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The Anxious Triumph

Page 104

by Donald Sassoon

  44. Feinstein, ‘Structural Change in the Developed Countries during the Twentieth Century’, p. 38.

  45. Rowthorn and Ramaswamy, ‘Deindustrialization – Its Causes and Implications’, p. 5.

  46. A. B. Atkinson, ‘The Distribution of Income in the UK and OECD Countries in the Twentieth Century’, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, vol. 15, no. 4, 1999, pp. 59, 60, 65.

  47. Feinstein, ‘Structural Change in the Developed Countries during the Twentieth Century’, pp. 35–7.

  48. Ibid, pp. 47–8.

  49. Liyan Chen, ‘How Uber Surpasses Ford and GM in Valuation in 5 Years’, Forbes Magazine, December 2015:

  50. Alex Hern and Nick Fletcher, ‘Fangs: The Lighting Rise of Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google’, The Guardian, 29 April 2017.

  51. Christopher Ingraham, ‘The Entire Coal Industry Employs Fewer People than Arby’s’, Washington Post, 31 March 2017:


  53. Marx, Capital, vol. 3, p. 401.

  54. Robert Brenner, ‘The Boom and the Bubble’, New Left Review, no. 6, November– December 2000, pp. 6, 27, 39–40.

  55. The argument is explained in detail in Barry Z. Cynamon and Steven M. Fazzari, ‘Inequality, the Great Recession and Slow Recovery’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol. 40, no. 2, March 2016, pp. 373–99; see also Robin Blackburn, ‘The Subprime Crisis’, New Left Review, no. 50, March–April 2008, pp. 64–6.

  56. Susan Strange, Casino Capitalism, Blackwell, Oxford 1986, p. 1.

  57. Hyman P. Minsky, ‘The Financial-Instability Hypothesis: Capitalist Processes and the Behavior of the Economy’, in Financial Crises: Theory, History, and Policy, ed. Charles P. Kindleberger and Jean-Pierre Laffargue, Cambridge University Press and Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Cambridge and Paris 1982, pp. 22, 36; see also Hyman Minsky, Can ‘It’ Happen Again? Essays on Instability and Finance, Routledge, London 2016 (first published 1982), pp. viiff.

  58. Doug Guthrie, China and Globalization: The Social, Economic and Political Transformation of Chinese Society, Routledge, London 2012; on the size of the car market see; for statistics on carbon emissions and coal production see The Guardian, 30 January 2013, using data from US Energy Information Administration.


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  Abbe, Ernst 370

  Abd el-Kader, Emir of Algeria 413–14

  Abdülhamid II, Sultan 118–19, 268, 269

  Aceh, sultanate of 438

  Achebe, Chinua, Things Fall Apart 508

  Act of Union, with Ireland (1801) 162

  Act of Union with Scotland (1707) 162

  Adams, Charles Francis, Jr 235

  Adams, Henry 304

  advertising 338, 341

  Adwa, Battle of (1896) 36, 438, 459

  Afghanistan 427, 431


  civil conflicts 19–21

  colonization 426, 430, 436

  inequality 83

  lack of development 181, 423, 458

  and pro-market kleptocracies 518

  states 19, 20, 34

  African National Congress (ANC) 518

  African Union 19

  Africans, stereotypes of 306, 454–5

  agriculture xiv–xv, 5

  Britain 170, 194, 480, 502

  China 85, 92

  exports 122–3, 127–9, 130–31

  productivity 78, 191, 484

  Romania 45, 122, 123, 188, 496

  Russia 130, 207, 210, 215, 495

  in settler colonies 127

  technological improvements 123, 241

  see also wheat

  Aguinalda, Emilio 431, 442

  Ahmad Shah, Shah of Persia 271

  Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of (1668) 14

  Aizawa Seishisai, New Thesis (1825) 110

  Aksakov, Konstantin 200

  Al Muqtataf journal 144

  Alaska 29

  Alaskan Independence Party 29

  Albania 25, 509

  Alexander II, Tsar 281, 289

  assassination 205, 279, 510

  Alexander III, Tsar 167, 205, 279–81

  Alger, Horatio 236

  Tony the Tramp 372

  Algeria 415, 448, 475

  decolonization 446

  French occupation 413–14, 451

  French settlers 469–70

  Jews 469, 471

  Alien III (film) 513

  Alkalai, Judah 35

  Alkio, Santeri 399

  Allard, Maurice 305

  Alliance d’hygiène sociale (1904–11) 353

  Alsace and Lorraine 14, 27

  Alzola, Pablo de 131

  Amadeo, King of Spain 27

  Amazon (company) 526

  America, pre-Columbian

  cities 46

  indigenous populations 77–8

  American Anti-Imperialism League 443–4

  American Civil War 29, 221–5

  as capitalist victory 224

  economic consequences 229–30

  and Reconstruction Amendments 334

  and religion 408–9

  American colonies, and British taxation 162

  American Colonization Society, Liberia 36

  American Economic Association, on immigrants 303

  Amsterdam xvii

  An Jung-geun, Korea 429

  anarchist movements 510

  Anderson, Benedict 33

  Andorra 21

  Anglo-Persian Oil Company (later BP) xx, 237

  Anglo-Russian Convention (1907) 270, 427

  Anglo-Turkish Convention (1838) 119

  Angola, Portugal and 440–41

  Annan, Noel 227


  Cold War 512–13

  in literature 511, 512–13

  and Long Depression (1873–96) 487–8

  modern 522

  popular 513–14

  United States 234–5, 241–2

  anti-Semitism 293–5, 297–9, 403–4

  and Jewish nationalism 251

  left-wing 293

  and non-Russian nationalists 292–3

  pogroms 290–91

  and riots 293–4

  of Romanian peasants 123

  see also racism

  anxiety xxiii

  about capitalism 231–2, 365–6, 506–7, 528

  about modernity xviii–xxx

  about social changes xxviii–xxix, xxxiv, 312–13

  and First World War 507–9

  in peasant life 41–2

  Apple (company) xxv, 526

  Arab Spring (2011) 518

  Arenal, Conceptión 354

  Argentina 274, 426, 519

  exports 127

  Italian immigrants 439

  manufacturing 422

  suffrage 315

  Arion, Charles 45


  and capitalists 260–61

  and finance 457

  and industrialization 505

  life style 63–4, 66–7

  and nation-building 259–60

  see also landowners

  Arkhangel’skii, Dr G.I. 55

  Armenia, and Turkish genocide (1915) 300

  Arnal, Pier-Marc 351

  Arnold, Matthew, Culture and Anarchy (1869) 326–7

  art and culture

sp; China 92–3, 106–7

  literature 372, 511–12

  and nationalism 10–11

  Ashanti Empire, Ghana 431


  modern manufacturing 525–6

  and state formation 34

  and Western model of industrialization 136–7

  see also China; India; Japan; Korea; Taiwan

  Asquith, H. H. 456

  assassinations 510

  Atlanta, Georgia (USA), anti-black riots (1906) 300–301

  austerity policies 520–21

  and anti-austerity movements 520

  Australia 30, 33, 343, 446

  exports 187

  franchise 315, 319

  pensions 355

  socialist party 510

  White Australia Policy 304–5

  working hours 373


  anti-Semitism 403–4

  Catholicism 403–4

  economic liberalism 152

  political parties 403, 404, 515, 521

  state intervention 148

  suffrage 403

  Austria-Hungary (Austro-Hungarian Empire) xxxix, 26

  annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 270

  Catholic parties 404–5

  Jews in 289

  languages 252

  and nation-building 257

  religions 253

  Social Democrats 404

  authoritarianism 181, 320–21, 529

  France 320, 396

  Latin America 129, 274, 391

  modernizing 269

  Russia 321, 369

  Avatar (film) 513

  Avon beauty products 242

  Babylon 46

  Hammurabi Code (c.1750 BC) xvi

  Baghdad 46

  Bailly, Jean-Sylvain 248

  Baines, Edward 328–9

  Baker, George M., A Tight Squeeze 372

  Balfour, Arthur 291, 427

  Balfour Declaration (1917) 291

  Balkan Wars (1912–13) 269–70, 300, 504, 509

  Balkans, and Congress of Berlin (1878) 25

  Baltic states 26

  Balzac, Honoré de 227

  bankers and banking

  American view of 226–7

  failures 483

  modern 527

  Bardo, Treaty of (1881) 421

  Baring Brothers Bank 299, 483

  Baring, Evelyn see Cromer

  Barrès, Maurice 256–7, 392

  Barton, Edmund (‘Toby’) 305

  Barzaghi, Ilaria 178

  Basque nationalism 28

  Bastiat, Frédéric 171

  Harmonies économiques 151

  and laissez-faire 150–51

  Baumol, William J. 137

  Beauclerk, William N. 40

  Bebel, August 437

  Beccaris, General Bava 312

  Beckert, Sven 224

  Beijing, population 46

  Belarus, industrialization 215

  Belgium 27, 51, 151–2, 252

  anti-clerical Liberal Party 405–6

  bourgeoisie 151–2, 260

  Confessional Catholic Party 152, 331, 332, 405–6

  and Congo 430, 432–3

  constitution as model 296

  exports 480, 489

  general strike (1893) 406

  industrialization 131, 132, 389

  labour regulations 368–9, 405–6

  miners’ strike (1886) 310–11

  philanthropic paternalism 379

  political Christianity 400

  political parties 331–2, 405

  School Wars 331, 405

  Socialist Party 331–2, 405, 406, 433

  Belinsky, Vissarion 9, 202, 366

  Bellamy, Edward, Looking Backward 340, 511

  Bemis, Edward Webster 303

  Benedict XV, Pope 391

  Benin 432

  Benjamin, Walter 125

  Bentham, Jeremy 7, 142

  on East India Company 444–5

  on poor relief 347

  on taxation 164

  Bentley, Michael xxxiii

  Berar province, India 417

  Berdyaev, Nikolai 207, 217

  The Russian Idea 201

  Berenberg Bank 299

  Berlin, urban mortality 69

  Berlin, Congress of (1878) 24–5

  Berlusconi, Silvio 521

  Bervi-Flerovskii, Vasil 366

  Besant, Annie 310

  Bessemer, Henry 172

  Biafra, secessionist movement 21

  Bibas, Yehuda 35

  Bierce, Ambrose 443

  Birnbaum, Nathan 35

  birth rates, and contraceptives 78

  Bismarck, Otto von xxxii, 297, 332, 402–3

  and colonialism 425

  and tariffs 492–3

  and welfare state 356–7

  Bissolati, Leonida 440

  Black Death 6

  Black and Decker 242

  Blackstone, William 321

  Blaine, James G. 302

  Blatchford, Robert, Merrie England 399

  Blok, Alexander

  ‘New America’ 220

  ‘Retribution’ 280

  Boer War (1899–1902) 360, 457, 459, 460

  Bogolepov, Nikolai 279

  Bohemia 148

  Böhm-Baker, Eugene 152

  Boissonade, Gustave, and Japanese law 110–11

  Bolívar, Simón 31–2

  Bolivia 519

  Bologna, medieval xv

  Bolsonaro, Jair 518

  Bonald, Cardinal 394

  Bonald, Louis de xxix

  Bond, James, films 512–13

  Bonghi, Ruggero 395

  Bonneff, Léon and Maurice 48

  Bonomi, Ivanoe 440

  Booth, Charles 193, 264

  causes of poverty 63

  colonies for poor relief 361

  and free trade 494

  Life and Labour of the People of London (1889) 53–4

  Booth, William, Salvation Army 53, 264

  borders, state 11–15

  in colonial empires 18, 19

  and history 13–15

  Bosco, Rosario Garibaldi 311

  Bosnia and Herzegovina 26, 270

  Boulanger, Général 471, 488

  Bourgeois, Léon 165, 352

  Solidarité 352

  bourgeois democracy 173–4, 189


  Belgium 151–2, 260

  criticism of 208

  and inequality 261

  Italy 149

  and nation-building 260–61

  Russia 204, 208

  see also middle classes

  Boutmy, Émile 228

  Boutwell, George S. 443

  Boxer Rebellion (1900) 97, 101, 424

  branded goods 57

  Brandeis, Louis 304, 385

  Brătianu, Ion 296, 297

  Braudel, Fernand 44

  Brazil 32, 519

  exports 127–8

  independence (1822) 27

  indigenous population 77–8

  Saraiva Law (1881) (franchise) 314–15

  Brazza, Pierre Savorgnan de 455

  Brentano, Lujo 147, 185

  Breton nation 28

  Bretton Woods agreement 134

  Bright, John, MP 145, 329, 420

  anti-colonialism 452, 462

  and Eyre case 466

  Bristol, riots (1831) 325

  British Empire

  administration of colonies 433–4

  costs and benefits 457–9

  defence cost 457, 460

  exports 445–6

  and global trade 434–5, 448–9

  ideological value of 463–8

  independence from 447, 447

  and internationalization of capital 481

  later acquisitions 430

  popular support for 459–61

  as protected market 501–2

  size 429, 431, 434

  British South Africa Company 444

  British–Ottoman treaty (1838) (Trea
ty of Balta Liman) 273

  Broglie, duc Albert de 471

  Brontë, Charlotte, Shirley 372

  Brouckère, Louis de 433

  Brown, Gordon 518

  Brown, John 408

  Brunhes, Henriette Jean 338

  Bryan, William Jennings 233, 238, 313, 344

  Bucher, Lothar 425

  Buckingham, James Silk 445

  Budapest 404

  Buddhism, China 107

  Bugeaud, Maréchal Thomas 414

  Bulgakov, Sergei 387

  Bulgaria 270

  Agrarian Union 399–400

  Bulgarian Liberal Party, welfare programme 354

  Bunge, Nikolai 153, 167, 205–6, 211–12

  and Jews 289

  labour market regulation 369

  Burdett-Coutts, Angela 468


  growth of 154

  need for 135

  Buret, Eugène 50

  Burke, Edmund

  on East India Company 444, 445

  limits to state 142–3

  on taxation 158, 164

  Butler-Johnstone, H. A. M. 330

  Caillaux, Joseph 165

  Calabria 58, 61

  calendar, international conventions 7

  California, indigenous population 77

  Calvin, John 386

  Calvinism 387–8

  Canada 30, 33

  suffrage 314, 333

  Cánovas del Castillo, Antonio, Spanish prime minister 278

  Canton (Guangzhou), China 46, 60


  global market for 4, 503

  ownership of 385

  capital outflow 482–3

  France 500

  see also foreign investment


  acceptance of 155, 515–16

  alternatives to 195, 522–3

  anxieties about 231–2, 365–6, 506–7, 528

  characteristics: as anarchic xl, 134, 506; as collective enterprise 155–6; ethical basis of 388

  and colonialism 450

  and consumption 84, 288; modern consumers xxvi–xxvii, 522–3

  and corruption 232–3

  and cycles of crisis xxviii, 485–6

  ecological limits to 529–30

  and First World War 504–5

  and globalization xi, 481–4

  and individualism 138–9

  and inequalities xxiv–xxv, 82–3, 264

  and labour movement 384–5

  late 20th-century growth 85

  and management 385

  and markets xxxiii–xxxiv, 486, 516

  modern changes 525

  and nationalism 190

  origins of xiv–xv, 117, 153

  paternalistic 378–81

  and political regimes 520–22

  and religion 386–409

  requirements of xxxi–xxxii, 37, 195, 288, 365


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