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Let Me Just Say This

Page 10

by B. Swangin Webster

  I hope these flowers help your mood.

  She grew angry.

  How dare he? It was a ‘mood’ she was in? She guessed it couldn’t be from him attacking her. No that would just be silly, wouldn’t it?

  She threw the card in the trash and snatched the card from the yellow roses. I hope you enjoy the beauty of these flowers, just as I enjoyed the beauty of your smile. Signed MTP.

  It caused a smile to spread across her face. She stared at the card a little longer and moved the flowers to the island in the kitchen.

  The phone started to ring and she answered it on the second ring, hoping it was Dee calling her.


  “Hello Cheryl?”


  “Hi, this is Matthew. I just wanted to check if you got the roses.”

  “Huh? Yeah, I did, but how did you get my number, should I be calling the police?” Her smile was long gone because now she wondered if this man was a stalker, a killer or worse, a rapist.

  Matthew gave a little chuckle. “No, no, no. I simply called information. Your number is listed and I wanted to make sure you got home alright.”

  “Yep, getting home wasn’t a problem.”

  “Was there a problem?”

  “Not that you need to be concerned about.”


  “Look, thanks Matthew for the ride, and thank you for the roses, but you really shouldn’t have. My husband will really …” she stopped herself when she realized what she was about to say.


  “Nothing, thank you I must be going.” She hung up quickly. She went back upstairs and took a shower, put on some shorts and decided to do some cleaning. She turned the ringers off on all of her phones and started the major cleaning that she felt needed to be done. She opened all of the windows and snatched down the curtains. She picked up the phone and called the junk man. It had taken more than three hours to fill six Rubbermaid containers with sheets, curtains, toys, shoes, clothes and dishes. The doorbell rang and she struggled to get the container down the steps. She sat the tub down by the door to make it easy for the junk guys to take away then opened the door.

  “I was worried about you.” Matthew said in a matter-of-fact tone.

  “No need to be, you can leave.”

  “I will not. Not until you tell me what happened when you got home. Then maybe you want to explain what happened to your neck and legs.”

  She looked down and then hid herself behind the oak door.

  “You really need to leave. The neighbors might see.”

  “And what if they do?” What will they do? Report me to your husband? Let me guess what would happen then.”

  “You need to get the hell away from my door and mind your business.”

  “Oh, I am minding my business. But if I leave, my first phone call will be to the police to tell them that someone is being assaulted at this address.”

  Cheryl noticed the woman with the small dog walking down the street. The dog began to bark as it came closer to her yard. The older woman looked much harder at them than she needed to, so Cheryl let him in.

  “Good afternoon Mrs. Cochran.”

  “Afternoon, just walking Coco.” The woman yanked the collar of the dog as she continued past.

  Cheryl pulled the door open a bit more and he stepped in.

  She stopped him, “You can stop there and, you have five minutes.”

  “Then you’ll want to answer fast.”

  “What?” she asked him as if she didn’t already know the question.

  “Well, how did you “fall?”

  “I didn’t….well not that it’s any of your business, but for your information, I went upstairs, forgot something and came back downstairs without turning on any lights. Tripped and fell.”

  He chuckled. “I have to give it to you, you are quick.”

  “What is that supposed to mean? First of all, I don’t have to answer your questions and you know what, you can leave. You don’t have the right to stand there and judge me.” She snatched the door open again.

  “You know, you are right. I have no right to judge a woman who is obviously happy being abused by someone.”

  “How dare you!” she shouted. “You have no right to stand there and talk to me that way. You have no idea what…”

  He cut her off, “You are right. I apologize but I don’t like to see someone being hurt. You are much too beautiful for that.” His hand came up and touched her cheek.

  She moved her head back and stood to the side.

  “Look, you really need to go,” she said in a shaky voice. She couldn’t let her neighbors see a handsome man coming from her house. “Like I told you three minutes ago, I am not your concern. Besides I could call the cops and tell them you are stalking me. You sent flowers and then found my address and came here, uninvited and unannounced.”

  “And what would they say when they arrive and find me standing here, in your house.”

  “I would tell them you made me let you in, pretending to be someone else.”

  “Oh, you really are quick with the lies.”

  Opening the door wider, she said, “You really need to leave. I don’t have to put up with this.”

  “And you don’t have to put up with a man putting his hands on you either. Just answer me this, do you still have my card?”


  “Answer the question.”

  “You are demanding, aren’t you? But yes, I do still have it.”

  “Good, use it if you want to talk.”

  “I won’t,” she said as she slammed the door. “He had some damn nerve. What he needed to do was mind his own damn business!” she screamed to the walls in the foyer.

  After the guy came and picked up the containers, she had gotten tired of the happy homemaker crap and decided to call her parents to check on the kids. Their answering machine came on after the third ring. Her parents probably had them in some restaurant by now. She called Dee and left her a message to call when she got home.

  She felt her phone vibrate and answered without thinking.

  “Look, I didn’t mean to upset you. I am sorry for showing up at your house, but I was worried. I just wanted to make sure that you were ok.”

  “Look Matthew, I am a big girl. Now that you have eased your conscience and did your good deed for the day, I must be going.” She slammed the phone down and walked into the kitchen. The phone began ringing again and she let the machine pick it up.

  “Mrs. Goldman, I apologize if I upset you. That was not my intention. I was worried because such a beautiful woman should have nothing in her eyes but sunshine.”

  Who in the hell is this nut? I will definitely need to call the police if he keeps this up, she thought as she walked out of the kitchen and through the foyer on her way to the pantry.

  She started cleaning out the kitchen cabinets, feeling like the maid of the house rather than the owner. After folding the last of the laundry, she flopped down on the bed trying to figure out what to do next.

  Chapter 24

  The way Rebecca had decorated her office was incredible. No wonder “Barbie” wanted to spend a lot of time in here. There were mirrors and a small fountain on her book shelf. The candles had the most sensual smell coming from them. Pictures of African American men and women adorned the walls. He wasn’t sure if they were original works of art, but they were beautiful. He would definitely have to have her input to spruce up his bare walls. As he walked back into his office, he resigned himself that kissing her was a mistake, even though he felt so right about it at the time.

  “Are you ready?” he heard a voice say behind him.

  He turned around to see her standing there with a bottle of wine in her hand. The sensual way she looked at him was enough to want him to make love to her right there.

  “Let’s go.”

  Kevin pulled up to the Marriott hotel downtown. Rebecca had planned on staying in the car, but then he came around and opened
her door.

  “Should I be coming in with you?”

  “Are you ashamed? We are grown people, doing grown up things.”

  Rebecca didn’t bother to answer; instead she took his hand and so began their relationship.

  Chapter 25

  As he sat on the plane, with her beside him and Black on the other side, he realized that this juggling act couldn’t go on forever. He knew what needed to be done and he planned on doing it on this trip. Someone wasn’t going to be happy, but hell, he hadn’t been happy for a long time either.

  As they landed in Atlanta, Kevin’s mind immediately turned to business.

  “Black our meeting starts at seven; make sure you’re there by six thirty, just in case they decide to be there early. This meeting will change the rest of our lives. If they agree to the terms of our contract, we will officially expand our business. We want them to know they are not dealing with amateurs.”

  “I gotcha man. I can feel the bar being raised. K & B are on the way. Move da fuck ova!”

  He and Kevin gave each other dap. Kevin leaned closer to Rebecca.

  “I would like you there tonight too. Things for you will be different after tonight.”

  “No problem,” she answered.

  “Tonight, the champagne will flow freely and the stars will be shining brighter.” As Kevin, Rebecca and Cory recovered their luggage from the carousel, Kevin walked off to call Cheryl.

  She had long ago given up the cleaning and was on her fourth glass of wine. Kevin had very good taste in liquor and always spared no expense. The trouble with that was, it didn’t take much to get her buzzed. At least she was in a better mood than she was an hour ago. She stood, and began moving out of the library, but the room began moving and the floor seemed to be moving further away from her feet. She plopped back into the chaise in the living room, laid her head back down and closed her eyes.

  The phone rang and woke her from her peaceful sleep.

  “What?” she said into the phone.


  “What do you want?” she slurred.

  “Why you sound like that?” Kevin asked her. “Are you ok?”

  “Do you even care?”

  “You sound as if you have been drinking.”

  “And what I if I have? Do you care? No. You don’t care anything about me. Just enjoy yourself in Ohio or wherever you are and leave me the hell alone. I can’t seem to do anything right anyway.”

  “Cheryl listen. I do care about you.”


  “I do. You are the mother of my two kids. If I must say, you are raising them to be very good people. I don’t like for you to talk like that. Promise me that you won’t have anything else to drink, and for God’s sake, don’t leave the house in that condition.”

  “Unlike what everyone thinks about me, I can make decisions on my own and when and if I stop drinking this evening, it won’t be because you told me to. Don’t worry, the kid’s won’t see me like this, and I won’t leave the house. I wouldn’t want to tarnish your squeaky clean image. But what do you think your image would be if I call the police and tell them you left black and blue marks on me and that you tried to rape me.”

  “Rape!” Kevin half whispered, half yelled.

  She pushed on. “If the phone hadn’t rung, you would have.’

  “You are my wife,” He said turning his back on his traveling companions.

  “Yeah, wife, not sparring partner. Are you even aware that you left bruises, which I can’t even hide?

  “I sent you flowers and tried to apologize.”

  “Oh is that what that was. I thought that I was being blamed for you putting your goddamn hands on me. Then again, I thought it was because you wanted me to be reminded that I needed to be forgiven, or was it because I didn’t call the police on your sorry ass?”

  “Believe what the fuck you want, I only tried to say I’m sorry. If you stop stressing the hell out of me, I wouldn’t have to do that.”

  “Yeah, whatever, tell that to the cops, better yet, tell it to the other bitch!”

  “Look, I didn’t call you for this; I called to see how you were.”

  “No, you called to ease your fucking conscience. I saw the condoms in your luggage. I guess I should be happy that you are using them, huh? I wonder how she would feel to know that you beat your wife.”

  “I don’t beat you, I only hit you a couple of times, when needed. It was a mistake and you know it, so don’t be getting all high and mighty. For all I know, you had been with someone else and then he didn’t want to be bothered with your ass after he hit it and sent you home.”

  “Screw you Kevin!” she said before slamming the phone down. She threw the phone across the room and picked up the nearly empty bottle and drank the rest from it like a wino hanging out on the street corner.

  Kevin hung up with a serious attitude. How dare she accuse him of trying to rape her, she is his wife, not a stranger in the street.

  He then thought to himself, “I did mean what I said, if I ever find out she has been with someone else, she would be sorry.”

  “Is everything alright?” Rebecca asked.

  “Yeah,” he snapped at her.

  “Don’t be giving me attitude; I wasn’t the one on the phone with you.”

  Kevin pulled her closer to him. “I’m sorry. The phone call is nothing. Just something I need to take care of when I get back home.”

  He would definitely need to slow down Cheryl and her lunatic rants.

  Kevin checked into his room with Black having the adjoining one. Rebecca’s room was two doors down.

  “Kev, I’m gonna shoot some hoops to unwind, wanna roll?”

  “Nah, I’m gonna chill before the meeting. Gotta look ova some things anyway.”

  “Cool. Holla.” As Black left, Kevin called Rebecca’s room.

  “And who is ringing my phone already?” Rebecca said coyly.

  “Hey baby” Kevin said. “You settled in?”


  “Up for a little company?”


  “Be right there.” He said and placed the receiver back on the phone. He sprayed a little cologne and brushed his hair.

  Rebecca answered the door with just her t-shirt on.

  “Damn girl, you gonna make a man fall to his knees.” “I hope so.” Rebecca replied seductively.

  As he walked in, her body pressed his against the door. His hands reached under her shirt. He cupped her breasts, lifting her t-shirt; he stood and stared at her beauty. His fingers traced a small circle around her nipples, and moved his fingers lightly across her skin. She was enjoying every second of this. He brought his mouth close to her breasts.

  The sensation of his breath was driving her wild. His hand reached between her legs, and Rebecca tossed her head back. Her hands ran over his shoulders and he pushed his fingers inside of her; a moan escaped through her lips. She tried keeping her composure as he fell to his knees. His tongue joined his fingers and her wetness was unbelievable. He used his tongue to lick her clit, sending tremors up her spine.

  “Oh, Kevin,” she said, while he stood and met her mouth with his.

  They inched closer to the bed and she lay down while Kevin kneeled in front of her and went back to work on her. Her back arched with every touch of his tongue and fingers. Kevin pushed her legs back to gain more access to her jewel. Rebecca groaned out in ecstasy. Her hands grabbed the bed covers. Kevin’s fingers went deeper into her. Her breathing was becoming rapid and shallow. Her legs began to tremble and she was close to climaxing.

  “Oh, Kevin. Oh baby.” He worked his tongue faster and faster, while his fingers pushed deeper inside of her. Rebecca’s back arched and her hands clung to the sheets. “Yes baby. Oh my…”

  He came up to her and pressed his mouth against hers.

  “Kevin, oh Kevin. I want you inside of me. Now. Please.” Her words were choppy and almost a whisper.

  Kevin’s pants were
around his ankles. His manhood was about to explode. Totally forgetting about the condoms, he reached down and pushed himself into her.

  “Baby, please!” Rebecca pleaded.

  “Oh Rebecca,” he moaned.

  “Harder baby,” she demanded, and he obliged her. He pushed her legs further back.

  “Oh yes Kevin, give it to me.”

  “You like this baby?”

  “Oh yes.”

  “Oh Rebecca…” Kevin groaned.

  “Give it to me baby!” Rebecca cried out.

  “Oh Rebecca!” he said as his body convulsed against hers. “I love you!” Kevin cried out when he emptied himself into her. His breath was ragged as he rolled off of her and gathered her in his arms after their breathing returned to normal.

  “We have to get ready.” He said as he ran his hand down her arm.

  Rebecca rolled away from him and walked to the dresser and pulled her brush from the overnight bag. Kevin rose from the bed and lumbered into the bathroom. He emerged ten minutes later as Rebecca walked him to the door.

  He pulled her into his arms, “I love you Rebecca.” He said as he kissed her gently on the forehead.

  As a single tear fell from her eye, she whispered back, “I love you too, Kevin.”

  Chapter 26

  Cheryl slept off the effects of the Linganore Sparkling Red Wine. She was definitely a little tipsy and on the verge of having a hangover. The phone was now on the floor beside the bed. She walked downstairs and made herself some toast. After getting back upstairs, she noticed her phone and the flashing number two.

  She picked up her phone and dialed Dee’s number as she started running water in the tub for a long hot soak.

  “Hey girl.” She said.

  “Hey hussy, I got your note. Everything ok?” Dee answered.

  “I guess.”

  “Why don’t we hook up tomorrow for breakfast and some serious shopping?”


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