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The Cowboy's Rules

Page 10

by Maggie Carpenter

  Standing at the window, seeing the horses disappear from view, she knew very soon that Marty would be literally, handing out her punishment, but as she considered her pending discipline, Cassie’s other words danced through her head.

  ‘It was kind of a turn-on’

  Nervously she pulled off her apron and walked quickly to her small room, opening her make up bag. After applying some eye shadow, mascara and lip gloss, she pulled her hair into a ponytail, thinking she didn’t want it hanging around her face. She’d just finished when she heard the front door.


  Marty’s voice echoed through the house, and she ran out to greet him.

  “Whatever you’re cookin’ smells real good,” he declared, “but you know what’s gotta happen first.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she mumbled.

  “Go get yourself in a skirt, no panties.”

  “Okay, be right back,” she replied, her voice shaking.

  Returning to her room, she found her hands were trembling as much as her voice had been quivering, and pulling off her jeans and underwear, she decided on a pale pink, full skirt. It was feminine and soft, and she hoped it would appeal to him, though thinking a cute skirt would appease his anger she knew was foolish.

  In the living room Marty was pacing. The smell of the spaghetti sauce was making his stomach rumble, and she’d looked so scared when he’d told her to change, he wasn’t sure if he should spank her for as long and as hard as he had planned.

  She’s never had her backside tanned before, maybe you should make this first one a bit easier, and the sooner you finish the sooner you can eat. You could always spank her after lunch, but you know you want to take a quick nap before goin’ to the show. Besides, you wanna see her squirmin’ in her chair while you eat.

  He was still in his mental debate when she reappeared, and the sight of her in the pink skirt and her hair in a ponytail, sent his cock to life and his hand aching to smack her naked bottom.

  Grabbing a throw cushion from a nearby armchair, he placed it at the end of the couch then sat down in the center. It was one of his favorite positions, the girl being stretched out across his lap with her feet on the floor; it allowed him to place his leg over hers to keep her still.

  “Hannah,” he began, rolling up his sleeves, “you know why I’m gonna spank your ass, and you know you deserve it, right?”

  “Yes, Sir, and I really am very sorry. I still can’t believe I was so stupid.”

  “This spankin’ is for bringin’ the stuff on to the ranch and smokin’ it, and I’ll be spankin’ you in three stages. Come on over here and bend across me, and grab that cushion in case you wanna yell into it.”

  “Oooh, I’m scared.”

  “Good, it’s about time someone scared you. Now don’t make me tell you again.”

  Nervously stepping forward, she laid over his thick, strong thighs and felt the weight of his muscled leg place itself over both of hers. When she felt him lift her skirt over her waist, she let out a cry.

  “Shush now, I haven’t even started.”

  “It’s just so…”

  “I know, you’re embarrassed,” he declared. “How do you think I felt, still feel, about convincin’ Chad to hire you, and then havin’ you pull a stunt like you did? That’s embarrassin’.”

  “You’re right, I’m so sorry,” she wailed.

  “And you’re about to be sorrier,” he proclaimed.

  Focusing his attention on her plump, virgin cheeks, he ran his hand across the smooth, unblemished, white skin.

  “No more talkin’,” he decreed, and lifting his hand, curling back his fingers, he brought it down with a strong slap.

  “OWWW!” she howled.

  “Into the pillow,” he barked, and slapped again, landing his hand on the opposite cheek.

  Pausing, he stared at the two pink blotches, instant evidence of his attention, then continued with a serious flow of solid smacks, pausing briefly between each one, listening to her gasps and cries of pain. When she began squirming, and the inevitable hand flew behind her searching for some kind of protection, he stopped and rubbed.

  “That was round one,” he declared. “You catch your breath, round two will be harder and faster.”

  “Oooh, Sir, it already stings so much,” she whimpered.

  “Not near enough,” he said sternly. “Put both your hands under that pillow, and if I see one of them back here again I’ll start over.”

  “Oooh, yes, Sir,” she groaned.

  Fondling and caressing, enjoying the fullness of her cheeks and the satisfaction of disciplining a very bad girl, he waited until she settled, then lifted his palm and reigned a series of rapid-fire swats, ignoring her cries and pleas of mercy, not stopping until her bottom was as red as he thought it should be.

  When he stopped she didn’t speak, but gasped and panted and moaned into the cushion, wiggling her hips from side to side, and wanting the sting take full effect, he chose not to run his comforting hand across her hot backside.

  “Now for round three,” he announced. “This is the final round, and you’ll get ten very hard smacks. You’ll count them out. Are you payin’ attention?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she mewed.

  “Every smack you count out, then say, Thank you, Sir. I’ll never have drugs on me again. You got it?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she muttered, “and I promise I’ll mean it.”

  “You damn well better,” he growled, and lifting his hand high in the air, landed it soundly on the sensitive area where her thighs met her cheeks.

  “ONE!” she wailed. “Thank you, Sir. I’ll never have drugs on me again.”

  Again he lifted his arm, smacking with force on the opposite side.

  “TWO!” she howled. “Thank you, Sir. I’ll never have drugs on me again.”

  Moving back to the center of her bottom, he landed the third.

  “THREE!” she cried. “Thank you, Sir. I’ll never have drugs on me again.”

  He moved his hand in a circle, going from cheek to cheek, and seat to seat, taking his time, making each swat count. By the time he finished he knew Hannah was near tears.

  Sighing heavily, he finally caressed her stinging skin.

  “Hannah, you know I care about you. If someone had taken the time to spank your butt when you were younger, I don’t think you’d be this position right now. I want you to think about that. You don’t care about consequences ‘cos you never had any, not real ones. Will you ever think about havin’ any drugs around me?”

  “Noooo,” she lamented. “Not ever, never ever.”

  “See, you learned. You’re gonna behave now, ‘cos let me tell you, little lady, I ain’t puttin’ up with no crap from you. I care about you, and I really mean that, but there’s gotta be rules, and you’ve gotta follow ‘em.”

  “Yes, Sir, I will,” she promised.

  Staring down at her crimson, stinging bottom, he caught a glimpse the tell tale glistening between her barely visible lips.

  Look at that. If she puts two and two together, if I bring her along just right, we might have a chance.

  She’ll be sore sittin’ over lunch, uncomfortable for the rest of the day. When she mucks out the stalls she’ll be thinkin’ about her sore ass, how she ended up working so hard, and the month will seem an endless sentence.

  He rubbed and soothed, hoping, as the days drifted by, she’d start to see the sense in it all, and then, and only then, would she feel his passion, and the loving shelter of his protective arms.


  It was one-o’clock at the show grounds, and Cassie was astride Dominic waiting to enter the arena with seventeen others. The eighteen riders were the best in their division, and the class would see them working their horses through the four gaits, walk, trot, canter and hand-gallop, the jumping contest to take place later in the day.

  She was scanning the onlookers searching for Chad when the buzzer sounded, calling the competitors into the ring. Cass
ie always made it a point to enter last. It gave her the opportunity to watch the other horses, and she’d position Dominic next to one who was nervous and fidgety. Nothing bothered Dominic, and it made him look all the better.

  Her bandaged finger had annoyed her during the warm-up ride, but the moment she stepped into the ring, all thought of it disappeared. Sitting tall, her shoulders squared, her competitive nature took hold, but she risked one last glance around, and to her delight spied Chad striding purposefully across the lawns, McTavish on a leash beside him. Seeing him filled her with pride, and she pushed Dominic forward with determination.

  Dominic, as he always did, performed perfectly, and as the horses lined up to hear the results, it was no surprise that Cassandra Davidson was handed the Blue Ribbon. Randy rushed up to meet her at the exit gate, and as she slid out of the saddle, Chad stepped out from behind the crowd of well-wishers.

  “Beautiful horse, and an even more beautiful rider, congratulations Cassie,” he smiled, pecking her on the cheek.

  “Thanks so much, seeing you there inspired me,” she beamed. “Randy, this is Chad Douglas, the cowboy I told you about who has Shelby loading in a two-horse.”

  “Great to meet you. I didn’t realize it was you that Cassie had been raving about until this morning,” he remarked. “Of course I’m very familiar with your magic, and I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to ask if you might be able to stop in at my barn when you drive Cassandra’s van back? I have a couple of horses that could really use your help. We’d pay you of course,” he added quickly.

  “I’ll do you one better,” Chad replied. “I could get your horses doin’ okay pretty quick, but how’s about I come down there in a couple of weeks and spend a day at your barn? Have a kind of, informal clinic. No charge, I’ll do it as a favor to Cassie here.”

  “That’s extremely generous of you,” Randy replied. “We’ll definitely find a way to repay you.”

  “It’s about the horses,” Chad said soberly. “No horse wants to feel stressed, no horse wants to be bad. I like to make them feel better.”

  Randy, one of the top trainers in the show jumping field, suddenly felt humbled, though he wasn’t quite sure why.

  “I truly appreciate that,” he said gratefully. “I can’t tell you how excited my students will be when I tell them.”

  “Cassie here has my number. We’ll firm it up when you get back.”

  “Terrific,” Randy smiled.

  “Sandra needs you,” Cassie said, touching Randy’s arm. “Over there, in the warm-up ring.”

  “Ah right,” Randy replied, realizing he had to dash. “See you soon, and thanks again, Chad. It was an honor to meet you,” and turning quickly, he started running to the warm up ring.

  “You can take him back to the stable,” Cassie said, handing the reins to the waiting groom.

  “Hold up there,” Chad interrupted. “Is there somewhere you need to be, Cassie?”

  “Uh, no. I was going to walk back to the western area with you,” she replied.

  “Do you always hand your horse off when you’re done?”

  “Yes,” she answered, not sure where the conversation was going.

  “If you want to learn about my methods, it starts with my rules of horsemanship,” Chad remarked quietly. “This horse here just won you a blue ribbon, but did you loosen the girth when you got off, let him relax a bit?”

  Cassie felt a warm blush move across her face.

  “Don’t you think it would be nice for him if it was you who took him back, pulled the saddle of him, petted him, gave him a carrot?”

  “Um, everyone has a groom do all that stuff.”

  “All that stuff,” he replied, dropping his voice, “is what bonds the two of you. Handin’ him off is like handin’ your child off to a nanny. Dominic is perfect because he’s been trained and he has a good brain, but the two of you aren’t completely connected.”

  She stared up at her horse, and the large, soft brown eye stared back at her.

  “Chad, you’re right. Like I said, I’ve just never thought about it, but I do love my horses,” she added defensively. “You have no idea what we’ve been through together.”

  “Sometimes the little extras can make a big difference,” he offered gently. “If you want a deep connection you’ve gotta put in that additional time.”

  “I guess you can go and help someone else, Paul,” she declared, turning to the young man waiting to take Dominic away.

  “Thanks, Miss Davidson,” he replied, and immediately started jogging off.

  “I’m sure he’s a busy young man,” Chad remarked. “Now loosen your horse’s girth and tell him how great he was.”

  Chad, you absolutely melt me, she thought, a wave of emotion flooding her heart, and as she moved to the saddle and unbuckled the leather strap, she found herself swallowing an unexpected lump that had abruptly formed in her throat.

  Chad could see the love and pain in her eyes, and knew she was embarrassed that she’d not seen the forest for the trees. It was heart warming, and he was impressed that she’d not been short tempered and defensive, as she had been when they’d first met; her edge was disappearing.

  “I’m proud of you, Cassie,” he said softly, putting his arm around her and giving her a quick squeeze.

  “You are? Why?”

  “Just ‘cos,” he replied, and started walking beside her as she headed to the stables.

  “Why do you have Mickey on a leash? she asked.

  “Haven’t you seen the signs? Dogs welcome on a leash.”

  “But Mickey’s perfect, he wouldn’t leave your side, and you’re a star,” she exclaimed. “They wouldn’t hassle you.”

  His hand slapped her butt so hard, and so unexpectedly, the shock of it stung more than the smack.

  “SHIT!” she blurted, “what was that for?”

  “Think about it,” he said sternly, “and I told you, don’t cuss. It doesn’t look good on you.”

  Face burning, she glanced around quickly, but to her relief no one seemed to have noticed.

  “Rules,” she muttered, the zing of his sound slap taking effect.

  “There you go! How can I expect anyone to respect my rules, if I don’t follow those set by others? Dogs on a leash at a horse show is a solid, sensible rule.”

  “I understand,” she sighed. “In my house, my mother says that there are different rules for different people.”

  Chad shook his head.

  What I wouldn’t give for ten minutes with your mother!

  “Rules apply to everyone equally,” he remarked. “Some folk think they’re above them, or too rich or too important to have to follow them.”

  “That’s my mother,” Cassie frowned, and thinking about the proud, forceful, elegant woman, an old, painful memory stirred.

  “You all right?” Chad asked gently, seeing a sad shadow cross her face.

  “Yes, fine, it’s nothing,” she replied, shaking her head, swallowing the ache.

  They had reached the stables, and as they walked down the barn aisle, Chad couldn’t help but wonder about her fleeting sadness, and made a mental note to ask her about it later.

  “I have to get ready for my performance, but why don’t you take Dominic for a walk,” he suggested, “show him the sights. I’m sure he’d like that a whole lot better than being stuck in a cage.”

  “I will,” Cassie smiled, the dark shadow lifting.

  “And when you get back give him some more hay to munch on, pet him, talk to him.”

  Why have I been so unaware? I feel as if I’m waking up, or seeing things for the first time…

  “You’re amazing,” she sighed, unable to stop the words spilling from her heart.

  Chad felt his heart pump. She was soft, yielding, and vulnerable, unexpectedly exposing herself. Leaning forward he kissed her on the cheek.

  “You are too, Sassy Cassie,” he whispered.

  Dominic had been standing quietly during their conversation, and
stepping forward, Chad moved his hand in a long soft stroke down Dominic’s neck, eliciting a sigh and a drop of the head.

  “See you after my show,” he smiled, and walked away.

  Feeling slightly dazed, Cassie walked her horse into the grooming area, pulled off his saddle and bridle, and placed a halter over his head. Finding the moistened body wipes she smoothed them over his back, then began brushing him off.

  “I can do that for you, Miss Davidson,” Paul offered, walking towards her.

  “No, thanks, I want to,” she declared. “Do you know where the hay is kept?”

  “It’s to the right at the end of the aisle,” he replied.

  “Okay, thanks,” she smiled, and taking a lead rope, clipped it in on to Dominic’s halter. “I’m going to take you on a tour,” she cooed, and recalling Chad’s long, soft stroke, repeated the action. To her delight, Dominic sighed and dropped his head. A thrill gently wafted around her, settling in her heart, and moving forward, a strange, happy emotional wave held her softly as she led him out of the barn.

  Chad, walking briskly towards the western area, was grateful for the fans who stopped him along the way, asking for autographs and permission to pet McTavish. It not only distracted him from his all-consuming thoughts of Cassie, but sent his semi-hard cock back to sleep. By the time he reached the arena his focus had returned, and he found Marty there to greet him.

  “Everything set?” he asked.

  “Yep, all ready to go,” Marty replied. “Place is packed already, and there’s still thirty-minutes ‘till showtime. You’ll have a good one, I can feel it.”

  “Hi Chad.”

  The soft female voice caught his attention, and turning around he found Mandy Parsons standing behind him.

  “Mandy, how are you?” he smiled.

  “Never better,” she smiled back, giving him a quick hug. “I’m really intrigued. I’ve been thinking about our brief conversation and if there’s a way to combine our two shows, I would love that.”

  “I’m happy to hear it,” Chad smiled. “I really wanna phase out. I’m sure I could ease you in with Bailey and Captain, but Mickey,’s off limits,” he grinned, looking down at his best friend.

  “I’d like to have my own Mickey,” she declared. “How do you find a dog so talented?”


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