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The Cowboy's Rules

Page 7

by Maggie Carpenter

  Chad had thought her too opinionated to be a part of his team, but Marty had persuaded him to hire her, and the ranch manager had been shocked and hurt when Chad had relayed Hannah’s ridiculous accusation. When Marty had searched his cabin and found the baggie of grass under his bed, his hurt had turned into extreme disappointment, then anger.

  At the time, Chad had been pleased he was going out of town for a few days, knowing it would give Marty a chance to cool off, and allow things to settle down before he and Marty would have to deal with her; now the time had come for Hannah to face them.

  He let Shelby loose and trudged up to his home. Glancing up at the sky he could see the sun was losing its battle with the clouds, and fairly certain Cassie’s horses weren’t used to being out in the elements, he decided if it started to rain he’d dash out and bring them in.

  Entering the house he hung his jacket and hat on the rack, started the fire, then headed into the kitchen to make some coffee. Moments later the sound of the back door opening and closing told him Marty had arrived.

  “Hey boss, how was the mare?” Marty asked, walking to the center island and sitting down.

  “Great. I really like her. Smart, damn is she smart.”

  “Love that,” Marty smiled. “Your friend will be happy. You’ll be handin’ her a brand new horse.”

  “I’m gonna ask her to come over this afternoon, give her some lessons if this weather holds,” Chad remarked.

  The sound of an approaching car caught their attention, and while Marty stood up, ready to head for the door, Chad poured the coffee.

  “I guess this is it,” Marty sighed.

  “Yep,” Chad agreed. “You take the lead, Marty. I’ll only chip in if you ask.”

  Marty nodded his thanks, and a moment later the doorbell rang. As he turned and headed off, Chad picked up their mugs and ambled into the living room.

  Hannah’s head was pounding as she stood nervously on the porch, a remnant from the previous night’s drinking. When the door opened and it was Marty who stared down at her, her heart began keeping time with the painful thumping in her temples, and she felt the color drain from her face.

  “Best come in,” he said gruffly, standing aside to let her pass.

  She’d been in Chad’s home only once, the day he’d hired her, and she recalled how thrilled she’d been. The memory send a fresh wave of sadness through her heart.

  “Hello, Hannah,” Chad said gravely, handing Marty his coffee.

  The two men were standing side by side, and though she was staring at the floor, she could feel them glowering at her. Her eyes cast themselves across the room, and she saw it; the incriminating baggie of grass sitting on the coffee table.

  “You wana tell Chad who that belongs to?” Marty asked, his voice thick and somber.

  “Me,” she whispered.

  “I didn’t hear you,” Marty pressed. “Louder, much louder.”

  “Me!” she declared, lifting her eyes. “It’s mine!”

  Chad chose the moment to sit down, leaving Marty in charge.

  “Then how did it end up in my cabin, under my bed?” Marty demanded.

  God, this is so much worse than I thought it would be, Hannah silently groaned.

  “I put it there, and I’m soooo sorry, really, you have to believe me, I am so, so, so sorry,” she whimpered.

  “Would you-”

  A sudden clap of thunder echoed over the house, starkly interrupting Marty’s response and causing Chad to leap from the couch.

  “Carry on without me,” he exclaimed, and running to grab his jacket, he raced out the door.

  Chad’s abrupt departure gave Hannah a certain amount of relief, and lifting her eyes, she stared up at the man she’d wronged.

  “P-please, Marty, c-can I explain?” she stammered.

  “Be my guest,” he replied, “I’m all ears.”

  In spite of his anger, the girl in front of him was breaking his heart. He wanted to spank her, hard, but he also wanted to hug away her misery, and he couldn’t decide which he desired more.

  “I haven’t smoked in ages, honestly,” she swore, “it was a weird thing. I know it was wrong, totally wrong, and against the rules and all of that, but it was just a weird thing.”

  She looked at him for some sign of understanding, but his face was a gray mask.

  “Sayin’ it was a weird thing doesn’t help your cause,” he remarked. “Accusin’ me of something so bad, and plantin’ evidence to support your claim isn’t what I’d describe as a casual, weird thing.”

  “Oh no!” she exclaimed defensively, “that wasn’t weird, not at all. I mean, having the, uh, weed with me, and smoking it, that part was weird.”

  “Get to the part where you put it under my bed,” he said sternly.

  “I don’t know how to say this,” she mumbled. “It’s so hard.”

  “Best tell me now, you won’t get another shot,” he warned.

  “I just, well, I really like you, Marty, and I thought you liked me too, I thought we had something special going on. When you acted so fast, calling Chad right away, wouldn’t even give me a chance to talk to you, it hurt my feelings, a lot, and I got angry, and I guess I just wanted to get back at you.”

  “That’s why you got it into your head to accuse me of sellin’ you dope? That’s why you went to the trouble of puttin’ it under my bed?” he asked, aghast at her confession. “Damn girl, that’s a hell of a kickback.”

  “You were so mean to me,” she complained, fighting tears. “You jumped all over me, didn’t give me a chance, just called Chad and got me fired.”

  “Whoa, I didn’t get you fired, you got yourself fired by bringin’ that weed home and smokin’ it. I did what I had to do.”

  “Okay, fair enough,” she stammered, “but did you have to be so fast about everything? I’m sorry, Marty, I am, and you’re right, it’s all my own fault, but you should have at least let me talk to you, and given me a chance to talk to Chad myself. You really hurt me, Marty. You did, a lot, especially, especially,” she paused, and feeling the tears taking hold, she let them flow, “since I care about you so much, and I thought you cared about me.”

  The sight of the remorseful, sobbing girl was too much for him, and striding across the room, he put an arm around her shoulders and led her to a chair.

  Damn, maybe I did jump all over her. I was ticked off, that’s for sure. Maybe I should have let her talk to me and then explain herself to Chad.

  “Come on, sit down,” he said, his voice still serious and sombre, but etched with tenderness.

  “You tell me what I can do to make it up to you, and I’ll do it, I swear, whatever it is,” she begged.

  “By rights I should call the Sheriff,” he remarked. “Chad’s leavin’ that up to me, since I’m the one you messed with. Tell me why I shouldn’t?”

  “Because I’m super sorry, and I could never survive in one of those horrible women’s prisons. I’d be willing to pay the fine, of course, but if the judge-”

  “Never mind,” Marty interrupted, a realization dawning on him as he considered her words.

  Money is nothin’ to you, and your daddy’ll get you a good lawyer, and that’s what you’ll end up with, a fine. No, you need proper punishment.

  “I have a suggestion,” he frowned, an idea swirling around his head, “a way you’ll get the punishment you deserve and make things up to me at the same time, and it won’t involve the sheriff.”

  “Really? Thank you, Marty,” she exclaimed

  “Go up to your old cabin, pack up the last of your things and wait for me. I’ll be there when I’m done talkin’ to Chad about this.”

  “Thank you so much,” she said, wanting to hug him.

  “Don’t thank me yet. Like I said, I gotta run it by Chad, and you may not like what I’ve come up with.”

  “I will, Marty, I know I will,” she promised.

  Both had been so engrossed in their conversation they’d paid little attention to
the weather, and when they reached the front door, they were greeted by heavy rain.

  “Drive slow and safe, you hear me?” Marty said sternly.

  “Yes, I will. Slow and safe,” she replied, “and thanks again.”

  He watched her dart through the rain to her car, and as she slowly pulled away, Marty saw Chad running through the downpour towards him.

  “Just got the horses to the barn in time,” he panted as he reached the porch.

  Hurrying through the door, he pulled off his jacket and hat.

  “I’d best call Cassie and let her know. I brought Captain and Bailey in as well. Don’t need muddy horses for the show tomorrow.”

  “Chad, your jeans are soaked through,” Marty observed.

  “Yeah, let me go change real quick, then you can tell me what happened with Hannah.”

  “I’ll get you some fresh coffee,” Marty offered.

  “Thanks,” Chad replied, and after pulling off his wet boots, headed down the hallway to his bedroom.

  Hannah made it safely to the cabin she once called home, and with the sound of the driving rain as her backdrop, she began placing the last of her things into the boxes Marty had left for her. It was a painful and draining task, and she had to stop to stifle her sobs more than once.

  She had packed her last photograph, a framed print of Maverick grazing in his field, the sun glinting off his copper chestnut coat, when she heard a car pull up. It was cold in the small living room, but the chill that shuddered through her was not due to the lack of heat in the cabin. Standing with her back to the table, her fingers gripping its edges for support, she held her breath as Marty walked in the door.

  He was wearing an oilskin coat, and taking it off and throwing it on the couch, he sighed deeply, then turned to face her, his brow furrowed, a determined glint in his eye.

  “Chad has given me his blessin’, and now you have a decision to make,” he declared.

  “Okay,” she stammered, “what’s that?”

  “You can either come with me right now and head to the Sheriff’s office, or…”

  “Or what?” she begged, “what?”

  “You’ll come and stay in my cabin for one month, sleep in the small room off the kitchen, cook and clean for me, and I’ll spank you, hard, for everything you did.”

  Live with him? Seriously? I can’t believe it. That’s not a punishment, that’s a dream come true.

  “Before you answer you need to understand what bein’ in my house means, and what I mean when I say I’m gonna spank you.”

  “Okay,” she replied, I don’t care. Yes, yes, yes.

  “You’ll be grounded, and when I say grounded, I mean grounded. Very early every mornin’ you’ll go to the barn and muck out the stalls, and again late in the afternoon. That’s the only time you’ll be allowed outside. No ridin’, just muckin’ out the stalls, and you don’t have to worry, I’ll make sure Maverick gets exercised. You’ll do all my laundry, cook my meals, clean up afterwards, and keep my place spotless. As far as your spankin’ goes, I’ll spank your bare bottom, Hannah, twice, very hard. Once, for bringin’ that crap on to this property and smokin’ it, and the second time for tryin’ set me up, and that spankin’ will be one you’ll remember, trust me.”

  Hannah had listened carefully, and while the idea of living under the same roof with Marty had been instantly appealing, the spanking part sounded scary.

  “Um, Marty, I’ve never been spanked before,” she whimpered softly.

  “And that there is the problem!” he exclaimed, shaking his finger at her. “It’s up to you. A sore backside and hard work for your punishment, and taking care of me as your way of making amends, or we’ll leave right now for the Sheriff’s office. Up to you.”

  Shit. I don’t want to go to the Sheriff, my parents will have a cow, it’ll be a huge mess, but the spanking, mucking out the stalls, I hate mucking out stalls…

  “Well, what’s it to be?” he pressed.

  “I’ll stay with you,” she breathed, “but can I ask you something?”


  “Did you, do you, care about me at all?”

  Marty felt his stomach slowly churn. Her dark, sad eyes were filled with a soft pleading, and her need for his approval and affection was making it almost impossible to retain his strong, stern demeanor.

  “Yes, Hannah, I did, and I still do, but the rules are clear. No romance between team members, so I couldn’t act on my feelings,” he explained, his voice softening. “Now that you don’t work for Chad anymore, we’ll see.”

  “Really?” she breathed.

  “For the next month you’re bein’ punished. You understand that?”

  “Yes,” she nodded. “I do.”

  “Be at my house with your stuff at 6 p.m. tonight. I’ll let you settle in and get over that hangover, and tomorrow, after breakfast, you’ll can expect to be over my knee gettin’ your bottom tanned.


  It was mid-afternoon, and Chad had spent the rainy hours working in his office. At Marty’s invitation, Mandy Parsons had called Chad, suggesting they have an informal chat at the show the following day. She’d be performing directly after him, and they could talk later if it seemed there was a meeting of the minds.

  Chad employed an accountant, a secretary, and a business manager, but there were certain things that only he could deal with. Standing up from his paperwork he stretched his back, and walking across to the large paned window, stared out at the paddocks. The unexpected, fast moving storm had left a mess, but the rain had stopped and the sun was radiantly shining through billowing white clouds. Returning to his desk, he picked up his phone and called Cassie.


  “Hi Cassie, it’s Chad. I wanted to work with you and Shelby this afternoon, but the round pen will be too wet,” he remarked.

  “I can’t believe how hard it rained. Thanks so much for calling me earlier and letting me know the horses were in the barn. I was really worried.”

  “You don’t have to worry about your horses here.”

  “I’m sure,” she replied warmly.

  “It’s a shame we can’t do the trainin’, but I’d still like to see you,” Chad continued. “Would you like to come out here? I could show you the rest of the ranch, and I’d like you to stay for dinner.”

  “That sounds super. I’d love to, thanks.”

  “And let’s not forget, you’ve still got six swats due.”

  A wet warmth moved between her legs, and she felt her face flush.

  “Are you there?” Chad pressed.

  “Yes, but, um…”

  “Um, what?”

  “It’s just that I’m still a bit sore from yesterday.”

  “And your point is?”

  “Uh, that’s my point, that I’m still a bit sore,” she said softly.

  “That’s not a point, nor is it an issue for me.”

  He waited, feeling the sparking chemistry between them, knowing she was feeling it too.

  “When would you like me to come over?” she finally asked.

  “Whenever you want. I’m workin’ in my office. Just drive on up, but Cassie, be careful. The streets will be slick and the road out to my house has some badly banked turns.”

  “I will, thanks. I’ll see you soon.”

  Chad hung up his phone and smiled. He was genuinely looking forward to seeing her, and it had been a long time since he’d been excited about the prospect of a date with anyone. Staring down at the papers scattered across his desk, he went back to work, determined to finish before she arrived.

  At the Pepper Tree Inn, Cassie was in her suite, and sitting across from her was a conflicted Hannah McCloud. When Hannah had driven back from the ranch, it had been slow and scary, the rain increasing with every mile. Marty had suggested she stay until the storm passed, but she had politely refused, saying she needed time to pack and take care of some things before returning. The truth was, she was anxious to discuss his proposition
with Cassie. Agreeing to his terms to avoid going to the Sheriff had been half sincere, and half about buying herself some time.

  When she’d finally made it back to the hotel, she was grateful to find Cassie in her suite, and over lunch Hannah had given her a detailed account of the meeting with Marty. They had spent the entire afternoon discussing not just Marty, but Hannah’s time working at Horse Haven Ranch.

  When Chad’s call came in, Cassie had taken it into the bedroom for privacy, and when she returned she found Hannah with her head in hands.

  “Did something happen?” she asked, worried that Hannah was upset again.

  “No, but I’m running out of time. I have to make a decision,” she sighed. “I do want to stay at his house, but I’m scared about the whole spanking thing.”

  “Maybe he won’t smack you too hard,” Cassie suggested, “and maybe you’ll feel differently about it once it happens. Maybe you’ll like it. Maybe it will be kind of, I don’t know, sexy.”

  “You think so?” Hannah frowned. “Sexy?”

  “Maybe it will…” Cassie started, then paused.

  “What?” Hannah asked, seeing a twinkle in Cassie’s eye.

  “The thing is, Hannah, I’ve actually had the experience,” she admitted.

  The thought of being over Chad’s lap again, was preying on her mind, but in a scandalously, salacious way.

  “You’re kidding?”

  “It’s shocking at first, and embarrassing, like, really embarrassing, but for me it was, uh, kind of a turn-on”


  “Yeah, seriously. Everyone’s different, but I think it might surprise you. I know the prospect is nerve-racking, but I’d take a spanking over dealing with the cops any day.”

  “I really do want to be with him,” Hannah sighed.

  “Just go, and if it gets to be too much you can tell him. I mean, you’re not going to be a real prisoner. If you want to leave he can’t keep you there, and something tells me he wouldn’t turn you in even if you did bail. If he’d really wanted to do that, he would have.”

  “That’s true! I hadn’t thought about it that way.”

  “I’ll bet Marty’s feelings will come roaring back, and this punishment thing will all be over in a couple of weeks.”


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