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Weston's Trouble (Saddles & Second Chances Book 3)

Page 18

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  “Go home, bro. Finish your business for the day.”

  He patted his brother’s shoulder. “Right now, you need me. We don’t have to talk. We’ll just sit here and listen to sad songs playing from the jukebox, and you’ll drink your beer and I’ll guzzle my soda. Fun times.”

  Weston didn’t want to, but he couldn’t hold back the laughter. “Damn. How did we get so old?”

  “Speak for yourself. I’m a spring chicken. It’s called being in love, bro. If you decide you want to talk I’m real interested in the news about Sammie Tanner and the fact that she’s back in town. I even heard she’s hanging out with Brie a lot these days.”

  “Shit! Isn’t anything private?”

  “No. Do I need to remind you of busting Penn’s balls not too long ago about allowing his dick to override his brains? You’ve been doing a lot of that lately.”

  “Touché, but this ain’t all about Sammie. I just came back from Marty’s office. He tells me I don’t have much of a fight when it comes to keeping Brie from visiting her mother.”

  “Fuck, man. That stinks. But you know we all have your back. We’ll all fight to keep her close to home if that’s what it takes.”

  “It’ll cost money and I can’t take down SCS or the ranch.” He took a long drink, wishing it’d ease the tension in his gut.

  “We’ll all put our money together. Hell, Hugh has a nest egg that he can come off.”

  “I know you would and that means a lot, but it won’t change the outcome I’m afraid.”

  “Shit. What does Brie say about this?”

  Weston hesitated, then shrugged. “I haven’t told her. I wanted to wait as long as possible.”

  Roman almost spewed his drink across the bar. “You haven’t told her? There’s a time for everything and I’d say you have no choice. Maybe she wants to see her mom. Have you thought about that?”

  He nodded. “Many times.”

  “So, you said that the need to get drunk isn’t all because of our pretty neighbor, so I’m assuming that a little bit is because of her. What’s up? Or is it obvious what’s up?” He laughed.

  Weston’s shoulders slumped. “Complicated.”

  Roman nodded. “When it comes to women, when isn’t it?”

  He picked up his beer and finished half in one long gulp, then slammed it down on the bar. “Mind your business and let me handle my problems.”

  “And you’re my brother, so it sort of is my business. You’re the leader of the Jericho clan, bro. You have issues, we all have issues.” He took a sip from his glass. “Have you eaten?”

  “I’m not here to throw back nutrition, Ro.”

  “I’ll take that as a no.” He waved at Johnny and Weston didn’t even bother listening to what Roman ordered.

  “Pippa has made you a softie.” Weston snorted.

  “Soft is the last thing my wife has made me. Anyway, turnabout is fair play. You’ve been a rock on more than one occasion. At the time, I hated your lectures and now I’m grateful.”

  “Can’t I just sit here and drown myself in my beer?” he asked gruffly.

  “You go right ahead. I’ll hold your hair for you when you vomit.” Roman smiled dramatically.

  “Shithead. I’m not a lightweight.” He swiveled on his stool and looked out over the thin crowd. Rena was standing by the jukebox wearing a pair of tight jeans and a wiggle that could cause a man to drop. Why wasn’t he feeling a stirring? A stretching of his zipper? He just wasn’t interested.

  “I’m not sure why you and she didn’t hook up?” Roman used his glass to point at her.

  “No, thank you.”

  “That’s because someone’s got a hold of your dick, and your heart.”

  “I’m not too proud to admit that I can’t get over Sammie.” Damn. The alcohol was making him loose-lipped.

  His brother laughed and took a drink from his glass. “Hell, we all knew that. She’s home, bro. What keeps you from grabbing a second chance? I’ve never pegged you as a pussy.”

  Hooking his boot on the stool, Weston leaned against the edge of the bar. “She ain’t planning to stay in Colton. I thought after what we shared things would change, but she left me a note that changed the direction of my thoughts.”

  “Yeah? What’s the note say?”

  Reaching into his pocket, he just happened to have the note with him. When he got back to his place last night, he hadn’t stopped to search to see if she’d left a note, he’d just gone upstairs to an empty bed. This morning, as he was leaving to take Brie to school, she had found it on the table. Good thing she couldn’t read big words yet.

  Johnny placed a pepperoni pizza between the two cowboys. Without thinking, Weston grabbed a sliced and chomped down, hungrier than he thought he was.

  Roman unfolded the crumpled paper and read…

  “Weston, I’ m sorry that I’ve made your situation more complicated. I don’t know what I was thinking. I guess I wasn’t. I made a mistake. You’ll probably never want to see me again and I can understand why. Neither of us want messy.”

  “Okay. What did she do that could make things more complicated?” Roman asked, dropping the paper on the bar.

  “She slept with me,” he grumbled.

  “Yeah, sex always complicates things, but there seems to be more involved here by her words.”

  “I think she means that she’s still planning to go back to Chicago. When it rains it pours and I wish I didn’t give a shit.” He grabbed the paper and started to fold it back up, but instead crumpled it in his palm and tossed it into the trash can just on the other side of the bar. It was best he didn’t have it in his pocket to read again.

  “Does she know you’re still in love with her?”

  “Pfft. I didn’t say I was still in love with her.”

  “You don’t need to, bro. It’s obvious as the nose in the center of your face. When Urban told me she came back, I thought you’d enjoy yourself a few times, get it out of your blood and move on, but seeing you now, I know I was wrong. Pippa was right. She always is.”

  “Pippa? What does she say, considering y’all know all of my business?”

  “She said there’s someone from your past who has tattooed her name on your heart.” Yup. That’s the truth.”

  “You two can keep your relationship advice to yourselves.”

  Roman held up his hands in defense mode. “Sure. Whatever you say. Looks like you got this covered on your own.”

  “I’m going to go take a piss, mommy. You need to come also and make sure everything comes out okay?” he growled, realizing the alcohol only made his mood worse. This was a damn bad idea. Old enough to know better, but still stupid enough to make the mistake.

  “Just don’t piss on your jeans, bro.” Roman laughed.

  Weston flipped him off and headed toward the bathroom in the back of the bar.


  “Weston?” The cowboy sitting on the stool swiveled to face her. “Oh, you’re not Weston. Roman, right?” They looked very similar with the same dark hair, broad shoulders, lean hips, but Sammie could see the differences. Weston had a maturity and power about his features that very few men had, or ever achieved.

  The cowboy tipped the brim of his hat and smiled, showing off a row of nice teeth and dimples. All the Jericho boys had a knock-your-socks-off smile. “Hello, Sammie. Weston took a potty break. He’ll be back shortly. In the meantime, have a seat. Have a slice of pizza.” He nodded toward the stool next to him.

  Reluctantly, she slid up onto the chair. The silver haired, long bearded bartender saddled over “What can I do you for, miss?”

  “I’ll take a spritzer with lime.”

  “Whatever happened to people coming into a bar and grabbing a hard drink?” The bartender looked from Roman then back to her. “Spritzer coming right up.”

  “I’m not one to meddle into my brother’s business, especially Weston’s. He’s usually got his sh—I mean, stuff together, but I think you should know
he’s carrying a heavy burden. He’s pretty ugly this evening, wallowing in self-pity and all.”

  She swiveled. “A heavy burden? Self-pity?”

  Roman smoothed his palm down the back of his neck. “He might kill me for saying this, Brie’s mom is breathing down his neck for visitation and then there’s…well, the old human emotion that is a man’s weakness.”

  “I knew Ashley had her mind set on seeing Brie.” Guilt raced through her. She’d gone to SCS looking for Weston, but he’d already left and she just happened to drive by and see his truck. She’d almost kept driving until she realized she couldn’t go another hour without speaking to him about what happened at his place—in his bed and then later with Brie’s mother. “Is he angry with me?”

  “Angry?” One thick brow lifted. “No, he’s not angry. Disillusioned maybe.”

  Some of the tension in her spine lifted, but not entirely. She still had the issue with Reed on her plate too.

  “I’m overstepping some invisible boundary here, but Weston is kind. He’s been a father to Brie, and hell, all of us brothers. If anyone deserves love it’s him.”

  She realized where this was headed. “Roman, my plan isn’t to hurt Weston. I’m confused at the turn of events myself.”

  “Are you sure your confused? I’m not a romantic and all, but I happen to think when the heart knows, we just know. The body just follows.”

  The man was right. “I love him, Roman. I’ve been running from that feeling for nine years.”

  He nodded and stood. “Then stop running. Feels pretty damn good to give the legs a rest.” He winked. “I’m headed out. Now that you’re here, I’ll only be a third wheel.” He dipped his hat, laid a few bills down and left.


  Weston’s gaze naturally found the brunette standing at the jukebox. It was no longer Rena. Her back was turned to him but he’d recognize the slender back and traffic-stopping ass anywhere. Sammie. What is she doing here?

  His gaze locked on the sweet curve of her ass that did wonders for the tight-fitting skinny jeans she wore. She swayed her hips to the upbeat tune of the song and his cock immediately danced alive. Her long, shiny hair hung in waves down her back and he wanted to wrap the strands around his hands as he slammed...

  A knot clogged his throat. Although he could wish to take up where they left off nine years ago, they weren’t the same people. Life had changed for both of them and there were ten-foot high hurdles that needed tending to. Why would she want to stay in Colton? A two-stop light town where the most exciting thing was the annual rodeo events at the fairgrounds. She’d matured and had spread her wings. He wasn’t surprised that she owned her own business and made a good living. Just as he’d learned at Marty’s office today, Weston was just a cowboy with a ranch, but he guessed these days it didn’t count for much.

  He wasn’t sure he wanted to see her. Hell…who was he kidding? She was the only person he wanted to see.

  Tugging the brim of his hat lower, he started toward her, a new confidence in his step.

  Leaning against the jukebox, she brought her chin up, an unsteady smile brought up the corners of her beautiful lips. Damn, he wished she didn’t affect him so much that he couldn’t think. “You’re the last person I expected to see here tonight.”

  “I was driving by and saw your truck. Smells like you had a few, or is that a new drunk-at-the-bar cologne?” She lifted a brow.

  “Don’t bust my balls. A man can partake on occasion.” He snorted.

  She pursed her lips. “Roman left so I’m officially the designated driver. You go ahead and partake. I know a great remedy for hangovers.” She chuckled and dropped a few coins in the slot.

  “Yeah? What’s this fabulous cure you speak of?” He leaned forward, wanting to be near her.

  With one fingernail, she tapped a button on his shirt. “Dancing. If you dance while drinking you never get drunk.”

  He rubbed his chin. “I don’t think that’s quite accurate.”

  “No, it’s not, but I thought since we’re both here, we should have a go at the dance floor. Especially when you hear what song I chose.”

  “It’s Five O’clock Somewhere?”

  “No. Not close.”

  The song started and he smiled. “I Hope You Dance. This was the first song we danced to.”

  “You do remember. I’m flattered.”

  “How could I forget? You were wearing that strapless dress that had me acting like a side character in The Walking Dead.”

  “Come on. Let’s do this.” She took his hand and laced her fingers with his and he followed her to the small dance floor—would have followed her anywhere.

  They chose a spot in the far corner and her hands came around the back of his neck and her firm breasts pressed against his chest. Sliding his hands down her back, he stopped at the flare of her hips, ignoring the need to grab her bottom. They moved together, forgetting they weren’t the only two swaying to the tune

  “You upset with me, cowboy?”

  “Why should I be? I sleep with a woman again after nine years and she leaves me a note saying she made a mistake. Sure, I’m good.”

  She looked up at him. “That was not the mistake.” They stopped moving. “I was referring to what happened after.”

  “Because I left? I know it’s not right when a man leaves right after sex, but it was an emergency.”

  Sammie pulled back even more. “You don’t know, do you?”

  “Either the alcohol is getting to me or I’ve missed something.”

  “Let’s have a seat back at the bar and talk.”

  “This isn’t good.”

  She shrugged. “Relax.”

  They took a stool and she swiveled to look at him. “After you left, Ashley came by wanting to speak to you. I told her you were out…but I suddenly became the protector and said a few things I shouldn’t have.”

  He flicked her a curious gaze as he waved Johnny over. He had a feeling he’d need a shot of something very strong. “What’d you say?”

  She rolled a finger around the rim of her glass. “I told her she had no right to Brie. I couldn’t bear to think of her putting you through this hell. I thought I was helping you, but I knew once the words were out and by the look on her face I had pushed things too far.”

  He blinked. “You mean to tell me you didn’t leave the note meaning that you were still leaving Colton, and that the sex had been a mistake?”

  Her blue eyes met his. “The sex wasn’t a mistake. You mean you couldn’t figure that out on your own?”

  He shrugged feeling as if his shirt had shrunk. “I’m usually a confident man, but when it comes to you I feel like a teenager again who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.”

  “Roman told me Ashley has made it rough on you. I’m sorry. I should have kept my mouth shut. When you didn’t show up at Tanner today, I thought you’d never want to see me again.” He could see the shake in her hands. He took her small hand into his and placed it on his thigh.

  “I didn’t come by because I had read the note, then the meeting with my attorney, well…” he blew out a long breath. “I came here to blow off some steam. I’m not angry with you. In fact, thank you for sticking up for me. Listen, Ashley had already had her mind made up and even if I would have spoken with her myself, things would have ended the same, worse. She believes that because she’s married to some millionaire and pregnant, she can be a great mom.” He squeezed the bridge of his nose to ward off the brewing headache. “Maybe she could be a good role model for Brie.”

  “I know it must feel terrible having no control.”

  “Family court tends to look out for the best interest of a child. Considering I’m a single man who works all the time, I was only good until Ashley stirred the pot.” He dropped his fist to the pockmarked bar, almost upsetting his bottle.

  “So what that you’re single and working all the time. It means you’re supporting your daughter. This is crazy.”

; “I can’t talk about it anymore. It pisses me off.”

  “There’s something I need to talk to you about, but I’m not sure this is the right time.”

  He skimmed his gaze over her worried expression. “I need a change of pace. Tell me what’s going on.”

  “When I got back to Tanner last night, I had a surprise visitor. Marshall Reed.”

  Weston’s jaw tightened. “What did he want?”

  “It seems that Daddy borrowed a large amount of money from him almost a year ago, even signed a contract.”

  “That’s Reed’s MO. He’s a shrewd businessman. Have you spoken to Lucas?”

  She shrugged. “Yes. He said he believed he could raise the money in time. I’ve read the contract and my attorney says it’s legal. If the debt isn’t paid, we will have to hand over our livestock which will cripple our business, unless I sign the new contract that will void the first contract.”

  “What does the new contract state? That you’ll sell your soul?”

  “He wants the first-born calves from Torment, which as you know, is worth a bundle. Or keep the current contract and pay fifty grand.”

  Weston shook his head. “I should have known that bastard Reed would get his hands on Torment’s lineage one way or another. Why would Lucas borrow money? He could have gone to the bank. Hell, he could have spoken with me instead of the devil of Colton.”

  “Obviously, Daddy isn’t thinking clearly these days.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I spent most of the night and day thinking this over and I only have one choice.”

  “Yes, we’ll hand over Torment.”

  She squinted. “Hand over Torment? He’s your bull. You can’t do that.”

  “Sure, I can. I bought him. He might not be worth fifty grand himself, but he’ll make up for that in his offspring. Reed will see this.”

  “I can do something else. We’re not giving him Torment.”

  “So, selling is what you really want?” His gut twisted. “Without the livestock—”

  “No. I won’t sell and allow Reed to win. I have decided to stay in Colton.” She worked her bottom lip.


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