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The Cowboy's Rules

Page 6

by Maggie Carpenter

  “A few things. Some photos and such. She’s stayin’ at the Pepper Tree Inn ‘till she finds somewhere for her and Maverick. I’ll be sorry to see that horse go,” and Hannah as well, in spite of what she did.

  “The Pepper Tree? I didn’t know she had that kinda money. Figures she didn’t obey the rules,” Chad commented, thinking about Cassie.

  “I met a few without two pennies who were just as bad,” Marty commented.

  “Yeah, me too,” Chad agreed. “I guess it bugs me more when someone who has so much, takes it for granted.”

  “I hear you there,” Marty replied, thinking how he’d struggled from the day he was born. “About Hannah though, you know I’ve got soft spot for her. Don’t want to, but I do,” he quietly confessed, staring at the roaring flames.

  “Then maybe this is a blessing. You can’t date a girl who works here, but now that she’s been fired…”

  Marty looked across at Chad and grinned.

  “You’ve got a point there, but she’d take some work.”

  “You gonna let that stop you?” Chad grinned back.

  “Hell no,” Marty replied, shaking his head.

  “I’ve been thinkin’ about her replacement, and I want you to call that trick rider, Mandy Parsons.”

  “Mandy Parsons? You think she’d be interested in workin’ here?”

  “Thing is, Marty, I wanna pass on the reins of my show to someone else, and she’s a real looker. I think the crowds would love her. I can break her in with Bailey, take her to a few shows, see how she does. She’s used to the large crowds and I’ve known her for a long time.”

  “You’ve got big boots to fill,” Marty sighed.

  “Maybe,” Chad replied, “but she’s real talented, and I’m ready to settle. Thing is, a good friend of mine just had a baby, and it got me thinkin’.”

  “Is that so?” Marty replied, raising his eyebrows.

  “Just sayin’. Anyway, I have a feelin’ Mandy will give the show a real boost, and I sure as heck wouldn’t have to worry about any romance issues with the boys here.”

  “That’s true,” Marty replied, his awkwardness apparent.

  “I didn’t mean anything about you Marty,” Chad assured him. “Just in general.”

  “Thanks for sayin’ that,” he muttered. “I’ll call her tomorrow.”

  “If that’s it, I’m ready to hit the hay,” Chad declared.

  “Yep, that’s it,” Marty replied, standing up.

  “I’m gonna work with Shelby a bit more in the mornin’,” Chad remarked. “What time is Hannah comin’ in?”

  “Early afternoon.”

  “See if she can make it late mornin’ instead. I want to get this thing done and dusted.”

  “Will do.”

  “See you tomorrow,” Chad yawned, standing up and stretching. “Damn, these bones are weary.”

  The two men parted company, and as Chad turned off the fire his mind began to wander, recalling the delicious moment earlier in the day when Cassie was laying back in the van, her hand between her legs.

  It had been such a sensuous sight; her knees slightly raised and spread, her fingers rubbing, her soft, feminine moans. His hardness was growing, and with Mickey dutifully following, Chad moved quickly through the house, locking up and turning off the lights. When he reached his bedroom he hastily stripped and laid on his large, comfortable bed.

  Man that feels good, he sighed, the enveloping mattress sucking the stress from his body.

  Thinking about the feisty girl whose naked bottom was as perfect as any he’d seen, he rubbed himself happily, seeing her glorious moons in his mind’s eye. Her skin had glowed so beautifully as he’d walloped her with the wooden spoon, and such a well deserved spanking it had been.

  Closing his eyes he surrendered to his growing passion, allowing his mind to move from the picture of her bent over his knee in the living room, to the vivid memory of her laying in the van, legs wide, massaging herself, but his imagination took flight, carrying him to the climatic conclusion of her efforts. He could visualize her chest rising, her soft moans transforming into strong peals of pleasure, and he abandoned himself to the shuddering pleasure of a powerful climax.

  Exhausted from the long day, he let himself drift for a few minutes before stumbling into his bathroom to wash up. Returning to his bed, yawning and looking forward to a long, deep sleep, he couldn’t believe it when his cellphone jangled. Sighing, he glanced at the screen, but when he saw it was Max calling, he snatched it up quickly.

  “Max, what’s the news?” he asked urgently.

  “I’ve got a precious baby girl,” Max exclaimed. “She’s perfect, Chad, just as perfect as could be.”

  “So happy to hear it,” Chad grinned. “Congratulations.”

  “I’m a dad,” Max chuckled. “I’ve been thinking about how it would feel, and it’s indescribable. I think my heart is going to burst.”

  “I’m just thrilled for you. When you’re ready, you and Sandra will have to come up here and spend a weekend.”

  “We’d love that,” Max replied. “I have to run, but how are things with Cassandra?”

  “She’s an interesting young lady,” Chad remarked.

  “I know she’s difficult, but don’t judge her too harshly. Her life hasn’t been an easy one,” Max declared.

  “Huh. Seemed to me like she had it all,” Chad replied, “but thanks for tellin’ me. You give that baby a kiss for me. Does she have a name?”

  “Yes, didn’t I tell you? Victoria. Victoria Anne.”

  “Beautiful. She’s a lucky little girl. Give my love to Sandra, and stay in touch.”

  “Will do. Bye.”

  Chad clicked off his phone, and crawled back in bed.

  Wow. Max is a dad. Cassie’s life hasn’t been an easy one? Hmmm…but before he could think further, he fell into a deep, much needed sleep.

  At the upmarket Pepper Tree Inn, Cassie was in the hotel bar, having run into her barn buddies and her trainer. She’d left a message for Hannah but still hadn’t heard back, and assumed her friend was just busy. The noisy group was full of stories and jokes, and when they discovered Cassie had been able to stable her horses at a local ranch, they were green with envy, and the news was a blessing for Randy, her trainer; it meant three less horses he’d have to watch over.

  “Just make sure they arrive in plenty of time for your classes,” he warned.

  “No problem there,” Cassie assured him, “and guess what, Shelby is now loading into a two-horse.”

  The look of astonishment on his face, and the buzz she was feeling from her second Martini, made her burst into fits of laughter.

  “I’ll believe it when I see it,” he exclaimed.

  “See it you will,” she giggled, “and my cowboy is going to teach me some of his magic.”

  “Just stay in one piece,” Randy cautioned. “You’ve already hurt yourself.”

  “My own stupid fault,” she sighed, staring at her bandaged finger. “He warned me and I didn’t listen.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” he replied, rolling his eyes.

  As much as he liked her, Cassandra was spoiled and difficult, half the time ignoring his advice. “I’m outta here,” he announced. “Need to get some sleep.”

  Several of Cassie’s friends nodded in agreement, and as the small party broke up, Cassie hopped on a bar stool to order another drink, but unexpectedly felt a sharp prickling, a reminder of the visit by the hard, heavy, wooden spoon. The spanking over her jeans earlier in the day had worn off quickly, but this was a different story; Chad had certainly made his point.

  As she waited for the bartender, she glanced around and saw a very attractive, red-haired young woman drinking alone. Squinting in the dim light, she suddenly realized it was Hannah, and she looked miserable. Cassie immediately slipped off the barstool and hurried across.

  “Hannah! What’s happened? Are you okay?”

  The girl lifted her head, and bleary eyed,
looked up.

  “Cassie! Am I glad to see a friendly face. No, not really,” she mumbled.

  “I’ve never seen you like this. Do you want some company?”

  “Definitely,” she whimpered, “but you’ll be sitting next to a complete idiot.”

  “I think we can share that crown,” Cassie remarked.

  Wondering why her butt was unexpectedly smarting, she looked around and saw a table with some cushioned seats.

  “Why don’t we sit over there,” she suggested. “Bit more comfortable. You can tell me why you’re an idiot, and I can tell you why I am too. We can share idiot stories.”

  “Perfect, and I could use some munchies,” Hannah replied.

  Cassie watched Hannah slip from the stool, then followed her unsteady friend to the nearby table. Sitting down, grateful for the soft cushion, Cassie hailed the cocktail waitress.

  “Could you bring us a selection of your bar appetizers?” Cassie requested. “Sooner the better.”

  “Sure,” the waitress smiled.

  “Talk to me,” Cassie said firmly. “I thought you were living and working at some fabulous western barn. Did something happen?”

  “I was, and yes, something happened. I totally blew it.”

  “What did you do?”

  Hannah frowned, then dropped her head in her hands.

  “I can’t believe I was so completely stupid,” she lamented.

  “It’s probably not that bad,” Cassie remarked, hoping her reassurance might help.

  “It was, it is!” Hannah proclaimed, her voice full of misery. “I was working at this great ranch, really great. I had, or rather have, a huge crush on the foreman there. Anyway, about a week ago some friends came into town and we all got wasted here at the hotel. Remember Jeff Cartright?”

  “Oh no,” Cassie lamented. “He was always trouble.”

  “I know, I know, but so cute. Anyway, he insisted I take a baggie of weed, and instead of throwing it away I took it home with me, so of course, I smoked some, and smoking is an absolute no-no at the ranch,” she declared.

  “Oh, I can relate to that,” Cassie nodded.

  “Anyway, this guy that I really like, the foreman, he came looking for me because I was late for this class thing we were doing, and he smelled the weed the second I opened my door. He called the boss down, the boss had a fit, told me I had to pack up and leave immediately. It was so bad. Not only was I smoking, they have a zero tolerance drug thing there.”

  “Oh jeez, Hannah,” Cassie moaned. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Oh, that’s nothing,” Hannah continued. “It gets worse. I was so ticked off at the foreman for turning me in…I almost can’t tell you what I did.”

  “Uh-oh. One of those reactionary, knee jerk, what was I thinking, moments? We both know I’ve had my share of those,” Cassie commiserated, rolling her eyes.

  The waitress appeared and set down several plates of various delicious looking appetizers, and Hannah immediately grabbed two sliders and gobbled them down.

  “Haven’t eaten all day,” she stated, covering her mouth with her hand. “I’ve been too upset.”

  “I’m dying to hear the rest. What is it you did?”

  “It’s just soooo baaaad,” she moaned.

  “Tell me,” Cassie demanded, scooping up some nachos.

  “Like I said, I was really pissed at this guy, mostly because I had thought he liked me the way I liked him, and he’d didn’t give me a chance to talk to him, or go to the boss myself, or anything. He just jumped all over me,” she exclaimed, “so I slipped into his cabin and put the baggie under his bed, then after I packed up most of my stuff and was driving off the ranch, I called the boss and told him that it was him who had sold me the stuff.”

  “You did what?” Cassie exclaimed, shocked at the admission.

  “I know, so, so, so bad.”

  “What happened?”

  “He sounded exasperated, and said he was leaving town for a few days, and he’d talk to me when he got back. I’m seeing him tomorrow, and picking up the few bits and pieces I left behind, but the scariest thing is, I’ll be finding out if they’re going to call the Sheriff. I just can’t believe I did it. It was so stupid, and mean!”

  “Wow, you really are an idiot,” Cassie whistled.

  “I know, I know. At the time, all I could think about was how this guy I like had acted so fast. I mean, he could have looked the other way, or lectured me, something, but no, he called Chad.”

  “Chad? Chad Douglas?” Cassie asked, startled that Hannah had been talking about Horse Haven Ranch the whole time.

  “Yeah, of all the people. I mean, do you know how incredibly amazing it is to have a job working for him?”

  Unsure if she should tell Hannah about her budding friendship with the handsome cowboy, she held back.

  “I can imagine,” she mumbled.

  “So tomorrow morning I have to be there at eleven sharp, and the worst of it is, Marty is going to be there. How can I face him? Of course I’m going to come clean and everything, but…”

  “You know, Hannah, maybe if you could get this guy alone and tell him how you feel, he might be more understanding than you think.”

  “I doubt it. He must hate me.”

  “He’s probably pissed, but I doubt he hates you.”

  Hannah paused, picked up some deep fired zucchini and chewed thoughtfully, remembering how she’d caught him staring at her a few times, the sparkle in his eye when he’d give her a leg up, or handed her a horse.

  “You’re probably right about that,” she agreed.

  “Just tell him. What have you got to lose? Explain why you did it, admit it was utterly stupid, and apologize profusely. He might just surprise you.”

  “You think?”

  “You’ll never know if you don’t try,” she remarked. “I mean, do you want to go through the next few months wondering what might have happened if you’d admitted your feelings, or do you want to give it a shot?”

  “You’re right. At this point I’ve got nothing to lose, and maybe it will stop Chad calling the Sheriff.”

  “Maybe it will,” Cassie nodded.

  “I’m starting to feel better,” Hannah remarked. “This food is helping, and so are you, Cassandra. Thank you. I was so depressed.”

  “I could tell,” Cassie yawned. “I think that last Martini is knocking me out. Oh, by the way, I’m going by Cassie now.”

  “Finally,” Hannah declared. “I don’t know why your mother had such a cow about that.”

  “I don’t care anymore,” Cassie replied, suddenly realizing that was exactly how she felt. “Promise you’ll call me after you see them tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, sure. I’m so glad I ran into you,” Hannah smiled, hugging her. “They’d be picking me up off the floor if you hadn’t come along.”

  “Get some sleep. I have a feeling things will work out better than you think,” Cassie assured her.

  As she made her way up to her room, Cassie considered the wisdom of putting in a good word for her longtime friend. She knew what it was like to do stupid things, especially when a cute guy was involved, but by the time she stumbled through the door, her head was swimming and she collapsed on her bed.

  One too many Martini’s, she thought. Chad Douglas, you have my attention, and why is my ass still hurting?


  As Marty had forecast, the morning was chilly, and though Chad didn’t wake until long after work on the ranch had begun, it was still cold when he finally stepped outside. Looking up at the sky he could see the sun attempting to peek through some ominous clouds, and a cold breeze kicked around his legs.

  Shelby was already out of the barn and in her paddock, and he moved quickly to the gate. Grabbing the halter and lead rope, he climbed through the fence railings and watched as the mare lifted her head, pricked her ears, and began walking towards him. It was a good sign.

  “Hey there, girl, did you have a good night?” he cooed, s
troking her neck as the mare stopped in front of him.

  She dropped her head against his chest, and he stood with her for a while, rubbing her ears and talking softly, then slipping the halter on he walked her out of the paddock and headed to the round pen.

  As he ambled down the track he smiled, thinking about Cassie and wondering how long her bottom had stayed tender. She had six more swats coming, and he planned to deliver them that afternoon. If there was one thing he couldn’t tolerate it was dishonesty; everyone messed up, that wasn’t a problem, but lying about it was.

  He didn’t know what might develop between them, but he was going to make sure they started off on the right foot, and that meant Cassie having a clear understanding of who he was. It was obvious she was used to getting her own way and going through life with few, if any, consequences. She would learn very quickly to live by the rules or end up paying the fine, and if that didn’t work for her, their fledgling relationship wouldn’t last very long.

  Reaching the round pen, Chad began working with the mare. Having handled her the day before, he’d already determined the reason Cassie and her trainer had experienced so much trouble; it wasn’t because the horse didn’t get it, it was because she was so smart. The mare tested him, and each time Chad insisted on doing things his way until she eventually capitulated.

  As the exercises continued, Chad could feel a mutual respect building between them, and by the time he’d finished, the mare’s demeanor had completely changed. The prancing had disappeared, she had stopped pulling against the lead rope, and was now walking peacefully next to him, and when he stopped she did too, standing quietly until he moved off.

  “I wish your owner was as easy as you are,” he smiled, reaching into his pocket to find her a carrot. “I don’t have to lay a hand on you, but I know spankin’ your mama’s butt could become a regular thing around here.”

  Shelby snorted as if in agreement, making Chad chuckle. He really liked the mare, and was looking forward to helping Cassie understand how to get the best from her. Glancing at his watch he saw it was already 10:30. Leading Shelby out of the round pen and back to her paddock, he switched gears and started thinking about Hannah.


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