Bloody Revenge
Page 39
it is short to bring to the groom instead of the bride's beauty the starved shadow!
Whether it is good?.
And smart solvenna, never forgetting on which light
live, found a hole in the Truth. Grown wise magicians helped out,
remembered: once, there are a lot of generations back, at their people existed
belief as if it is possible to reach the world of the dead easily on foot if long
to go to one party.
Now, of course, all knew that taken in head to check it early or
late would leave to veins, segvana, velkha or narlaka. However
ancient revelations are remembered not to challenge.
Having moved away from Galirad on one day transition, with кнесинкн took off a veil
also resolved it from a post. The ancient belief learned the benefit that from now on around
the beyond stretched, so, died was not imaginary more
needs to starve and hide a face. Instead of a dense veil on a knesinka remained
only easy transparent grid purposely weaved for it the best
lace makers from fine halisunsky silk, the veil will return on the place,
when to the Northern Gate there are days of a way.
In the city, some days before departure, to the Wolfhound it happened
to see the map which was considered together also Luchezar Is cool. He was in time
to notice that on the card were designated Galirad, the Northern Gate and all,
that between. The red thread which lay across the card noted a way,
which poyezzhana should overcome. It is more detailed to get accustomed to the Wolfhound
it was not possible. Luchezar looked back, noticed the suitable bodyguard and
at once began to curtail dense parchment.
- I would like to look, the voivode, - the Wolfhound Right told.
- Your business - a fist to kill, - immediately sniffed Left. -
To specify a way is for those who are not offended by mind.
The wolfhound did not begin to answer.
- You, in my opinion, and so will have affairs, - grumbled It is abrupt.
The wolfhound told very quietly:
- While it is about madam, I have no excess affairs.
- Here a fly importunate, - Luchezar was twisted. - Itches and itches, not
to drive away. Only show it the card, now to sell to robbers
will run...
Veins felt vague, but very bad suspicion, and It is abrupt muttered:
- All right, go.
The wolfhound enough already studied habits of the old man of courage that
to think: Right was on its party, but in foolish altercation with
By Luchezar it did not want to be got involved, preferring to wait and solve business without
And veins cleaned up away, without having added a sound, and for other morning to it
the young slave-arrant with the slender fingers soiled by paint approached and
the eyes inflamed after the whole night of works.
- I was sent by the voivode Krut, mister, - the slave timidly bowed and
gave to the Wolfhound a rag carried. Venn developed it: before it
there was the same card, only smaller drawing. The slave bowed again and
moved back was away, but the Wolfhound held it.
- I am not too competent, the guy, - he told the slave. - You will correct me,
if that I will confuse.
And, slowly sorting, began to read any names which were found
along the laid way. The young slave watched his finger,
occasionally prompting. Up to an inscription in a bottom corner: "Dadeno Volkodava
from venn by my word. Boyar Krut, son Milovana". Near an inscription was
the hole is accurately punctured, and in it hung on a twisted three-colored lace
the fresh, still silvered press.
The wolfhound awarded the slave with a money, and that, having brightened up the person, ran
to put it in carefully stored jug. As almost all skilled
slaves, the draftsman of cards saved silver for repayment for freedom. Venn
went to the boyar Krugu - to thank.
From thanks Right waved away, and then strictly threatened
To wolfhound finger:
- About robbers, it... only you look, not really before all
swing, you never know... understood?
- Understood, - the Wolfhound told. - Make favor, the voivode, look, not
whether the draftsman confused what?.
... Now this card, cerated Varokh from dampness, remained in
special cover which the Wolfhound hung up to himself on a neck and removed under
chain armor. So far it had no special need in it to look:
he already remembered a near part of a way by heart.
Weather stood clear and solar, places were beautiful and absolutely silent:
it was not necessary to be afraid of robbers. Life of oboznik little by little
returned to marching normal, and almost all way still lay ahead. If
to try, it was possible to forget for a while where this way conducted. Even
the knesinka at times joked and laughed. Just as once, eternity back,
when they with the Wolfhound and brothers Dashing went to Sveta’s. Smile
painted Elen Gluzdovna unusually, and the Wolfhound caught directed on
it look of the velimorsky envoy full of really fatherly
pride. It is right, the envoy had much heard a lot about it from galiradets and
from the knes. But only now began to understand properly what
carried treasure to the mister. Not just beautiful daughter of the possessor
neighboring region.
And, if the Wolfhound understood though something in people, the ambassador believed,
as if Lyudoyedov the son was worth it...
We go in an occasion of fleeting desires,
As children that is looked for by entertainments,
Consequences of our current acts
We do not try even to present.
And later we sob in cruel grief:
"Destiny! What you made with us!."
Having forgotten in dazzle as it was helped
The, hands.
It is necessary to be responsible for any business,
You will not hide a lie in darkness:
Today's sin in ten centuries
Prebolno will hit the descendant.
So, be not spent, for angry speeches,
For nothing bargaining with Gods,
Kohl himself put to himself dashingly on shoulders
The, hands.
Do not wait from destiny of merciful tips
Also be not surprised to dirty tricks,
Do not wait that with pity someone will begin to cry,
Fight to the last gasp!
And, maybe, your grandson, from the far grandfather
It is hidden, fenced off for centuries,
Will manage to achieve though a small victory
The, hands.
For the seventh day, having overcome several crossings through forest rivulets, a wagon train
reached the first of the circles marked on the card - Klyuchinki's churchyard.
The churchyard had a name the most solvennsky, but also in it
most, and in neighboring villages there lived mainly velkh. The wolfhound knew
it was also not surprised when towards because of turn of the road with whooping
took off several chariots harnessed by couples of quick horses at once
picked up in color. Velkh, inveterate horselovers, almost did not ride.
Once in the ancient time they read riding destiny of the coward who is getting away
from fight. Since then views managed to be softened, but after all the chariot
/> beseemed the velkhsky soldier much more saddle.
The security group grabbed for a spear, but at once left weapon: near
chariots both peacefully jumped patrol, sent forward. Actually,
the meeting was also not casual, just waited for it a little later, still through
several versts.
In the forward chariot there was a tall young guy, the age-mate Volkovads
or is slightly younger, beautiful and stately, with a beaded bandage on light
thick hair. Velkh decorated the chariots as other people
clothes, - their Truth learned that the enemy in fight has to see at once, with whom
reduced his military happiness. The wolfhound looked narrowly at convex boards
promptly flying vehicle also defined; to meet a knesinka went
the third and youngest son of the local elder, on-velkhski a threshing barn. And that
the guy, despite youth, visited fight at Three Hills and even
brought two heads from there.
The right to sort it on signs on the chariot was unlike
it is easier, than to put one with another book letters. Then attention vein
the driver operating karakovy - black in burn marks attracted -
stallions. At first the Wolfhound took it for the teenage boy, can
to be, the horseman's nephew, and about himself marveled to art with which that
directed and set on mighty animals. But here time to stop came
chariot; the teenager strong and smoothly pulled reins, leaning back and taking away
elbows back, so the embroidered jacket densely an oblegla a body...
Little girl!
Horses wanted to run and flaunt still, but training and master's will
prevailed. Karakovye obediently rose and stood a hoof to a hoof. Not
you want, and you will admire.
Bowing to a knesinka, the young vozchitsa pulled together a leather hat from the head.
Hair at it appeared dark and copper, wavy and brilliant. Guy
jumped out of the chariot and went forward, having carried before itself in an outstretched arm
at once three thin throwing spears edges down. Peace sign, humility
and love. However, even he takes in head to raise them, he a little what achieved
except own death. Three bodyguards sat near
knesinka in saddles, and everyone knew what to do to it.
Having approached, the elder's son silently fell by a knee and put the of a spear
to legs of a white Snowflake. From two other chariots pipes immediately roared
with the navershiya shaped in the form of horse heads. The roar was distributed directly
from gaping copper mouths. The guy became straight. Velkh were a good judge in
eloquence, and he, truly, was going to talk, but the knesinka outstripped
it, having said on-velkhski:
- Kindly to you, nice Ketarn, the son Kesana and Gorrakh, on the earth of yours
It was never considered as ranks, believing: there will be no loss to the truth
the leader, if he friendly greets the person below himself. Edge
the Wolfhound saw eyes how Luchezar twisted thin lips. The boyar to understand
could not do it. Well though, kept mum, with a bored face looking atop
- And you good, noble ban-riona, daughter of wise Sense and brave
Are loved, - Ketarn answered. It was noticeable that solemn words,
prepared for a meeting, were still confused at it in language, preventing to conduct
conversation. The wolfhound, however, liked his voice: sonorous, deep,
voice of the leader of soldiers, hunter and singer.
- Whether everything is nowadays good in the house of your father, about Ketarn? - continued between
that knesinka of Elen. The daughter of the governor perfectly knew how to talk with
Ketarn replied properly:
- At Trekhrogy's will, the harvest is nowadays good and the game is rich, and herds
brought a good issue. My sort asks you to experience our prosperity and
pleasures, about a noble ban-riona.
Elen Gluzdovna inclined the head under a silvery silk grid -
the polite guest who came around for a holiday:
- Truly I will not refuse to experience fun under a shelter of your sort,
Ketarn, because my way is far, and horses were tired.
Here вельх boyish smiled:
- If your nice mare was tired by the road, ask, madam, ascend
on my chariot, and I will begin to govern horses.
- And I will not refuse it, - the knesinka answered. It was necessary to the Wolfhound
to watch how foreign person removes a knesinka from a saddle, and then
respectfully places on the chariot. If Elen Gluzdovna asked
his opinions, he would ask it to be careful of the reckless bravery appearing
in a habit of the son of the elder. And precisely would advise against to go with it
the driver yes on unfamiliar horses. But a knesinka in its councils at all not
needed. It seemed to it even, she had no objection to annoy for something to it
and to twins, generally of course, to it. Only for what?. Mentally
it touched the expired week when it and brothers Dashing all day long not
lowered from it an eye, and at the nights in turn dozed at wheels of a closed sleigh or under
svesy tent. The wolfhound did not find what she could carp at. And
would tell if truly with what it was dissatisfied...
Veins even remembered their last trips on the river. And as it exhausted everything
his inquiries and talk. Since departure from Galirad it not
started talking to it uniform to time. Perhaps is more useless to the prosvatanny bride
to stir with bodyguards and in the face of the ambassador?.
The Ryzhenky girl gave way to Ketarn meanwhile and is quick
got into other chariot, having settled under legs at the horseman. Wolfhound,
got used to watch everything, saw how Luchezar watched her leave.
Ketarn touched from the place karakovy, and veins with a great relief understood,
that it was possible and not to pray to Gods, asking sufficient playfulness for
Serka. Or, on the contrary, his Gods just also heard, but arrived as it
at them is found, in own way. Perfectly trained velkhsky horses proudly
curved necks and went nearly a step, time throwing out painted with white
hoof paint.
Two hundred years ago borders of the inhabited earth were shaken by war which to
this time called the Last. Not because since then was not any more
wars. Just it that people already solved was created then - came
the last times, light skonchaniye approaches.
Began with the fact that in the Eternal Steppe lying for Halisong and
Sakkaremom, appeared certain people. Desperate, embittered and ready
to overeat a throat to anything who will take in head to challenge its place in the sun.
The people were called меорэ and appeared without any prevention and heavenly
signs. Just one night to calcareous rocks, which from
the births of the world the Eternal Steppe broke in the sea, not only a few clouds moored
reed boats under the sails weaved out of rigid sinewy
leaves. In the face of the amazed stepnyak from them immediately got up
thousands of men, women and children. With locals never
seen them newcomers addressed as poor, but resolute
the person treats the neighbor rich man, having found out that that all life
appropriated its share.
If segvan from native islands creeping slowly but surely
glaciers, меорэ as it became clear, suddenly smoked from the house
eruptions of fiery mountains. That, of course, more was explained by intrigues
successful neighbors. Which through an oversight of Heaven and so enjoyed
absolutely unlimited benefits!
Меорэ ores did not melt and did not know about a wheel. But reckless
rage of not so numerous tribe for other day shifted with
places of steppe cattle-farmers. They had to look for new pastures and watering places
for the herds, but it turned out that at everyone in the slightest degree suitable
source already there lived people. So circles from the stone which fell in run up
pond. The tribe behind the tribe began to break the boundaries consecrated centuries.
Someone, having moved, solved a dispute amicably. Someone grabbed weapon and
then could not stop any more, the expelled aggressor by all means
it is necessary to punish and rob. And fighting victories as all know, amuse
blood also force to be eager for new battles.
The last war broke off and mixed the people so that purposely not
you will invent. Since that time also there lived in Klyuchinka the western velkh and even
managed to be halved, on two clans, meadow and forest. Lugovoi
inhabitants owned the floodplain of the river Sivur flowing into Sveta’s, and there in aspics
meadows, their well-known horses were grazed. Forest velkh for fun still called
marsh: their ancestors, having been frightened of new invasions of enemies, preferred
to be removed from open spaces in the deaf крепь the woods. And there lived in
the main on peat bogs, putting dwellings on skillfully strengthened
stone islands, if not at all on piles. They extracted marsh iron
also had a reputation for skilled smiths and telezhnik. Meadow velkh from olden days
considered forest trusovaty homebodies, and those meadow - bawlers and
bags of wind. The relations were quite often sorted out in valiant sshibka. But,
when five years ago the sovereign Gluzd sent a fighting arrow to Klyuchinka,
velkh did not begin to be considered as offenses and to remember the past. Exposed uniform
group also came back home with glory.
Proud klyuchinets considered an annual tribute to a galiradsky knes not
humiliating exaction, and it is rather a guarantee of devotion and protection. So to that and