Bloody Revenge
Page 38
here will also fill up a treasury of Krom, having become then, maybe, a gift
to the overseas guest. What difference? The main thing to keep up with a gift and
to hear from lips of the knes: "My daughter thanks you, the master".
Without saying that the sharp-eyed and curious people, of course
too will decide to catch to itself to the house something similar. At least, with
that workbench!
The glass maker Ostey folded the beads playing live to legs of the governor
in iridescent flowers what in Galirada never before were seen, and
surprising ware: a bucket, a bowl, a cup and a spoon - all glass.
- Any expensively to look at such work, the master Ostey, - told
кнес, sitting in a chair throne in the middle of the yard. - Here just with
by it to do except how to admire? From hot will burst, and you will drop -
it will be beaten...
Kind Awns it was ready to be responsible for products of the hands. It sostupit with
carpet on firm oak executioner's blocks which paved the yard lifted over
the head a transparent spoon also dropped it on a pavement. Knes, expecting
plaintive dryzg, managed to frown annoyancely, but eyebrows right there with amazement
flew up. A spoon it is elastic jumped up and remained to lie absolutely whole and
- I on stones dropped it! - it is proud the master declared.
- Sorcery!. - immediately was heard from the staring crowd.
The magician who was present at donation of gifts just for it
case, took a spoon in hand and publicly declared:
- There is no sorcery here.
- Science! - the glass maker upraised a finger, and the Wolfhound was finally convinced,
what here was not without Tilorn. Awns bent down behind a cup and
demanded: - To boiled water to me!
The young son of the slave a live leg flew on поварню and dragged big
scoop to boiled water. There was enough boiled water to fill both a cup, and a bowl, and a bucket.
Thin glass misted over at the edges, but to burst and did not think.
- Science!. - with value the glass maker repeated... After all, in most
the last day, was with the gift the master Krapiva. When it
developed soft suede, the crowding people, and more than all soldiers simply
gasped and moved forward. On a carpet at legs of a knes, reflecting each ringlet
the blue sky, it was poured small - just on a maiden body - a chain armor.
And at it naruch, ponozh and a helmet. Gloss of metal was not silver and not
steel, and absolutely special, never before not seen.
The sense Nesmeyanovich so was surprised that he even forgot to utter severely
to the master for the military armor derzostno brought to the daughter. He took in
hands annulate armor, examined from a face and from a wrong side, stretched there and here,
scratched a nail a link, finding in what place it is made, but not
- This armor is not afraid of either salt, or dampness, the sovereign, - having ennobled
the voice that all heard, told the Nettle. - In sea water boiled!
Galiradsky heroes amicably zaroptat, discussing a wonder. It was possible
to argue on anything that now by the evening a door of a masterful Nettle
will break from loops.
- I prohibited to the daughter to battle, - after all reminded кнес.
- So you never know, the sovereign, on the way happens, - safely objected
bronnik. - The guards of guards, and in armor are differently more reliable!
That beseemed the velimorsky Keeper Vrat expert in
military science the wife, the Nettle just in case kept silent. As well as about
the fact that now its workshop quite could wait for customers from
Velimor, but it was clear to all and so. The wolfhound was lop-sided on
the ambassador, attentively shchurivshy eye, then on jealous armorers,
standing at some distance. They did very good swords. Not such, of course
as figured sword of the Wolfhound, but all the same quite good. All these blades, as
one, were on a strong male hand. Now masters were whipping the cat: to
easy and in a complicated manner decorated any did not guess. At least under
pretext - toy supposedly for the little son, which a knesinka
without fail will give rise to the warrior husband...
... And over a vyatshy banner, over the fact that had to consist of army
warriors, put to predominate the boyar Luchezar. Reasoning of a knes
it was possible to understand. Luchezar after all had to a knesinka let distant,
but relative. It was young, strong and very quick with weapon, and in
to fight - it is greatly sharp-witted. That to excessive irascibility and arrogance, them,
according to Sense, the important assignment had to reduce.
When the Wolfhound found out it, he was attacked by melancholy. Luchezar,
clear business, the banner made of own adolescents, having chosen those,
who was to it especially люб. There were also two mercenaries there: Plishka and Kanaon.
Morning of departure of a knesinka was given dark and gloomy, though without rain.
The wolfhound wanted to appear somewhat quicker already in way and, having been engaged in business,
to stop thinking about how all this will be. Therefore it was in Krom
long before light when there almost still slept, except grooms and
the cooks making a breakfast. The wolfhound thought that for certain did not sleep and
knesinka for which the last night under a native roof nowadays came to an end.
Whether it will return here ever?. Who knows?.
He dismounted and Serka in a stable, where as he knew, he Sang with moved
helpers stacked a strand of wood to a strand of wood on well-groomed skins
army horses. Venn went without hurrying, conducting an obedient stallion by the bridle
and for the 100-th time mentally touching contents of saddle bags: did not forget
whether what. Shortages till were not remembered. Anything: probably something yes
will emerge as soon as it leaves for city gate and will become late
to come back home.
The wolfhound was not quite sure that he in general will happen to return
here. If to remember how the knesinka grabbed his hand in day of arrival
the father, it turned out that hardly she after the wedding will send him at once
home. Most likely, will leave at itself together with the old nurse,
servants and doctor Illad. Has to be beside it in others country
someone whom she knows on the house got used to trust a coma completely...
And what good could wait for it in Velimore? Only revenge of a krovnik,
which for certain or itself visited ruins of the fatherly lock, or
has heard plenty of stories of faithful people. Then, in the spring, the Wolfhound stopped at nothing,
without trying to disappear and without thinking to survive. Also killed the Cannibal
in the middle of night, without caring at all what punishment will measure to it for it
Hostess Sudeb. Here it also measured. Having patiently waited, it so far
will get almost everything for the sake of what it is worth living...
In Velimore Volkodava almost certain death waited. And house understood
it is not worse than him. Evrikh, that in general offered all together
to disappear slowly from the city and even foggy hinted as if knows
nearby right place. The wolfhound answered nothing to him.
Venn already gave a hand to a stable door when from round the corner on him
the person rushed.
The first thought of the Wolfhound was about brothers Dashing. But this thought flashed and
disappeared, precisely a spark of a svetlyak in summer night. How many tried
twins to approach it on the quiet, here so they would not begin to rush
at all. It was just dangerous. Besides, brothers knew that in the dark
he saw not worse than Mysh. The attacker did not know,
Serko scaredly jumped aside and snored, trying to rear.
The wolfhound intercepted the flashed hand with a knife. Also squeezed fingers
bony youthful wrist, forcing the person to lose hopelessly
balance. Even a moment - and the knife appeared at the Wolfhound, and unlucky
the murderer laid down a nose in dust. He sobbed and muffledly groaned. Venn fell
nearby on a knee, holding his hand with one more capture from those which
by the slightest pressing irreparably cripple.
By then, when Serko found usual coolness and
came back to the owner, the Wolfhound considered who attempted upon it in
to darkness at dawn. Attalik. Young hostage, segvansky Koons's son,
struck once brave knesinka.
Well and that with it you will order to do?.
- I look, at you it is accepted to snatch for no reason at all, -
he grumbled, without weakening capture. - And without the prevention...
It was a great insult. The boy schuffled, trying to kick him.
The wolfhound made almost indiscernible movement. Attalik moved, again
kissed dust and заскреб on it a free hand. He did not ask for mercy and
to the aid did not call. Proud, very proud. Only absolutely very young,
lonely and silly.
- Get up, - the Wolfhound told it.
Attalik somehow rose, shivering from rage and humiliation. Wolfhound and not
thought it to release. Urging on the boy the left hand, right it opened
stable doors were also got inside by both Attalika, and Serk.
Young grooms abandoned work, was dumbfounded having stared on
the bodyguard of a knesinka and on him nearly crying, bent in three
deaths victim. And most of all - on an utter image the twisted hand,
for which conducted Attalik of veins.
The wolfhound silently thrust the fair fighting knife which is selected at in a lintel
segvana. And, the word without having explained an event, dragged the boy in
stall where Serko usually contained. What there occurred, nobody from
did not see grooms. From a stall ringing slaps reached. Exactly like
someone from someone lowered trousers and okhazhivat a belt on the naked back.
Then outside Attalik - tousled wet, with paths jumped out from
got down on cheeks. To his face and clothes the garbage and crumbs of manure stuck. It
convulsively tightened expensive wide trousers from which the gashnik was extended, and
belt belt in silver metal plates - pride of the young man considering himself
the man, - at all got to it is unknown where. Over Attalik's head with
fervent cries Mysh curled.
In the doorway the young hostage threw up the eyes shining from tears on the knife,
deeply thrust in a lintel. To pull out it, it was necessary to possess
growth of the Wolfhound. Yes, perhaps, and its force. It should Attalik
to pile up a bench on a bench or, it is more humiliating than that, to address to
to someone with a request. It took off, even without having shortened a stride, and grooms
returned to the interrupted affairs. To complain Attalik will not run, all this
A little later the Wolfhound caught in the yard of the boyar Krut, slightly not earlier
in total left from a log hut team. He told it:
- For Attalik, the hostage, supervision потребен, the voivode.
- Tell! - ordered It is abrupt.
- He took in head to look for death, - the Wolfhound told.
- What?.
The wolfhound in brief told how the youth tried to attack it. Boyar
at first puzzly shifted eyebrows, but then thought and according to nodded.
Really, for the handyman like Attalik attempt at the Wolfhound is not enough
what differed from direct suicide in.
- And what you over it created? - the boyar, feverishly inquired
thinking, he saw since morning of a young segvan today or is not present.
- Reins flogged, - the Wolfhound grinned. Not especially would surprise with it,
if It is abrupt got noisy and suggested it to keep at a distance, but Right
only shook the head:
- He is Koons's son, the bodyguard. And you who? You humiliated it...
The wolfhound wanted to tell that to the notable person, so
shivering over the honor, not a sin to be learned to defend it.
- Truly, humiliated, - he told. - Attalik goes crazy on the monarchess,
the voivode, and in a loop is ready to climb because that madam is indifferent to him.
Let better me hates.
It is abrupt thought over his words and suddenly smiled broadly. It too
saw enough of similar youths, hot and reckless enough,
especially when business concerned love. In any case! It is abrupt forty years ago
was just the same and did not manage to forget it yet. He knew that as
follows, to a full hopelessness, only darling can humiliate. Girl
you will not cause on a duel and any you will not force to show
favor. TRUE favor. Which you will not buy gifts
and violently you will not pull out... (The boyar tried to present, than came to an end
would business, try to force Attalik by force a knesinka, say, to a kiss, and
his smile became even wider.)... And here if the man, gave you a dressing-down here
it is not obligatory to finish scores with life at all. Have patience, and
it will be sometime possible to argue as equals...
There will leave the knesinka, but from now on to Attalik what will live. Koons's son,
flogged by reins... Yes that he sometime forgot it!.
The wolfhound saw: the boyar perfectly understood his invention. And it was good. It
not too hoped to express in words that both of them it is so good
- If you, the voivode to fight taught him, it would be at business, -
the Wolfhound told. - And sense, you look, will be...
Departure of a knesinka became an event which Galirad remembered for a long time.
For the bride prepared the spacious covered vehicle: in such it is possible with
convenience to settle down also on a lodging for the night, and in the afternoon, during driving. Vehicle
quietly rolled wheels on a timbered pavement, heading a chain
wagon train and surprising the people with a remarkable carving on durable marongovy
sides and the fine leather top which is not afraid of neither a rain, nor the sun
snow. So far, however, only the old nurse yes was located inside
girls servants. Knesinka preferred a favourite mare. She sat in
saddle and not that persons - even hands were not visible from under extensive as
cloth, dark red veil. Conducted a snowflake by the bridle itself velimorskiya
the envoy going as a sign of the greatest respect, on foot.
The way of a procession lay galiradsky streets away from a workshop
lame Varokh. Tilorn with Evrikh in good time looked after out of city walls,
near a bolshak, the hillock which overgrew a grass. From this hillock they
be able long to look after the Wolfhound and it is not necessary to him
to distract especially from business, looking out for it in a human crowd...
The wolfhound knew where they will wait for him, however felt them
there much earlier, than could look in that party. It was related
to touch. The invisible hand reached and stroked it on a cheek. We
we love you, the Wolfhound. We very much love, you. We will always remember you
and to wait, come back home...
The wolfhound raised the head and - come what may - afforded a little
moments it is continuous to look at the hill which round top crowned
five human silhouettes, dark against the cloudy sky. Niilit,
pressing close to Tilorn. The wolfhound did not try to ask from where it is
wise man. And now, most likely, and will not be to ask a case. Evrikh,
too you do not sort-will understand according to speeches it seems an arrant, and habits... younger brother
Tilorna, by youth of years yet not weaned to be proud of book learning...
Old Varokh with the grandson Zuyko...
They waved to it a hand, all five.
The wolfhound felt how heart trembled, and before eyes appeared
fog which it hasty smorgnut. Just as then, bird cherry
in the spring when he looked from the wood at the home. And to think did not think,
what will test again something similar.
If I killed the Cannibal in the afternoon, I would never meet these people.
Because itself would die. And some of them, it is necessary to think, any more not
would be alive. But I came at night, and here it, my family, - costs on
hill. My family.
Which the Hostess Sudeb takes away from me again. But I arrived as
arrived, and I am not sorry about anything because, with me silt without me, they
after all are live.
Long ago having turned away from five figures at hill top, the Wolfhound with
gloomy vigilance looked crowd. He did not look at the any more and
especially did not wave in reply. Was not enough yet to gape some
villain only because bodyguards, you see too sometimes
see off. To the bodyguard, if only he corrects business properly, about
the to endure especially a lack of time.
That sometimes even to the best.
All understood that it would be too cruel to weary until the end of the travel
moreover to force a knesinka under a heavy veil strictly to fast. So