hale said, “Kayson, I consider us friends. There are very few who get that honor. But in saying that, don’t ever question me again. Our friendship only goes so far. I won’t think twice about ripping your head from your shoulders. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Crystal, sir.”

  Kayson left the kitchen and hea
ded to his room. It would do no good picking a fight with that crazy bastard. Hale wouldn’t understand what Kayson was going through. Hale had no soul, no heart to feel the pain of not being with one’s mate was like. Kayson felt sorry for Hale. It was a horrible concept to go through one’s life without knowing what it was to love another.

  Love had always seemed like a foreign concept to Kayson. He’d never been able to grasp why people wanted to care so much for another person. Kayson had learned all too soon how great love could feel but also how painful, as well. Kayson was scared of love but he was eager to discover all the joys it had to offer. And he was eager to see Kevin again. He’d make his mate understand what it was like for him before they met. Kayson prayed that Kevin would understand and forgive him because a life apart was just something Kayson couldn’t allow to happen. To survive the rest of his life without Kevin was a quick end to his existence.

  Chapter Seven

  “Tell me again what happened?” Wes asked for the fifth time. His green eyes stared so intently at Kevin he was certain the man could see into his soul.

  “Like the other hundred times I told you.” Kevin huffed. He was doing his best to play it cool. He knew he should tell Wes about Kayson but for some reason he couldn’t get his mouth to say the words. A part of him wanted to keep the man out of this. What happened tonight didn’t involve Kayson. “I overheard Smiley and Lester talking about meeting up with some people to make a deal. I hung back until they left, then followed, keeping enough distance between us so they wouldn’t spot me.” Kevin shifted in his seat, crossing his right leg over his left at the knee. “When I arrived, they were already dead. Whoever had killed them was gone.”

  “I still don’t understand why you didn’t call me.” Wes shook his head. “It doesn’t make sense, Kev. That’s not like you.”

  “I didn’t have time and when I did I was in an area with no cell services.” Kevin told the partial truth.

  Wes pursed his lips then stood from his chair. He walked out from behind his desk then around Kevin to shut the door to his office, then sat down in the chair beside Kevin.

  “Kevin, be real with me.” Wes held his hand up when Kevin opened his mouth to defend himself. “I’ve known you for way too long to not know when you’re lying to me. What really happened out there? I already know vampires were involved.”

  This was his chance to tell Wes about Kayson. He wanted to. He really wanted to but he couldn’t do it. Kevin had some sense of loyalty to the vampire that he couldn’t explain. He also couldn’t explain the bone-deep attraction he had toward the older man either. Just having Kayson near him set Kevin’s pulse racing and his body going hard everywhere. In all his life, well, since his parents’ murder, he hadn’t felt sexual desire like that. He was convinced he’d go the rest of his life without knowing the touch of another or wanting to be touched. But he was so wrong. The memory alone of Kayson’s oddly warm dry hands on his body sent his mind whirling. For the first time in over twelve years he really wanted to jack off and make himself come.

  Kevin wasn’t stupid or going to believe that the man was truly his mate. It was an insane notion. Kayson was a Warrior of the Dark and a murderer. There was no way in hell he could spend the rest of his life with a person like that. No matter how badly his body hungered for the other man, it didn’t change anything. Kayson didn’t lift a finger to help his parents or his brother. Kayson was a monster through and through.

  “I’m not lying to you, Wes.” Kevin sighed. “I could tell vampires were involved by the state of the bodies and the victims having been bitten. But I’m being completely honest with you. I didn’t see anything other than what was there.”

  “Okay.” Wes patted Kevin on the leg then stood. “Go on and head out of here. You can finish your report tomorrow. Make sure you call your brother later, all right?”

  “Will do, Wes.” Kevin got up and headed for the door. He hesitated in turning the knob. This was his last chance to tell Wes the truth but he still couldn’t make himself do it. He opened the door and walked out.

  Kevin walked out the back door of the station where his truck was parked. He’d changed his clothes when he arrived at the station earlier. He was off the case now that it was closed. He could go back to living a normal life until the next job came along.

  Kevin unlocked the driver’s side door and got inside. He put the key in the ignition and started it up. Kevin caught a glimpse of his reflection in the rearview mirror as he reversed from the parking spot. His hair hung into his eyes and his beard was a little itchy.

  At the stop sign Kevin turned left instead of right to head home. He was overdue for a haircut. In fact, Kevin was due for a makeover. He was sick of the long shaggy hair and the scruff on his face. He was ready to be himself for a while.

  An hour later Kevin was back at home. He ran his hand over his shaved head. He’d had all the length taken off completely and his face was as smooth as marble. Kevin could deny it all he wanted but he wanted to make himself look different. Maybe if he did Kayson wouldn’t recognize him.

  Deep down Kevin knew that was a lie. His heart sped up each time he thought about Kayson. His mind was at war with his body’s impulses. Kevin couldn’t understand why he felt such a strong attraction toward Kayson. He tried to reason it out but the only thing that did make sense was that Kayson was telling the truth. They were mates and there was no easy way for Kevin to accept that. He didn’t want it to be true but it was. Kayson could be lying to him but Kevin knew he wasn’t. The way Kevin felt toward the other man couldn’t be faked.

  Kevin had lived with Matt and Wes for over seven years. He’d seen the way the two were together. They were true mates and Kevin could see the love they had for one another. It was powerful and it consumed them both at times. Kevin had to rationalize that this feeling boiling up inside him was the same thing. No matter how much he wished it wasn’t true, there was no denying it.

  The only question now was how did he make it stop. Kevin couldn’t betray his parents or his brother because allowing himself to feel anything but hate for Kayson was the ultimate betrayal.

  Kevin shut the light off in the bathroom and headed toward his bed. He climbed under the soft inviting sheets and prayed that sleep would come quickly.

  No such luck. Kevin tossed and turned for hours before he was finally able to shut his brain down long enough to fall asleep. His mind wandered to the darkest regions of his brain to where nothing and yet everything made perfect sense.

  Kevin stood in a large dark room. The only light came from a crackling fireplace on the far wall. Kevin walked slowly toward the welcome heat. He held his hands up toward the blazing fire to warm his body.

  “I’ve waited so long to be with you.” At the sound of Kayson’s deep voice Kevin turned around. He wasn’t afraid and stepped closer to the man. He was wearing sunglasses and that just wouldn’t do. Kevin wanted to see his black as night eyes. Kevin reached up and took the glasses from Kayson. “You’re everything I’ve always wanted.”

  “You say that but I’m not sure I can trust you,” Kevin said softly. He couldn’t stop staring into Kayson’s dark eyes. He felt as if he were in a trance but he didn’t want to escape.

  “I won’t ever hurt you,” Kayson’s deep voice whispered into his ear. “If I could, I’d change it all. You mean so much to me.” Kayson lowered his lips to press a kiss to Kevin’s neck. Kevin twitched as he felt the scrape of Kayson’s sharp teeth graze across his skin. “Please just give me a chance,” Kayson begged.

  Kevin tilted his neck, giving Kayson more room to touch him. There were no words that could express what he wanted or needed. Kevin wanted to feel something, anything. He’d been alone for so long and having Kayson so near to him made him feel whole.

  Kayson’s hands trailed down Kevin’s body and Kevin arched his chest into Kayson’s. They were both shirtless, only wearing silk pajama bottoms. Kevin’s were white and Kayson’s black. The soft fabric caressed over his engorged
cock and Kevin was through fighting this attraction.

  Kevin turned his head to press his lips to Kayson’s. He flicked his tongue out desperately, wanting to taste the man who’d haunted him for the past twelve years.

  Kayson didn’t hold back. He was just as ruthless in his kissing as he was in his fighting. Kayson took no prisoners. Kevin wanted to be ravished. Wanted the decision of right and wrong taken away from him.

  “I’m going to love you so good,” Kayson said against Kevin’s lips as he lowered him to the floor. A soft bear skin rug was underneath him. The fire seemed to rage higher and higher in the stone fireplace as the heat between him and Kayson grew. “Show you what making love should be like.”

  “Yes,” Kevin moaned. He helped Kayson shove his pants out of the way and propped up on his elbows to watch as Kayson removed his pants. His eyes rounded at the sight of the thick long cock bobbing before him. It was massive. The tip glistened in the flickering firelight.

  “Don’t be afraid, Kevin.” Kayson placed his warm palm against Kevin’s cheek and tilted his head upward to stare into his eyes. “I’ll never hurt you.”

  Before Kevin could respond Kayson was on top of him, slamming his plump lips to his own. Kevin wound his arms around Kayson’s shoulders and allowed the man to shower him with all these new sensations. His body was alive with desire. Kevin’s cock pulsed between them and Kevin rocked his hips, trying to gain more friction.

  Kayson broke the kiss and lowered his head to lick a hot path down Kevin’s neck, lower to his chest, only stopping to suck on his nipples. Kevin whimpered at the sharp sting as teeth pierced his delicate skin but he didn’t ask Kayson to stop. No, Kevin wanted more.

  Kayson swirled his tongue around Kevin’s belly button then moved even lower to lick down the length of Kevin’s erect cock. Kayson danced his tongue over the taut flesh, tracing the thick vein down the center. Kevin moved his hands down to fist into Kayson’s hair, holding him closer as the vampire sucked the tip of his cock into his mouth. Kevin cried out and pulled tighter at Kayson’s hair.


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