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The Fiancee Charade

Page 11

by Darcy Maguire

  Jess opened her mouth but couldn’t find the words. What did she do? She couldn’t tell him the truth. That would be like waving a red flag at a bull. ‘I do a bit of everything…you know.’

  ‘I meant the business.’

  She tipped her head and touched her lips with her finger. ‘What are you doing here?’

  His attention snapped to her mouth, his eyes flickering. ‘I came to see you.’

  She couldn’t help but smile. ‘I thought our date was for tonight?’

  ‘Yes, but I couldn’t wait.’

  Heat rushed through her body, firing every nerve at his presence, at the fact that he might like her more than just as a romance coach and pretend fiancée. ‘Oh?’

  He dropped to his knees.

  She stared down at him, the blood roaring through her body, flooding her cheeks. ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Jess, would you do me the honour of becoming my fiancée for the next couple of weeks?’ He slipped a ring on her finger, smiling softly up at her with those incredible eyes of his.

  She pulled her attention from his face to the diamond, sparkling in the sun. It had to be at least two carats, pink and oval-cut, in a silver setting that clasped the stone in a delicate grip like the one Alex had on her hand.

  Her heart thundered in her chest. Gawd. If only this were real. If only this was a nice, honest, reliable man who truly loved her…

  ‘Didn’t I say we were going to have a trial run?’ she bit out. ‘What on earth motivated you to announce our engagement today? And this—’

  ‘Enthusiasm?’ he offered, getting up and dusting off his knees. ‘I couldn’t wait to get our engagement started.’

  ‘I could very well give up on you by Saturday night, you know,’ she warned, covering the pink solitaire with her other hand.

  He moved closer. ‘I hope you don’t.’

  ‘I have to go. I’ve got work…people waiting for me,’ she rushed, backing away from him, an ache filling her chest for all that she didn’t have.

  ‘Sure.’ He leant forward and brushed his lips over hers in a featherlight caress.

  Her lips quivered, burnt, sending bolts of sensation down her body. ‘What was that for?’ she whispered.

  He shrugged. ‘Just in case someone was watching. We have an image to keep up now.’

  And he was gone. Leaving her heart pounding, her body lusting for more…

  One thing was for sure. By the time she was finished with Alex Calahan she’d be ready for a man in her life. And he’d have a lot to live up to.

  Alex straightened his tie, listening to the chime of her doorbell, feeling as if he was eighteen again and going on his first real date.

  It was silly, but somehow Jess seemed to make him think and feel so much more. Was it because she was for ever assessing him?

  He didn’t know or care. The anticipation of being with her was deliciously torturous.

  Hell, he had no idea what she was up to. After last night’s refusal to go out with him to meet with clients he’d had to think again about Lucas’s punt on her motivations.

  A spy wouldn’t have refused the opportunity—but then why had she avoided telling him about her job? Either she was being extremely clever in her manipulation of him, and she had the patience of a saint when it came to her true goal, or she was really in Women Against Womanisers, and just happened to work in advertising.

  Did it matter? Not at the moment. The likelihood of her using him was slim…impossible.

  The look on her face when he’d given her the ring had been priceless—the shine in her eyes and the softness of her making it almost impossible for him to keep going with the game.

  Convincing her to go out with him tonight had been an effort. His argument that they had to go out and practise looking ‘right’ together had been met with resistance, but logic had won out in the end.

  Hell, he’d wanted to tell her it was her he wanted, not Natasha, but the words wouldn’t come. It wasn’t time yet.

  He smoothed down his jacket. He couldn’t stop thinking about her and he couldn’t wait to be with her again. He raked his hair with his fingers. Was he a glutton for punishment or what?

  Was this love?

  She opened the door. Her black gown fell to her ankles, hugging every incredible curve of her body, making his hands itch to trace the line of the fabric. The neckline plunged to expose the perfect valley between her full breasts, the expanse of creamy smooth skin she was showing making him tingle with excitement.

  Her hair was up, coiled on her head, with the lightest wisps escaping and caressing her cheeks as he yearned to do with his thumb.

  Her lips were deep red, her eyes like glittering emeralds looking at him in a way that made his breath snag in his throat.

  He hoped it was him and not the tuxedo that made her look at him like that. Hell, he was drowning in that look. He wanted to stay right where he was, bask in the warmth of it…

  ‘So?’ he murmured, his mind spinning at the implication in the way she was looking at him.

  ‘So you look incredible,’ she offered lightly.

  ‘So do you. Ready for the trial run?’

  ‘Sure. Are we going anywhere special?’ She closed the door behind her and stepped forward, as though she couldn’t wait to start the evening.

  ‘Dinner at the Bondi Icebergs.’ He ran a hand around her waist as she stepped away from the door, locking it behind her. His palm slid across bare flesh, hurtling fire through his veins. What the—?

  She moved away from his light touch, walking in front of him and exposing the wicked cut of the dress at the back. ‘Trendy spot.’

  Her entire back was bare. The dress just wasn’t there. Somehow the dress was held up at her neck and didn’t start again till low, where the fabric swept around her buttocks and joined, falling full-length to the floor.

  He swallowed hard.

  If she was out to seduce him she had a head start with that dress. Hell, he could barely breathe, let alone follow the sensual sway of her hips to the car.

  To have her alone…

  ‘You’re not saying much,’ she said over her shoulder. ‘Are you playing the strong, silent type just in case you blurt out your usual womanising nonsense and give me a reason to back out?’

  He couldn’t help but smile. He had to hand it to Jess for her directness—and for easily changing the mood of the moment. ‘Could be. Or maybe it’s just that your incredible beauty has bowled me over.’

  She swung back to him. ‘Flattery?’

  ‘A little,’ he offered lightly, trying to focus on his words and not on Jess, and the flare of desire in his loins. ‘Not too much, I hope, because I want to get across how you move me without getting overly mushy.’

  She nodded, lifting an eyebrow. ‘Okay.’

  He smiled. Her taking a compliment so readily had to mean he was on the right track, and the thought of pleasing her ran fast into his chest.

  She looked down, biting her lip. ‘Damn. I forgot my purse.’ She moved back to her apartment. ‘I don’t know what I’m thinking. My head hasn’t been screwed on right all day.’

  ‘I know what you mean.’ Alex turned and followed her. If she was half as distracted by him as he was by her…But then, did she even like him?

  He toyed with ways to get her to give him a small sign that he had a chance with her. ‘I’m sorry I’ve dumped all this on you. I know you don’t like spending time with me.’

  She shrugged, opened the door and walked across the room to a doorway on the far side. ‘I’ll live.’

  He strolled into the lounge area. ‘I hope I haven’t damaged your position at Women Against Womanisers by announcing our engagement?’

  ‘I hadn’t thought about that,’ she said from the other room.

  ‘Have you thought about what your father might say?’ Alex asked, running his hands over the patchwork quilt draped over the back of the lounge. ‘He’ll probably pay you a bit of attention.’

  He contemplat
ed just what sort of attention he might give his daughter about a whirlwind romance and a sudden engagement.

  ‘I imagine it could be difficult explaining the situation to your father,’ he offered, looking towards the bedroom. ‘I’ll help out if you need me to talk to him…about this. Us.’

  Alex lifted his head, listening. Nothing.

  The silence from the bedroom was heavy. His gut tightened. Had he said something wrong?

  He moved towards Jess’s bedroom, his chest tight and his heart pounding.


  JESS shuddered, Alex’s words stabbing into her chest, regrets assailing her.

  Dad. She hadn’t thought of his reaction to all this—not once since Alex had proposed this farce.

  She stared at the ceiling, tears stinging her eyes. What was he was going to think of the idea of her marrying the enemy? The man who ruined his business? Who stole the one reason he’d had left for living?

  She sagged onto the bed. Oh, Gawd.


  She looked up at the man filling the doorway. Surely if her dad knew him…

  What was she saying? It wasn’t even a real engagement—it was only a few days. There was no reason for her father to get to know how kind and gentle this guy was underneath the big fat head he carried around.

  Pain stabbed her deep in the chest. This wasn’t real. None of it. Just some crazy nightmare…at times a dream…She would never have thought that she could feel again, consider a relationship again—not for a long time.

  She knew it would be over as soon as Alex got what he was after and she’d be left with nothing again and alone, but she knew she had to see this through.

  For herself.

  Her throat closed over, the water filling her eyes spilling over. And her father would be just the same as he always was, maybe worse.

  How could she explain this mess?

  ‘Hey,’ he whispered, reducing the distance between them and dropping to his knees, covering her hands with his in her lap. ‘I’m sorry.’

  She was too. Sorry that no matter what she did it wasn’t good enough for her father, sorry that her business wasn’t as successful as his had been, sorry that she hadn’t died instead of her mother.

  She covered her mouth but couldn’t stop the tears. ‘I want him to notice me. What I do. But nothing I do matters. Nothing.’

  Alex turned her left hand over, stroking the ring he’d given her with his thumb. ‘This might.’

  She nodded, trying to stop the stupid tears. She hadn’t cried in front of anyone since her mother had died and she hated herself for it.

  Jess glanced at the beautiful pink diamond, biting her bottom lip. If anything this would make things worse—unless she told her father the truth…But what the hell was the truth? That she was trying to undermine the enemy? That she was helping the enemy? Or just plain falling for the enemy’s charming smile and kiss-me lips?

  She shook herself. ‘All he cares about is how he lost his business. All he talks about is how justice should be done.’ She choked back the tears. ‘What’s he going to think of me now?’

  ‘For being my fiancée?’ Alex shrugged, a sheepish grin on his face. ‘He might offer his congratulations?’

  She shook her head, her stomach contracting. If only she could tell Alex everything. ‘All he cares about is how he lost his business,’ she repeated, the words crushing the air out of her lungs, trying to get him to see the significance.

  ‘It could be he’s really blaming himself over your mother’s death…doesn’t feel like he deserved a successful business…’

  ‘What?’ Jess jerked her chin up, looking into Alex’s blue eyes.

  ‘He probably sabotaged himself.’ He rubbed her hands, the warmth of his skin seeping into hers, filling her. ‘I can imagine that if there was someone I cared about more than anything in my life. I’d feel like I should have done something more…anything more. Maybe I’d even regret the time I spent pursuing my business goals instead of sharing them with her.’

  ‘And me?’ She bit her lip, her heart pounding in her chest, feeling an empty ache at knowing Natasha was the one he was thinking of. ‘Why does he ignore me?’

  ‘Because you remind him of her?’ he said softly, raising his eyes from her hands to her face, his eyes stormy blue. ‘Because he feels guilty?’

  Jess staggered over his words, the significance filling her heart. Could it be true? It seemed so simple, so obvious…not as hurtful as being ignored, as not being good enough.

  She slipped her hands out from under his, leant forward and hugged him. She relaxed into him. He felt so good, so solid, so strong and so warm, and he smelt divine, all spicy cologne mixed with pure sexy male.

  It didn’t matter who he was. He’d made her feel there was some hope for her father without crucifying the man who had destroyed his business. Alex had been ruthless, crushing all those in his path in the early days, and her father had been a casualty.

  He wrapped her in his arms, holding her body close to his. ‘In time he’ll tell you,’ he whispered in her ear. ‘He’ll be able to tell you. You just have to believe it—believe he loves you and keep going.’

  Jess pulled back, her chest full, fresh tears running down her cheeks. How could he be so wonderful? He was meant to be shallow and arrogant. He was meant to be selfish and mean.

  ‘Alex,’ she whispered, lifting a hand to his cheek, running her palm against his smooth jaw, every nerve in her palm exulting at finally touching him. ‘Thank you.’

  He caught her hand and stared into her face. ‘Say that again.’

  ‘Thank you,’ she whispered, her voice fading at the way he was looking at her, at the way his fingers were wrapped around her wrist, branding her, at the incredible sizzle that scored her veins.

  ‘No,’ he said deeply, letting her wrist go. ‘The part where you said my name.’

  ‘Alex.’ She smiled, trailing her fingers down his neck.

  He caught her hand in his, his gaze riveted on her mouth as he stood up, drawing her with him.

  She couldn’t help herself—couldn’t refuse the question in his eyes, the need in him, burning there for her. She leant forward and brushed her lips over his with a whisper-soft gentleness.

  His kiss warmed.

  He tasted her lips, deepened the kiss, awakening desires in Jess that she’d long ago pushed deep.

  ‘I thought you wanted—’ Jess whispered.

  ‘You.’ He ran his hands down her back, cupping her bottom, pressing her against the length of his hard body.


  He touched her lips with his finger, his eyes fixed there, then traced her mouth with his thumb, his lips following where he’d drawn. ‘God, I want you. You’re beautiful, you’re amazing, you’re incredible…’

  She put her hand over his mouth. ‘What did I tell you about excessive flattery?’

  ‘I thought it was any flattery?’ he teased.

  She gave a soft shrug, smiling up into his stormy blue eyes. ‘A girl likes a little.’

  ‘Tell me how much?’ he said, his voice breaking, pulling her closer to him, taking her lips.

  Jess couldn’t get enough of him. His hot mouth sent shivers of desire rushing through her, his touch igniting her body, his gentle kindness wiping all thought from her mind.

  She pushed his jacket off his shoulders and flicked his buttons undone, spreading his shirt wide, exulting in the feel of his hot body under her fingers and palms.

  Alex’s steamy looks were enough to set her on fire, let alone the thought of his hot lips roaming her skin, his hands moulding her body to his.

  His lips slid from her mouth down her jaw, down her throat, pressing hot kisses into her veins, stoking the growing fire deep in the pit of her belly.

  She gasped, stepped back, pulling him with her, drawing him to the bed.

  Alex hesitated, hovering over her like a bird of prey, his eyes gleaming with danger.

  Jess’s heart jolted,
sense looming. She should stop. But then she would never have this—him—just for a precious small time. If she didn’t do this she knew that she’d regret it for the rest of her life.

  She hooked her hand around his neck and drew him down to her, pushing his shirt off and tasting the flesh of his shoulder, delighting in the guttural noises he made deep in his throat.

  Alex’s lips found the pulse at the base of her throat, pressed a hot kiss there. A hand ran down the curve of her waist and hip and up again, sliding along the flat of her stomach, up her ribs, closing around a breast.

  She arched her back, eager for his touch. No man had pressed her buttons as easily and effortlessly as Alex. She turned and found his lips, moaned her need for more in her kiss.

  His thumb cruised over the soft swell of her breast, catching the hard nipple, teasing, squeezing.

  Jess squirmed. Oh, Gawd. This was amazing. He was amazing.

  He traced his finger around her nipple, circling. The tension rose in her. ‘Is there a problem?’ he teased.

  ‘No,’ Jess gasped as he lowered his head, his lips pressing against the swell of her breast. This was good. Lust and desire were good. It was love she’d never do again.

  The anticipation was divine. His lips were enough to drive her crazy, enough to tug at her innards until desire ran hot and liquid between her thighs.

  Alex ran his hand up the black dress, catching the clasp at her nape, flicking it open, laying the silky fabric back from her breasts and slipping his hand against her hot flesh.

  ‘Oh,’ she whispered as cool air touched her hard nipples, then his hands, worshipping her breasts, tracing their shape as though memorising them.

  He drank in the sight of her, his sapphire eyes shining with a passion and a promise that made her ache. He lowered his head and hot lips closed over a nipple, feasting.

  Jess’s senses whirled. She dug her fingers into the muscles of his back, holding him as bolts of desire slid through her. ‘Alex.’

  He drew back, just looking at her. As though she were a jewel. As though he wasn’t going to do anything. As though he were frozen.

  ‘Alex…’ she whispered, pouting softly. From the moment he’d walked into her bedroom she’d melted. Something warm and beautiful was enveloping her, dulling her mind, bathing her in a brilliant golden light that she just had to share with him, needed to share with him.


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