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The Cowboy's Rules

Page 9

by Maggie Carpenter

“As it should,” he replied, “but movin’ right along. It was the situation with Hannah that I needed to take care of, and it’s been dealt with, so if you’d like to stay here you’re very welcome.”

  “Really?” she smiled. “Oh, I just realized something else I need to tell you.”

  “You have a lot it seems,” he grinned.

  “I know who you are. I didn’t, until this afternoon. I mean, I know you’re Chad Douglas the famous trainer. Hannah told me and I googled you.”

  “Ah, well, makes no difference. I’m just who I am.”

  “But it’s so impressive,” she declared, “all those amazing things you do. I mean, you’re absolutely incredible.”

  “I’ll give you a private show,” he promised. “Thank you for being honest with me. I think we might be gettin’ somewhere.”

  “I hope so,” she said, shifting again.

  “I have a performance tomorrow afternoon, and if you want you can check out of your hotel, then drive home with me after that,” he offered.

  “Chad that’s fantastic. Thank you so much. I have two equitation classes tomorrow afternoon myself. Which reminds me, Dominic needs to be over there around noon.”

  “That works out perfectly. I’ll be haulin’ Bailey and Captain over around that time.”

  “Chad, this is such a wonderful thing. I’m really looking forward to being here.”

  “You have a choice, you can stay in a cabin, or in the guest room here in the house.”

  “Here, please,” she said, her eyes sparkling.

  “Here it is, but you can’t smoke as long as you’re stayin’ here. I mean, not at all. Even if you have cigarette away from here, I’ll smell it on your hair and your clothes.

  “You mean, even if you hadn’t seen me smoking on the patio you would have known?”

  “You bet. So, can you promise me not to smoke?” he pressed.

  “I’ll do my very best,” she vowed, not wanting to make a promise she wasn’t sure she could keep.

  “You smoke, I-”

  “I know, I know, you spank!” she finished.

  “Yes, and it will be hard,” he warned. “Do you still wanna stay?”

  “Very much,” she smiled.

  “Good, then it’s settled. Will your knees work now?”

  “I think so, Mickey here worked magic,” she declared, running a hand down his soft coat.

  “I was gonna take you on a trail ride around the ranch this afternoon, but the weather messed that up,” he reflected, “and it’s too late now, but there is something I’d like to show you and we can take the Range Rover.”

  “Whatever it is, I’d love to see it,” she said eagerly.

  “Then grab your jacket and let’s go.”

  As Chad led her out to the garage, she glanced over her shoulder, thinking how comfortable she felt in the house. It was cozy and inviting, the stained wood ceiling and rock fireplace embraced the natural environment in which the house sat, and the cowhide cushions and western bronzes subtly infused the decor with a warm, country feel.

  Her family home was starkly opposite, with cold, polished, marble floors and Persian rugs, expensive glass sculptures and gilt frames everywhere, and not a dog in sight. Her mother had forbidden animals in the house, and though she tolerated the barn and horses, Cassie knew it was only because of the social aspect the show jumping world offered.

  Settling into the Range Rover, she stared out at the long shadows cast by the setting sun, and following a tar sealed road, Chad drove past the paddocks, wound around the back of the property, skirted an expansive meadow beyond which she could see a small lake, then ascended a gentle slope to a graded, flat knoll. As the car slowed to a stop, she found herself staring out at unparalleled views of the valley below, and in the center of the flattened pad sat a pagoda, under which was a table and chairs.

  “What is this?” she asked, trying to take it all in.

  “That’s a good question,” he replied, stepping from the car, Mickey bounding after him.

  Climbing from her seat, she wrapped her jacket tightly around her body, the wind that greeted her mellow, but cold.

  “It’s a special place,” he nodded.

  “It’s breathtaking,” she agreed.

  Standing on top of the hill, gazing out at the 360 degree, unobstructed view, she felt as if she was on top of the world. The various structures that made up the Horse Haven compound dotted the landscape, and the setting sun reflected off the lake below.

  “Feel’s like God’s country,” he commented quietly. “I come here when I need a break, or I have a big decision to make, or there’s trouble brewin’. If one of the team is havin’ a bad time I bring them up here and it seems to help.”

  He was a few feet in front of her, gazing out at the vast vista, and as she soaked in the sight, his tall frame, his dark hair being rustled by the breeze, his hands thrust in the pockets of his suede, lambswool jacket, she felt a swell of emotion so full, so potently perfervid, there were no words she could utter, nor would her body move.

  Oh, my God, he’s the one.

  The unexpected thought swept through her head, a tornado of realization, and she caught her breath, mesmerized, as he slowly turned and extended his hand, a silent invitation to join him. Forcing her feet to move she walked forward, and reaching out, felt his large warm hand wrap around hers.

  “In a minute,” he breathed, “the sun will sink below that hill there, and just before it does it will light up the lake and turn it into gold. Only happens for a few weeks, this time of year.”

  Silently they stood, hand in hand, as the huge yellow orb began its slow descent, and feeling the chill of its evaporating warmth, she moved closer to his body. Dropping her hand, his arm lifted, wrapping around her, and leaning against his shoulder she felt as if there was nowhere else in the world she wanted to be. She’d never considered meeting, ‘the one,’ the phrase, often spoken by her friends, had no relevance in her life, but in an instant, with alarming clarity, that had changed.

  “Look, it’s starting,” she whispered, fearful her voice might stop the mystical event.

  “Yes, it is,” he sighed. “It will only last a few minutes.”

  “It’s like the giant pot of gold at the end of a rainbow,” she softly murmured.

  “I’ve never thought of that, you’re right,” he nodded, “and now, Sassy Cassie, I absolutely have to kiss you.”

  He turned his body, stared down at her face, then brushing his lips across hers, pressed lightly. His arms encircled her, fueling the pounding in her heart, and throwing all caution to the valley beneath them, she thrust her body against his.

  Feeling her need, his hands traveled down her back and clutched her bottom, pulling her against his growing hardness. She winced, her spanked cheeks sensitive to his grasp, but a moment later the pain transformed into a prurient heat between her legs.

  “Damn, girl,” he mumbled, breaking from the kiss, pulling her even closer.

  How did a spoiled little vixen like you, crawl under my thick rawhide skin?

  The sun’s flaxen glow was slowly moving off the lake, and lost in each other’s arms, they watched the huge, yellow ball sink below the hill. Not wanting the moment to end, they stayed, locked together in the growing dark, until finally breaking away and taking her hand he led her back to the car.

  “Thank you so much for bringing me here and showing me that,” she sighed, climbing into the Range Rover.

  “Had to,” he replied.

  He was about to close the door, but stopped, and leaning in he grabbed her hair, and holding her fast, kissed her again, but when he pulled back he stood for a moment, staring at her.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Don’t know,” he breathed, but I sure as hell wanna find out.

  The temperature was dropping fast, and on the way back to the house, Cassie asked if she could visit her horses and make sure Shelby was covered.

  “You’re in for a surprise,” Chad remar
ked, as the car stopped outside the barn.

  “A good one I hope,” she smiled.

  “You’ll see,” he replied, climbing out.

  Cassie followed suit, and as they started down the wide barn aisle, the first thing she noticed was how large the stalls were.

  “My gosh, they’re huge, how great is that?” she commented.

  “Horses need to move. I don’t like to bring them in at all, but sometimes I have to,” he replied.

  “So, who took their life in their hands blanketing Shelby?” she asked, seeing the mare in her hunter green stable blanket. “You have to be really careful with her.”

  “That so?” Chad smiled. “What about when you take it off?”

  “The same,” she replied, rolling her eyes.

  “Show me how you do it,” he said, opening the stall door.

  “Um, okay. Where’s her halter?”

  “You don’t need one,” he smiled.

  “I certainly do,” she exclaimed. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Um, yes,” she answered tentatively.

  “Go on in there and take it off.”

  Shit. Should I?

  “I’ll tell you what, I’ll take it off,” he offered, sensing her trepidation, “and you put it back on.”

  “Okay,” she agreed, feeling a heavy relief.

  As Chad ambled forward, Shelby lifted her head, pricked her ears and moved up to him. He unstrapped the buckles around her chest, then the straps that went under her belly, and finally the back straps that looped around the backs of her legs. Sliding the blanket off he carried it across the stall to the door, where he found Cassie standing with her mouth open.

  “How did you do that? I don’t believe my eyes!” she exclaimed. “She didn’t care! She didn’t move, or try to kick you or anything. I just don’t believe it.”

  “Your turn. Just walk up and put it on. Don’t hesitate, don’t doubt, just do it. She’ll be absolutely fine.”


  “Really. Go on now, go do it,” he insisted.

  Haltingly, she started forward, then taking a deep breath, moved with more confidence. The mare watched her, then stood perfectly still as Cassie threw the blanket over her body and buckled the straps.

  “Chad, I don’t know what to say,” she declared, walking back to him. “Thank you. How did you get her to stand quiet like that in just a couple of days?”

  Dropping his arm around her waist he whispered in her ear,

  “I make the right thing easy, and the wrong thing uncomfortable,” and moving his hand to her rear, gave her a playful pinch.

  “Ouch!” she giggled, then seriously added, “you didn’t do that to her, did you?”

  “I told you, she’s smarter than you are, and I’ll teach you what I can in the few days you’ll be here,” he promised.

  “That would be so great,” she sighed.

  The next few days? I don’t want it to be just a few days. I want it to be longer, much longer.

  “It’s not much time, but enough to get you started,” he nodded.

  But I don’t want you to leave. I want you to stay here longer, much longer.


  There were few times in Chad’s life when he had difficulty sleeping, but after Cassie left, after he massaged himself to a tingling, satisfying release, after taking a quick shower to wash off the day, and after he had slipped between his cool, comfortable sheets, he could not drift off. Sleep did not bless his restless soul until the early hours of the morning, and when he finally woke up, he did so with only one thing on his tired mind; Cassandra Davidson.

  It had been a similar experience for Cassie. Over dinner she had found herself completely mesmerized by his stories. He’d taken his show across the globe, and when he spoke of New Zealand, describing the millions of sheep crisscrossing the rolling green hills, the beautiful beaches, gorgeous horses, and the warm sincerity of the Kiwi people, she wanted to grab his hand and jump on the next plane.

  After their meal, when they’d puttered around the kitchen, pausing to hug, and kiss, and hug again, she was convinced he would abruptly lift her and carry her down the hallway to his bed, but it didn’t happen, and when he’d held her at the porch saying goodnight, when his lips engulfed hers, when her sex was pulsing with its fervent need, she almost broke down and begged him to let her stay.

  Back at her hotel she was almost miserable with her carnal ache, yet deliriously happy. Though she needed to get a good night’s sleep and focus on the upcoming show the following day, she found it impossible. Laying in her bed, fingers rubbing her hungry sex, she relived his kiss, the feel of his warm, protective arms, and the potent spanking he had unhesitatingly delivered, until the exhilarating spasms rippled through her body, her cries echoing around the empty room.

  Fortunately her morning had been busy. Her trainer had called and summoned her to the stables, then immediately took her and some other riders across to the show grounds to watch the first classes of the day. It was distracting, but Cassie still found herself daydreaming, staring across at the other side of the grounds where the western arena was located, and her slightly sore backside was a constant reminder of the man who had stolen her heart. By late morning she was happy to scamper away and drive to Horse Haven Ranch, wanting to make sure Dominic was in his trailer, all the necessary tack was loaded, and they were ready to leave by noon.

  As she headed up the long driveway, she smiled as she saw the ranch house, a warm feeling wafting around her like a tepid breeze late on a summer afternoon. In a few hours she’d be staying there, and she couldn’t wait.

  A three horse trailer was open and waiting for its precious cargo, and she saw her tack trunk being loaded. Each of her horses had their own, and Dominic’s name was clearly written across the front. Her saddle, bridle, and all the other necessary items were stowed inside, and once at the show grounds she’d change in the dressing room, mount up, and ride off to the warm-up ring.

  Stepping from the car, his faithful canine alongside, she saw Chad striding towards her. Immediately her pulse began to quicken, and her butterflies fluttered in harmony.

  “Good mornin’,” he grinned. “How are you? Ready to show?”

  “Definitely,” she replied, bending down to pet McTavish, thinking Chad looked even cuter than he had the evening before.

  “My performance is scheduled for two o’clock. I’ll leave your name at the exhibitor’s door at the back of the arena in case you’d like to see the show.”

  “Are you kidding? I can’t wait to see it,” she exclaimed.

  “How’s your cute butt this mornin’?” he asked, whispering in her ear.

  “Apparent!” she replied, feeling the uninvited flush spread across her face.

  “Excellent,” he declared, straightening up, “and that finger?”

  Cassie stared down at her hand and grimaced.

  “It feels okay, just looks ugly. Can we take the tape off tonight?”

  “We’ll see,” he replied. “What time is your first class?”

  “It’s at one, assuming they’re on schedule.”

  “I’ll try to get over there,” he promised. “Now let’s get loaded and out of here.”

  She saw Dominic being led from the barn, and to her surprise, he was gleaming.

  “You had him groomed! You didn’t have to do that,” she smiled. “Thank you. He looks gorgeous.”

  “All part of the service,” Chad winked.

  Running across the driveway, she intercepted her horse as the young handler approached the trailer.

  “Hi, I’m Cassie,” she announced. “He looks beautiful, thank you.”

  “Jeb Beaumont,” the young cowboy replied. “Easy horse, real good head on his shoulders. He was a real pleasure.”

  “He’s a good boy,” she remarked. “He’s never given me a minute’s trouble.”

  “Let’s go!” Chad called, standing by the

  “Sorry,” she giggled. “You’d better go or Chad will have my head,” and my ass over his lap.

  “Good luck today, Cassie,” Jeb nodded.

  “Thank you,” she replied, and stepped back to watch him load.

  Cassie was so consumed with her happy heart and handsome horse, she’d not thought about Hannah, who, just a short distance away, was about to get her bottom well and truly roasted.

  Marty had planned the first of her two spankings before breakfast, but the arrangements for the show had interfered. As ranch manager and senior handler, he needed to oversee the preparation of the three horses who were scheduled to leave the ranch by noon, and as it turned out, he’d only had time to grab a cup of coffee as he headed out the door very early that morning.

  It was now just past twelve o’clock, and watching from the kitchen window, Hannah saw the horses being led from the barn. Her vantage point didn’t give her a view of the front of the driveway, but she knew the horses would load without any trouble, which meant Marty would be back very soon.

  When she’d arrived the evening before, he’d been very reserved.

  “As long as you’re here bein’ punished, you call me, Sir.”

  “Oh, yes, Sir,” she mumbled, feeling herself blush.

  “You’ll start the muckin’ out duties tomorrow evenin’.”

  He had shown her the small bedroom off the kitchen, and even though it was early, he’d bade her goodnight and left her alone. It hadn’t taken her long to unpack, but she was grateful for the early night and she’d slept surprisingly well. When she’d woken to the sound of him lumbering out of the house she’d glanced over at her clock; it hadn’t even turned seven, and glad of the respite, she’d dozed until almost eight.

  When she’d finally showered and eaten some breakfast, she scrutinized the supplies in the kitchen, finding his refrigerator well stocked, and the cupboards full of canned beans, tomato sauce and various soups. Deciding to make him pasta with meatballs for lunch, she’d set to work, thankful her family had once employed an Italian chef who had taken her under his wing. By the time she was finished cooking the meatballs and preparing the sauce, it was almost lunchtime.


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