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Scoring Wilder

Page 25

by R.S. Grey

  We were close enough to the field to see the players from both teams warming up. I spotted Liam right away and I couldn't help feeling giddy and proud. Penn was warming up near him as well but neither of the guys had seen us arrive yet. Becca sighed and fell instep behind me so she couldn’t be seen.

  We all shuffled into our seats, but the instant we sat down, a line of little girls quickly formed to get pictures with us. They were aspiring soccer players and one girl even knew my name.

  "When I grow up, I'm going to play soccer at ULA just like you." She beamed up at me as I signed her shirt.

  "You definitely will. I can already tell you're a great athlete, and uh, you know… don’t forget to eat your vegetables." I smiled and handed her back her Sharpie. I glanced up to the girl’s mom that was standing a few feet away with her iPhone at the ready. "Would you like a picture?"

  "Yes! Please!" the little girl squealed and wrapped one arm around my back. I smiled toward the phone all the while feeling like I was having an out-of-body experience. The fact that even just one girl knew my name and recognized me was something I’ll never forget.

  By the time the line of girls died down, the players were done warming up and they'd disappeared into the locker room to get game ready. I took my seat next to Becca after she'd finished signing one last autograph. She was wearing a smile that hadn’t been there before the girls had come over. Maybe she finally had a break from thinking about the Penn debacle.

  We didn’t sit there for much longer before loud dance music started pounding from the speakers. The entire crowd jumped to their feet and starting shouting and clapping.

  It was finally time for the players to make their debut.

  The announcer introduced the opposing team to a mixture of cheers and boos, but then he took his time announcing the LA Stars team. Each starting player was named individually while their picture was flashed on all the jumbotrons. One by one the starters were called and they ran out from the locker rooms to a cheering crowd. Penn was named and the crowd kicked it up a notch. Becca’s claps halted altogether. His handsome face appeared on the jumbotron, and I couldn't help but sneak a peek to see her biting her lip in contemplation.

  Liam was the last player called. The announcer dragged his name out and the crowd’s screams seemed close to shattering my eardrums. The ladies went wild, even the girls on my team, and when his face popped up on the jumbotron, my heart melted. He looked so handsome with his killer smile. I scanned quickly to where he was running out, waving his hand toward the crowd and turning in a circle to acknowledge all of the fans. He was the crowd favorite and most of these fans felt like they owned a part of him; they'd watched him carry the team through some intense games and he’d made them proud season after season.

  I clapped and cupped my hands around my mouth so that my shouts would carry toward him. I was only four rows up from the field and the team's bench was directly in front of us, but he still felt so far away. He ran to his team and his eyes scanned the crowd, but he didn't find me before the announcer started the pledge, and then Penn and Liam took the field for the coin toss.

  Becca leaned in. "It's so weird that I slept with him last night."

  I eyed her playfully. "Hey..."

  "Okay, technically you were in between us. But doesn't it feel surreal? People are literally going crazy."

  "They're going crazy for Penn, too," I reminded her.

  She did have a point though. It seemed crazy to be dating a professional athlete. I would have never even met him if our paths hadn’t crossed because of ULA soccer. In a setting like this, he really did seem out of my league.

  "I wish he didn't look so cute in his uniform," Becca complained about Penn. I couldn't take my eyes off Liam long enough to notice though.

  After the coin toss, we all took our seats again and the first half started. The game was fun to watch because I recognized most of the players from various parties and events.

  It was a really close match and both teams had only scored once during the first half. Then finally during the second half, Liam blazed past one of the defenders for the other team and scored with a clean shot that sent the goalie sailing across the net. Liam threw his hands into the air and pumped his fist. I hopped to my feet and cheered with the rest of the crowd, so proud of him for helping pull to team into the lead. When he ran over to the side to grab a drink of water, he spotted me instantly. It was the first time he’d found me in the stands and I felt my heart puttering wildly in my chest.

  I jumped and waved, and his grin widened even further. He pointed up at me and I felt like a tween staring at her heartthrob onstage. A few of the ladies in the rows in front of us spun around to see who he was pointing at and my cheeks flushed. My entire team was squealing and I just shook my head and covered my cheeks with my hands. Most of my teammates had figured out that Liam and I were dating by that point, especially since he’d slept at the house last night, but it still felt like I was on display for everyone.

  The second goal he scored, he did the same thing and this time the cameraman working the jumbotrons was quick enough to follow his finger. It didn't help that the announcer knew who I was. He announced me and the rest of my team to the entire stadium.

  Cue complete meltdown from embarrassment.

  After that, I secretly hoped that Liam wouldn't score another goal for the rest of the game. We'd win without it and I couldn't bare another flood of unwanted attention. Yes, that makes me slightly evil, but c’mon.

  "I think every woman in this stadium wants to kill you right now," Becca laughed as I slid down lower in my seat.

  I shot her a pointed stare. "You aren't helping."

  When the full-time whistle blew and the LA Stars won, the crowd celebrated and cheered. It was the perfect game to start their season off.

  Coach Davis gathered us all together at the top of the stairs. "Let's go down to where the players convene after the game. I think it'd be fun to show our support for Liam and the rest of the team," she said, glancing quickly toward me with a twinkle in her eye.

  We were not the only fans with the same idea. They had metal barriers and security guards in place outside the stadium. Fans could stand behind the barriers and wait for the players to head out after meeting the press and finishing post-game protocol. Our team was crowded close to the entrance, next to the players’ family and friends. I recognized a few of the other women from the industry event the night before, but Penn’s ex was nowhere in sight.

  After a long twenty minutes the players started trickling out. Josh exited with a few of the other rookies, but he couldn't see me behind all of my other team members. Becca and I had strategically stayed near the back of the crowd, and I knew we'd made the right decision when Penn walked out looking handsome in a dark grey button-down and slacks.

  His bag was thrown over his shoulder casually as he eyed the crowd with his dark brown stare. He kept walking until he saw our small group, and then his gaze landed directly on Becca. She stiffened next to me, but made no move to walk toward him. He paused off to the side and stood, clearly waiting for her. A few fans took the opportunity to get autographs from him and he kindly obliged, but his gaze never left Becca for long.

  Jeez, even I was sweating under his stare. How could Becca resist even one more a second?

  He wasn't going to give up and I secretly wanted to give him a high five. If he wanted her to feel special and prove to her that his ex didn't matter, he was starting out on the right foot.

  For an awkward ten minutes, Penn stood there, waiting for Becca and talking to fans, and Becca just stood by my side. Eventually Penn called for her and our teammates gaped at her. She shrugged and crossed her arms as if to say, I don't know who this ‘Becca’ person is.

  I mashed my lips together to conceal my smile just as Liam finally surfaced through the doors. Oh good god. He was freshly showered and his hair was styled back. He had on navy slacks and a white button-down rolled up his forearms. He was devastatingly h
andsome and I couldn't pull my attention away from him as I watched him sign autographs and take a few photos. He slowly made his way to Penn even though the crowd was screaming for him to come closer to where they were.

  He patted his friend's shoulder and whispered something that made Penn shrug.

  Then finally his gaze found mine, and he winked, slow and devious, as if he couldn't help exuding pure sex appeal.

  And there went my panties instantly in flames. Damnit.

  I didn't care what Becca wanted anymore, I wrapped my hand around her bicep and pulled her forward until we were face to face with the boys.

  "Great game," I said with a broad smile.

  "Yes it was. Are you ready to go?" Liam asked, eyeing the security guard next to us so that he'd know to open the gate. A few of the other players were joining their families and girlfriends as well so it seemed like standard protocol. "My car’s parked in the lot back here with the rest of the players'."

  I turned to Coach Davis and saw that most of the other girls had already started to leave. "Are we all set, Coach?"

  She cocked a brow and gave me a hard stare. "Be safe, Kinsley. We'll see you at practice Monday."

  I smiled and gave her a nod before turning back to the group.

  "Well, I'm going to drive myself home,” Becca began. “Kinsley, have fun and call me tomorrow. Liam, great game. Penn, you can go to hell.” She said it so bluntly that my mouth dropped open.

  Wow, she really wasn't going to let him get away with last night. Good for her.

  "Becca, we need to talk," Penn demanded with a hard stare. His brown eyes were locked on her and I didn't think either one of them was going to budge.

  Liam shook his head and then reached over to take my hand. "C'mon, Kins, let's leave these two alone."

  A security guard opened the gate for me after I hugged Becca goodbye. It was probably best that I was leaving with Liam. Becca needed to face Penn in private… so there’d be fewer witnesses of his murder.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  "Are you hungry?" Liam asked as we stood in his kitchen eyeing each other over the kitchen island.

  We'd driven to his house out in Malibu so that we'd have some privacy away from his other roommates at the LA Stars' house. Liam hadn't even asked if I was staying over. He'd assumed and I hadn't corrected him.

  "No." I shook my head and crossed my arms over my shirt. "Are you?"

  His eyes narrowed on me, and he shook his head. He was leaning back against the counter with his arms crossed just like mine. He looked intimidating in his slacks and button-down.

  We were eyeing each other hungrily as he pushed off the counter and stalked toward me. He reached out for my hand and pulled me after him until we were heading into his living room. The shades were drawn, but a few lamps placed around the room cast the space in a soft glow. Liam led me further inside and then dropped my hand so he could turn some music on. Arctic Monkeys, "Do I Wanna Know?" streamed throughout the room.

  I watched him drop the remote back onto the stereo and then he slowly turned. He was wearing a dangerous expression and I bit my lip as his eyes blatantly perused my body.

  Neither of us said a word as he moved toward his couch. There were no arms on the side near him so he sat on the end with his hands clasped between his knees. He was hunched over, watching me.

  "Strip for me, Kinsley," he murmured with a dark tone.

  His command caught me by surprise and my breath hitched in my throat.

  I eyed the windows over my shoulders, but no one could see in. We were completely alone. I'd imagined this moment since I first saw him, and now that it was here presented before me, I couldn't calm my nerves. I licked my dry lips and stared down at Liam. His brow was arched in a challenge and I let his gaze and the rock music seduce my movements.

  I kicked off my shoes and socks, winking at Liam as I tossed them his way. He chuckled, but his stormy eyes never lightened.

  I reached for the hem of my jeans and slowly unbuttoned them. Liam's gaze followed my hands as they tugged the denim down my legs. I kicked the pants aside and straightened back up. I'd selected my underwear very carefully earlier. The soft pink material was detailed with silky lace and it caressed my skin gently whenever I moved.

  "The shirt, too," he demanded as I stood waiting for him to step closer.

  “So demanding,” I murmured cheekily.

  I crossed my arms in front of my chest and pulled the ULA shirt over my head. Without its protection I was at the mercy of his gaze. I glanced down at my matching light pink bra. I could see my breasts through the thin material, and when I glanced up, Liam raised the edge of his mouth in a devilish smirk.

  He looked like a fantasy come to life. His toned legs straining against his navy slacks. His strong forearms peeking out from his crisp white button down. Everything was perfectly in control. I wanted to make him drop the act. I wanted to make him groan my name and forget that he was the one in the position of power.

  I reached behind me and fingered my bra clasp until the dainty material gave. When a cool whoosh of air caressed my breasts I knew there was no going back. I let the silky straps glide down my arms, and then I let the bra fall on top of my shirt at my feet.

  "You're so goddamned sexy," he groaned with a husky voice.

  I bit the edge of my mouth and soaked in his compliment as my fingers found the hem of my underwear.

  "No. Come here," he ordered, standing up from the couch.

  I paused and walked toward him, nervous of how I would react when he finally touched me.

  "Lay back on the couch with your legs hanging off," he instructed. I did as he said. My brown hair fanned out around my face and a few of the silky strands cascaded down my neck and over my breasts.

  He came to stand over me. His hands ran down my body, brushing my hair aside and cupping my breasts. He stole the air in the room as his fingers toyed with my nipples. I arched my head back and whimpered as he traced the outline of my breasts and then bent to mark the same path with his tongue. His mouth clamped over each nipple and I could feel dampness pooling in my silky underwear. I hated that he was still fully clothed. I felt like I was at his mercy. So I reached up and cupped him through his designer trousers. He was thick and hard against my small palm. I traced the outline of his length and licked my lips when I heard his shallow hiss in response to my touch.

  He backed up, disconnecting my hand, so that he could unbutton his shirt and toss it aside. His sensuous muscles made him look aggressive, rugged, and untamable. His tattoos drew over the sharp contours and I wanted to reach my hand out and trace each black line.

  His hands reached down to unbuckle his belt and I watched with rapt attention as he pulled the black leather out of the loops. His wicked grin told me he knew what I was thinking. I could feel my cheeks flush with color as he unbuttoned his trousers, but he didn't unzip them yet. He came to stand between my legs.

  He was already taller than me, but when I was lying down, our proportions were thrown off even more. I felt small and helpless, especially when he reached down and peeled my panties down my legs.

  I lifted my hips so that he could drag them lower and I knew he could see all of me from that angle. His gaze focused between my legs and he practically licked his lips as he bent down to have a quick taste. I wasn't prepared for his tongue and I bucked my hips as his lips hit my bundle of nerves. It was too much too soon, and I gently twisted my hips, trying to dull the intense sensation.

  He wasn't having it. His strong arms pressed my thighs apart on the couch so that I was completely bared to him. He stared up at me as his tongue stroked up and down, working me into a frenzy of passion and lust.

  I couldn't wait any longer. I dragged my toes up his trousers. He was rock hard and I wanted to know what he'd feel like deep inside me. I wanted to wrap myself around him and scream his name.

  "Greedy little thing," he accused with a dark smirk. He swatted my foot away and took one more taste before standing b
ack to his full height. He reached into his back pocket, retrieved a condom, and then finally pushed his pants and boxer briefs to the ground. I'd seen him before, but this angle magnified every single inch of his smooth skin. He expertly rolled on the condom and then he wrapped his strong hands around my thighs.

  I squealed as he tugged my body to the end of the couch so that my ass was right on the edge. He separated my legs and bent his knees until he was positioned perfectly.

  "Do you want this, baby?" he asked with a sharp tone.

  I nodded instantly. It wasn't a question I had to consider. "Yes," I said, begging him to sink into me.

  His stomach muscles clenched in tandem as he positioned himself at my entrance. I tried to take in everything at once. His bulging arms, his strong thighs, his divine lips, and his dark eyes that were focused directly on what was going on between us.

  When he slid into me I moaned his name, and he didn't stop until he was pressed in to the hilt.

  "Fuck," he growled, dragging the word out so that it rolled down my spine and made my toes curl.

  Once he was in me, there was no going back. Liam wasn't a slow and steady type of guy. He was a world-class athlete whose body was made for professional level sporting events. I was learning in that moment that it was also made for professional-level fucking. He slid in and out of me, standing up and leveraging himself into me. The angle gave him so much control and I couldn't temper the soft cries that fell out of my mouth every time he pulled out and sank back into me.

  He reached down and grabbed my arms. "Flip over, baby," he commanded. He lifted my body and spun me around so that I was on my hands and knees on the soft leather.

  He immediately sank back into me as if he couldn't handle the few seconds of transition. His hands gripped the edge of my hips hard as he pounded into me again and again. I was losing my mind with each thrust and I was helpless to try and cling onto my sanity. He stroked me to the rhythm of his hips. I came hard, pressing back onto him.


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