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The Cowboy's Rules

Page 21

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Do you remember what happened last time? Do you remember what you said and how I answered you?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she mewed.

  “This time, there will be no climax.”

  “Oooh, Sir,” she groaned.

  Sitting next to her, making himself comfortable, he moved the vibrator against her pussy, keeping it slightly below her clit, and when she wriggled, urgently moving her hips to chase it, he slapped her thigh.

  “You stay completely still,” he said sternly. “Completely.”

  “But it’s so hard, Sir.”

  “You’ll learn to do as you’re told, young lady,” he growled. “Obedience, followin’ rules. It’s not what you say, it’s what you do. Now, I’m only gonna say this one more time, keep.. .absolutely…still.”

  “Yes, Sir, I will,” she breathed.

  The vibrator buzzed against her sex as he alternated its pressure and position. When he touched it against her clit, she gasped, her chest rising and falling with her breathing, and when he slid it away, nestling it against her thighs, she bleated her disappointment, but she didn’t move her hips, or try to raise herself up, or chase the tormenting, tantalizing, humming dildo. He kept her at bay for almost ten minutes, then satisfied, he turned it off. To Cassie it had felt like an hour, and when he began exploring with his fingers, she let out a deep, soulful whine.

  “So wet,” he murmured.

  He could feel her overwhelming desire to push against his hand, and as he fiddled and touched, and slid his fingers inside her hot, wanting grotto, she moaned loudly, but still didn’t move.

  “So, you can be obedient. Good girl.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” she whispered.

  Withdrawing his hand he gathered up the dildo, and moving off the bed returned to his closet, dropping it back in the bag. Stripping quickly, he picked up the long, narrow case sitting innocently on the floor, and carried it into the bedroom, placing it on his chest of drawers.

  Cassie, overcome with her intense carnal need and the hot ache in her nipples seeping through her breasts, was void of thought. Though she could hear him moving around, she had no curiosity of what, if anything, might follow, there was only feeling, and hunger, and pain, and an odd sense of pleasure.

  She heard the clicking of an opening latch, then another, and an almost imperceptible squeak, then his voice.

  “I’m gonna help you off the bed,” he declared, and though he untied her wrists, he immediately bound them again, but in front of her. “Careful now, let me guide you,” he said gently.

  Her feet hit the floor, and as she stood, feeling wobbly and out of balance, his hands gripped her arms, supporting her, and she could feel his naked cock against her thigh. A moment later his breath whispered over her lips, and his mouth sank against hers, engulfing her in an intense, hot, demanding kiss.

  “On your knees,” he whispered, his mouth moving against her ear.

  He held her steady as she dropped down, and as she came to rest, he clutched her hair, pulled her head back, and moved his cock to her mouth.

  “In a minute you’re gonna worship me, you’re gonna suck me to climax and swallow every drop. Do you have a problem with that?”

  “No, Sir,” she replied softly. “I would love to do that, I would love to, I really would.”

  “Tell me the truth, have you ever knelt before a man like this before?”

  “No, never,” she admitted. “I’ve always refused.”

  “But now?”

  “Now I want to. I want to,” she repeated.

  It was just as Chad had thought. The haughty young woman he had met would never have knelt before a man and taken him in her mouth, but she was surrendering to him, just as he hoped she would.

  “I’m gonna be helpin’ you,” he said, “but not the way you might think.”

  “I’m not thinking anything, Sir,” she sighed, “I’m only feeling.”

  Her unexpected confession touched him, and he almost reconsidered what he had planned, then realized he had to finish what he’d started, and reaching into the case he withdrew the thin, polished, wooden rod.

  “Now, Cassie, take my cock, show me how much you wanna please me.”

  To his immense delight she licked her lips, like a hungry puppy ready for a treat, then lifting her hands she held him gently, and tentatively lowered her lips around his shaft.

  I never imagined I would ever do this, but…ooooh… it’s divine.

  Her passions inflamed by his thrashing belt, the nipple clamps and the buzzing vibrator, she lost herself in the new experience, the joy of having his member between her lips unlike anything she’d imagined.

  Closing his eyes he relished the feel of her luscious, moist, enveloping mouth; she was sliding him in and out, tonguing him as she did.

  “You’re doin’ that very well,” he crooned, touching the rod against her bottom. “Stop for a moment and listen.”

  Cassie paused, waiting for his instruction, though the fullness of his cock in his mouth was making it difficult to concentrate.

  “This,” he announced, tapping the stick against her skin, “is gonna help you and punish you at the same time. When it strikes, you’re to hold still, and when it strikes again, you’re to start back up. Nod your head if you understand.”

  Cassie could feel the threatening rod against her burnt behind. While it scared her, it also carried a carnal thrill, and as she nodded her head she wiggled her butt, almost as if inviting its stinging attention.

  “If I tap repeatedly, you’re to move faster,” he instructed. “Begin.”

  Gripping the fistful of her hair tightly, he guided her movements, and leaned slightly forward to peer down at the cane resting against her gorgeous, red bottom. Lifting it away, he brought it down a moment later with a sharp, zinging cut.

  Cassie gasped as the heat sliced through her skin, but stopped immediately, gently holding him. She felt the cane move to her other cheek, and waited, holding her breath, and when it landed, burning like a hot poker, she resumed her sucking, the searing sting piercing her bottom and permeating her sex.

  The thin stick began tapping lightly, pin pricks of smarting pain, and she increased her tempo, sucking hungrily, urged on by the constant tapping of the insistent, zinging rod.

  Chad could feel his moment brewing. Cassie was sucking him joyously, consuming his cock greedily, the encouragement of the keen cane making her voracious in her work. He wanted to land two more worthy strikes before ending her ordeal, and he raised the cane back, waited a moment, then swished it down.

  It was a significant blow, but she didn’t break from her instructions, and though she gasped and cringed, she continued holding him between her lips. Sliding the rod across to her other cheek, he moved it away, counted to three, and lashed it down.

  Instantly she started again, and dropping the cane he grabbed her hair, both hands controlling her. Closing his eyes, he felt the orgasm upon him, and holding her head still, he began to stroke her mouth.

  “Swallow,” he grunted.

  Not knowing what to expect, but determined to fulfill his command, Cassie sucked back, swallowing before his cream had even ejected. The sensation sent him over the top, and his hot essence flowed forth, gushing out of him and into her throat.

  Cassie swallowed ravenously, the hot juice tingling against her tongue and the roof of her mouth, and though his pumping penis began to slow and shrivel, she continued to devour him, licking and moving her lips around him until he told her stop, and pulled himself out.

  Dropping to the floor beside her, he pulled her against his chest. It had been an utterly draining, but immensely satisfying session.

  “Your heart is pounding so hard,” she breathed.

  “I know,” he whispered.

  “Did I do okay?”

  “Oh, Cassie, you did so much better than okay,” he sighed.

  Opening his eyes, he moved in front of her and studied her breasts. They were full and beautiful, her nipples an ang
ry red.

  “Hold your breath sweet girl,” he purred. “I’m gonna remove your clamps.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, and she did as he said, gritting her teeth, not sure what to expect.

  Cautiously he removed the first, eliciting a yelp of pain, then quickly followed with the second, and immediately lowered his mouth on one and caressed the other, offering soothing comfort to the sore little buds.

  “Feel better?” he asked, lifting his head.

  “Yes, Sir,” she breathed, “much.

  Reaching across to the bedside table, he picked up the bottle of water, and unscrewing the cap, placed it in her hands. Moving it carefully to her lips she drank thirstily.

  “Stay there,” he crooned, kissing her forehead, “I’ll be right back.”

  Slowly standing, holding the small, silver clamps, he returned the cane to its case, latched it closed, carried it back into the closet, and dropped the clamps back in the bag, then moving into the bathroom he started a bubble bath. It would sting her backside, but that was okay. It would be a gentle underscore to the session.

  Donning a robe he returned, removing her blindfold and untying her wrists, then helping her to her feet, pulled her on to the bed and wrapping her in his arms.

  “Wow,” she breathed. “I don’t even know what to say.”

  “Do you feel punished?”

  “Definitely,” she replied, “and this is going to sound weird, but it’s helped me. I can feel it.”

  “Of course it did.”

  “Do you forgive me?” she asked, pressing against him.

  “Of course I forgive you. It’s not something I’ll forget, seein’ you crushed under that horse, but now it’s been dealt with, and we both feel better for it. Right?”

  “Right,” she sighed.

  “So, goin’ forward,” he said firmly.


  “You need a strong hand for a while, you need to know you have to behave, so the first and fifteenth of every month you’ll get a single stroke of the cane.”

  “But I’ll be good,” she protested.

  “And there we have it, arugin’ already.”

  “Oooh, sorry. Yes, Sir, the first and fifteenth.”

  “I’ll still spank you as you need it.”

  “I’m sure you will,” she groaned.

  “You got a problem with that?” he asked gently, squeezing her warmly.

  “No, Sir.”

  “I love you, Cassie.”

  “I love you, Chad.”

  Lowering his lips on hers, he kissed her softly, languidly moving his lips against hers.

  “Chad?” she said softly.

  “Yes, sweet girl?”

  “Is there any chance you might bring that vibrator back any time soon?”

  “Maybe tonight,” he replied, “if you’re a really good girl and behave impeccably for the rest of the day.”

  “I will,” she sparkled. “I won’t argue about anything, I won’t swear, I won’t break any rules, I’ll be perfect.”

  “We’ll see,” he grinned. “That bath should be ready. It’ll sting your butt a bit, but that’s okay.”

  “I’m going in right now,” she smiled, kissing him on the cheek.

  “Hang on just a minute,” he said, raising his hand. “When you come out, you’re to get into this bed and nap. I want you thinkin’ on all this, and I’ll come and get you when I think you’ve had enough time to yourself. Got it?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied meekly. “I’ll crawl into bed as soon as I leave the tub.”

  Rising slowly from the bed, she ambled away, and as Chad watched her striped and blotched backside disappear into the bathroom, a satisfied smile crossed his lips. She had taken her discipline with fortitude, and displayed a wanting, submissive nature. Whether it was strong enough to sustain a relationship he wasn’t sure, but he was optimistic, and understanding the reasons behind her rebellious attitude and insecurity was certainly helpful. It didn’t excuse her behavior, she still had to accept responsibility for her actions, but now it all made sense.

  Some time later, as Cassie padded to the bed, and climbed between the sheets, as she lowered her head on the soft, down pillow, she felt consumed by love.


  The following weeks saw the inhabitants at Horse Haven Ranch settle into a comfortable and fulfilling life. Though Hannah could no longer work as a team member, she found satisfaction and happiness living with Marty and taking care of him. Never having thought of herself as a happy homemaker, she was surprised to discover it was exactly what she’d been born to do, and especially enjoyed spending time in her kitchen, concocting new recipes and having people over for dinner.

  Mandy Parsons, who had spent her life boarding her horses at outside facilities, was thrilled to have them in her backyard, and after long hours under Chad’s tutelage, she found that one of her horses had the inherent character traits to become her version of Bailey. It was an exciting development, spurring her on to find her own ‘Mickey,' but the pup she found was a female, so in honor of Mickey, she named her Minnie.

  Cassie became a glowing example of sweetness and agreeability, never giving Chad a minute of serious trouble, with one, significant exception.

  The incident happened on a rare fall day, the weather so exceptionally clear and sunny the team decided to take an afternoon trail ride, and Hannah was invited. Chad had sent the maintenance crew off on a project he was keeping hush-hush, (and though Cassie was curious, she was not so intrigued has to spend any time finding out more), then needed to go into town for supplies. Cassie, having some Christmas designs due, decided to stay at home to finish the work, and ended up on the ranch by herself.

  Needing a break she’d meandered down to the barn, and wandering through the barn aisle, noticed some hay pellets laying on the ground. To prevent rodents, Chad was fastidious about feed being stored in steel containers, and keeping the barn meticulously clean.

  Moving into the feed room, she found a fifty pound bag of horse pellets waiting to be emptied into a container, and peering down, she saw the hole at the bottom of the bag. The hay pellets were for Shelby and Rembrandt, and she didn’t want them to be contaminated or wasted, and she stood for a moment, not sure what to do.

  If she waited until Chad or the team came back, the creature that had eaten through the paper could return and make a bigger mess. It seemed ridiculous to take that chance when she was perfectly capable of emptying it herself.

  Attempting to pick it up, she discovered the bag was much heavier than she had thought, but her determination kicked in, and grunting loudly she managed to hoist it up, but when it lifted off the ground, the little culprit who had chewed the hole ran out past her feet. Letting out a blood curdling scream she lost her balance, dropped the bag and fell into the rest of the containers, sending several of them tumbling over. The large bag of pellets hit the ground and split open, spilling its contents across the floor.

  Chad had just gotten out of his truck when he heard Cassie’s scream and the tumultuous noise of the steel containers banging into each other and crashing on the floor. Dashing into the barn he raced to the feed room, and found Cassie standing in the center of the mess.

  “What the hell? Are you all right?”

  “Uh huh,” she replied sheepishly.

  “What happened?” he frowned, though staring at the pellets strewn across the floor it was an easy guess.

  “The pellet bag,” she stammered, “a mouse chewed a hole in it, so I uh, thought I should empty it into a container before the hole got bigger.”

  Without a word Chad marched forward, grabbed her wrist, sat on a bale of hay, and yanked her over his knee. Searching around for a implement with which to smack her through her jeans, he grabbed a bathroom brush that was used to clean the buckets, and began whacking her backside.

  “What’s the rule?” he demanded, reigning swat after swat.

  “Men do the heavy lifting,” she wailed.

p; “Is there anything more to discuss?”

  “Noooo, owwww, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.”

  He spanked and spanked and spanked, until she was writhing with such gusto as to make it almost impossible for him to hold her still.

  “Clean up the pellets and throw them away, he ordered, standing her up, “then get your butt up to the house, but don’t you dare touch those containers, they’re full and they’re heavy.”

  Face flushed, holding her stinging cheeks, she watched him stride away, then began sweeping up the pellets, disposing of them in the manure dumpster behind the barn. It was a long, tedious job, and when she finally made it home, fully expecting to receive another lecture and more spanking, she was shocked when he handed her a pad of paper and a pen.

  “Go into my office and write out ‘I will follow the rules,’ one hundred times. Don’t come out until you’re finished.”

  By the time she was at fifty, she wished he’d spanked her more instead.

  It had been an effective punishment, and she didn’t swear she’d never lift a heavy bag of feed again, she didn’t have to, they both knew she wouldn’t, and whether Cassie had been aware of it or not, Chad had an inkling the entire episode had been more of a test of his will than anything else.

  The weeks slipped by, and the Christmas season was upon them. The white stuff fluttered from the sky, coating the ranch, transforming the landscape into the cliche of a winter wonderland. Troy flew in from London, bringing with him more gifts than Cassie could count, claiming they were to make up for all the Christmas’s he’d missed with his little sister.

  Hannah and Cassie had ventured out on a clear day to find the perfect tree, then sent Chad and Marty out to chop it down. When the men had returned and set it up in the living room, the ranch had a tree decorating party, with Mandy and Jennifer tasked with creating the champagne punch and the eggnog, and Hannah and Cassie cooking the nibbles.

  It had been decided that on Christmas Eve the residents of Horse Haven would celebrate privately, whether that meant staying on the ranch, or going out to celebrate with friends and family, but on Christmas Day, anyone who wished to attend was invited to Chad’s house for Christmas dinner.


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