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The Anxious Triumph

Page 105

by Donald Sassoon

  and states 37, 288

  survival of xxii, 515, 528–30

  and trade 156–7

  Washington Consensus 136–7

  and workers 84, 310, 365–85

  see also anti-capitalism; entrepreneurs; industrial capitalism; Long Depression

  capitalists 386

  American 234

  characteristics of 260–61

  as film villains 513

  Jews as 290, 292

  and laissez faire 222–3, 236

  and nation-building 260–61

  and ownership of capital 385

  and regulation 367, 370–71

  Caprivi, Leo von, German chancellor 357–8, 435–6, 493

  Carlos I, King of Portugal, assassination (1908) 179, 441

  Carlyle, Thomas

  and Eyre case 466

  ‘The Sign of the Times’ (1820) xxix

  Carnegie, Andrew 234, 236, 266, 380, 443

  Carolingian empire xv

  Carp, Petre 124

  Catalonia 17, 28, 277

  Catherine the Great, empress of Russia 199

  Manifesto (1763) 135

  Cattaneo, Carlo 249

  Cavafy, Constantin, ‘Waiting for the Barbarians’ 508

  Cavour, Camillo Benso, Count of 186

  Chaadayev, Pyotr 197

  Challemel-Lacour, Paul-Armand 184

  Chamberlain, Joseph 146–7, 360, 415, 434

  and colonialism 456, 466

  and free trade 494


  Christian feminists and 354

  see also philanthropy; poor relief

  Chartism xxii, 28, 171

  and universal suffrage 328, 329

  Chateauneuf, Benoiston de 51

  Chávez, Hugo 519

  Chechnya 26

  Cheng Kuan-ying, Chinese reformer 103, 135

  Chernyshevski, Nikolai, What Is To Be Done? 202

  Cheverny, Château de 67

  Cheysson, Émile 378, 488

  Chiang Kai-Shek 35

  Chicago, meat-packing industry 70

  Chicherin, Boris 198


  restrictions on working 280, 358, 368–9, 375

  see also education

  Chile 274, 276, 518

  agrarian capitalism 128

  nitrates exports 127

  China 17, 91–108, 144, 182, 423

  ancient cities 46

  attempts at reform 101–5

  banking 424–5, 527

  communist takeover (1949) 105; Cultural Revolution 106; ‘Great Leap Forward’ (1958–61) 106; New Culture Movement 104

  economy: foreign dominance 424–5; GNP 81, 108; standard of living 84–5; state intervention 92, 135

  education 92

  foreign relations 94–6, 97–8, 99

  Hundred Days Reform Movement (1898) 101, 102

  increasing consumption 529–30

  and industrialization 98–9, 103, 107–8

  and Japan 100, 116–17; invasion of Manchuria (1931) 105; wars with 97, 100, 105, 113, 116, 427

  Ming Dynasty 92, 93

  and modernization 98–100

  Mongol invasion (1271) 92

  move towards market economy (from 1978) xxvii, 106, 521–2, 524–7

  natural disasters 97, 107; bubonic plague (1855) 76

  political instability 35, 97, 98, 267

  and political reforms (1905) 103

  political stability 28, 107

  population 46, 92; emigration from 97, 301–3; life expectancy 74

  Qing Dynasty 93, 97–8, 102–3, 105, 251, 387

  railways 96, 98, 99

  sea explorations 3–4

  shipping 425

  silk production 92, 107, 389

  state: bureaucracy 154; development of 34–5, 250–51; lack of central government 96–7, 105; role of emperor 93

  Taiping Rebellion (1850–64) 97, 167

  taxation 162, 167–8

  technological superiority 91–2, 106

  Tongzhi Restoration (1860s) 98

  treaty ports 96

  view of capitalism 366

  view of trade and commerce 94–6, 103–4

  and the West: 19th-century ‘humiliation’ 34–5, 100, 136; Opium Wars 94, 96, 424; Western expeditionary force (1900) 101–2

  women in 90–91

  Xinhai revolution (1911) 91, 104, 250, 267, 509

  Xinzheng (New Policy) (1906–11) 104–5

  Yuan Dynasty 92, 93

  Zhou dynasty 387


  in England 307

  in United States 301–3

  Chirac, Auguste 299


  colonial missions 474

  Japanese ban lifted 110

  social xxvi–xxvii, 397–400

  and social change xxxiv

  see also Protestantism; religion; Roman Catholicism

  Chulalongkorn the Great, King of Siam 267

  Chumik Shenko, massacre (1903) 427

  Churchill, Winston xx

  and 1909 ‘people’s budget’ 362

  on Africans 306–7

  and India 418

  on wealth gap 263–4


  ancient 45–6

  and globalization 193

  life in 45–63

  overcrowding 60

  City of London 260

  civil rights

  Britain 138

  United States 334

  Cixi, dowager empress of China 98, 99, 101–2, 105

  Clarendon, Lord, Foreign Secretary 156


  and nation-building 256–65

  of poverty (Booth’s classification) 53–4

  see also aristocracy; bourgeoisie; middle classes; working classes

  Clemenceau, Georges 350, 468, 470

  Cleveland, Grover, US President 237, 334, 444

  Clinton, Bill, US President 518

  Clinton, Hillary 521

  Coal Mines Inspection Act (1850) 375

  coal production

  Britain xviii, 170, 194

  USA xix, 69, 301, 526

  Cobbett, William 60–61

  Cobden, Richard 145, 171, 452

  Coca-Cola 57, 242

  coffee 6, 127–8

  Colbert, Jean-Baptiste 150, 161, 444, 498

  Cold War

  anti-capitalism 512–13

  and consumption 523–4

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 454

  collective bargaining 366–7, 376–7, 516

  Collini, Stefan 195

  Colomb, John, MP 295

  colonial wars 460

  colonialism xl, 414–15

  and anti-colonialists 433, 451–2, 463

  and free trade 456–7

  great debate on 450–77

  and modernization 415

  and racism 475–6

  and relations with rulers 433–4, 466

  settler states 28–34, 127, 422–3, 437

  and state formation 18, 34, 425

  support for 456–7; popular 459–61

  see also British Empire; French Empire


  administration 433–4, 476

  defence costs 448, 451

  export of primary products 127–8, 187, 422, 446

  rebellions 431–2, 509–510

  as repository for convicts 437–8

  and settler states 28–34, 127, 422–3, 437

  variable profitability 447–8

  colonization 413–49, 431

  and Christian missions 474

  and civilizing mission 415, 453–4, 466, 473–5

  and economic development 421–2

  fear of 267

  and industrialization 423–4

  late expansion 426–7, 430

  origin of empires 444

  and scramble for Africa 426, 466

  and ‘Treasury test’ 451

  violence 431–3, 455

  Colt firearms 242

  Comitè de l’Afrique 473
/>   communism, as political project 506

  communist regimes 181

  see also China; Soviet Union

  Compagnie française des Indes orientales 444

  competition, international 192–4

  computer revolution 8, 526

  Comte, Auguste 144

  Condorcet, marquis de 7, 348

  Confucianism 99, 100, 104, 107, 387


  Belgian colonization 432–3

  civil war 20

  Congress of Berlin (1879) 296–7


  of elites 179–80

  enlightened xxxii–xxxiii, 262–3

  reactionary xxxiv, xxxvi

  United States 223

  Conservative Party (UK) 263, 330–31

  and empire 457

  and labour reforms 371–2, 374–5

  and protectionism 488, 502

  and social reforms 360–61, 398

  view of capitalism 517

  and welfare legislation 362–3

  Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act (1875) 374

  Constant, Benjamin 322

  Constantinople (Istanbul) 46

  consumption 195, 288

  debt-driven 527

  democratization of xxvii, 337–43, 523

  ecological threat to 529–30

  and economic growth 82, 84

  as goal of production 141–2

  and marketing 338–9

  mass 514–15

  negative views of 341

  and prosperity 340–42

  as social point of capitalism 513

  and US Cold War propaganda 523–4

  The Contemporary Review 193

  Coolidge, Archibald 303

  Corbyn, Jeremy 521

  Corn Laws, abolition of 146

  Correa, Raffael 519

  Corriere della Sera, and labour movement 384


  Africa 518

  and capitalism 232–3

  Latin America 519

  political 320

  Russia 198

  in weak states 135–6

  Corsica 13, 28

  Cortés, Juan Donoso, on liberalism xxix

  cosmopolitanism 7

  as capitalist tendency 190–92

  classical economists and 138, 140

  opposition to 8–9

  Costa, Andrea 440

  cotton 6

  American production 219, 229

  Egyptian industry 272–4

  Indian industry 416–17

  Lancashire 51–2

  creationism xxxvii

  1925 Scopes ‘Monkey’ trial 238

  Crédit Lyonnais 299

  Crémieux, Adolphe 469

  Crete 270

  crime, global expansion of 5

  Crimean War (1853–6) 118

  Russia and 197–8, 278

  taxation and 163

  Crispi, Francesco, Italian prime minister 148, 311, 312

  and colonialism 439

  and state welfare provision 363

  Croatia 55

  Cromer, Lord, in Egypt 90, 273–4, 466–7

  Cromwell, Thomas 6

  Crosby, Alfred 77

  Cross, Gary 371

  Crouch, Colin 517

  Cuba 518

  United States and 441

  Cunningham, Revd William 192

  Curci, Carlo Maria 397

  Curzon, Lord 457, 464

  Persia and the Persian Question 271–2

  Cuza, Alexandru 497

  Czech Agrarian Party 400

  Czech Republic 28

  political parties 400

  Daily Telegraph 176

  Damascus, Christians in 414

  Danilevsky, Nikolay 210

  Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy 386

  d’Anvers, Count Cahen 299

  Darwin, Charles 143, 466

  Darwinism, opposition to xxxvii

  Dawson, William Harbutt, Bismarck and State Socialism 356

  D’Azeglio, Massimo 249


  of colonies 416

  modern 526

  Deaton, Angus 83

  Debs, Eugene 343–4


  and consumption 527

  debtor countries 119, 127, 419–20, 481–2

  ‘decadence’, use of word 509

  Déclaration des droits de l’homme (1789) 159

  Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen (1793) 348


  France 446

  Great Britain 447

  Netherlands 446–7

  and state formation 34

  Decurtins, Gaspar 394

  Deere, John, farm machinery 123

  Defoe, Daniel xvii

  Defuisseaux, Alfred 331

  Delacroix, Eugène 107

  Delafosse, Jules 470

  Delecroy, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph 348


  bourgeois 173–4, 189

  Britain 171

  and capitalism xxxi, 181

  and fear of the mob 322–3

  and industrialization 189

  and inequality 524

  and nation-building 247–51

  and nationalism xxxix

  and political reforms 267–87

  and public health 73–4

  and taxation 163

  see also suffrage

  democracy, index of 318–20

  electoral mechanism 318–19

  flaws of methodology 320–21

  impediments to elected deputies 319

  and payment of members of parliament 319–20

  political freedoms 319–20

  political power 320

  power of elected assembly 318

  and proportional representation 318–19

  secret ballots 319

  Deng Xiaoping xxvii, 221

  Denis, Hector 483–4

  Denmark 26, 27, 444

  bourgeois democracy 173

  exports 174

  Old Age Compensation Act (1891) 355

  tax levels 165

  department stores 338, 339

  dependency theory 415

  Derby, Lord 329

  Déroulède, Paul 471

  Deschamps, Hubert Jules 462

  Desprez, Hippolyte 123

  d’Estournelles, Paul Henri 471

  development theory 181

  Dewey, John 444

  diasporas, and commerce 389

  Díaz, Porfirio, Mexican dictator 267, 274–5

  Dicey, A. V. 308, 328, 330, 367, 375

  Dickens, Charles 227, 372, 466, 468

  Didion, Joan, Slouching Towards Bethlehem 508

  Dien Bien Phu, French defeat at (1954) 448

  Digby, William 417

  Dilke, Sir Charles 359, 456

  Diogenes, and cosmopolitanism 9

  disease 74–8

  bubonic plague 76

  cholera 58, 75–6

  deficiency 42

  global spread of 5–6, 75–6

  influenza 76

  and public health 58, 69, 74, 75–6

  rural 45

  smallpox 75

  tuberculosis 42, 48

  typhoid 73

  typhus 58

  vaccination 75

  Disraeli, Benjamin xxxii, xxxvi, 295

  and colonialism 456, 464–5

  housing reforms 360

  and labour reforms 374–5

  and suffrage 329–31

  Sybil or the Two Nations 261–2

  Dmowski, Roman, Polish nationalist 256, 294

  Dobrogeanu-Gherea, Constantin 148

  Dogali, Battle of (1887) 438

  Dominican Republic 31

  Donbass, Ukraine 58

  Donne, John 7, 220

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor 210, 280

  anti-Semitism 290

  The Devils 202 revolution 524

  Douglass, Frederick 408

  Doumer, Paul 474

  Dow Jones listings 526

  Dreyfus affair (1894) 256–7, 396, 471

  Drumont, Édouard 471

  Antisemitic League of France 298

  DuBois, W. E. B. 224

  Ducos, Pierre-Roger 348

  Ducpétiaux, Édouard 51

  Dufaud, Georges 172

  Duke, James Buchanan 234

  Dunant, Henri 470

  Dutch East India Company 444

  Dutch Republic

  industry xvii, 169

  see also Netherlands

  East India Company 416, 418, 444–5

  and Charter Act (1833) 445

  East, the

  view of from the West 89–90

  see also Asia; China; Japan

  Eastern Europe

  agrarian parties 399–400

  economic backwardness 179–80, 187–8

  Eastman, George 234

  Eastman Kodak 234, 242

  ecology, and limits to capitalist development 60–61, 529–30

  economic development

  cycles of 181–2, 485

  human costs of 189

  and popular support 190

  stages of 180–81

  using borrowed technologies 191

  economic growth

  early 19th century xviii–xix

  GDP Europe 80–83, 80, 81

  GNP 81–3

  role of state 11, 37

  The Economist 136, 152, 330

  and Long Depression 483, 484

  Ecuador 315, 391, 519

  education 511

  China 92

  Egypt 273

  and nation-building 254–5

  and poverty relief 361

  Egypt 419–21

  1952 revolution 420

  British rule 466–7

  cotton industry 272–4

  indebtedness 419–20

  political reforms 272–7

  Suez Canal shares 419

  Urabi revolt (1881) 420

  Einaudi, Luigi, President of Italy 177–8, 384

  Elementary Education Act (1880) 361

  Elgin, Lord 96

  Eliot, George 293

  Eliot, T. S., The Waste Land 507


  American capitalists 234

  conservatism of 179–80

  wealth and modernization 129

  Elizabeth I, Queen 444


  casual labour 54, 517

  public sector 154–5, 517

  self-employment 517

  wage workers 58–9

  see also unemployment; working classes

  enclosures, Britain 194, 522

  Engels, Friedrich 189, 323, 399

  on America 342

  on anarchists 510

  and colonialism 437

  on French occupation of Algeria 413

  on role of state 143

  on suffrage 330

  on urban conditions 49–50


  established church 254

  poverty in 61–2

  rise of industries xvii–xviii

  as state 13

  urbanization xvii–xviii

  see also Great Britain

  English Land Restoration League 360

  enlightened (compassionate) conservatism xxxii–xxxiii, 262–3

  Enlightenment, The 64, 89, 424

  and progress xviii, xxx, 415


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