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Weston's Trouble (Saddles & Second Chances Book 3)

Page 19

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  Ten emotions raced through Weston all at once. “You’re staying?”

  “I’ve talked with my business partner and he made an offer to buy me out. Although I’m taking a loss, it’ll be a quick sale and enough to cover paying off Reed as well as fixing things around the ranch. Making it a working ranch again.”

  “Is this what you want?”

  “For so long I didn’t think I wanted this life, but when pushed into a corner, it all became clear. Once upon a time I loved this place, loved Tanner, and my intension was to raise my kids here. Although Daddy has made poor choices, I can’t let the ranch, or him, go down.”

  This was what Weston had wanted, but he wanted her to be happy too. “I’ll help in any way I can.”

  Several expressions flicked over her beautiful face as she contemplated with several thoughts. “And I want to help you too, Wes. You mentioned that the family court looks favorably on married parents when it comes to custody issues. You should be married then.”

  He laughed and scratched his temple. “How much have you had to drink tonight, darlin’?” He picked up her glass and sniffed the content, “Vodka getting to you?”

  “That’s the hard stuff. Spritzer.”

  “Okay. I’ll play along. Who should I marry?” He brought the bottle to his lips and drank thirstily.



  Weston spewed. Sammie grabbed a napkin from the holder and sopped up the puddle.

  “Not the reaction I was hoping for.”

  He offered her a million-watt smile. “You got me.” He swiped his palm down his cheek. “Maybe I should quit drinking because it’s doing something to my brain cells.” He pushed the bottle aside.

  It was interesting how things were coming into perspective with a little provocation. She realized how much she missed her old life. The love for the horses, mostly her love for the cowboy who was staring at her right now as if she’d grown a third breast.

  There were so many plans rolling around inside her head, things she could do for the ranch. Expansion would be an option. She’d learn the tricks of the trade, and she couldn’t imagine wanting anyone else by her side in all this but Wes. Although she still loved him, she saw how marriage would be an advantage to both. “I’ve grown to care for Brie. You’ve been kind to my father and to me.”

  “Is this your payback? Marry me?”

  “You’re the one who suggested it first.” She rolled her tongue along her bottom lip.

  “And you turned me down flat.”

  “Oh, you heard a no come from me? I didn’t turn you down exactly. I only said a man should think more before he throws out a proposal.”

  “You don’t think ten years is long enough for a man to ponder over a woman? But damn, Sammie. You’re not doing this out of love. You’re wanting to save Brie.”

  “I love her, but she’s not the only reason. You said yourself that I could have the baby I’ve always wanted. I’m ready to be a mother before I get any older.”

  He blinked. “I did suggest that. Sorry, I’m a little slow right now.”

  Sammie shrugged. “For several years now I thought the only way I’d be a mother was if I signed up for artificial insemination or adoption. I want a baby. And I want to be Brie’s stepmother. You and I will run Tanner together.”

  He still seemed to be soaking in her words. “Like a business arrangement?”

  “Like a marriage. Come on, Wes. Is it that bad of an idea?” Suddenly the spritzer threatened to come back up.

  He sat up straight and pondered her words. “This isn’t the most romantic proposal.”

  “I’m not the type to get down on my knee,” she chuckled. “If you need to sleep on it…”

  “I don’t need to sleep on it. I need to get the hell out of here.” He got up so fast he upset the stool. He picked it up, reached for his wallet and settled with the bartender. He stormed toward the door.

  She had to hurry to catch up to him, but didn’t quite manage it until they were in the parking lot. “Wes? Wait! Where are you going?”

  He stopped and turned to face her. His jaw tight and his eyes narrowed. “This ain’t right. Two people can’t marry just for circumstances. It doesn’t work.”

  Crossing her arms over her chest, she stared. “Do you believe that’s all we have between us? Just a complex amount of issues?”

  He blinked and blew out a long breath. “You infuriate me, Sammie. I asked you to marry me and you blamed me for being disconnected, and now you’re asking and it’s different?”

  She shrugged. He had a good point. “Don’t be bull-headed, cowboy. I don’t see a line of women wanting to become Mrs. Weston Jericho,” she snapped…angry that he was putting her through a swamp to reach a rainbow.

  “Oh, trust me. There’s a line,” he growled.

  “Then go find one!” She stormed past him and stomped across the parking lot to her Daddy’s truck.

  Hearing his heavy footsteps behind her, she took off into a run for the driver’s side, but he caught up to her just as her hand touched the handle. He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her back against his chest. She could feel his iron-hard chest rising and falling, his breaths sweeping across her cheek. “You don’t get to ask me to marry you and run away, sweetheart,” he whispered.

  She wanted to pull away from him, his warm hold, and gather her emotions. Her feet planted and she couldn’t have moved if her life depended upon it. “And you don’t get to put me through a ringer. I don’t know what I was thinking anyway. You and I have had our chance to be together and we let time pass.”

  He turned her around, gently pushed her against the door of the truck and slammed his mouth on hers. He kissed her with a fire and fury she’d never known. Moaning, she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, allowing his tongue to slip past her lips. She could have stayed there forever, and when he pulled away, she felt cold and suddenly alone.

  “Don’t move,” he barked.

  She watched him stroll across the lot to his truck, throw open the passenger door and reach for something. He came back, his eyes dazzling in the overhead security light. There was a passion in his expression that she’d never seen before.

  “Sammie Tanner. I don’t want you to marry me for the ranch or to keep Ashley from seeing Brie. I want you to marry me because you love me. Because you can’t live another day of your life without me. Because, darlin’, I can’t imagine another day of my life without you. I love you. I’ve loved you for so long. Now, stop being stubborn and let’s finally do what should have been done in our twenties.” He dropped to one knee. “Marry me, baby. Let me be the man you wake up to every morning. Let me be the father of your children.” He rolled his hand over and opened his palm. Sitting in the center was the prettiest diamond ring she’d ever seen.


  “Don’t Wes me, sweetheart. It’s now or never.” His voice sounded choked.

  “I love you. Why didn’t you do this at the steak house?”

  “I was an idiot. Sometimes a cowboy can be a little slow, but when we get it, we get it right.” He smiled.

  “Get up, cowboy.”

  He did as she demanded, holding the ring between his thumb and forefinger. The light reflected in the diamond. “So, what’s it going to be?”

  “It’s going to be a yes. A thousand times yes!” She flung herself into his arms.

  After a moment, he whispered in her ear, “Let’s make this official. I’ve held this ring for so long and it’s time I placed it on your finger.”

  And he did…


  “What the hell are you doing here? I thought I told you to never step foot in this building again?” Marshall Reed stood up from behind his desk, waving at the secretary who’d ran in behind Weston into Reed’s office. “Call security.”

  “No worries. I’m not here to break your neck.” Weston dropped the check worth fifty grand onto the desk. “Just here to end any business dea
lings you have with Lucas and Sammie Tanner.”

  Reed was quiet for a second, then shrugged. “Hmm, not what I was expecting.”

  “Of course not. Your wish was to see Tanner destroyed. Too bad. Now don’t come near Sammie again.”

  He laughed, picked up the check and placed it in the top drawer of his desk. “If it’s over my dead body, Jericho, I will have Torment. He was mine.”

  “No, he was up for bidding and I won.” Weston pushed out through thin lips.

  “You really think you’ve won? You truly don’t think I could have outbid you?” He smirked. “You’re smarter than that, aren’t you? I let you spend money on him and I’ll get him for free.”

  Weston didn’t have the time to waste. He had a wedding to get to. “Good day, Reed.” He tipped his hat and left.


  “You look so pretty.”

  Sammie looked through the full-length mirror, past her wedding gown to the little girl standing behind her. Sammie turned and admired how beautiful her soon-to-be-stepdaughter was in the soft, flowing blue dress that she’d picked out herself. Her long, braided hair hung down one shoulder and a crown of fresh flowers sat upon her head. Pippa and Harley had been such a major help. Sammie couldn’t have managed to pull off a nice ceremony in a month if it hadn’t been for the women. Not to mention, Pippa had a baby boy she was taking care of too. “You’re beautiful, Brie.”

  “I feel like a princess.” She swished the hem of the skirt.

  “You are a princess.”

  “Pippa wanted me to tell you that it’s time.”

  “Okay. Thank you. I’ll be out in one moment.”

  Once she was alone, she stood in front of the mirror and stared at the beautiful dress. Her life had taken a spin and everything turned out better than she could have imagined.


  Hearing the soft voice, Sammie turned and was surprised to see Ashley standing in the doorway.

  “I’m sorry. I’m probably the last person you expected, or wanted to see before you walk down the aisle.” The woman palmed her growing belly.

  “Wes and I did invite you here. Brie wanted you here too.” After Sammie and Weston spoke to Brie, they managed to work something out with Ashley that would have her building a relationship with Brie slowly. Eventually, they knew it was the best for the little girl who was excited that she had a new sibling on the way. With any luck, Sammie hoped she would be pregnant soon too.

  “Thank you for inviting me. I can’t say it enough. I just wanted to step in and tell you congratulations. Weston is a good man and he loves you. He always has, even when he and I were together. I don’t know what I was thinking.” She wringed her hands together. “I tried to keep him by getting pregnant, even believed he would eventually love me.”

  “That’s in the past, Ashley. I’ve made mistakes too. Big mistakes. What we can do now is support Brie in becoming a lovely young woman. We should be friends.”

  “Okay. I like that idea. I-I guess I just needed to clear the air. I had better step out and find my seat. Talk soon.”

  Fortunately, Sammie only felt good feelings for the other woman. No matter what, Sammie and Wes would be sure to keep Brie safe.

  Stepping out of the room, she met Lucas in the hallway. He looked handsome in a suit and a blue tie. She never thought she’d be able to get him out of his overalls, but he’d relented. Yet, not entirely. He wore a scuffed pair of cowboy boots. “Daddy, you look amazing.”

  “No, sweetie, you look amazing. Very beautiful. Just like your mother when we married.” Tears built in his eyes. “My goodness, I’m sure she’s looking down today.”

  “Do you think she can see us, daddy?” A tear slipped down her cheek and she swiped it away.

  He nodded. “I do, my dear. She wouldn’t miss her baby girl getting married for anything in the world. The day you were born she knew you’d grow up to be a fine woman and meet someone who will love you until his dying age. Wes is a good boy. Always has been.”

  “Even when you threatened to fill his behind with buck-shot?”

  “Hell, I was just checking to see what type of man he was. Most would squirm away with their tail tucked, but not Weston. No siree. He apologized and promised that one day you and he would be married.”

  “You never told me that before.”

  He shrugged. “Didn’t think I needed to. You think this old man has a chance at dating again? You don’t think it’s cheating, do you?”

  “Daddy, momma is gone. She’d want you to be happy.” More tears flowed.

  “I’m thinking Lanie looks about as good today as those sweets she makes.”

  Sammie smiled. “You should ask her out on a date. Now, I’m ruining a good makeup job here. You ready?”

  “The question is, are you?”

  “I’ve always been ready for this.” She tucked her arm around his elbow.

  The music started and Harley waved, telling them it was time to walk down the aisle.

  “Here we go.” Excitement filled her.

  Together, they walked to the open door that looked out into the crowded sanctuary of the church. At the end of the aisle stood Wes, the love of her life. Their gazes connected and all was right with the world.

  Not the end, but only the beginning…

  From the author:

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  Rhonda Lee Carver

  At an early age, Rhonda fell in love with romance novels, knowing one day she’d write her own love story. Life took a short detour, but when the story ideas were no longer contained, she decided to dive in and write. Her first plot was on a dirty napkin she found buried in her car. Eventually, she ran out of napkins. With baby on one hip and laptop on the other, she made a dream into reality—one word at a time.

  Her specialty is men who love to get their hands dirty and women who are smart, strong and flawed. She loves writing about the everyday hero.

  When Rhonda isn’t crafting sizzling manuscripts, you will find her busy editing novels, blogging, juggling kids and animals (too many to name), dreaming of a beach house and keeping romance alive. Oh, and drinking lots of coffee to keep up with her hero and heroine.

  For other titles by Rhonda Lee Carver, please visit:

  Find me on Facebook, too!

  Here are some other wonderful selections by Rhonda Lee Carver


  Second Chance Cowboy (Book 1, Second Chance Series)

  Second Ride Cowboy (Book 2, Second Chance Series)

  Second Round Cowboy (Book 3, Second Chance Series)

  Second Dance Cowboy (Book 4, Second Chance Series)

  Second Song Cowboy (Book 5, Second Chance Series)

  Second Burn Cowboy (Book 6, Second Chance Series)

  Second Hope Cowboy (Book 7, Second Chance Series)

  Second Sunrise Cowboy (Book 8, Second Chance Cowboy Series)


  UNDER PRESSURE (Book 1, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

  PRESSURE RISING (Book 2, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

  PRESSURE POINT (Book 3, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

  SECRET PRESSURE (Book 4, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

  RESISTING PRESSURE (Book 5, Rhinestone Cowgirls)


  Cowboy Paradise (Cowboys of Nirvana)

  Ropin’ Trouble (Book 2, Cowboys of Nirvana)

  Smoke. Fire. Cowboy (Book 3, Cowboys of Nirvana)

  Kissed, Spurred, & Valentined (Book 4, Cowboys of Nirvana)

  Cowboy is Mine (Book 5, Cowboys of Nirvana)

  The Discreet Cowboy (Book 6, Cowboys of Nirvana)

  A Perfect Cowboy Daddy (Book 7, Cowboys of Nirvana)

  Roman’s Choice (Book 1, Saddles & Second Chances)

  Letting Go (Sable Hunter’s Hell Yeah! Kindle World)

  First Chapter of Cowboy’s Forgive


  “Jessa! Jessa! Jessa!” The crowd cheered.

  “Hey! How y’all doing tonight?” She received whistles, claps and screams in response. Pushing back her signature rhinestone cowgirl hat, she took a seat on the stool under the spotlight and positioned her guitar.

  “I love you, Jessa!”

  “I love you too!” She looked out into the ocean of smiling faces and her heart did a triple loop like always. Being on stage never got old—tiring, yes, but never old.

  Thrumming her fingers down the strings of her 12-String Acoustic, the crowd roared, vibrating the stage. A teenager in the front row jumped up and down, swiping at her streaming tears, then swaying back and forth as if she might faint. Several fans stretched their arms out, trying to touch Jessa, but beefy security blocked their attempts.

  “Who’s ready for a slow tune? You might all know this next one as my latest number one hit, but how many of you knew this is a tribute to all those rough and tough, good-looking fellows known as cowboys? Who’s gonna help me sing Cowboys Forgive?”

  More screams. More swaying. The roof on the fairgrounds stadium rocked.

  “He stole my heart back in the day and gave it away…” The crowd sung along to the popular tune.

  Finishing the last set and waving goodbye to the applauding crowd, Jessa Garvey slipped off the stage and handed her guitar to her manager, Wade Comer, who stood just out of sight behind the red curtain. Her bodyguard, Bruno, stepped from the shadows and crossed his arms over his chest, showing off thick arms in his black T-shirt. She’d hired him, or rather, Wade had, last year when a fan had snuck past security and made it into her dressing room. Jessa wouldn’t have minded, but the man had been stark naked with her name tattooed across his chest. He’d asked her to marry him just as security had rushed in, taking the nudist down to the floor in a windstorm of limbs and…well, other unmentionables. She still wasn’t quite used to having Bruno following her everywhere, always watching. He didn’t talk much and she could count on one hand how many words he’d said to her since he was employed. Wade believed Bruno’s silence made him better at his job. He’d worked in Secret Service before he took the position with her, but she wished he’d left his uptight attitude back at the White House.


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