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The Fiancee Charade

Page 12

by Darcy Maguire

  ‘Gawd, Jess, you’re beautiful.’ He groaned and pulled her closer to him, captured the other nipple in his mouth.

  She arched her back. ‘Alex,’ she moaned, running her hand down his chest to his trousers, desire shooting through her very core.

  ‘We shouldn’t—’

  She unzipped his trousers with reckless abandon. ‘Yes, we should.’


  ‘No buts. Just this,’ she whispered, kissing his neck, curling her fingers in his hair, stroking him, pleasuring him, drawing him to greater heights.

  ‘Jess…are you…sure?’

  ‘Hell, yes.’ She wanted this more than she wanted anything. She didn’t want to think about why. Didn’t want to think, just be—with him, now.

  Alex groaned, slipping a hand down her body, catching the edge of her panties in his hand and clenching tight.

  Jess caught his lips, and their kiss burned with passion, the fire between them blistering as Alex caught her dress, pulled it down, and slipped her clothes to the floor.

  She lay naked beneath him. ‘I can’t believe this is real.’

  ‘Believe this.’ He ran his hand up her leg, tangling his fingers in her curls, delving deeper, stroking her, caressing her, exploring her.

  Jess stopped breathing, shivering as desire broke what control she had left. ‘Alex,’ she begged.

  He didn’t hesitate. He slid into her, catching his breath.

  She shuddered as he sank deep and hard into her, pulled back, drove deep, pulled back.

  A cry built in her throat.

  Alex captured her mouth, drinking in her need as his power surged in her, through her, along every nerve. Sweeping her into a sweet black void and out again into brilliance, a flaming heat that rippled through her in exquisite waves of pleasure.

  He dropped to her side, wrapping her in his arms, pressing his lips against her forehead, her cheek, her eyelids, his breathing short and ragged.

  Jess felt incredible, buzzing from head to toe.

  She knew this meant nothing more than sex to either of them. He was the womaniser she had known he was…he hadn’t changed. And she wouldn’t have to continue with this farce longer than Saturday.

  She suppressed the ache in her chest.

  ‘So that’s your answer?’ he whispered.

  She drew in a long, slow, deep breath, laying her palm against his stomach, wanting more of him…needing more. ‘What was the question again?’ she said, smiling.

  He trailed his finger down and over her curves, as though he was memorising her. ‘Hmm, let’s see…’


  JESS rolled over, blinking, and opened her eyes to the sunshine pouring in the window, feeling incredibly unlike she did every other morning.

  Last night had been magical. They’d talked, made love, ordered in pizza, made love, talked, made love and slept.

  She stretched, warm and tingling, her mind caressing thoughts of Alex and doing the same again, tonight and maybe the next.

  She didn’t care if she never got to eat at Bondi. Alex was all she wanted—for as long as she could have him.

  It was crazy, but they’d connected…and one thing Jess knew was that it was special. Things couldn’t be the same now, could they?

  She reached for him, but the space beside her was empty. She touched the pillow where Alex had lain in the night, finding the piece of paper lying on top. Her body cooled.

  See you tonight.

  She bit her lip, staring at the words, the all-purpose, noncommittal phrase stabbing her. Where was the flattery? The acknowledgement of the amazing night they’d shared, worshipping each other’s bodies? The connection?

  Why had he left early, without waking her?

  She’d wanted to wake up in his arms, hear his sweet words of seduction and romance, feel that what they’d shared meant something to him.

  Dammit, why did she yearn to make this mean more to him than just one of his usual flings?

  She covered her face with her pillow, breathing deep. This was just sex. Nothing more. Great sex with a handsome, kind man that she had to admit she liked.

  She’d known that last night—known that was all it could be.

  She sat up and swung her legs off the side of the bed, trying to smile. She should have taught the guy some etiquette in the bedroom and got rid of his bachelor-driven one-night-get-out-of-there routine.

  Maybe then she wouldn’t feel like this.

  Her throat stung. At least Natasha wouldn’t fall victim to this if she told him it was inappropriate.

  Her heart chilled. She had to accept that she was just another woman in his life…nothing special.

  Mr Darcy leapt onto the bed, curling up on the covers without even casting her a glance. He probably had his nose out of joint after having his side of the bed occupied. And, dammit, had they ‘occupied’ the night away or what?

  She flung herself back onto the bed, her chest aching. She was an idiot. She couldn’t deny it. She wanted Alex to like her, want her, love her.

  Gawd, she loved the man.

  She jerked to her feet and stalked to the shower, pushing down the ache in her belly. If he was going to seriously show her off tonight as his girlfriend, then she wasn’t going to disappoint.

  She would look incredible and do exactly what was expected of her.

  Breaking up with Alexander Calahan was going to be easy. He was the enemy, he was in love with someone else and she was better off without him.

  It was bad news.

  Alex didn’t have to guess, he could tell by Lucas’s face. But for the life of him he couldn’t work up concern or a sweat. He was riding high on Jess and what they’d shared last night.

  She’d been incredible.

  He’d guessed she’d been bottling her passion, and she sure as hell had. He could still taste her, smell the delicious scent of vanilla, could see the vision she’d made lying on those soft pink sheets naked.

  It had been all he could do to leave her. But he’d had to get away before she woke, before he was driven to taste her lips again, touch her exquisite body, make love with her again and again and again.

  She was like a drug, and he wasn’t sure he could keep his feelings to himself. He wanted to be with her, tell her everything. Yearned to. But logic ruled his life and had guided him well.

  It wasn’t in her best interests for him to rush. He probably should have controlled himself last night. But when she’d touched him like that, hugged him, all restraint had left him.

  She’d wanted him.

  He took a gulp of the orange juice his steward, John, had provided them with on the deck of his boat. The Chinese lanterns had been hung in place; the ropes of fresh marigolds and carnations would come later.

  ‘You look a little too pleased with yourself.’ Lucas dropped into a chair. ‘You didn’t? You did. You said you weren’t going to go that far with the woman.’

  ‘I think I’ve fallen in love.’

  Lucas nodded. ‘With Natasha.’

  Alex shook his head, exploring the sensations stirring inside him at just thinking of her. ‘No, with Jess.’

  ‘You don’t even know the woman.’

  ‘I know enough. She’s the kindest, warmest, most beautiful person I’ve ever met. And she’s not afraid of me, in awe of me…Hell, she likes me despite who I am.’

  Lucas shook his head, stroking his goatee. ‘She likes you because you can give her what she wants.’

  Alex leant back. He couldn’t help but smile. Hell, yes. And she could give him what he needed.

  Lucas leant forward and grabbed his arm. ‘Your new love has been doing a lot of research while she’s been with you. Not only has she been instructing you in the arts of romance, she’s been snooping.’

  Alex frowned, his blood cooling. ‘What?’

  ‘That company she works for? She co-owns it.’ Lucas leant forward, resting his elbows on his knees. ‘And you were right. It’s an advertising company.’

/>   ‘So?’

  ‘So that little company has just romanced Sawtell & Collins out from under us, and Bramton, and even Cowly for their next campaign.’

  ‘Could be coincidence?’ Alex murmured, fighting the swell of pain in his chest. This couldn’t be happening to him. Not again. Another woman in his life who just wanted to use him.

  ‘Don’t be an idiot. She’s been playing you for a fool. All she wanted was some big clients to get her into the big league.’

  ‘They aren’t that big,’ he said dully, the significance of Lucas’s report sliding into him like a knife into flesh, the steel driving deep.

  ‘But CG&A are. And so are quite a few of the others coming tonight. She can’t be here. Get rid of her.’

  Alex shook his head, trying to dispel the growing shadow around his heart. He wanted to keep her. ‘It must be a mistake.’

  ‘Yeah, and she thinks you’re the love of her life. Get real, mate. There’s no such organisation as Women Against Womanisers—I checked. She’s a plant, and she’s been playing you for a fool.’

  Alex stood up slowly and walked to the edge of the boat, leaning on the railing and staring into the depths of the water—almost green, like her eyes…her lying, cheating eyes.

  Was she like all the rest? After something? Anything? But not him. He didn’t exist for those other women—wasn’t real. He was just a cardboard cutout, head of the Calahan ad company, son of the Double Bay Calahans, a rich and wealthy playboy who didn’t have a heart.

  He only had one thing to offer as far as they were all concerned, and he was sick of it.

  But this time was different. Jess was different. She knew him. He’d told her things that he hadn’t told anyone.

  She couldn’t be like them.

  Lucas slapped him on the shoulder. ‘Get rid of that girl and focus on Natasha Bradford-Jones. She’s perfect for you in every way.’

  Alex shook his head, tossing the possibilities in his mind. There was only one way to find out the truth. And he was going to make it count.


  JESS stood at the end of the deck, watching the guests arriving, her attention on Lucas and the man beside him greeting everyone.

  His touch still burned on her skin, where he’d grasped both her hands and brushed her lips with a kiss as she’d come aboard. His whispered promise to be with her soon was still echoing in her heart.

  Was it real or was he playing the part well? She lifted her chin, pushing down the urge to think it was anything more.

  She knew Alex…or did she? The last couple of days had shown her that people weren’t always what they seemed, and he might seem wonderful but there was always a catch…

  She shook herself. Could she really deny what was throbbing in her heart? Could she expect that out of all the amazing beauties the man had dated she’d be the one to change him? Not a chance. Darn it all, her own father didn’t place her as worth loving.

  So what if Alex was someone she could talk to more easily than Kath, her father—even Dean, who she’d thought she loved?

  Alex was never going to say those three little words to her, and dreaming about it was a waste of time and energy.

  ‘Smile,’ Alex whispered, sweeping his arm around her. ‘This is a party.’

  Jess looked up at him, swallowing hard at the incredible shine in his stormy blue eyes, her body sizzling with the warmth of his voice and touch.

  Maybe she could give him a chance.

  She’d given Dean more than one, and had had her trust thrown in her face. But he’d been a jerk. She could do this—trust Alex—he had changed. Hadn’t he?

  All that time with him, those quiet talks, that amazing night…it had to have meant something to him.

  She lifted her chin. One thing was for sure: she wasn’t going to be like her father and have regrets. She was going to do this, no matter what the cost.

  ‘Can I introduce you around?’

  She nodded, forcing a smile to her lips despite the thundering of her heart in her chest. ‘Sure.’

  ‘You look amazing,’ he offered, moving towards a group on the deck, his warm hand guiding her at the small of her back.

  ‘Doug Charleston, Harry Greerson and Gary Anderson from CG&A,’ he offered, leaning close to her. ‘The jewel in the crown…as far as clients go.’

  ‘Ye-es,’ she said slowly, her belly tossing. Oh, Gawd. Kath would just die if she knew they were here. As it was…she’d never know. Jess’s lips were sealed. All was fair in love and war. And it wasn’t war any more. ‘They’re your clients, then?’

  His touch fell away from her. ‘No, not yet. We’re in negotiations at the moment. Although they are impressed with our suggestions for their products, we haven’t quite hooked them.’

  She nodded. What now? Should she race off and ring Kath and tell her? She looked at Alex, his face unreadable in the soft lights.

  ‘Would you like to meet them?’ he offered.

  ‘I could do with a drink,’ she said, her eyes on the group in front of her. The temptation was to just talk with them…it couldn’t hurt…it wasn’t as if she was going to tell Kath—not when she knew it meant so much to Alex. And the clothes the women with them were wearing were incredible.

  ‘Of course. What am I thinking…?’ His voice wavered. He turned around and strode away from her.

  She watched him. What was going on with him? Had he seen someone he needed to talk to? He hadn’t even asked her what she wanted to drink…

  Jess sidled into the group. ‘Hello, I’m Jess Thompson.’ She turned to a woman in a rich red gown that hugged her figure and swept to the floor. ‘I have to ask where you got that dress—it’s divine.’

  Alex cast a look down the deck to where Jess stood cosily amongst the CG&A group, her gown hugging her womanly curves, taunting him with every inch of the body that he knew, with the magic they’d made and what he’d never feel again.

  She was a goddess in a peach satin gown. An illusion that never was…

  It was over.

  He turned away. He couldn’t watch. Couldn’t bear to see her get the prize she’d obviously worked so hard for. Had wanted so much that she’d compromised her principles and herself for it.

  At least she’d be happy.

  ‘Is anything wrong?’ Natasha Bradford-Jones touched him gently on the shoulder.

  Alex stiffened. Wrong? Was it wrong to get a wake-up call before he made an idiot of himself by declaring his love for a woman who was using him? Jess was only interested in him for what she could get out of him, like every other woman he’d known, including his mother.

  Hell, his mother had made it clear enough that the only reason she’d sacrificed her perfect figure was to keep control of his father. Fat lot of good that had done her. And him.

  ‘Are you having problems with your fiancée?’

  Alex turned to the woman everyone figured was right for him. Obviously he’d been an idiot to think that Jess shared what he felt. ‘Yes.’

  He raked his fingers through his hair, gritting his teeth against the twisting in his gut. He’d never felt anything like what he had with Jess. Couldn’t imagine ever finding it again with anyone else.

  For the first time in his life he’d wanted to keep a woman, desperately wanted her to love him. ‘She’s breaking my heart,’ he whispered.

  ‘I can see that.’ Natasha slid onto the stool beside him and beckoned the bartender.

  Alex leant against the bar, breathing deep and slow. He’d been such an idiot to open up to Jess the way he had. She’d probably use everything he’d said to her against him—use it to climb to the top like he had.

  ‘Whisky—neat,’ he ordered.

  He hoped that she’d find more comfort in getting to the top than he had. It just wasn’t enough. Not when you were alone.

  He drained the contents of the glass. It killed him that he cared for her. Still loved her despite this betrayal.

  He watched more guests coming onto the boat, w
atched the hired-in staff handing out champagne and knew he had to go and mingle. Put a smile on his face and watch the woman he loved screw him over for business.

  He turned to Natasha. Her eyes were brown and dull compared to Jess’s. ‘Can I talk to you?’

  ‘Sure. Do you want to find somewhere quiet?’ she lilted.

  He nodded. He couldn’t bear to watch Jess now, not knowing the truth—that she’d sent him on an errand so she could get some information on the clients alone.

  She’d been right.

  There were no happy-ever-afters.

  ‘Lucas, how are you?’ Jess offered a hand to Alex’s friend, glancing around the party and trying to find the man who made her knees weak and her heart pound.

  She wanted to be with him, to tell him that she’d play his fiancée if that was what he wanted from her, and hope against hope that he’d grow to see her as more than just another woman in his life.

  ‘Do you want the truth?’ Lucas asked, his tone dark and low.

  She nodded, swallowing. ‘Yes, if you want to share it with me.’

  ‘Well, that’s just the thing, isn’t it? Alex sharing everything with you.’

  She held a champagne flute in front of her, gripping it tightly. ‘I don’t understand.’ Was he jealous? Was she distracting Alex from work?

  ‘You’ve done enough.’

  She shook her head, her mind tumbling. ‘I beg your pardon?’

  ‘Mr Calahan has been…more than happy with your services and he’s asked me to settle things up.’ Lucas pulled out an envelope from his jacket pocket and handed it to her. ‘I think you’ll agree you’ve been amply compensated for your time.’

  Jess looked around her, her body cold, a deep ache clawing at her chest, her throat closing over. ‘I want to talk to Alex.’

  ‘He does appreciate all the advice you dispensed, and the time and effort you put in. But at present he’s preoccupied.’

  ‘What?’ Jess covered her chest.

  ‘He’s in the back—in conference,’ Lucas said, stroking his goatee. ‘Not to be disturbed.’


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