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The Cowboy's Rules

Page 20

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Nope, just need to have a chat.”

  Cassie swallowed, feeling the butterflies that had been sleeping since the accident, flutter back to life.

  “I know what you’re going to say,” she said quickly.

  “You do? And what would that be?” he asked, sitting on the side of the bed.

  “That going against Randy’s advice and making that turn was stupid and foolhardy. I know, believe me. Everyone has lectured me, even Hannah’s has had her say. I really have learned my lesson.”

  “But have you? Or have you only learned it while your chest is bandaged and you’re hurtin’, and the next time you want something so badly, it’s to hell with the rules?”

  Cassie felt her face redden, and she dropped her eyes.

  He’s right. That’s what I do. Something bad happens and I swear I won’t do anything so stupid again, but I always do.

  “You know I love you, Cassie, but I can’t be with someone who will unexpectedly throw themselves off a cliff. Do you understand what I’m sayin’?”

  “I’m not sure,” she whispered, terrified he was telling her their relationship was over. “Are you saying you don’t want me here? You don’t want to be with me?”

  “I’m sayin’ if you want us to be together, some things will have to change,” he said firmly. “Do you wanna stay here with me?”

  “I do, I do,” she declared, reaching for his hand, then winced as the abrupt movement sent a ripple of pain through her ribs.

  “It means, if you don’t follow the rules…”

  “I get punished,” she finished, “but isn’t that what we’ve been doing?”

  “Yep, but I’m not sure you can handle that on a continuin’ basis, and there’s more.”

  “I want to,” she said softly. “What’s the more?”

  “Cassie, what you did cannot go unpunished. I know you think the sufferin’ you’re goin’ through is punishment enough. You do, don’t you?”

  “Kind of,” she admitted.

  “It’s not. If Shelby hadn’t slipped, if you’d somehow made that turn and won that big event, you’d be scoffin’ at Randy’s advice. It wouldn’t have made his advice wrong, it would have meant that you just got lucky.”

  “I see what you mean,” she lamented.

  “When you’re completely better I’ll punish you, but only if you wanna stay here, only if you want to be with me, and-”

  “I do, honestly,” she interrupted.

  “I haven’t finished,” he scolded.

  “Sorry,” she sighed.

  “And that punishment won’t just be a simple spankin’ over my knee. You absolutely, positively, must learn to do as Randy says, and as I say, especially when it comes to how you deal with your horses, and mine for that matter. Yes, I’m gonna whip your ass, but that will be just the beginnin’. Can you accept that?”

  “Yes, I understand,” she managed, the butterflies abruptly transforming into dust devils, whirling around her stomach uncontrollably.

  “You know it’s because I love you that I have to do these things,” he said gently, his brown eyes staring at her intently.

  “I love you too, so much, you have to believe me, and I don’t want to be so foolish. I don’t know what gets into me.”

  “I don’t pretend be a shrink, but I know what happened to you when you were just a kid, Troy was kind enough to tell me,” he said gently.

  “I know, he mentioned that to me.”

  “It explains a lot, but now it’s time to start bein’ an adult.”

  “I know,” she breathed, feeling a rush of emotion.

  “Do you still feel like you need to be punished for not speakin’ up to your mom back then, or did you work that out with him?”

  “I’m not sure,” she replied honestly. “I think I still feel some guilt about it.”

  “You were just a scared, hurt little girl. If you still want me to, I’ll spank you for it, though I think you just need to understand what you were feelin’ back then.”

  “I think you’re right. Seeing Troy and talking about it was tough, but I am feeling better. But what about now, what about us?”

  “You need lots of love, but you also need the security of knowin’ there are lines you can’t cross, rules you’re not to break, and if you do…”

  “I’ll get punished.”

  “Yes, one-hundred percent, and one-hundred percent of the time,” he nodded. “You can do anything you want. You’re completely free, but if you make a bad choice you’ll face the consequences. If you wanna live your life as you have been, it will have to be somewhere else,” he said gravely.

  “What if I’m confused. What if I can’t make up my mind what to do?”

  “Then you talk to me and we’ll work it out, but you talk to me before you act, not after.”

  She stared at him, losing herself in his warm brown eyes, feeling the strength of his solid core, and sighing deeply, she dropped her eyes and sighed.

  “I know I can be difficult and temperamental. I know I don’t listen and I go off doing stupid things, but I don’t want to do that anymore. I want what we have, Chad. How you are with me, I love it. I really do. I’ve never felt this safe.”

  He could see the threat of tears in her eyes, and moving carefully, he sat next to her and gently pulled her into his chest.

  “Then I guess we have a deal,” he crooned.

  “I feel so much better,” she sighed. “I hate not knowing what’s what.”

  “Yep, no-man’s-land is no fun,” he agreed.

  “I need to ask you something else,” she said softly.

  “Sure, go ahead.”

  “Don’t shoot me,” she declared.

  “I promise, I won’t shoot you,” he smiled.

  “It’s about Mandy Parsons.”

  “What about Mandy Parsons?”

  “It’s just weird, thinking about the two of you working so closely, traveling together, spending hours training. Can you understand why it makes me feel a bit jealous? I mean, she’s so gorgeous, and she’s a country girl, the whole thing makes me feel queasy, in my stomach. I don’t want to feel this way but I can’t help it.”

  “Where do I start?” he groaned. “First off, haven’t we just talked about how I love you?”

  “Yes, but-”

  “No buts. I’m a one woman man, sweet thing, and you’re my one woman. I wouldn’t screw that up for a truckload of new saddles. You hear me?”

  “I do, I hear you. I’ll try to remember that when you’re with her for an entire afternoon and I’m watching from the window.”

  “There’s no reason you can’t a part of it. I’ll bet there are some things you could teach both of us.”

  “I doubt it, but maybe.”

  “There’s something else that will put your mind at rest,” he remarked.

  “What’s that?”

  “Her significant other moved in the other day.”

  “Really? I wonder how he feels about you spending time with his girlfriend.”

  “That’s the thing,” he grinned. “Mandy’s partner isn’t a he, she’s a she, and her name is Jennifer.”

  “Whaaat? Why didn’t you tell me?” she demanded, punching him, then wincing with pain.

  “First, Mandy is a very private person, and until she and Jen were moved in I felt obligated to keep it quiet. Second, it shouldn’t matter. You trust me or you don’t. You trust what we have, or you don’t.”

  “You’re right, but I can’t say I’m not happy with the news,” she grinned.

  “Oh, sweet girl, just wait until you’re better. Your butt is gonna be so red.”

  “It’s not fair, what about when you mess up?” she challenged.

  “When I mess up, which won’t involve breakin’ any rules,” he chuckled, “but if I do something that hurts you, I will spoil you rotten for days to make amends.”

  “That works!” she beamed.

  “Anyone home?”

  Hannah’s voice echoed do
wn the hallway, and Chad cautiously moved from Cassie’s side.

  “We’re in here,” he called. “I’ll leave you two alone to visit,” he said, turning to Cassie. “I have things to do. Come on, Mickey. You need to get some exercise.”

  The dog, laying on the foot of the bed, looked up, yawned, then wagging his tail, jumped to the floor.

  “Thanks, Chad, Mr. Wonderful Cowboy,” she smiled. “I’m so happy.”

  Bending down and kissing her lightly, he passed Hannah as she walked in.

  “Catch ya later,” he grinned. “Don’t go wearin’ her out.”

  Hannah walked across the room and opened the french doors.

  “It’s stuffy in here,” she frowned. “You need some fresh air.”

  “Hannah, something big just happened,” Cassie declared.

  “Tell me, what?”

  “Chad and I just had a really long talk, and I’m staying here,” she smiled. “I won’t be going home.”

  “Cassie, that’s fantastic,” Hannah grinned. “I want to hug you really hard but I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I’ve never been in love before and it’s kind of amazing. If you’d told me a month ago that some cowboy was going to sweep me off my feet, and insist that I behave or else, I would have called the men in the white coats, but now…”

  “That’s how I feel about Marty and me,” she smiled, “but now…”


  Cassie waited, heart pounding, as the sound of Chad’s footfalls echoed in the hallway, announcing his approach. Dressed in only a white shirt tied at the waist, she was bent over the bed, her legs tied together by a wide leather belt buckled around her thighs, and her arms were stretched over her head, her wrists bound by rope.

  She’d been functioning pain free for seven full days, and they’d been enjoying delicious sex for over two weeks, and though she’d feel an occasional twinge, for the last week she had experienced only the exquisite pleasure, and their life had fallen into a warm, loving routine. She’d started to wonder if Chad had forgotten about his promise of punishment.

  The thought both relieved and disappointed her, and she had found the conflict confusing, but that morning, after he’d devoured her breasts and teased her into a spine-tingling orgasm, he’d announced that her penance for her irresponsible behavior at the horse show, and the true beginning of their relationship, would commence precisely at noon.

  “You’re to wait for me in the bedroom bent over the bed, wearin’ just a shirt tied at the waist. When I enter you’re not to speak, just do exactly as I say.”

  His edict was frightening, but she couldn’t deny a macabre, intriguing thrill, and as she’d readied herself, then laid quivering and worried over the bed, a hot rush had surged between her legs.

  After making her wait for what felt like forever, he’d marched in and wrapped a belt around the top of her thighs, and pulling her hands above her head, tied her wrists.

  “I’ll be back shortly,” he promised. “While you’re waitin’, keep your eyes closed and reflect on why you’re there and what I expect, and you’re to address me as Sir until I tell you different.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, and then he’d gone.

  But now he was back, and she held her breath as she felt him enter the room. He immediately slipped a blindfold across her eyes, and as his hand slid over her backside, then spanked hard on each cheek, she buried her head in the mattress, stifling the yelp.

  “I don’t need to scold you. You know why this is happenin’.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she stammered.

  “You will now ask me to punish you for not listenin’ to Randy, and your foolish choice,” he instructed.

  Oh, God. I can’t believe it. I have to ask?

  “It’s not advisable to keep me waitin’,” he declared sternly.

  “Sir, will you please punish me for not listening, and for making such a foolish choice?”

  “I most certainly will. I’m gonna whip my belt across your backside. How many strokes do you think you deserve?” he asked, undoing the buckle and pulling it from the loops of his jeans.

  This is torture. Why doesn’t he just get on with it?

  “I, uh, don’t know, Sir. Whatever you say.”

  “Do you think six lashes will be enough to prevent you from doing something so risky again?” he asked, trailing the leather against her skin,

  “Yes, Sir,” she quivered.

  “I warn you, if you’re reckless in the future, so reckless it tells me you need the belt again, you’ll get twelve whipped across your ass, so you might wanna remember that.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she groaned.

  Twelve? Shit. Why does he keep sliding it back and forth it like that? It’s driving me crazy.

  “After each lash, you’ll thank me and ask for the next.”

  Holy crap.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He abruptly stopped trailing the belt over her waiting bottom, and lifting it in the air, paused as he counted to three, then swished it down.

  “Ooowwww, thank you, Sir,” she squealed. “Please, Sir, may I have the next?”

  Again he counted silently to three, and landed the stinging leather just below the first mark.

  “Ooooh, thank you, Sir,” she wailed. “Please, Sir, may I have the next?”

  He repeated his silent count, thrashed it down, and again Cassie howled, thanked him, and requested the next.

  “That was the third. Three to go. Time to take stock. Tell me how you’re feelin’. Anything to say?”

  “Oooh, Sir, it stings so bad, like fire.”

  “Tell me how you’re feelin’,” he repeated, the belt hanging from his hand at his side.

  “Like I’m being really punished. Like I did something really bad,” she whimpered.

  “Good. You are bein’ really punished, and you did do something really bad,” he scolded.

  “Yes, Sir, thank you, I know.”

  “Good again. We’ll continue.”

  Cassie waited, holding her breath, and when the belt hit, slicing heat through her skin, it felt far worse than the previous three.

  “Aaaargh,” she howled, “thank you, Sir. Please may I have the next?”

  Without a moment’s hesitation, the leather landed again.

  “Thank you, Sir,” she shrieked, “Please may I have the next.”

  The last stroke he delivered as a diagonal line, crisscrossing the earlier five, shocking her as it bit into the angry weals.

  “Oooowww,” she wailed. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “An extra bite on the last one, make sure you remember this,” he declared.

  Her bottom feeling as if a slew of hot coals had landed on her skin, she wriggled and squirmed, and wished dearly that she could put her hands behind her and caress herself. She felt him sit next to her as his fingers unbuckled the belt around her legs, then untied her wrists, but the blindfold remained in place.

  “Stay there,” he said softly, smoothing his hand across her scalded skin. “Poor punished backside,” he crooned. “Please don’t give me a reason to repeat this.”

  “I won’t, Sir,” she moaned. “I swear. I never want this again.”

  “Remember, if you do, I’ll have to make it twelve. If six doesn’t do the job, then…”

  “I won’t,” she bleated. “You have to believe me.”

  “I believe you, but it’s the actions that matter, not the promises,” he sighed. “I’m gonna hold you for a bit, before we continue.”

  “There’s more?” she whimpered.

  “Oh, yes, definitely more,” he assured her, and gathering her up, pulled her into his arms and leaned back against the tufted headboard.

  “Such a tough lesson,” he said gently, kissing her forehead.

  “It was, it is,” she groaned.

  “Hush now, catch your breath.”

  Holding her warmly, he waited until her breathing had returned to normal and she had settled, then extricating himself fro
m her arms, moved her body into a kneeling position, and slowly unfastened her blouse, tossing it aside.

  Her puckered nipples welcomed him, and taking her hands, he pulled them behind her back as he lowered his mouth and sucked on each in turn. Her moans were happy ones, and she arched her back, showing her gratitude and pleasure.

  “Keep your hands behind you,” he whispered.

  Traveling his fingers to her breasts, he squeezed and fondled, and lightly slapped, then moving behind her, retied the rope around her wrists.

  “Don’t move,” he ordered, and she felt him slide off the bed.

  Oh, my God, he said he was going to whip my ass and he did. Shit, that belt hurt, but now, ooohh. Please, God, let him fuck me. I want his cock so bad, I want him to-

  His fingers pinching a nipple broke into her decadent thoughts.

  “Hold your breath and grit your teeth,” he said, “this will hurt.”

  “What are you going to do?” she bleated.

  “I’m gonna clamp your nipples,” he replied, “and if you do as I say it will help with the initial shock.”

  “Oooh, Chad!” she groaned.

  “Excuse me?” he snapped, smacking her bottom with a quick, sharp, smack.

  “SIR!” she cried. “Sorry.”

  “I’m countin’ to three then placin’ the clamp on your nipple,” he declared. “Now do as I say and hold your breath.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whimpered.

  During the previous week he’d spent a great deal of time judging her reactions to his nibbles and pinches, and as the silver vice clutched tightly, he watched her closely, changing its tension to the fine point between pain and pleasure. Satisfied he was on target, he moved to the second nipple, repeating the exercise.

  “Tell me how you feel,” he demanded.

  “Weird, achy, horny, punished, excited,” she gasped, blurting out the words as they came to her.

  “Sit back on your haunches.”

  Standing at the side of the bed, he watched her struggle to keep her balance as she slowly sank down, and when she appeared to be stable, he moved softly into his closet.

  Oh, my tits. They hurt, they ache, but it feels sexy, but shit, they hurt. What’s that noise? Oh, no…

  Chad had retrieved the dildo, and switched it on to heighten her anticipation. Moving it between her breasts, then down her stomach, he finished between her legs, resting it against the inside of her left thigh.


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