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A Warrior's Choice [Warriors of the Light 18] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 7

by AJ Jarrett

  All too soon the drug addicting mouth left his dick and that hot pointed tongue moved lower to a place Kevin had never ever been touched before. Kayson lathered Kevin’s balls in his warm saliva before sucking and licking down his taint.

  “Oh god,” Kevin whispered at the first touch of that soft wet tongue to his untouched hole.

  Kayson pushed Kevin’s legs upward and feasted on Kevin’s twitching opening. Kevin was torn on how he felt about this. He never considered his ass being so sensitive to one’s touch but he couldn’t deny how good it felt. He never wanted Kayson to stop.

  The press of something warm and solid to his hole had Kevin arching up. He looked down to see Kayson staring up at him. His hand was placed at Kevin’s bottom and a finger was pushing inside him. Kayson turned his head to kiss Kevin’s inner thigh. As he did that he added another finger. Kevin’s body clenched around the invading digits but he didn’t want Kayson to stop.

  “I’m going to make you mine.” Kayson pulled his hand free of Kevin’s body and moved upward. “I’m never letting you go again, Kevin.” Kayson surged his hips forward and filled Kevin with his cock.

  Kevin’s back arched and he screamed out in equal parts pleasure and pain. He felt so full yet still it wasn’t enough. He grabbed on to Kayson’s shoulders and pulled him down to kiss him again as he silently begged to be fucked.

  Kayson stole the very breath from Kevin’s lungs as he rammed his thick hot shaft into Kevin’s body. The rhythm was hard and fast and Kevin still wanted more. His cock was hard and weeping between them.

  “No matter where you go.” Kayson braced his elbows on either side of Kevin’s head, staring at him with those black eyes. “I’ll always find you.” Kayson reached a hand down between them and fisted his large hand around Kevin’s cock and jerked him off as he fucked Kevin full of cock. “Mine, Kevin. You are mine.”

  Kevin let go as the orgasm rushed from his body. His sticky hot cum splashed between them and Kevin didn’t want it to stop. He wanted to beg, plead, demand Kayson keep going but his throat was dry and his body went limp.

  Kayson’s hips sped up and Kevin lay paralyzed with pleasure beneath him. Kayson fucked him hard and roared to the heavens as his release left his body only to fill up Kevin’s. Kevin could feel as the hot liquid was unleashed inside his body, heating him from the inside out.

  They lay there locked together in their passion. Kevin’s only thoughts were for Kayson and how to keep this moment alive, to never leave this spot.

  “Kevin,” Kayson said his name, his breath warm as it fanned across his face. “All I ask is you give me a chance.”

  Kevin opened his mouth to say yes. Yes, he’d give Kayson a chance but he was suddenly transported to another time and place. It was his old childhood home. He was back in the kitchen. His parents’ lifeless bodies lay on the floor and Hale was there laughing at him as Kevin cried. The only thing that kept him from crumbling was the strong hold around his shoulders and the warmth at his back.


  Kevin’s eyes opened and he sat up gasping for air. He looked around to see the sun was shining through his window and he was in his room. It was a dream. It was all just a terrible dream.

  Kevin kicked the blankets off his body and winced when he felt the cold and clammy stickiness inside his boxers. He looked down to see a huge wet spot. Everything that had happened might have been a dream but Kevin couldn’t deny his reaction to it. He could lie and say he didn’t enjoy the things Kayson had done to him in that dream but he wouldn’t be fooling anyone, especially not himself. Kevin wanted a man he had no reason to ever want to see again. The question now was could Kevin hold on to his self-control or would he fall victim to the mating bond that was pulling him closer to Kayson?

  Chapter Eight

  Kayson stood back, watching Hale chat up yet another Colby lookalike. The poor guy was just a college student with his whole life ahead of him and Hale was going to snuff it out all because the young man resembled the one person Hale couldn’t have.

  The urge to warn the kid away was strong and the longer Kayson stood there watching the pair kiss and dance the more overwhelming that need became. Kayson did his best not to show his disapproval to Hale but he hoped this one got to live to see tomorrow.

  It had been three days since he’d seen Kevin, and Kayson was growing more antsy by the day. The need to see Kevin, to touch Kevin, was like a disease taking over his mind and body. He hated being separated from Kevin but it was for the best right now. Kayson had known Hale for long enough to know he’d try to use Kevin to get to Colby.

  There was no easy way out of this situation for Kayson. If he wanted to be with his mate he would have to leave Hale and the rest of the Warriors of the Dark, which meant leaning his brother behind. Kayson wasn’t sure he could do that. Kane was his brother and he loved him. Kane was the only family he had but the love Kayson had for Kevin was growing stronger by the minute. Something was going to have to change, and soon.

  Kayson sighed as he watched Hale head his way. He had a smirk on his lips and a little hop to his step. This wasn’t going to end well. Kayson glanced over to see the man Hale had been talking to with a huge smile on his face.

  “This one is sweet.” Hale nudged shoulders with Kayson. “Virgin all the way.” Hale stared back at the young man at the table. “I’m going to have so much fun breaking him.” Each word Hale spoke dripped in pure evil. “Let’s go.” Hale smacked Kayson in the chest and headed back off toward his next victim.

  Kayson walked outside and headed toward the car. He got inside then pulled it around to the front door. Kayson sat there waiting for Hale and his friend to come outside. He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel.

  This is wrong. I can’t let him kill another person like this. Kayson’s conscience was shouting at him and it was right. Stuff like this had never been an issue for him before. Death was a part of living and some people died sooner than others. It was just the way it is but Kayson was sick of all the needless killing. Hale needed help, that’s all there was to it. Killing this man wouldn’t help ease the pain living inside Hale. And Kayson didn’t see why this man had to die for nothing.

  The car door opened and Hale ushered the man into the backseat. Hale climbed in after him and immediately started to kiss him and manhandle him. The young man whimpered and grabbed at Hale’s shoulders but never once asked Hale to stop.

  Stupid human. Kayson pulled out onto the street, lost in his thoughts. He could hear the struggling going on in the back seat. Hale’s growls grew louder and Kayson knew they wouldn’t make it back to the house before Hale killed him.

  Kayson’s hands began to tremble and he started to sweat. This wasn’t right. Killing an innocent wasn’t right. He had to stop this. The more Hale killed the less chance he had of being saved and Kayson really hoped that one day Colby would save Hale. But today wasn’t the day and Kayson had to do something.

  The stoplight turned red but Kayson never laid off the gas. He drove through the intersection. The sound of car horns filled the night and Kayson smiled at the satisfying crunch of another car hitting the passenger side. The metal bent and tires squealed. The smell of burning rubber tickled at Kayson’s nose.

  The force of the impact had Kayson hitting his forehead on the steering wheel yet he never stopped smiling. The sounds of sirens grew near and Kayson smiled to himself. He’d saved this one.

  “What the fuck?” Hale leaned forward and pulled at Kayson’s shoulder. “What happened?”

  “I’m not sure.” Kayson peered around Hale to check on the human. “Is he okay?”

  “Yeah.” Hale sighed. “He hit his head. Probably a concussion.” He shrugged. “Either way, our night of fun has come to an end. Let’s get out of here.” With that Hale blinked his eyes and he was gone.

  Kayson looked back at the unconscious man one more time. He could hear the heavy beating of his heart. He was going to be okay. Out of the corner of his eyes he could see a
woman walking toward the car. Kayson teleported himself back to Hale’s house.

  “I called Christopher,” Hale announced. “He’ll be here within the hour with snacks.” Hale spun around and winked at Kayson. “You’re welcome to stay or take the night off.”

  “Okay.” Kayson rubbed at his head. His hand came away wet. He was bleeding. The wound was already healing but it had been a deep gash on his forehead.

  “I think you need to get laid,” Hale said as he passed him by heading toward the stairs. “You’ve been more brooding than usual.” Hale stopped on the first step and turned to look at Kayson. “Or maybe you need a good old-fashioned killing spree. Whatever it is you need to do, go do it.” Hale proceeded up the remainder of the stairs. “Can’t have you wrecking any more cars.”

  “Yes, sir,” Kayson mumbled as he watched Hale walk away and out of sight.

  Kayson teleported back to his room, too tired to make the walk. He wasn’t acting like his normal self and that was Kevin’s fault. If he had never met the man he’d never have known what it was like to have something so precious than the pain of losing it. Frustration like he never felt before tore at Kayson from the inside out. His hands shook and his chest ached with the pressure building up inside him.

  “No. I won’t blame him.” Kayson went into his bathroom to take a shower. He needed to get out of the house before Christopher showed up to entertain Hale again.

  * * * *

  “Kev, you coming over for dinner tonight?” Wes asked as Kevin passed by his office.

  “Not tonight.” Kevin patted his hand against the door frame. “I’m still trying to catch up on my sleep.”

  “I hear ya.” Wes nodded. “We’ll have to get together over the weekend some time. I’ve been promising Matt a night out. You should join us. We both know how much he loves seeing your smiling face.”

  “You say that but we both know he just wants to check on me.” Kevin pointed at Wes. “You both do. Over-protective brothers,” Kevin said under his breath but knew Wes heard every word.

  “And don’t you forget it, Kev.”

  Kevin smiled and said good-bye to a few more co-workers on his way out of the police station. The sun had started to set and his stomach growled in hunger. Kevin got into his truck and drove to the family owned sub shop down the street. He called ahead to place his order and was in and out of the place in less than five minutes.

  Kevin ate his sandwich as he drove. He’d been so busy he skipped lunch that day. The reports on the Cobras had taken longer than Kevin had wanted. With Lester gone it didn’t meant the Cobras were going to close up shop. Another guy would step forward and take over and the illegal activities would continue.

  Kevin did his best to keep his mind on work and only work but it was difficult. His mind kept going back to the dreams he’d had of Kayson and the way it made him feel. In the past twelve years, he’d never felt so lonely as he did now. It was as if a part of himself was missing. He trudged through the days feeling as if they were twice as long. The only satisfaction he got was at night when he dreamed. Kayson always visited him in his dreams.

  For the past three days, he hadn’t heard or seen Kayson. It wasn’t all that surprising. Kevin hadn’t given Kayson his address or even told him where to find him, but something inside him told Kevin that if Kayson wanted to find him, he would. And there was the problem. Kevin was upset at himself for wanting to see Kayson and happy that the man had kept his distance.

  When he finally arrived at his house Kevin parked his truck in the drive then went to check the mailbox. Night had settled over the sky and the cloudless night made it easy for the stars to shine like diamonds.

  Once in the house Kevin tossed his mail and keys on the kitchen table then headed toward his room. He took a quick shower then pulled on a pair of old sweat pants.

  Kevin was exhausted but not ready to fall asleep. He pulled back the covers and got into bed. He reached for the remote and flipped on the TV. Kevin pulled up the guide and found a show on Starz he’d been wanting to check out, American Gods. He settled in and fell asleep before the show even started.

  Chapter Nine

  Kayson knew where he was going before he even left the house. He was a selfish prick but he never claimed not to be. After his encounter with Kevin he researched his mate. Kayson had discovered that Kevin had changed his last name to Stewart. That caused a surge of jealousy to ignite inside him. Stewart was Wes’s last name. He was sure Kevin only took the last name to help keep him, Matt and Wes hidden but it was still upsetting.

  Kevin grew up in Texas and graduated high school then left to attend college. From there he joined the police academy and now worked for Wes. It seemed like Kevin had a good and fulfilling life set before him and he deserved it. After having to watch his parents be murdered by a madman Kevin had every right to have a nice and normal life except…

  “Fuck.” Kayson hated himself for wanting Kevin so badly. Even back then when Kevin was still a teenager he wanted to keep him. The need to protect and care for his mate was strong. He’d never have hurt or pressured Kevin for anything. He might be evil but he wasn’t a complete monster. He just wanted the chance to love him. In some ways being with Kevin helped keep the darkness at bay. Kayson didn’t want to end up like Hale.

  All the reasons why he shouldn’t do this fell into the ether as he teleported himself to Kevin’s house. It was a cute little bungalow in a quiet neighborhood just on the outskirts of Shreveport. Kayson stood outside, taking in the beauty of the night. A dog barking in the distance had him moving toward the house. He teleported himself inside and walked around, checking out his mate’s home.

  Pictures sat upon the mantel of Kevin and his brother. A few had Wes in them. And there were others. The Warriors of the Light had become Kevin’s family. On one aspect that made Kayson happy to know his mate was well loved and taken care of but on the other hand these people hated Kayson’s kind. Warriors for the Dark were the enemy to the Warriors of the Light. They were like oil and water and would never mix.

  There had been a time when Kayson understood that hatred and wanted nothing more than to take out every single warrior but that had changed. The need to kill and destroy no longer consumed him. Kayson just wanted what everyone else in the world wanted, to be happy and Kevin made him happy.

  Kayson walked down the hallway. He could hear the soft little snores Kevin made while sleeping. The scent of fresh ripened apples lulled him closer to the master bedroom. The door was slightly ajar and Kayson reached his hand out to push it the rest of the way open. Lying in the bed was his mate but he looked different. Gone were the long wavy locks and in its place was a shaved head. Kevin’s beard was also gone. This new look made Kevin look so much younger and innocent.

  Kevin shifted on the bed and the blanket that was around his chest lowered to his waist. Kayson stepped closer to look at the painted skin on his mate’s arms. The details of the ship on his right arm were so magnificent. It looked as if the ship was going to sail right off Kevin’s arm. Kevin groaned and rolled to his side, facing Kayson, and the tattoo on his left arm caused a burning sensation to plague his eyes.

  “His home,” Kayson whispered. The drawing was identical to the house Kevin was forced to leave behind. Kayson had done a lot of bad things in his life and none of those memories haunted him like this one. “I wish I could take it all back.”

  Something wet ran down Kayson’s cheek and he reached up to wipe it away. He brought his finger to his mouth to taste what it was. It was salty. Kayson found it odd that something so salty fell from his eyes. Then it hit him. He’d seen this substance fall from countless victims’ eyes. Tears.

  Kayson brought his hands up to wipe at his eyes then turned to look for somewhere to sit. A chair was in the far corner. Kayson walked over, picked it up and carried the chair to the side of the bed. He didn’t want to wake Kevin. He just wanted to watch his mate sleep in such peaceful comfort.

  Kayson wasn’t sure how much
time had passed when he noticed a change in Kevin’s breathing. His hips thrust upward and his hands fisted in the sheets. Kevin was moaning and mumbling words that Kayson couldn’t understand.

  Oddly enough Kayson found it very erotic and distracting. Kayson’s cock perked up and stiffened in his pants. The smell of sex filled the air like a heavy fog. It took everything inside Kayson to sit still. All his instincts screamed at him to comfort his mate, to give him what he desired. But Kevin was asleep and Kayson wasn’t even sure it was him that Kevin was dreaming about. That small epiphany angered him. Kayson’s fingernails grew and his grip tightened on the arms of the chair.

  Kayson was opening his mouth to say something when Kevin sat up. He blinked his eyes and his chest heaved up and down as he gasped for breath. The room was dark and Kayson wasn’t sure if Kevin saw him sitting in the chair. He held perfectly still, not wanting to frighten the man.

  The awkward silence was becoming too much. Kayson took a deep breath and said, “Hello.”

  “Holy shit.” Kevin jumped and scooted back toward the headboard of the bed. He squinted his eyes. “Oh.” The tense set of Kevin’s shoulders relaxed. “It’s only you.”

  “I don’t understand.” Kayson leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. His mate looked relieved and not upset or terrified. That was a good thing, right? “Are you not mad or scared?”

  “Why?” Kevin ran his hand over his face and up and over his head. “I knew you’d eventually show up.”

  “So, you’re not frightened or worried I’ll try to hurt you in any way?” Kayson smiled. This was a good thing. It was a sign the mating bond between them was growing stronger.

  “I’m an adult now. Not much scares me.” Kevin leaned back on his pillows and pulled the blanket up and over his lap. “And besides, if you try to hurt me, I’ll just hurt you back.”


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